Thursday, December 22, 2016

Forex Yen Japonés

Noticias en tiempo real después de las horas previas al mercado

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Yen Japonés - JPY

Yen japonés (JPY) es la moneda oficial de Japón. JPY es la tercera moneda más negociada en el mundo después del dólar y el euro. Las notas de la moneda de Yen están disponibles en las denominaciones siguientes - 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000. Las tarjetas de la divisa del JPY, sin embargo, se pueden cargar con cantidades impares. Los viajeros que vayan a Japón deben comprar yenes japoneses.

El yen japonés puede comprarse en forma de tarjetas de divisas, cheques de viajero y billetes de divisas. Las transferencias de dinero a Japón también se pueden procesar desde la India ya sea haciendo una remesa de dinero en efectivo de la India o comprando un proyecto de demanda de JPY.

Conversor JPY a INR

Yen Japonés (JPY) = Rs.

Conversor INR a JPY

Rupias Indias (INR) = JPY

JPY Tasa de compra

JPY Tipo de Venta

JPY Tasa de Remesas

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Forex japanese yen

El mercado Forex es un mercado monetario internacional. Forex formó su nombre de operaciones de cambio de moneda extranjera: FOReign EXchange. O FOREX. para abreviar. Forex es uno de los mercados financieros más jóvenes y ha tenido su apariencia actual desde los años setenta. Debido al gran volumen del mercado monetario, Forex es el mercado con mayor desarrollo dinámico.

Las rotaciones comerciales diarias de Forex alcanzan los 4 billones de dólares, es decir, 30 veces más que el volumen general de todo el mercado bursátil de Estados Unidos. Como cualquier otro mercado, Forex negocia ciertos bienes. En el caso del mercado monetario, estos bienes consisten en moneda extranjera nacional. Fundamentalmente, las tasas de cambio son establecidas por las instituciones gubernamentales, así como las empresas de comercio en todo el mundo que necesitan convertir moneda para el comercio en el extranjero. Constituyen el 5% del volumen general de rotación del mercado cambiario. El otro 95% proviene del comercio especulativo por parte de los comerciantes que tratan de obtener ganancias de la compra y venta de divisas a las tasas de fluctuación. Una característica importante del mercado monetario es su estabilidad.

El principal peligro para el mercado financiero proviene de caídas repentinas, o cuando el índice bursátil colapsa. Sin embargo, a diferencia del mercado de valores, Forex no cae. Cuando las acciones se deprecian, eso significa que se producirá un accidente. Pero si el dólar cae, esto simplemente significa que alguna otra moneda se volverá más fuerte. Deje un vistazo al yen, por ejemplo. Al cabo de unos meses, a finales de 1998, el precio del yen aumentó un 25% en relación con el dólar estadounidense. En determinados días, la disminución del USD se midió con un décimo de un por ciento. Sin embargo, una caída en el USD, como con cualquier otra moneda, no podría causar que el mercado de dinero se bloquee, y el comercio seguiría como antes. Esta es la clave para la estabilidad del mercado, que también funciona para las empresas. La moneda es la herramienta de comercio más líquida y segura.

Los especuladores tienen un gran interés en las denominadas monedas líquidas o de base. En la actualidad, más del 85% de todas las transacciones se realizan en monedas base, a menudo las siguientes monedas: dólar estadounidense (USD), yen japonés (JPY), euro (EUR), libra esterlina (GBP), francos suizos (CHF) ) Y el dólar australiano (AUD). Importante para conocer el comercio de divisas es entender el sistema de notación de tipo de cambio. Esto es relativamente simple si recuerda que todos los pares de divisas se anotan de la misma manera.

Hay dos símbolos de moneda presentes en ambos lados de la barra & # 8220; / & # 8221 ;. La correlación de su costo entre sí expresa la tasa del par de divisas dado: EUR / USD (euro a dólar estadounidense), GBP / USD (libra esterlina a dólar estadounidense), USD / JPY (dólar estadounidense a la tasa del yen japonés) ) y así.

Cuando se definen símbolos de pares de divisas, el símbolo de barra diagonal (o no) suele estar ausente y la notación de par de divisas se escribe: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY.

El concepto de operaciones del mercado monetario es bastante claro: se obtiene ganancias del movimiento de un tipo de tipo de cambio en relación con el movimiento de otra tasa de cambio. El mercado de divisas completo consiste en las tasas de par de divisas, donde cada uno refleja el costo de relación de una moneda nacional en comparación con otro. Por ejemplo, cuando la gente dice que por 1 euro es posible obtener 34 centavos, esto significa que el par de divisas EUR / USD tasa es igual a 1,3400.


Action Insight es la sección más popular del sitio, leída por los comerciantes de todo el mundo. Nuestro equipo de analistas trabajan las 24 horas del día, analizando los mercados desde perspectivas técnicas y fundamentales en la prestación de los informes en esta sección para usted.

Las reseñas de mercado cubren los principales acontecimientos en los mercados, así como sus impactos.

El análisis técnico de un par de divisas específico se encuentra en la sección de perspectivas técnicas. Los pares cubiertos incluyen EUR / USD. USD / JPY. GBP / USD. USD / CHF. USD / CAD. AUD / USD. EUR / JPY. EUR / CHF. EUR / GBP. GBP / JPY

Los informes especiales cubren pronósticos de mediano a largo plazo sobre tipos de cambio basados ​​en los fundamentos, las previsiones y revisiones de reuniones del banco central, más cualquier problema actual que tenga un impacto en los tipos de cambio.

Forex Tutorial

Nivel 5 Economía - Yen Japonés

Técnicamente Complejo, Fundamentalmente Simple Establecido en 1882, el Banco de Japón sirve como banco central a la segunda economía más grande del mundo. Controla la política monetaria, así como el mercado monetario, la emisión de divisas y los datos / análisis económico. La Junta de Política Monetaria principal tiene como objetivo trabajar hacia la estabilidad económica, compartiendo constantemente sus puntos de vista con la administración en ejercicio, al mismo tiempo que trabaja hacia su propio gobierno y transparencia. Reunido entre 12 y 14 veces al año, el gobernador del banco lidera un equipo de nueve miembros de la política, que incluye a dos diputados designados.

El yen japonés (JPY) negocia pesadamente como componente del comercio del carry. Ofreciendo una tasa de interés baja, la moneda se combina con monedas de mayor rendimiento, la mayoría de las veces la

Y dólares australianos y la libra británica. Como resultado, el subyacente puede ser muy volátil, obligando a veces a los comerciantes a tomar perspectivas técnicas a más largo plazo. Los rangos diarios medios están en la región de 30-40 pips, mientras que los extremos pueden ser tan altos como 150 pips. El yen se negocia más a menudo entre el crossover de Londres y

Horas (8am - 12pm EST). (Lea más acerca de forex carry trades en Currency Carry Trades Deliver.)

2.1 Introducción Forex Nivel 1

2.2 Mercados de Nivel 2

2.3 Nivel 3 de negociación

3.1 Gráficos de nivel 4

3.2 Nivel 5 Economía

3.3 Nivel 6 Trading

Mira qué divisas los estadounidenses compran más para viajar al extranjero y las remesas, y cómo la actual fortaleza del dólar está afectando a esas transacciones.

Lea sobre el administrador de inversiones inmobiliarias AEW Capital Management, y aprenda más sobre los tipos de exposición de mercado que ofrecen sus estrategias de inversión.

Conozca Brookfield Asset Management y conozca el equipo de liderazgo de la compañía de gestión de activos y las estrategias de inversión.

Obtenga información sobre Goldman Sachs & # 039; Último flip-flop en su pronóstico a corto plazo para el oro y la posible razón por la que ocurre tan a menudo.

Infórmese sobre el último pronóstico de Laszlo Birinyi del gurú de valores y por qué es tan optimista sobre el futuro del mercado de valores.

Préstamos de valores es el acto de prestar una acción u otra seguridad a un inversor o una empresa.

Sistemas y software de negociación

El mercado de venta libre es un mercado descentralizado en el que el comercio de valores no cotizado.

Las acciones de marihuana comparten muchos de los mismos riesgos que vienen con las existencias de penique.

El enfoque de ingresos es uno de los tres principales métodos que los evaluadores utilizan para valorar la propiedad.

Los comerciantes de Forex tienen más probabilidades de tener éxito mediante el uso de una estrategia a mediano plazo.

Calcular JPY a PHP

10 JPY = 4,10 PHP

10 Японские иены = 4.10 Филиппинский песо

50 JPY = 20,48 PHP

50 Японские иены = 20.48 Филиппинский песо

100 JPY = 40,95 PHP

100 Японские иены = 40.95 Филиппинский песо

250 JPY = 102,39 PHP

250 Японские иены = 102,39 Филиппинский песо

500 JPY = 204,77 PHP

500 Японские иены = 204.77 Филиппинский песо

1000 JPY = 409,55 PHP

1000 Японские иены = 409.55 Филиппинский песо

5000 JPY = 2047,73 PHP

5000 Японские иены = 2047.73 Филиппинский песо

10000 JPY = 4095,45 PHP

10000 Японские иены = 4095.45 Филиппинский песо

50000 JPY = 20477,26 PHP

50000 Японские иены = 20477.26 Филиппинский песо

100000 JPY = 40954,52 PHP

100000 Японские иены = 40954.52 Филиппинский песо

500000 JPY = 204772.61 PHP

500000 Японские иены = 204772.61 Филиппинский песо

1000000 JPY = 409545.21 PHP

1000000 Японские иены = 409545.21 Филиппинский песо

5000000 JPY = 2047726.07 PHP

5000000 Японские иены = 2047726.07 Филиппинский песо

100000000 JPY = 40954521.42 PHP

100000000 Японские иены = 40954521.42 Филиппинский песо

Cuánto es calcular Филиппинский песо a Японские иены (calcular PHP a JPY)? Ver PHP a JPY Caculate.

Euro Yen Japonés Pronóstico

Análisis Fundamental Diario

El EUR / JPY ganó 49 puntos a 126.82 con Japón uno de los pocos mercados en Asia abierto el lunes de Pascua. El primer ministro Shinzo Abe expresó su voluntad de aplazar el próximo año el aumento del impuesto al consumo previsto en el último minuto si la economía se ve afectada por un evento similar.

El EUR / JPY agregó 5 puntos para operar en 126.22 en un día tranquilo después de que la inflación japonesa cayera más de lo esperado. Japón se está hundiendo profundamente en la deflación. La inflación al consumidor japonesa se mantuvo cero en febrero por segundo mes consecutivo, marcando otro golpe para el primer ministro.

El EUR / JPY añadió 31 puntos para operar a 125,97 mientras que el yen continuó cayendo incluso frente a un euro más débil. El BOJ publica las opiniones de sus nueve miembros del consejo un poco menos de dos semanas después de cada reunión de política. El resumen no identifica a los oradores por su nombre. El BOJ.

Análisis Fundamental Semanal

El EUR / JPY comenzará una nueva semana a 126.33, ganando un 0.37% esta semana a medida que ambas monedas se debilitaran. El yen sobre los decepcionantes datos de la inflación y el euro sobre los problemas aumentados en la UE después de los bombardeos en Bruselas. Muchos analistas ahora sienten que el.

El EUR / JPY finalizó la semana con una baja de 125.72 esta semana, mientras el yen fue testigo de la reunión del Banco de Japón y de datos mediocres mientras que el euro registró fuertes ganancias. El euro recibió un impulso de los datos que muestran que la inflación en la Eurozona subió más de lo esperado en 2007.

Análisis Semanal y Recomendaciones: El EUR / JPY cerró la semana de negociación a 126.88 viendo una ganancia de 1.35% sobre la fortaleza en el euro que sorprendió a los comerciantes después de caer a 1.08 después de la declaración del BCE, pero palabras de Super Mario invirtió el.

Análisis Fundamental Mensual

Perspectivas y Recomendaciones El EUR / JPY se cerró en 122,78, cayendo un 6,43% en el mes, mientras que el euro cayó fuertemente al final del mes, mientras que el JPY ganó en movimientos de refugio seguro. Este mes será todo acerca de las acciones de los bancos centrales y el estímulo con el BCE y el Banco de Japón.

Perspectivas y recomendación El EUR / JPY cerró enero en 131.19 como el yen fue favorecido mes del mes hasta una sorpresa por el Banco de Japón en el último día de negociación. El banco pasó a tasas de interés negativas. El par terminó con una ligera ganancia de 0.39% como comerciantes.

Perspectivas y Recomendaciones El EUR / JPY cerró el 2015 a 130,52, cerca de la parte inferior de su rango de negociación para el año, mientras el euro continuaba cayendo. El par terminó abajo 9.79% para el año comercial 2015. Políticas monetarias ultra-flexibles del BCE y del Banco de Japón.

Más informes EUR / JPY

EUR / GBP Tras el inesperado anuncio del BCE, la EUGBP retrocedió desde un mínimo de un mes y se dirigió a los máximos de febrero de 0,7930; Sin embargo, otro giro en U de 0,7910 representó una resistencia descendente de línea de tendencia descendente que actualmente limita el avance inmediato del par en el área de 0,7900 - 0,7905. Si el par logra deshacerse de la misma, podría fácilmente romper los 0.7930 máximos y apuntar para el 61.8% Fibonacci Retracement de su alza de enero - febrero 2016, cerca de 0.8030, que si se rompe puede extender su

El EUR / JPY subió ligeramente a principios del miércoles. La acción de los precios se relacionó con la fuerte recuperación de ayer de una fuerte venta desencadenada por los ataques terroristas en Bruselas. No hay informes importantes de la Zona Euro o Japón hoy por lo que el par de divisas es probable que siga siendo sensible a la historia continua en Bruselas. También presionando al Yen japonés contra el Euro se habla de una posible alza de tasas por parte de la Fed en abril. A principios de la semana, el presidente de la Reserva Federal de Atlanta Dennis Lockhart dijo

El EUR / JPY ganó 11 puntos mientras que el euro ganó una cierta tracción delante de una cantidad de datos hoy. Datos de fabricación alemana ayer fue un poco mejor de lo esperado. El EURJPY 125.95. No hubo discusión sobre el programa de compra de bonos de BoJ, pero los expertos opinan que el banco central podría realizar importantes movimientos de alivio en abril, combinando un recorte de tasas con una expansión de QQE. Si el BoJ hace un movimiento, los comerciantes pueden esperar que el yen de alto vuelo para invertir las direcciones y perder terreno. Con el

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Tipos de cambio de la divisa

En Forex-Ratings. com puede en todo momento referirse a la información de cambio de divisas. El rango de monedas disponibles consiste en 34 posiciones, desde monedas base como dólar estadounidense, euro, yuan chino, a una variedad de monedas exóticas. También realizamos un seguimiento de los cambios en los pares principales de los últimos 7 días. Los comerciantes que se refieren a nuestra base de datos del intercambio de modernidad están siempre enterados de las tendencias del intercambio de modernidad de la semana pasada. Todos los principales pares de divisas y la información de intercambio de tasas están disponibles a continuación. También encontrará pronósticos sobre los principales pares de divisas. Tendencias.

Cambios en las tarifas, período de 7 días

Previsiones de monedas

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* Forex-Ratings. com no acepta ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier error en la información, tasas de cambio, cotizaciones, etc.

USD / JPY Pronóstico: Yen japonés Relajante Vs USD?

Hoy es Viernes Santo. El último día de la semana y el yen japonés parece que tomó unas vacaciones un día de antelación ayudando al par de divisas USD / JPY para alcanzar valores más altos con no mucho de un esfuerzo. El crecimiento es estable y puede tener potencial para romper el nivel de resistencia en 114.50. Énfasis en "puede".

Está el Yen japonés en modo de espera?

Desde el nivel de soporte de 111.00, el dólar estadounidense ha recuperado pips perdidos y creado una tendencia alcista en el marco de tiempo de 4 HR Chart. La forma en que las velas se mueven por encima de la línea de tendencia de 45 grados LONG me anima a decir que el yen japonés no puede ganar la próxima semana de USD / JPY pronóstico pip carrera.

Esta tendencia lenta pero constante, estable hacia arriba, tiene un nivel de resistencia a la vista, y hasta que el precio alcance los 114,50, no lo veremos más bajo. Lo bueno es que con la línea de tendencia añadida y un nivel de soporte débil en 112.50, nos encontramos en un mercado alcista que está aquí para quedarse.

El 1 de marzo comenzó exactamente donde estamos ahora, por lo que la razón obvia es decir que el precio del pronóstico USD / JPY puede mantenerse dentro de un canal de tendencia horizontal hasta finales de marzo. Abril puede llegar con un potencial nuevo e interesante, pero hasta entonces 111,00 - 114,50 son nuestros niveles de enfoque.

Puede el pronóstico USD / JPY cambiar dentro de un día?

En primer lugar, la posibilidad de que esto suceda es alta. El hecho de que no está sucediendo, y el yen japonés está perdiendo poco a poco puede ser una bendición disfrazada para esta moneda. La consolidación en una tendencia a la baja solo anima a los Osos aún más, y para estar seguros de que el enfoque debería estar en los niveles arriba y abajo.

En general, mi sentimiento sigue siendo bajista, pero en la carta de 4 horas todavía hay espacio para el precio para crecer. Debido a que hoy es viernes y los movimientos inesperados tienden a suceder más a menudo de lo habitual, se recomienda precaución. ¡Habrá una ruptura, las ocasiones son que tendremos un movimiento falso!


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El comercio en el mercado de divisas y divisas lleva un alto nivel de riesgo. El comercio de divisas es arriesgado y puede funcionar en su contra. Si usted está negociando debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos, los riesgos y los objetivos de inversión, ya que podría acabar perdiendo dinero en el mercado de divisas. Usted NO debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder.

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Para obtener información actualizada sobre los cambios más recientes en acciones, monedas y noticias. ¡Suscríbase a nosotros y reciba notificaciones desde su bandeja de entrada!

Forex - El yen japonés se debilita aún más a medida que los datos de producción industrial se retrasan

Por Investing. com. 29 de marzo de 2015, 10:56:51 PM EDT

El yen se debilitó el lunes en Asia después de que las cifras iniciales de la producción industrial cayeran más de lo esperado y como los inversores vieron una subida de interés en los Estados Unidos más tarde en lugar de antes este año.

En Japón, la producción industrial subió en febrero con una caída provisional del 3,4%, muy por debajo de la caída esperada del 1,8%.

USD / JPY cotizó a 119,28, un 0,11%, mientras que el AUD / USD cambió de manos a 0,7726, 0,39% menos. El EUR / USD disminuyó un 0.16% a 1.0873.

El índice estadounidense, que mide la fortaleza del billete verde frente a una canasta ponderada por el comercio de seis monedas principales, se cotizó en 97,78, un 0,17% más que en Asia.

La semana pasada, el dólar bajó frente a una canasta de otras monedas importantes el viernes como un tibio informe sobre el crecimiento económico de Estados Unidos y los comentarios de la presidenta de la Reserva Federal, Janet Yellen, pesaron.

El Departamento de Comercio informó el viernes que la economía de los Estados Unidos se expandió a una tasa anual del 2,2% en el cuarto trimestre, sin cambios desde la estimación preliminar y por debajo de las previsiones de los economistas para una revisión al alza de 2,4%.

Otro informe mostró que la lectura final del índice de confianza del consumidor de la Universidad de Michigan se redujo a 93,0 este mes desde una lectura final de 95,4 en febrero.

El dólar mostró poca reacción después de que la presidenta de la Fed, Janet Yellen, emitiera una nota cautelosa sobre las tasas de interés. En un discurso, el jefe de la Fed dijo que una subida de las tasas podría justificarse a finales de este año, pero añadió que el debilitamiento de las presiones inflacionarias podría obligar a la Fed a demorar.

El discurso se hizo eco de la última declaración de política de la Fed, publicada el 18 de marzo, que indicaba que podría elevar las tasas de interés más gradualmente de lo que los mercados esperaban.

En la semana que viene, los inversionistas estarán centrando el informe de empleo de Estados Unidos para febrero, debido a los datos del viernes y del lunes sobre el gasto personal para más indicaciones sobre el camino de la política monetaria. El informe de la inflación de la zona euro del martes también será observado de cerca.

El lunes, la zona euro, Alemania y España publicarán datos preliminares sobre la inflación de los precios al consumidor.

Suiza publicará su barómetro económico KOF.

La U. K. es producir datos sobre préstamos netos.

Canadá es liberar datos sobre la inflación de los precios de las materias primas.

Los Estados Unidos publicarán informes sobre gastos personales y ventas de viviendas pendientes.

Yenes japoneses bajan después de inflación suave

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El yen japonés cayó frente al dólar estadounidense en el comercio asiático ligero, ya que la inflación al consumidor de Japón se mantuvo estable, lo que aumentó la presión sobre el Banco de Japón para revisar su actual política monetaria.

En un informe publicado por la Oficina de Estadísticas, los datos oficiales mostraron el jueves que la tasa nacional de inflación de precios al consumidor de Japón inesperadamente permaneció sin cambios el mes pasado. El IPC básico nacional de Japón se mantuvo en una cifra ajustada estacionalmente de 0,0%, desde el 0,0% registrado en el mes anterior. Esto ocurrió después de que los analistas esperaban que el IPC Core Nacional de Japón aumentara a 0,1% el mes pasado.

Las cifras decepcionaron a los mercados con el yen japonés cayendo 0.22% contra su contraparte de los EEUU, negociando en 122.35, pues los costes bajos de la energía y el consumo débil del consumidor ahogaron el crecimiento de los precios en la tercera economía más grande del mundo.

El último conjunto de datos suaves lanzados desde Japón mantiene el banco central bajo presión para cambiar su política monetaria, a veces denominada Abenomics & 8217; Agregando un estímulo adicional a pesar de que el Banco de Japón facilitó su política hace poco menos de dos meses.

Los datos blandos enfatizan lo cerca que está la economía japonesa de caer en recesión con los precios de consumo básicos en Tokio, considerado un indicador líder de los precios a nivel nacional, viendo su mayor declive anual en marzo durante casi tres años.

Muchos analistas ahora sienten que el Banco de Japón se verá obligado a recortar sus pronósticos inflacionarios y retrasar el tiempo para alcanzar su meta de precio de 2 por ciento en una revisión trimestral de sus proyecciones programadas en abril.

Ben Myers

Con más de 20 años de experiencia en el corazón de la industria de la inversión, Ben Myers se ha convertido en uno de los comentaristas más respetados en el mundo financiero. Después de haber trabajado para instituciones globales como HSBC y Bank of Ireland, Ben dirigió su propia empresa de inversión exitosa en el Reino Unido antes de convertirse en analista jefe de ECMarkets y ahora YesOption. Ben sigue siendo un forex agresivo y operador de opciones binarias y es un analista regular ofrecido para una serie de portales de noticias en línea, incluyendo bbc. com, investing. com, fxempire. com y fue responsable de YesOption ganar el premio de mejor análisis técnico 2014 de DailyForex. com .

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Pronóstico del yen japonés contra el dólar & # 8211; USD / JPY con ganancias


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Tag Archives: Yenes japoneses

El euro está probando el apoyo a mediano plazo en 1,30 dólares. La ruptura de la línea de tendencia ascendente contra el greenback ya advierte de la debilidad de la tendencia; Falla de $ 1.30 probaría el soporte primario en $ 1.25. La inversión de 63 días Twiggs Momentum por debajo de cero advertiría de una tendencia descendente primaria, mientras que un mínimo sobre cero sugeriría otro avance, con un objetivo de $ 1.42 *.

* Cálculo objetivo: 1.36 + (1.36 & # 8211; 1.30) = 1.42

La libra esterlina rompió el respaldo a largo plazo en $ 1.53 contra el dólar, ofreciendo un objetivo de $ 1.43 *. Caída de 63 días Twiggs Momentum por debajo de los mínimos de 2011 fortalece la señal.

* Cálculo objetivo: 1.53 & # 8211; (1,63 \ pm 1,53) = 1,43

El dólar australiano se está consolidando entre $ 1.02 y $ 1.03 después de respetar la ayuda primaria en $ 1.015. La ruptura por encima de 1,03 dólares y la línea de tendencia en declive sugeriría un repunte a 1,06 dólares. La reversión por debajo de 1,02 dólares advierte que el apoyo primario está de nuevo bajo amenaza. La fluctuación estrecha de 63-día Twiggs Momentum alrededor de cero sugiere un mercado de alcance.

El Loonie canadiense se dirigirá a una prueba de apoyo primario de $ 0.96. El incumplimiento de la ayuda ofrecería un objetivo a largo plazo de $ 0.90 *, pero el respeto es igual de probable y señalaría un rally a $ 1.06.

* Cálculo objetivo: 0.96 & # 8211; (1,02 \ pm 0,96) = 0,90

El dólar de EE. UU. ha roto su línea de tendencia a la baja a largo plazo frente al yen japonés, lo que sugiere que la caída de 30 años ha terminado y el dólar probablemente se apreciará durante algún tiempo. El avance a ¥ 100 es probable que sea seguido por una corrección para probar el nuevo soporte en ¥ 90 antes del desglose para probar el alto 2007 alrededor ¥ 120 *.

* Cálculo objetivo: 100 & # 8211; (100 & # 8211; 80) = 120


Me gusta esto:

El euro rompió el respaldo a mediano plazo en 1,32 dólares y la línea de tendencia ascendente contra el dólar. Si bien esto indica una debilidad de tendencia, no significa necesariamente una reversión a una tendencia descendente primaria. La conclusión de un valle de 63 días Twiggs Momentum por encima de cero sugeriría que la tendencia está intacta & # 8212; Y un adelanto a $ 1.42 * está en las tarjetas.

* Cálculo objetivo: 1.36 + (1.36 & # 8211; 1.30) = 1.42

La libra esterlina rompió el respaldo a largo plazo en $ 1.53 contra el dólar, ofreciendo un objetivo a largo plazo de $ 1.43 *. Otoño de 63-día Twiggs Momentum por debajo de -5% (su 2011 baja) se fortalecería la señal.

* Cálculo objetivo: 1.53 & # 8211; (1,63 \ pm 1,53) = 1,43

Contra el euro, la libra está probando soporte en 1,15 €. 63-day Twiggs Momentum muy por debajo de cero sugiere una tendencia bajista fuerte. El fracaso de la ayuda ofrecería un blanco de la baja 2011 en el 1.10.

El dólar australiano respetó el apoyo primario en $ 1.015. La recuperación por encima de $ 1.03 y la línea de tendencia en declive sugeriría otro rally para probar $ 1.06. La reversión por debajo de $ 1.02 advertiría que el apoyo primario está bajo amenaza.

* Cálculo objetivo: 1.01 & # 8211; (1,06 \ pm 1,01) = 0,96

El Loonie canadiense por el contrario está en una tendencia primaria fuerte abajo contra el billete verde, para una prueba de $ 0.96. Falling 63-Day Twiggs Momentum sugiere que el apoyo a mediano plazo en $ 0.97 / $ 0.98 es poco probable que se mantenga. El dólar estadounidense ha roto su línea de tendencia a la baja a largo plazo frente al yen japonés, lo que sugiere que la caída de 30 años ha terminado y que el dólar probablemente se apreciará en el futuro previsible. Seguimiento a través de ¥ 100 confirmaría, ofreciendo un objetivo de ¥ 120 *.

* Cálculo objetivo: 100 & # 8211; (100 & # 8211; 80) = 120


Me gusta esto:

El Euro está probando resistencia en $ 1.32 y su línea de tendencia descendente. La ruptura hacia arriba advertiría que la tendencia descendente primaria está terminando. Recuperación de 63 días Twiggs Momentum por encima de cero indica una tendencia ascendente primaria. La ruptura por encima del máximo de 2012 de $ 1.35 * fortalecería la señal, pero sólo una cuenca más alta de varias semanas confirmaría.

* Cálculo objetivo: 1,275 + (1,275 & lt; 1,20) = 1,35

La libra esterlina está corrigiendo para apoyar alrededor de € 1.22 contra el euro. El incumplimiento de la línea de tendencia ascendente advertiría que la tendencia ascendente primaria está terminando, mientras que el retroceso de 63 días de Twiggs Momentum por debajo de cero sugeriría una tendencia descendente primaria.

Loonie de Canadá está probando el nuevo nivel de soporte frente al dólar en $ 1.02. El respeto del apoyo confirmaría la tendencia ascendente primaria indicada por la divergencia alcista a largo plazo en el Momentum Twiggs de 63 días. La meta para el avance es de $ 1.08 *, pero esperan resistencia en los máximos de 2011 de $ 1.06.

* Cálculo de objetivo: 1,02 + (1,02 & 0,816) = 1,08

El dólar australiano respetó la resistencia en $ 1.06 contra el greenback, retirándose para probar el apoyo en $ 1.04 en la carta diaria. El respeto del apoyo es probable y un seguimiento de más de $ 1.05 indicaría otra prueba de $ 1.06. El cruce de Momentum de Twiggs de 63 días por encima de cero indica una tendencia ascendente primaria. El desglose por encima de $ 1.06 confirmaría. Espere resistencia en $ 1.075 / $ 1.08, pero el objetivo para un avance es $ 1.10 *.

* Cálculo objetivo: 1,06 + (1,06 & lt; 8211; 1,02) = 1,10

El dólar australiano está probando resistencia en ¥ 83.50 contra el yen japonés. Recuperación de Twiggs de 63 días El impulso por encima de cero indica una tendencia ascendente primaria. El desvío señalaría un avance de ¥ 88 *. La inversión por debajo de ¥ 79.50 es improbable, pero volvería a probar el soporte primario a ¥ 74.

* Cálculo objetivo: 84 + (84 & # 8211; 80) = 88

Algunos lectores se opusieron a mi opinión de que el RBA debe intervenir para evitar una mayor apreciación del dólar australiano. Una de las razones citadas es que el RBA no es lo suficientemente fuerte para enfrentarse a los mercados de capitales globales y que eventualmente se verá obligado a capitular. Estoy en desacuerdo. Si usted está imprimiendo su propio dinero que usted puede tomar en todos los concurrentes. El BNS lo demostró al impedir la depreciación del euro frente al franco suizo, fijando la tasa a 1,20 CHF el último año.

El segundo argumento es que el mercado conoce mejor & # 8222; Y cualquier interferencia causaría más problemas de los que resuelve. Mi respuesta es que los mercados de capitales están sujetos a enormes caudales y flujos, determinados por las fluctuaciones del comercio, pero causados ​​principalmente por los flujos especulativos y las estrategias deliberadas de otros bancos centrales. Si el RBA no actúa, la industria local expuesta a la competencia internacional puede ser irreparablemente dañada por la pérdida de los mercados internacionales y estar subdimensionada en los mercados locales por las importaciones baratas. Cuando la marea eventualmente se convierta, y el dólar se debilite, sería difícil restablecer esas industrias si se han perdido los principales bienes de capital y puestos de trabajo calificados.

Estados Unidos es un ejemplo perfecto: China y Japón tienen más de 2 billones de dólares en inversiones del Tesoro de Estados Unidos, lo que ayudó a reprimir la apreciación de sus monedas frente al dólar, manteniendo una ventaja comercial que costó a los millones de empleos manufactureros. Será difícil restablecer las industrias perdidas incluso si se corrige el desequilibrio.


El Euro está probando soporte a corto plazo en $ 1,2250 en el gráfico diario. La recuperación por encima de $ 1,2400 indicaría otro rally, mientras que el fallo de soporte probaría el soporte primario en $ 1,2050. La tendencia primaria sigue siendo hacia abajo, pero el incumplimiento de la tendencia descendente significa que la tendencia descendente primaria está perdiendo impulso y se está formando un fondo. El fracaso del apoyo primario es improbable, pero advertiría de otro descenso, con un objetivo de $ 1.185.

* Cálculo objetivo: 1.215 & # 8211; (1,245 \ sim 1,215) = 1,185

La libra esterlina encontró apoyo a 1,255 euros frente al euro antes de subir a 1,28 euros. La estrecha consolidación entre 1,27 y 1,28 euros sugiere la continuación del rally. El incumplimiento de la resistencia a 1,29 € supondría un avance de 1.315 €. El aumento de 63 días Twiggs Momentum refleja una fuerte tendencia primaria ascendente.

* Cálculo objetivo: 1,285 + (1,285 & lt; 1,255) = 1,315

El Loonie de Canadá se dirigirá a una prueba de resistencia contra el dólar en $ 1.02. La divergencia alcista en el Momentum Twiggs de 63 días en el gráfico semanal sugiere una tendencia ascendente primaria; Confirmó si la resistencia en $ 1.02 se rompe.

El retroceso poco profundo del Dólar australiano frente al dólar sugiere fuerza de tendencia. La recuperación por encima de $ 1.06 indicaría un avance a $ 1.075. La ruptura por encima de $ 1.075 / $ 1.08 ofrecería un objetivo a largo plazo de $ 1.20 * pero la intervención de RBA, para proteger la industria local, podría ser un factor.

* Cálculo objetivo: 1.045 + (1.045 & # 8211; 1.015) = 1.075

El greenback encontró apoyo en ¥ 78 contra el Yen japonés. Rising Twiggs Momentum y la penetración de la línea de tendencia descendente tanto advierten que se está formando un fondo. La recuperación por encima de ¥ 80.50 completaría una inversión de doble fondo, sugiriendo un avance de ¥ 84.

* Cálculo objetivo: 81 + (81 & # 8211; 78) = 84

El dólar australiano rompió la resistencia a mediano plazo en ¥ 82 contra el yen japonés, dirigido para una prueba del borde superior del rango en ¥ 88 / ¥ 90. Rising 63-Day Twiggs Momentum y la recuperación por encima de cero sugieren una tendencia hacia arriba primaria como el Dólar australiano atrae entradas de capital.


El euro retrocedió después de encontrar resistencia en $ 1.2400 / 1.2450. El respeto de la línea de tendencia ascendente, sin embargo, confirmaría que la tendencia descendente primaria está perdiendo impulso y un fondo se está formando. La recuperación por encima de $ 1.2450 fortalecería la señal. La reversión debajo de $ 1.2150 advertiría de otro down-swing & # 8212; Confirmado si el soporte primario en $ 1.2050 se rompe & # 8212; Con un objetivo de $ 1.185.

* Cálculo objetivo: 1.215 & # 8211; (1,245 \ sim 1,215) = 1,185

La tendencia al alza de la libra esterlina frente al euro continúa en el gráfico semanal. El respeto de la ayuda en € 1.255 indicaría un avance a € 1.315 *. El aumento de 63 días Twiggs Momentum es una evidencia de una fuerte tendencia primaria ascendente.

* Cálculo objetivo: 1,285 + (1,285 & lt; 1,255) = 1,315

El Loonie de Canadá rompió por encima de la paridad, y se dirigió a una prueba de resistencia contra el dólar a 1,02 dólares. La divergencia alcista a largo plazo en el Momentum Twiggs de 63 días y la recuperación por encima de cero sugieren una tendencia ascendente primaria.

El dólar australiano se dirige igualmente a una prueba de resistencia de $ 1.08 contra el dólar. Breakout ofrecería un objetivo a largo plazo de $ 1.20 *, pero las llamadas a la intervención de RBA para evitar la apreciación adicional están creciendo. El profesor Warwick McKibbin dijo a The Australian Financial Review:

Cuando se observa un cambio de cartera en moneda australiana, el cambio del tipo de cambio debe ser completamente compensado de modo que el choque sólo afecta a los mercados monetarios más que a la economía real. Si el choque no puede ser observado precisamente entonces el banco central debe inclinarse contra el viento, que es intervenir para frenar el grado de apreciación del tipo de cambio.

* Cálculo de objetivo: 1,08 + (1,08 & 0,299) = 1,20

El Aussie se retiró de la resistencia en R8.75 contra el rand sudafricano y está probando el apoyo en R8.50. El fracaso de la ayuda señalaría una tendencia descendente primaria con un objetivo inicial de $ 8.25 *.

* Cálculo objetivo: 8.50 & # 8211; (8,75 - 8,50) = 8,25

El Aussie rompió la resistencia a mediano plazo en ¥ 82.50 contra el yen japonés, dirigiéndose para una prueba del borde superior del rango en ¥ 88 / ¥ 90. El dólar australiano / yen japonés ha sido un buen reflejo de la tolerancia al riesgo global desde 2009, oscilando entre ¥ 72 y ¥ 90 a medida que aumenta o disminuye la tolerancia al riesgo. Rising 63-Day Twiggs El impulso y la recuperación por encima de cero sugieren una tendencia ascendente primaria a medida que crece la posición del dólar australiano como moneda de reserva, atrayendo entradas de capital.


El euro retrocedió para probar su nuevo nivel de resistencia en $ 1.23. El respeto confirmaría una disminución para probar el mínimo de 2010 en $ 1.19 *. La disminución de 63 días Twiggs Momentum sigue señalando una fuerte tendencia a la baja. El incumplimiento de la baja de 2010 sería probable si el BCE indicara la intención de comprar bonos públicos directa o indirectamente. Y sugeriría una debilidad a largo plazo.

* Cálculo objetivo: 1.23 & # 8211; (1,27 & lt; 1,23) = 1,19

La tendencia al alza de la libra esterlina frente al euro se está acelerando, con fuertes avances seguidos de breves correcciones. El aumento de 63 días Twiggs Momentum confirma. Target for the current advance is €1.295*.

* Target calculation: 1.255 + ( 1.255 – 1.215 ) = 1.295

Canada’s Loonie continues to weaken against the Aussie Dollar but long-term bullish divergence on 63-day Twiggs Momentum (and breach of the descending trendline) warns of reversal to an up-trend. Breakout above parity would confirm.

The Aussie Dollar broke resistance at $1.03 USD and is headed for a test of $1.05*. Recovery of 63-day Twiggs Momentum above zero would suggest a primary up-trend, but we first need a correction to form a higher low (trough).

* Target calculation: 1.03 + ( 1.03 – 1.01 ) = 1.05

The Aussie Dollar is testing resistance at R8.50 South African Rand after respecting support at R8.30. Breakout would offer a target of R8.70*.

* Target calculation: 8.50 + ( 8.50 – 8.30 ) = 8.70

The Australian Dollar/Japanese Yen is a good reflection of global risk tolerance. Euphoric highs of 2007 were followed by blind panic in 2008/2009 before settling into a mid-range oscillation between ¥72 and ¥90 — suitable for range traders. The higher low in 2012 reflects a more bullish stance but we are a long way from breakout above ¥90. 63-Day Twiggs Momentum oscillating around zero mirrors the uncertainty.


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Forming factors of Yen (japanese currency) exchange rate

In spite of a sharp monthly reversal, the matched trend lows of 87.15 from the months of December as well as January, the Forex market has been confined to an important downward trend while the current rebound has been classed as corrective. As was witnessed in the Forex market, a daily double bottom has been initiated, and it is hopeful that the Japanese yen will climb back to the 104.00 area.

Interest Rate Forecast of Japanese Yen and US Dollar Interest Rate

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The Credit Suisse made some expectations about the Japanese Yen over the next year. The one good thing about all of this is that the Bank of Japan has always kept rates near zero. The Fed funds rate is expected to rise by 41 bps. Therefore, the Japanese Yen could resume its position as one of the funding currencies which may also add to the Yen's weakness going forward.

The Valuation of the Japanese Yen and the US Dollar

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Purchasing Power Parity

Purchasing Power Parity happens to be one of the oldest as well as the most basic fundamental approach in determining the "fair" exchange rate of one currency to another. The definition states that an identical product should cost approximately the same when trading the Japanese Yen from one country to another. The only difference lies in the price tag which can be accounted for by the rate of exchange. If you find that a pencil has a price tag of ?1 in Europe and the same pencil costs $1.20 in the United States, the fair exchange rate should equal 1.20. These values are compared to the current Forex market rates to determine exactly how much a currency is under - or over-valued against the United States dollar.

noticias de Yahoo

Forex: Japanese Yen Extremely Prone to Reversal With or Without Risk

Forex_Japanese_Yen_Extremely_Prone_to_Reversal_With_or_Without_Risk_body_Picture_5.png, Forex: Japanese Yen Extremely Prone to Reversal With or Without Risk More

Japanese Yen Extremely Prone to Reversal With or Without Risk

Fundamental Forecast for Japanese Yen: Bullish

Experienced traders know that the probabilities in picking a major top or bottom in markets are exceptionally low - and therefore, the pursuit of timing exact turns is foolhardy. That said, extremes cannot last. And, the Japanese yen is certainly pushing the envelope. This past week, the yen crosses advanced another 1.3 (for CHFJPY) to 4.0 percent (NZDJPY) to ratchet fresh multi-month and multi-year highs. That is yet another incredible extension for a six-month run that has seen the yen drop between 12.8 (USDJPY) to 21.2 percent (EURJPY). A cross-the-board currency move of this magnitude is unusual enough, but it is the consistency of the drive that should really unnerve traders.

The most important factor to consider for the yen moving forward is that there are both active and passive market forces that can spur the yen to change course and see a hearty rally (yen cross tumble). For a passive driver, there is the considerable influence of a natural correction. With a USDJPY climb of nearly 1100 pips in the span of 3 months without even a 2 percent pullback, we are faced with an extremely one-sided market with otherwise tepid supports for continued advance. Considering speculative participation (measured through open interest in S&P 500 futures) is just off 15-year lows and carry yields are at historically anemic levels, there is extreme dependency on a sustained rise in risk taking. If speculative appetites were to level out, it could be enough to spark profit taking or catalyze opportunistic bears to shake test convictions.

A natural correction is highly probable. Though, alone it would likely be a restrained catalyst for a yen advance. To really add heat to a downturn on the crosses, the market needs an active catalyst. The most prolific and simultaneously concentrated spark for this particular currency would be a risk aversion move. Risk trends – measured through benchmarks like the S&P 500 – have maintained a persistent advance these past weeks and months, and the result for the yen has been clear. However, should we see the bite of panic start to seep into the speculative ranks – finding exceptional risk taking in for non-existent returns – the yen crosses would certainly be swept up in the move.

Looking for an ignition point for fear, we have seen the greatest threats to global financial stability (the US Fiscal Cliff, Greece’s lead on the EU debt crisis, the possible exit of global central bank stimulus) back down one-by-one. Yet, each of these outcomes was expected by the market and the underlying issues of thin ‘return’ versus tremendously under-appreciated ‘risk’ remain. In the end, it is the catalyst that investors haven’t had time to prepare for that often carries the market furthest.

The market bearing on whether USDJPY puts in for another 2 percent climb or dramatic reversal next week will no doubt rest with the more severe imbalances of risk trends, but it is important to also remember the underlying yen fundamentals to this picture as well. Yields on the 10-year JGB this past week hit their highest level since September 18 and the 30-year tagged a 13-month high. This isn’t a carry trade advantage (the carry differential with its counterparts is still growing). Rather, this shows a fading demand for the safe haven government debt that lasts only as Japanese investors are comfortable enough to hold risk. Stimulus is another, considerable factor in this multi-month move. New Finance Minister Aso has said the government will present its plan for further stimulus before the BoJ’s next meeting (January 22). And, speaking of the BoJ, Governor Shirakawa (resolutely pushing back against government involvement in monetary policy decision) will see his term end by the beginning of April.

Given the precarious nature of all the factors necessary to maintain the yen’s current pace of decline, it is highly likely that we see a natural correction. However, to be clear, I am still a long-term USDJPY bull. Whether we look to financial and fiscal crisis or a return to risk with carry, the Japanese yen is still heavily over-valued against its benchmark counterpart. – JK

--- Written by: John Kicklighter, Chief Strategist for DailyFX. com

To contact John. email jkicklighter@dailyfx. com. Follow me on twitter at http://www. twitter. com/JohnKicklighter

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Wednesday, 23 Mar 2016 | 9:38 PM ET

Bank of Japan policymakers engaged in heated debate at the March meeting on the pros and cons of their January decision to adopt negative interest rates.

Wednesday, 23 Mar 2016 | 10:23 AM ET

NEW YORK, March 23- The dollar rose to a one-week high against a basket of major currencies on Wednesday, boosted by hawkish comments from U. S. The dollar index, which tracks the U. S. currency against six major rivals, rose about 0.5 percent to 96.090, the highest since March 16. It was last up 0.3 percent at 112.69 yen.

Tuesday, 22 Mar 2016 | 4:27 AM ET

LONDON, March 22- The yen and the Swiss franc climbed on Tuesday, as news that two explosions rocked Brussels airport spurred inflows into traditional safe-haven currencies and assets. Belgian media reported that the explosions occurred in the departure hall of Brussels airport and several had died. "The news is having some impact on sentiment," said Yujiro Goto.

Monday, 21 Mar 2016 | 5:03 AM ET

LONDON, March 21- Sterling was the biggest mover among major currencies on Monday, sinking more than half a percent on concerns a split in the ruling Conservative Party over Europe and last week's budget was deepening ahead of June's Brexit referendum. On sterling, there was concern that the row after "Brexit" supporter Iain Duncan Smith's resignation from the.

Sunday, 20 Mar 2016 | 11:28 PM ET

*Asian stocks mostly lower, Japan shut for holiday. SYDNEY, March 21- The safe-haven yen was broadly firmer on Monday, particularly against its New Zealand and Australian peers, as the mood turned sour with most Asian share markets down. "It is an extension of a slightly cooler mood overall," said Sean Callow, senior currency strategist at Westpac Bank.

Friday, 18 Mar 2016 | 4:14 PM ET

*Focus on how Japan authorities respond to firmer yen. NEW YORK, March 18- The dollar rose against most major currencies on Friday, recovering from a five-month low, as traders exited short positions after two straight days of selling in the wake of the Federal Reserve's cautious view on global market developments. The dollar rose 0.3 percent to 111.75 yen on.

Friday, 18 Mar 2016 | 4:31 AM ET

LONDON, March 18- The dollar index recovered from a five-month low on Friday, but was still on track for a third straight week of losses, as investors cut favorable bets after the Federal Reserve appeared cautious about raising rates at a steady pace this year. The dollar was trading at 111.25 yen, off a low of 110.67 plumbed on Thursday that was its weakest since.

Thursday, 17 Mar 2016 | 10:40 PM ET

TOKYO, March 18- Japanese stocks fell on Friday morning after the U. S. dollar plunged to a near 17- month low against the yen overnight, pressuring exporters and other shares that rely on a weaker yen. Japan's benchmark index is on course to end the week about 1.3 percent lower. "The FOMC pushed out rate hikes because of concerns about the rest of the world, and the rest.

Thursday, 17 Mar 2016 | 8:16 PM ET

TOKYO, March 18- The yen stood within reach of a 17- month high against the dollar early on Friday, with the Federal Reserve's cautious stance towards hiking interest rates continuing to take a toll on the U. S. currency. The dollar traded little changed at 111.28 yen after sliding to 110.67 overnight, its lowest since October 2014. The euro hovered near a five-week.

Thursday, 17 Mar 2016 | 4:04 PM ET

NEW YORK, March 17- The dollar tumbled against major currencies on Thursday, extending declines triggered by Wednesday's Federal Reserve statement showing the U. S. central bank would likely take longer to raise rates than some had thought. The dollar was down more than 1 percent against the euro, yen and Swiss franc, as markets took a more dovish view of Fed Chair.

Thursday, 17 Mar 2016 | 12:13 PM ET

*Dollar falls further after Fed meeting. NEW YORK, March 17- The dollar tumbled against major currencies on Thursday, a day after the Federal Reserve pared back expectations for interest rate increases, while the yen was volatile on speculation the Bank of Japan was concerned about the Japanese currency's strength. The dollar, which had earlier hit a low of 110.68.

Thursday, 17 Mar 2016 | 10:48 AM ET

NEW YORK, March 17- The dollar tumbled against major currencies on Thursday, falling around 1 percent against the euro, yen and Swiss franc, as markets sold off in reaction to Wednesday's dovish statement from the Federal Reserve. "It would be a bit strange for the BoJ to start intervening," said Charles St-Arnaud, senior strategist and economist at Nomura.

Thursday, 17 Mar 2016 | 10:47 AM ET

March 17- Bank of Japan officials were checking rates for the yen against the dollar, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing a person familiar with the matter. A rate check can be a precursor to a central bank intervening in markets to move its currency. The dollar was trading at 111.53 yen at 1440 GMT after the report, which was also carried by Japan's.

Thursday, 17 Mar 2016 | 8:14 AM ET

*Dollar falls further in Europe after Fed meeting. LONDON, March 17- The dollar sank broadly on Thursday, falling almost another 2 percent to its weakest against the yen since late 2014 after a Federal Reserve meeting that left markets convinced U. S. interest rates would not rise soon. Even sterling, buffeted by concerns over a slowing British economy and a.

Thursday, 17 Mar 2016 | 5:11 AM ET

I think what you are seeing now is probably the last drive against the dollar, says Boris Schlossberg, BK Asset Management, sharing perspective on the Fed's policy and its impact on global currencies and especially the U. S. dollar.

Thursday, 17 Mar 2016 | 2:31 AM ET

TOKYO, March 17- The dollar was under pressure in Asian trading on Thursday after declining sharply following the Federal Reserve's decision to halve its outlook for U. S. interest rate increases to two from four by the end of this year. "The dollar's fall is in reaction to the FOMC, but the yen fell this morning on risk-on sentiment, then it strengthened in the.

Wednesday, 16 Mar 2016 | 4:36 AM ET

*Sterling at 2- week low on "Brexit" concerns, UK budget eyed. LONDON, March 16- The dollar climbed against a basket of currencies and was up nearly 0.5 percent against the yen on Wednesday, as investors positioned for fresh guidance from the Federal Reserve on when interest rates are likely to rise. It was higher against the yen at 113.70 while the euro was 0.3 percent.

Tuesday, 15 Mar 2016 | 7:34 PM ET

SYDNEY, March 16- The dollar was in a holding pattern early on Wednesday as markets waited for fresh guidance from the Federal Reserve, while a disappointing fall in dairy prices knocked the New Zealand currency broadly lower. The euro was little changed just above $1.1100. The dollar fetched 113.16 yen, while the euro bought 125.71 yen following a fall of 0.5.

Tuesday, 15 Mar 2016 | 3:50 PM ET

March 15- The dollar fell sharply against the yen on Tuesday after the Bank of Japan left interest rates unchanged and weak U. S. retail sales data compounded investors' search for safety as oil tumbled and equity markets globally turned lower. Six weeks after shocking markets by cutting rates into negative territory, Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda said.

Tuesday, 15 Mar 2016 | 3:44 PM ET

*Shares fall on weak commodities; pharma weighs on Wall St. NEW YORK, March 15- Stocks in major markets fell on Tuesday after the Bank of Japan painted a bleaker picture of the world's third-largest economy and as U. S. retail sales data brought down expectations of a strong first quarter. "The Fed, I believe, is not going to do anything to take tightening out of the.

http://www. profitconfidential. com/forex/yen-to-usd-has-the-japanese-yen-finally-bottomed/ Yen to USD: Has the Japanese Yen Finally Bottomed? Gaurav S. Iyer, IFC Profit Confidential 2016-03-04T09:54:54Z 2016-03-04 09:54:54 Japanese yen yen to USD Bank of Japan forex Federal Reserve Recent trends in the yen to USD make it clear the Japanese yen could skyrocket in 2016. Forex http://www. profitconfidential. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Yen-to-USD. jpg

By Gaurav S. Iyer, IFC

Published: March 4, 2016

Sobre el Autor

Yen to USD: Has the Japanese Yen Finally Bottomed?

By Gaurav S. Iyer, IFC Published. March 4, 2016

Can the Japanese Yen Recover?

For the first time in nearly four years, it looks like the Japanese yen could end the year higher than it began. It’s not entirely clear what this means for the Japanese economy, but there’s one thing we can say with confidence: the yen to USD is probably going to skyrocket.

At long last, the dynamics between Washington DC and Tokyo are changing. A lot of really smart folks are talking about the yen to USD reversing its current trend. I certainly think that’s right, but you should really know why it’s happening. (Source: “Japan’s Three Biggest Banks Declare Yen’s Depreciation Is Over ,” Bloomberg, March 1, 2016.)

It could affect the entire forex market in the coming months .

Basically, the second half of 2015 was completely distorted by the possibility of a rate hike by the Federal Reserve. Those expectations drove up the U. S. dollar relative to other currencies, which made perfect sense at the time.

Years of quantitative easing had kept the currency artificially low .

Now it was being unleashed, untethered from the anchor of easy money. It turned out we were right. The dollar rose, as predicted, during the run-up to the December rate hike.

Since then, the global economy has slowed considerably, so we’re no longer expecting a follow-up rate hike in 2016. That’s obviously going to reverse some of the dollar’s gains, but it wouldn’t be anything worth writing home about—except that Japan is headed in the opposite direction.

The yen to USD is already up more than five percent since the start of 2016 .

All of the country’s banks are expecting the easy money to stop flowing this year, prompting a rise in the value of the Japanese yen. But there’s more to it than just monetary policy. Markets are growing extremely volatile and there are few places of safety remaining for investors. The Japanese yen is providing a safe haven for their capital.

Negative interest rates aren’t hurting the yen to USD .

Currency analysts are incredibly surprised by what they’re seeing. The Bank of Japan shocked us all in January when it let its interest rates fall into negative territory. However, this move hasn’t weighed on the yen at all. In fact, it’s done the opposite; it’s shown just how stupid negative rates are.

To put it simply, markets are ignoring the negative rates. Everything we’ve seen this year points to a higher yen to USD exchange rate, but I’d hurry up and take a closer look before all the big gains are gone.

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Forex Trading: Discovering the Japanese Yen

Written by: PaxForex analytics dept - Friday, 25 July 2014 0 comments

Despite many attractive characteristics of Forex trading. the foreign exchange market is vast, complicated and ruthlessly competitive. Major banks, trading houses and funds dominate the market and quickly incorporate any new information into the prices.

Foreign exchange is not a market for the unprepared or ignorant. To effectively trade foreign currencies on a fundamental basis, traders must be knowledgeable when it comes to the major currencies. This knowledge should include not only the current economic stats for a country, but also the underpinnings of the respective economies and the special factors that can influence the currencies.

Just seven currencies account for 80% of the Forex market, and the Japanese yen is one of the largest currencies, in terms of international trade and Forex trading. That is only fitting, as Japan is one of the largest economies in the world, with one of the highest GDP among nations and is one of the largest exporters, in dollar terms.

All of the major currencies in the Forex market have central banks behind them. In the case of the Japanese yen, it is the Bank of Japan . Like most developed country central banks, the Bank of Japan has a mandate to act in a fashion that encourages growth and minimizes inflation. In the case of Japan, however, deflation has been a persistent threat for many years, and the BOJ has pursued a policy of very low rates in the hopes of stimulating demand and economic growth; at various points in the 2000s, real rates in Japan were actually slightly negative.

The Japanese economy has some particular and peculiar attributes that yen traders need to understand. Firstly, despite its size, Japan has been notably lacking in growth since the collapse of its real estate bubble. Writers often refer to a "lost decade" in Japan because of this reason. Although that may not be entirely accurate, growth has rarely exceeded 2% in Japan between 2001 and 2011, and has contracted to zero or negative rates multiple times. Japan is also notable for inflation, or rather its almost near-absence of it; Japan has actually experienced deflation for much of the last decade.

Second, Japan is also the oldest major economy in the world and has one of the lowest fertility rates. That suggests an increasingly aging workforce with fewer and fewer younger workers to support the economy through taxation and consumption. Japan is also quite closed to immigration and that establishes difficult demographics.

Lastly, Japan is also an advanced economy with a well-educated workforce . Although industries like shipbuilding have migrated to countries like South Korea and China, Japan is still a leading manufacturer of consumer electronics, autos and technological components. This has left Japan with significant exposure to the global economy, but increasing reliance on China as a trade partner.

There are several theories that attempt to explain foreign exchange rates . Purchasing power parity, interest rate parity, the Fisher effect and balance of payments models all offer explanations of the "right" exchange rate, based on factors like relative interest rates, price levels and so forth. In practice, these models do not work especially well in the real market – real market exchange rates are determined by supply and demand, which includes a variety of market psychology factors.

Major economic data includes the release of GDP . retail sales, industrial production, inflation and trade balances. These come out at regular intervals, and many brokers, as well as many financial information sources like the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg, make this information freely available. Investors should also take note of information on employment, interest rates (including scheduled meetings of the central bank) and the daily news flow; natural disasters, elections and new government policies can all have significant impacts on exchange rates.

In the case of Japan and yen traders, the Tankan survey is particularly noteworthy. Many countries report information on business confidence . and the Tankan is a quarterly reported published by the Bank of Japan. The Tankan is seen as a very important report, and often moves trading in Japanese stock and currency; trade flow data is also uncommonly important for the yen.

In many respects, BOJ policy drives carry trades across the world. Carry trading refers to borrowing money in a low-interest-rate environment . and then investing that money in higher-yielding assets from other countries. With a stated policy of near-zero interest rates, Japan has long been a major source of capital for that trade. That also means, though, that talk of higher rates in Japan can send ripples throughout the currency markets.

While the BOJ has maintained low rates since Japan's property bubble collapsed, the bank has also been involved in currency intervention – selling the yen to help keep Japanese exports more competitive. This intervention has carried political consequences in the past, though, so the BOJ is relatively hesitant to intervene in the Forex markets relative to its past history.

Japan's trade balance also impacts BOJ policy and Forex rates. Japan has large trade surpluses, but very large public debt and an aging population. A large percentage of that debt is held domestically, though, and Japanese investors seem willing to accept low rates of returns.

The yen is the signature currency for Asia; it is one of the top most frequently traded currencies in the world, and a significant reserve currency for many Asian countries. While the significance of the yen could be at risk if the Chinese yuan becomes more liquid, that would likely be a multi-year process.

That said, the relative stability of the yen has made it a backup reserve currency for many countries. While Japan has very high debt levels, traders tend to be more comfortable with Japan's debt balance, as so much of it is domestically owned. Moreover, traders often balance the high debt level of Japan with its high trade surplus, though the devaluation of the dollar and the "safe haven" status of the yen has led to a stronger yen that threatens the very trade surplus that makes the yen attractive.

Currency rates are notoriously difficult to predict, and most models seldom work for more than brief periods of time. Si bien los modelos basados ​​en la economía rara vez son útiles para los comerciantes a corto plazo, las condiciones económicas dan forma a las tendencias a largo plazo. Japan's strong trade surplus will likely maintain the country's position as a relative safe haven for some time to come, but the aging workforce, persistently low consumer and business confidence, as well as the rising significance of China as an economic rival, do threaten that position.

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Forex - Japanese yen weaker ahead of BoJ policy in holiday-thinned trade

By Investing. com. February 17, 2015, 09:00:19 PM EDT

Investing. com - The Japanese yen weakened slightly ahead of a central bank review of policy later on Wednesday with markets in Asia gearing up for the Chinese New Year holidays, but with Greece still in focus.

USD/JPY traded at 119.32, up 0.005%, while AUD/USD changed hands at 0.7810, down 0.10%. EUR/USD was down 0.11% at 1.1398.

The Bank of Japan ends its two-day policy meeting today with a statement due around 1230 Tokyo time (0330 GMT). BoJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda will host a news conference at 1530 (0630 GMT) to explain the board's decision.

The BoJ is likely to maintain its policy target as it is still monitoring the impact of the Oct. 31 easing on inflation expectations and the extent of wage hikes planned by some firms in fiscal 2015. The board is expected to upgrade its assessment of exports and factory output in its policy statement despite prospects for slower global growth, while cautiously watching whether weak consumption will recover steadily.

In Australia the January Westpac-MI Leading Index rose 0.08 point to 98.0, staying on a path of below trend growth.

Wednesday also marks the start of the Chinese New Year holidays. Markets in mainland China are already closed until Feb 25. Markets in Hong Kong will observe a shortened session today before holidays for the next two days.

Elsewhere in Asia, many regional markets will be closed from Thursday, and are due to re-open Feb. 23, although trading desks are due to be lightly staffed.

Overnight, the dollar trimmed earlier losses against the other major currencies on Tuesday, but the greenback remained under pressure as downbeat manufacturing data from the New York area added to concerns over the strength of the U. S. economic recovery.

In a report, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said that its general business conditions index decreased to 7.8 this month from a reading of 10.0 in January. Analysts had expected the index to dip to 8.5 in February.

Separately, the National Association of Home Builders said its Housing Market Index decreased to a four-month low of 55.0 this month from 57.0 in January. Analysts expected the index to rise to 58.0 in February.

The U. S. dollar index, which measures the greenback's strength against a trade-weighted basket of six major currencies, was quoted up 0.11% at 94.25.

Overnight, the euro found support after the ZEW Centre for Economic Research said that its index of German economic sentiment rose by 4.6 points to 53.0 this month from January's reading of 48.4. It was the highest reading since February 2014, but was still below expectations of 55.0.

But investors remained cautious as Greece's current €240 billion bailout is due to expire at the end of the month and the new Greek government does not want it extended. Athens rejected a proposed six-month extension of the bailout on Monday, calling it "unacceptable".

Athens has until Friday to request an extension otherwise its bailout will expire on February 28 and the country will run out of money.

The clash between Greece and its creditors has sparked fears that it could trigger the country's exit from the euro zone. The European Central Bank was to decide whether to suspend emergency financial support for Greece later in the day.

The Japanese Yen (JPY)

THE Japanese Yen (JPY), represented by the symbol ¥ is the third most actively traded currency in the world after the United States Dollar and the European Community’s Euro. It is the official monetary unit of Japan and is also used by many countries as a foreign currency reserve.

Recognized by its symbol JPY, the Japanese Yen follows the decimal accounting system wherein one JPY is made up of a hundred (100) sen although the amount is so small it is used mainly by those involved in the financial system.

Since Japan is heavily into exports, the JPY exerts a strong influence on the country’s economy and the world as a whole. The strength of the JPY is taken very seriously by the national government so much so that the Bank of Japan or the BoJ, the Japanese central bank, monitors the JPY’s trade very closely and intervenes in the open market often to prevent any drastic negative effects.

In extreme cases, The BoJ coordinates monetary operations with the world’s most influential central banks to fight speculators and abnormal fluctuations of the JPY. In March 18, 2011, a week after the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan, G-7 central banks sold an estimated $25 Billion worth of JPY to stop the sudden and suspicious rise of the currency believed to have been the work of speculators who wanted to take advantage of Japan’s disaster-related problems.

A Brief History of the JPY

Before it opened up to the rest of the world in the mid-19 th century, feudal Japan operated a number of currency systems that was not only inefficient but also too complex and chaotic to manage as well. Local fiefdoms created their own currencies while those engaged in international trade used a mixture of Chinese and even Mexican silver dollars to transact business.

In 1871, with the restoration of the full powers of the emperor or the Meiji Restoration, the Yen (meaning, round object) was finally instituted as the official and national currency of the country that would follow the Western practice by virtue of the New Currency Act.

The new currency law specifically defined it as 24.6 grams of silver or 1.5 grams of gold. The JPY replaced all previous monetary units and effectively solidified the economic and financial power of the imperial government which previously was beholden to a dynasty or line of warlords called the shoguns.

Because the JPY was originally intended to be the Japanese equivalent to the silver dollar, its value was set at the rate same as that of a dollar on ¥1 is to $1 exchange rate. However, in 1873 following the lowering of the value of silver and the shift of Western countries to the gold standard, the JPY was allowed to devalue and in 1897, Japan likewise embraced the gold standard bringing the rate to ¥0.50 to $1 which was to remain so for several decades.

After World War II and subsequent American occupation of Japan, the JPY’s value was now pegged at ¥360 to US$1. This low exchange rate proved to be a blessing to Japan as it helped reconstruct its country and boost its economy. Japanese exports were now much cheaper while the high dollar rate discouraged importation resulting to a growing trade surplus at the end of the 1960s.

By the early 1970s, following serious concerns raised by Japan’s trade partners, the JPY was allowed to float although the Japanese government still kept the currency from strengthening too rapidly by intervening in the market (buying or selling JPY) from time to time. The oil crisis in the mid and late 70s also kept the JPY from rising too fast despite Japan’s bulging trade surpluses.

From 1985 onwards, the JPY gained strength after major economic players decided that the U. S. Dollar was undervalued and measures were taken to reflect this agreement. As a result of this agreement (also known as the Plaza Agreement) and in recognition of Japan’s economic strength, performance and influence, many countries have taken to the JPY as a foreign currency reserve along with the USD.

JPY Coins and Bank Notes

The 1990s saw Japan’s economy slowing down and at times even contracting as the Japanese real estate bubble burst. The government used zero interest rates and encouraged overseas investment to keep the JPY from strengthening too much.

Shortly after the JPY was introduced to the Japanese public, the government started issuing coins and after two years, bank notes were also circulated. Gold was used for ¥2, 5, 10 and 20 denominations while the sen (equivalent to cents) and ¥1 coins had silver.

Later on, cooper coins were also adopted by although these were later discontinued. By the mid-1950s, coins lower than one JPY was no longer allowed and subsequently the first aluminum series of coins were issued which are in use up to this day.

The first JPY paper money bills were created in 1873. The denominations range from ¥10 up to ¥10,000. Today, JPY bank notes are printed in the amounts of ¥1000, ¥2,000, ¥5,000 and ¥10,000.

“For a good choice of hotels with discount prices, visit Where to stay in Tokyo for more information.”

THE Japanese Yen (JPY), represented by the symbol ¥ is the third most actively traded currency in the world after the United States Dollar and the European Community’s Euro. It is the official monetary unit of Japan and is also used by many countries as a foreign currency reserve.

Recognized by its symbol JPY, the Japanese Yen follows the decimal accounting system wherein one JPY is made up of a hundred (100) sen although the amount is so small it is used mainly by those involved in the financial system.

Since Japan is heavily into exports, the JPY exerts a strong influence on the country’s economy and the world as a whole. The strength of the JPY is taken very seriously by the national government so much so that the Bank of Japan or the BoJ, the Japanese central bank, monitors the JPY’s trade very closely and intervenes in the open market often to prevent any drastic negative effects.

In extreme cases, The BoJ coordinates monetary operations with the world’s most influential central banks to fight speculators and abnormal fluctuations of the JPY. In March 18, 2011, a week after the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan, G-7 central banks sold an estimated $25 Billion worth of JPY to stop the sudden and suspicious rise of the currency believed to have been the work of speculators who wanted to take advantage of Japan’s disaster-related problems.

A Brief History of the JPY

Before it opened up to the rest of the world in the mid-19 th century, feudal Japan operated a number of currency systems that was not only inefficient but also too complex and chaotic to manage as well. Local fiefdoms created their own currencies while those engaged in international trade used a mixture of Chinese and even Mexican silver dollars to transact business.

In 1871, with the restoration of the full powers of the emperor or the Meiji Restoration, the Yen (meaning, round object) was finally instituted as the official and national currency of the country that would follow the Western practice by virtue of the New Currency Act.

The new currency law specifically defined it as 24.6 grams of silver or 1.5 grams of gold. The JPY replaced all previous monetary units and effectively solidified the economic and financial power of the imperial government which previously was beholden to a dynasty or line of warlords called the shoguns.

Because the JPY was originally intended to be the Japanese equivalent to the silver dollar, its value was set at the rate same as that of a dollar on ¥1 is to $1 exchange rate. However, in 1873 following the lowering of the value of silver and the shift of Western countries to the gold standard, the JPY was allowed to devalue and in 1897, Japan likewise embraced the gold standard bringing the rate to ¥0.50 to $1 which was to remain so for several decades.

After World War II and subsequent American occupation of Japan, the JPY’s value was now pegged at ¥360 to US$1. This low exchange rate proved to be a blessing to Japan as it helped reconstruct its country and boost its economy. Japanese exports were now much cheaper while the high dollar rate discouraged importation resulting to a growing trade surplus at the end of the 1960s.

By the early 1970s, following serious concerns raised by Japan’s trade partners, the JPY was allowed to float although the Japanese government still kept the currency from strengthening too rapidly by intervening in the market (buying or selling JPY) from time to time. The oil crisis in the mid and late 70s also kept the JPY from rising too fast despite Japan’s bulging trade surpluses.

From 1985 onwards, the JPY gained strength after major economic players decided that the U. S. Dollar was undervalued and measures were taken to reflect this agreement. As a result of this agreement (also known as the Plaza Agreement) and in recognition of Japan’s economic strength, performance and influence, many countries have taken to the JPY as a foreign currency reserve along with the USD.

JPY Coins and Bank Notes

The 1990s saw Japan’s economy slowing down and at times even contracting as the Japanese real estate bubble burst. The government used zero interest rates and encouraged overseas investment to keep the JPY from strengthening too much.

Shortly after the JPY was introduced to the Japanese public, the government started issuing coins and after two years, bank notes were also circulated. Gold was used for ¥2, 5, 10 and 20 denominations while the sen (equivalent to cents) and ¥1 coins had silver.

Later on, cooper coins were also adopted by although these were later discontinued. By the mid-1950s, coins lower than one JPY was no longer allowed and subsequently the first aluminum series of coins were issued which are in use up to this day.

The first JPY paper money bills were created in 1873. The denominations range from ¥10 up to ¥10,000. Today, JPY bank notes are printed in the amounts of ¥1000, ¥2,000, ¥5,000 and ¥10,000.

“For a good choice of hotels with discount prices, visit Where to stay in Tokyo for more information.”

THE Japanese Yen (JPY), represented by the symbol ¥ is the third most actively traded currency in the world after the United States Dollar and the European Community’s Euro. It is the official monetary unit of Japan and is also used by many countries as a foreign currency reserve.

Recognized by its symbol JPY, the Japanese Yen follows the decimal accounting system wherein one JPY is made up of a hundred (100) sen although the amount is so small it is used mainly by those involved in the financial system.

Since Japan is heavily into exports, the JPY exerts a strong influence on the country’s economy and the world as a whole. The strength of the JPY is taken very seriously by the national government so much so that the Bank of Japan or the BoJ, the Japanese central bank, monitors the JPY’s trade very closely and intervenes in the open market often to prevent any drastic negative effects.

In extreme cases, The BoJ coordinates monetary operations with the world’s most influential central banks to fight speculators and abnormal fluctuations of the JPY. In March 18, 2011, a week after the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan, G-7 central banks sold an estimated $25 Billion worth of JPY to stop the sudden and suspicious rise of the currency believed to have been the work of speculators who wanted to take advantage of Japan’s disaster-related problems.

A Brief History of the JPY

Before it opened up to the rest of the world in the mid-19 th century, feudal Japan operated a number of currency systems that was not only inefficient but also too complex and chaotic to manage as well. Local fiefdoms created their own currencies while those engaged in international trade used a mixture of Chinese and even Mexican silver dollars to transact business.

In 1871, with the restoration of the full powers of the emperor or the Meiji Restoration, the Yen (meaning, round object) was finally instituted as the official and national currency of the country that would follow the Western practice by virtue of the New Currency Act.

The new currency law specifically defined it as 24.6 grams of silver or 1.5 grams of gold. The JPY replaced all previous monetary units and effectively solidified the economic and financial power of the imperial government which previously was beholden to a dynasty or line of warlords called the shoguns.

Because the JPY was originally intended to be the Japanese equivalent to the silver dollar, its value was set at the rate same as that of a dollar on ¥1 is to $1 exchange rate. However, in 1873 following the lowering of the value of silver and the shift of Western countries to the gold standard, the JPY was allowed to devalue and in 1897, Japan likewise embraced the gold standard bringing the rate to ¥0.50 to $1 which was to remain so for several decades.

After World War II and subsequent American occupation of Japan, the JPY’s value was now pegged at ¥360 to US$1. This low exchange rate proved to be a blessing to Japan as it helped reconstruct its country and boost its economy. Japanese exports were now much cheaper while the high dollar rate discouraged importation resulting to a growing trade surplus at the end of the 1960s.

By the early 1970s, following serious concerns raised by Japan’s trade partners, the JPY was allowed to float although the Japanese government still kept the currency from strengthening too rapidly by intervening in the market (buying or selling JPY) from time to time. The oil crisis in the mid and late 70s also kept the JPY from rising too fast despite Japan’s bulging trade surpluses.

From 1985 onwards, the JPY gained strength after major economic players decided that the U. S. Dollar was undervalued and measures were taken to reflect this agreement. As a result of this agreement (also known as the Plaza Agreement) and in recognition of Japan’s economic strength, performance and influence, many countries have taken to the JPY as a foreign currency reserve along with the USD.

JPY Coins and Bank Notes

The 1990s saw Japan’s economy slowing down and at times even contracting as the Japanese real estate bubble burst. The government used zero interest rates and encouraged overseas investment to keep the JPY from strengthening too much.

Shortly after the JPY was introduced to the Japanese public, the government started issuing coins and after two years, bank notes were also circulated. Gold was used for ¥2, 5, 10 and 20 denominations while the sen (equivalent to cents) and ¥1 coins had silver.

Later on, cooper coins were also adopted by although these were later discontinued. By the mid-1950s, coins lower than one JPY was no longer allowed and subsequently the first aluminum series of coins were issued which are in use up to this day.

The first JPY paper money bills were created in 1873. The denominations range from ¥10 up to ¥10,000. Today, JPY bank notes are printed in the amounts of ¥1000, ¥2,000, ¥5,000 and ¥10,000.

“For a good choice of hotels with discount prices, visit Where to stay in Tokyo for more information.”

Yen japonés

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Daily Commodity Futures Price Chart: Dec. 2016


Bollinger Bandas Indicador:

Conventional Interpretation: The Bollinger Bands are indicating an oversold condition. Una lectura de sobreventa se produce cuando el cierre está más cerca de la banda inferior que la banda superior.

Análisis adicional: La volatilidad parece estar disminuyendo, como lo demuestra una distancia decreciente entre las bandas superior e inferior en las últimas barras. The market is in oversold territory.

Indicador de media móvil de 3 líneas:

Nota: Al evaluar el corto plazo, plot1 representa el promedio de movimiento rápido, y plot2 es el promedio de movimiento lento. Para el análisis a largo plazo, plot2 es el promedio de movimiento rápido y plot3 es el promedio de movimiento lento

Interpretación Convencional - Corto Plazo: El mercado es alcista porque el promedio de movimiento rápido está por encima de la media móvil lenta.

Additional Analysis - Short Term: Recently the market has been extremely bullish, however currently the market has lost a some of its bullishness due to the following: the fast moving average slope is down from the previous bar, price is below the fast moving average, price is below the slow moving average. Es posible que podamos ver un retroceso del mercado aquí. Si es así, la retirada podría resultar ser una buena oportunidad de compra.

Interpretación Convencional - Largo Plazo: El mercado es alcista porque el promedio móvil rápido está por encima de la media móvil lenta.

Additional Analysis - Long Term: Recently the market has been extremely bullish, however currently the market has lost a some of its bullishness due to the following: the slow moving average slope is down from the previous bar, price is below the fast moving average. Es posible que podamos ver un retroceso del mercado aquí. Si es así, la retirada podría resultar ser una buena oportunidad de compra.

Indicador de media móvil exponencial:

Interpretación convencional: El precio está por encima de la media móvil por lo que la tendencia es hacia arriba.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia del mercado es UP.

Interpretación convencional: RSI está en territorio neutral. (RSI is at 53.80). Este indicador emite señales de compra cuando la línea RSI cae por debajo de la línea inferior en la zona de sobreventa; Se genera una señal de venta cuando el RSI se eleva por encima de la línea superior en la zona de sobrecompra.

Additional Analysis: RSI is somewhat overbought (RSI is at 53.80). Sin embargo, esto por sí mismo no es una indicación suficientemente fuerte para señalar un comercio. Busque evidencia adicional antes de ponerse demasiado bajista aquí.

Estocástico - Rápido Indicador:

Conventional Interpretation: The stochastic is bearish because the SlowK line is below the SlowD line.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo es UP. The short term trend looks a little toppy. The fact that we've had three down bars of SlowK and we're trading in a high area of the stochastic is a little bearish short term. A possible short term down move may occur.

Estocástico - Lento Indicador:

Conventional Interpretation: The stochastic is bearish because the SlowK line is below the SlowD line.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo es UP. The short term trend looks a little toppy. A possible short term down move may occur.

Indicador del Índice de Swing:

Interpretación convencional: El índice de oscilación se utiliza con mayor frecuencia para identificar las barras en las que es probable que el mercado cambie de dirección. Se genera una señal cuando el índice de oscilación cruza cero. Aquí no se ha generado ninguna señal.

Análisis Adicional: No hay interpretación adicional.

Volatilidad Indicador: La volatilidad está en una tendencia bajista basada en un promedio móvil de 9 bar.

Interpretación convencional: No hay indicaciones para el volumen.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia del mercado a largo plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 45 bar, es UP. La tendencia del mercado a corto plazo, basada en una media móvil de 5 bar, es DOWN. Volumen es tendencia más alta, lo que permite una recuperación de la volatilidad.

Interpretación convencional: ADX mide la fuerza de la tendencia predominante. Un aumento de ADX indica una fuerte tendencia subyacente, mientras que una caída de ADX sugiere una tendencia de debilitamiento que está sujeta a la inversión. Currently the ADX is falling.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 45 bar, está en alza. However, a falling ADX indicates that the current trend is weakening and may possibly reverse. Look for a choppy market ahead.

Indicador de índice de canal de comunicaciones:

Conventional Interpretation: CCI (26.70) is in neutral territory. A signal is generated only when the CCI crosses above or below the neutral center region.

Análisis adicional: CCI a menudo pierde la parte temprana de un nuevo movimiento debido a la gran cantidad de tiempo pasado fuera del mercado en la región neutral. Iniciando señales cuando CCI cruza cero, en lugar de esperar a que el CCI cruce fuera de la región neutral a menudo puede ayudar a superar esto. Given this interpretation, CCI (26.70) is currently long. La posición de posición larga actual será invertida cuando el CCI cruza por debajo de cero.

Interpretación convencional: DMI + es mayor que DMI-, lo que indica un mercado de tendencias al alza. Se genera una señal cuando DMI + cruza DMI-.

Análisis Adicional: DMI está en territorio alcista.

Interpretación convencional: MACD está en territorio bajista, pero no ha emitido una señal aquí. MACD genera una señal cuando el FastMA cruza por encima o por debajo del SlowMA.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 45 bar, es UP. La tendencia a corto plazo, basada en una media móvil de 9 bar, es UP. MACD está en territorio bajista.

Conventional Interpretation: Momentum (0.00) is above zero, indicating an overbought market.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 45 bar, es UP. La tendencia a corto plazo, basada en una media móvil de 9 bar, es UP. Momentum is indicating an overbought market, and appears to be slowing. A modest downturn is possible here.

Open Interest Indicator: Open Interest está en una tendencia bajista basada en un promedio móvil de 9 bar. Si bien esto es normal después de la entrega de contratos a plazo más cercano, tenga cuidado. La disminución del interés abierto indica una menor liquidez.

Tasa de cambio Indicador:

Conventional Interpretation: Rate of Change (0.27) is above zero, indicating an overbought market.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 45 bar, es UP. La tendencia a corto plazo, basada en una media móvil de 9 bar, es UP. Rate of Change is indicating an overbought market, and appears to be slowing. A modest downturn is possible here.

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24 de agosto de 2015, fue un día importante en los mercados de divisas mundiales. Los chinos conmocionaron al mundo con una devaluación del yuan. Continúe leyendo aquí.

Yen japonés (JPY)

The value of Yen relative to other currencies is determined by the demand and supply of the yen. Factors which influence these market forces affect the value of the Yen.

Current Account Balance

Japan's current account surplus [3]

The current account is a function of trade balance (exports minus imports), income from abroad (such as dividends, income by foreign subsidiaries etc.) and other transfers (such as foreign aid and grants). Since the mid - 90s Japan has maintained an extremely strong current account, mainly because of the country's strong export sector. In 2007, Japan had a current account surplus of approximately ¥25 trillion ($227 billion) of which ¥12.5 trillion ($113 billion) came from its trade surplus against other countries. Economic theory suggests that a strong current account leads to currency appreciation -- since foreign importers need to buy the Japanese yen to pay Japanese manufacturers.

Interest rates and carry trade

Short-term bank lending rates in Japan since 1993. [4]

Since the late 1980s, the Bank of Japan has been driving the interest rate to very low levels in order to spur economic growth. Short-term lending rates have responded to this monetary relaxation and fell from 3.7% to 1.3% between 1993 and 2008. [5] This made it profitable to borrow money in Japan in order to fund investments in other countries. This activity, better known as yen carry trade. bears the risk of being losing bets when the Japanese Yen appreciates against other currencies. Carry trades have been a key determinant of the value of yen relative to other currencies. Based on short Yen futures positions, which are used to hedge against the risk of Yen appreciating, the total amount of Japanese Yen used in carry trades is estimated to be around ¥125 trillion ($1.2 trillion). [6]

Historically, carry trades have helped to keep the value of Yen low compared to the US dollar and other major currencies. However, they also make the Japanese Yen extremely sensitive to financial crises across the globe. During the Russian financial crisis in 1998, the Yen gained 20% in two months. After the US subprime crisis the Yen rose from ¥124/dollar in June 2007 to ¥94/dollar in October 2008. The amount of carry-trades is dependent on Japan maintaining a low interest rate relative to other countries. In 2008, both the Federal Reserve and European Central Bank aggressively drove down interest rates in the US and the European Union.


Inflation in Japan. [7]

Inflation is the result of rising prices in an economy over time. In other words, when the inflation rate is positive, a currency buys fewer goods than it did in the previously. Japan has had one of the lowest inflation rates since the mid 1990s. In fact, price levels in Japan decreased between 1998 and 2004 (i. e. Japan went through a deflationary phase). The low inflation rate has kept Japanese products cheap compared to products from other countries -- making Japanese industries more competitive. This has added to Japan's export growth and, in turn, increased demand for the Yen.

The inflation rate is also dependent on the value of the Yen since a weaker currency leads to greater demand for Japanese products and makes imports more expensive for Japan -- hence increasing the inflation rate.

Investing in the Yen

An investor can invest in the Yen by buying and holding it. Currencies, as an asset class, do not produce any returns by themselves. The currency is only useful if it is invested in another asset (such as equities or bond).

Investors can buy and sell Yen futures traded at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Futures are better instruments for speculation since they are leveraged and hence are more sensitive to currency movements. An investor can also buy a Japanese stock ETF -- such as the iShares Japan Index (EWJ). The CurrencyShares Japanese Yen Trust (FXY) offers return on Japanese Yen plus accrued interest. ETF's have the benefit of offering the return on the underlying asset class in addition to currency appreciation.

Finally, a stronger yen helps Japanese imports by making them relatively cheaper and hurts exports by making them more expensive for foreign buyers. An investor could bet on the Japanese Yen by taking positions in Japanese exporters and in companies that trade heavily with Japan.

Companies that benefit from a stronger Yen

I post this opinion on general observations as a long-time foreign resident in Japan. Few Japanese companies will pass on savings when the Yen appreciates, such as now when the Yen is at around the 83 yen to the US dollar. If and when the yen depreciates, Japanese companies would find that raising prices would meet with a lot of resistance.

However, COSTCO passes on more savings than most other direct import companies, IMO. The Amagasaki City COSTO has become increasingly crowded. My wife says that people go in 'groups' as way to share a single membership.

Companies that benefit from a weaker Yen

Toyota Motor. The Japanese automaker is the World's largest vehicle manufacturer in terms of total production. A weaker yen benefits Toyota by making its products cheaper to consumers around the world. Toyota bases its earnings on an exchange rate of ¥105 per dollar. According to the Economist magazine, every ¥1 appreciation against the dollar costs the firm ¥35 billion in annual operating profit. [8]

Exchange Rates

U. S. Dollars per Japanese Yen

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

Japanese Yen and Forex industry

The Yen is Looking Like a Safe Bet

The foreign exchange market is very competitive, vast and complicated despite of its many characteristics and it is definitely not for the unprepared one. All the traders must possess adequate knowledge about the currencies in order to trade them effectively and profitably in the market. In this regard, the Japanese Yen is the largest currency among the seven currencies that account for the 80% of the Forex market and international trade. There should be no surprise in this respect as Japan is one of the biggest exporters in the world in terms of dollar trade with one of the highest GDP among nations as well.

The Japanese Yen has the Bank of Japan behind it unlike the other six currencies with their central banks at their back. The Bank of Japan has taken necessary measures that discourage or minimizes inflation while encouraging growth. Similarly, the traders of Japanese Yen need to understand some of the peculiar features as well that are the trademark of Japanese economy.

First of all there has not been much growth in the Japan since the collapse of the real estate bubble. Although, Japan is well known for its inflation yet it actually experienced deflation for major part of last ten years. Secondly, Japan has the oldest economy yet it does not have enough manpower to support it in the shape of consumption and taxation due to the extremely low infertility rate. Last but not the least, Japan is still the leading manufacturer of all kinds of goods and this scenario has also helped the country to gain international exposure.

There are many different factors that drive any particular currency such as the Fisher Effect, interest rate parity, purchasing power parity and balance of payments. However, most of these methods do not work well especially in the real market. On the other hand, the information that is really helpful comes in the shape of retail sales, the release of GDP, trade balances, industrial productions and inflation. The major financial institutions like Wall Street Journal make this information freely available to people. In the case of Japan, this information is provided through the Tankan Survey, quarterly report published by Bank of Japan.

Similarly, the trade balance of Japan also impacts the policies of Bank of Japan and the Forex rates. The traders of Japan are willing to accept low trade rates as most of the trade surplus is consumed domestically because of aging population and very large public debt. Furthermore, the Bank of Japan has been involved in currency intervention in the past that also had the political consequences. Keeping in view the past experience, the Bank of Japan is no longer interested in intervening in Forex market.

Yen is the most widely used currency in the world and signature currency of Asia as many Asian countries keep it as a reserve currency. However, the increasing liquidity of Chinese Yuan can challenge this significant position of Yen but Yuan will take years to outperform the Yen.

Concluding, it can be said that Japan will serve as the trade haven for traders for some more years due to its large trade surplus. However, this position is in danger due to the rising threat of China, aging workforce, low business confidence and persistently low consumers in Japan.

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Trading The EUR/JPY (Euro/Japanese Yen)

The EUR/JPY currency cross (Euro/Japanese Yen) is the relation of the Euro against the Japanese Yen. The EUR/JPY is quite volatile and can easily move 150-250 pips in one single trading day! The cross currency gives one the possibility to convert euro’s directly into yen’s. (1 EUR per x JPY)

Forex Knowledge: Trading the Euro/Japanese Yen

Typical broker spread: 3-5 pips

Currency pair type: cross

EUR/JPY Nickname(s): Yuppy or Euppy

Most active trading sessions: Euro session and US session

Most active trading hours: 6:00 GMT – 17:30 GMT and during major economic releases from Japan (Asian session)

Average daily range (high-low): 208 pips

Trading strategies to trade EUR/JPY: Click here

Recommended level of trading experience: Advanced

Value of one pip EUR/JPY: Variable

Economic Events That Move The Euro/Japanese Yen

Trade Balance (Euro Zone) Gross Domestic Product (Euro Zone) Consumer Price Index (CPI) (Euro Zone) ZEW Survey (Euro Zone) ECB Rate Announcement and Press Conference Current Account (Germany) Trade Balance (Germany)

Trade Balance Merchandise Trade Balance Monthly Gross Domestic Product Quarterly (GDP) Tankan Survey Tertiary Industry Index Leading Economic Index Consumer Price Index (CPI) Domestic CGPI BoJ Monetary Policy Meeting and Announcement BOJ Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes BoJ Monetary Policy Monthly Report

Japanese currency (Yen, JPY) in forex

Note 1 - The currency of Japan is the Yen (¥). There are 4 different types of notes and 6 different types of coins in circulation: Notes include 1,000, 2,000, 5,000 and 10,000 Yen notes whereas coins include 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 Yen coins. Cash is easily the most common method of transaction in Japan, however credit cards are widely accepted in many places. While travelers' checks (in Yen or US dollars) are generally not easily accepted at small shops and restaurants most banks will easily exchange them. Yen can be changed in many places including international airports, foreign exchange banks, and other authorized money changers. Currency exchange counters are conveniently open during normal business hours at all airports.

Note 2 - In 2006, the Japanese Yen was considered to be one of the currency market's largest disappointments. If one has only been watching the value of USDJPY, which finished the year less than a percent away from where it started trading, the Yen's "disappointment" may have been hard to notice. Rather, the Yen saw most of it value decrease against the Euro and British pound. with the currency lowering 10 percent versus the Euro and 12 percent versus The Pound.

In fact, the devaluation of the Yen - japanese currency - was so drastic that it drove the EUR/JPY to an all-time high and the GBP/JPY to an 8 year high. The massive discrepancy between the Yen's performance against the dollar versus the Yen's performance against all other major currencies develop from the uncertainty that has accompanied the US economy throughout the past year. However when looking at the Yen's performance against the other major currencies, it paints a way more accurate picture about how the market feels about the Yen compared to the U. S Dollar.

After the Bank of Japan made no further changes following their only interest rate hike in July, traders quickly realized that interest rates would continue at their low values throughout the year, making carry trades against the valuable non-US dollar pairs still a solid investment. In the near future, we will start to see the Japanese economy make gains from a weak Yen, which will allow for another rate hike by the Bank of Japan, while simultaneously increasing the risk of carry trade unwinding and reserve diversification.

Note 3 - Following the United States Dollar, the Euro and the Pound Sterling, The Yen is widely used around the world as a reserve currency. The Yen has the ISO 4217 code of JPY and 392 while the Latin symbol for it is. Large quantities of yen are often counted in multiples of 10,000 (man, ¥) in the same way that values in the United States are often quoted or rounded off to hundreds or thousands. In 1870. coins were introduced to the Japanese economy. Silver coins in denominations of 5, 10, 20 50 sen and 1 yen were distributed in addition to gold coins consisting of Yen in the amounts of 2, 5, 10 and 20 yen. In 1871, Gold 1 yen were introduced followed by copper 1 rin, 1 and 2 sen in 1873. The distribution of the Yen banknotes started in 1872, only two short years following the currency's conception. Throughout the Yen's history, denominations have ranged between 10 sen and 10,000 yen.

Before and during World War II, several different authorities such as the Ministry of Finance and the Imperial Japanese National Bank issued banknotes in yen. It is also interesting to note that several countries comprising The Allied forces also issued some Japanese banknotes shortly after the war. Since then however, the Bank of Japan has become the only authority with permission to issue banknotes. Five series of Yen have been issued since World War II. The current series, Series E, contains notes condidting of ¥1000, ¥5000, and ¥10,000 values.

Related topics:

Lack of volatility is the norm for the Japanese Yen.

Tankan surveys to report 20% lower than 2015Q2.

Bearish outlook on JPY.

The USDJPY traded at 119.65 JPY on Monday September 29, virtually unchanged since the opening rate of 119.90 on September 25th. In a calendar year, the JPY has depreciated 10.27% versus the U. S. Dollar. The confusion caused by the hype leading up to the Fed's interest rate decision and the uncertainty of the global economic conditions has kept the currency pair on a sideways pattern. Considering that the USDJPY is already a not so volatile pair, we anticipate continued sideways action until it is clearer if the Japanese economy will need additional stimulus.


This week, the Leading Economic Index and Coincident Index for July reported slightly lower than June's figures at 105 and 113.1 respectively. For the last calendar year, the coincident index has hovered between 108 and 113 points, while the LEI has stayed above 100 since June 2013, with a spike on January 9, 2015 to 145.8 due to the dollar easing after poor jobs data, which resulted in the appreciation of the JPY from 119.86 to 116.13. A rise in the coincident index indicates an expansion of economic activity and a decline in the index indicates a contraction in economic activity. The Leading Economic Index is an economic indicator that consists of 12 indexes such as account inventory ratios, machinery orders, stock prices and other leading economic indicators. Both figures are well above the 50 point signals, which are bullish for the JPY, however, the lack of volatility in these releases are not going to impact the currency this week.

On Tuesday, September 29th, Retail sales (YoY) and August Large Retail Sales will most likely see a boost after the week-long holiday in Japan. How much of a boost and how will traders react is not as clear. Historically (since 2007) August July to August Retail Sales have increased an average of 0.55% -- a better perspective would be - in 6 of the last 8 August (YoY) releases there has been an increase reported from the previous month (an average increase of 1.48%). We expect the August Retail Sales to be reported around the +2% range.

Foreign Investment in Japanese stocks as of last week (September 16th) reported the biggest decrease since the week of March 19th 2014, resulting in a 140 pip depreciation then. This time around the currency pair did not react the same way. Considering that we expect this figure to report a much smaller decrease on Wednesday, unless Yellen shares some unexpected market-skewing nugget of information during her Fed speech, JPY will not move significantly based on this number.

The Tankan Surveys (Q3). a business short-term economic sentiment survey reported quarterly, are expected to report 20% lower than the previous quarter figures. Its leading component - The Tankan Large Manufacturing Index has a consensus 13% lower than Q2's figure of 16. Overall however, a reading in any of the Survey components above zero (0) is a sign of economic growth. PLEASE NOTE that the All Industry Capex -- which has reported an all-time high sentiment increase of 9.3% -- excludes the financial industry.

On Thursday, the Employment figures will be released as well, including:

• Jobs/applicants ratio (August): The slight increase in available jobs will put upward pressure on this ratio. Job vacancies have gone up steadily since March 2015. The difference is insignificant - consensus for August is .01% higher than July's increase of 1.21%.

• Unemployment Rate should not change from the 3.3% in July.

The Nikkei index at the Tokyo Stock Exchange (NIKKEI 225) decreased 4.3% to 17,137.15 points on Monday, September 28 from 17,880.51 points in the previous trading day. On Friday, the biggest movers were Terumo, which increased 9.13%, The Kansai Electric Power experienced the largest increase of the day (9.62%), while the biggest drop on Friday was 5.81% by Sharp Corporation. The largest contributor to the NIKKEI drop was the 11.11% devaluation of Kobe Steel Ltd. (5406.JP ), the leading aluminum steel supplier to Japanese auto makers. We had expected the NIKKEI 225 to trade close to 17,200.00 points by the end of the year, but it seems that today this outlook was reached significantly early.

The WisdomTree Japan Hedged Equity ETF (NYSEARCA:DXJ ) moved above $50 per share to $50.26, 2.99% on Friday, only to drop 3.56% on Monday to $48.47 per share. Friday's trading volume of over 11 million share is 57% higher than the average volume for the last month. The average daily volume today (trailing 45 days) is valued at $369.1 million. As of September 24th, the annualized 3 and 5-year returns for DXJ are 20.90% and 10.11%, respectively. Conversely, YTD and 3-month return are -0.26% and -17.13%, respectively, reflective of September's correction. DXJ is a relatively cheap ETF to hold with the second highest liquidity in its segment; since August 24, 2015 the fund has been trading at a discount ranging between -4.4% and -0.51% on September 24th.

Technical Titan has a bullish sentiment on the currency pair - which means we are bearish JPY for the week. We expect the Tankan to be negative due to the slowdown of the Chinese economy and, assuming US market events pan out as per the consensus, the JPY will continue on a bearish trend through next week. By the end of the year, we see USDJPY at around 122 JPY versus USD.

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Japanese Yen And Forex Trade

Following the United States Dollar, the Euro and the Pound Sterling, The Yen is widely used around the world as a reserve currency. The Yen has the ISO 4217 code of JPY and 392 while the Latin symbol for it is. Large quantities of yen are often counted in multiples of 10,000 (man, ¥) in the same way that values in the United States are often quoted or rounded off to hundreds or thousands. In 1870. coins were introduced to the Japanese economy. Silver coins in denominations of 5, 10, 20 50 sen and 1 yen were distributed in addition to gold coins consisting of Yen in the amounts of 2, 5, 10 and 20 yen. In 1871, Gold 1 yen were introduced followed by copper 1 rin, 1 and 2 sen in 1873. The distribution of the Yen banknotes started in 1872, only two short years following the currency's conception. Throughout the Yen's history, denominations have ranged between 10 sen and 10,000 yen.

Before and during World War II, several different authorities such as the Ministry of Finance and the Imperial Japanese National Bank issued banknotes in yen. It is also interesting to note that several countries comprising The Allied forces also issued some Japanese banknotes shortly after the war. Since then however, the Bank of Japan has become the only authority with permission to issue banknotes. Five series of Yen have been issued since World War II. The current series, Series E, contains notes condidting of ¥1000, ¥5000, and ¥10,000 values.

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Tag Archives: Japanese yen

The Euro is rallying for another test of resistance at $1.37 after finding support at $1.3350 against the greenback. Troughs above zero on 13-week Twiggs Momentum suggest a healthy up-trend. Breakout above $1.37 would signal an advance to $1.40*. Respect of resistance, indicated by reversal below the secondary rising trendline, would, however, warn of a correction to the primary trendline at $1.31.

* Target calculation: 1.37 + ( 1.37 – 1.34 ) = 1.40

Sterling breakout above resistance at €1.20 signals a primary up-trend. Recovery of 13-week Twiggs Momentum above zero strengthens the signal. Target for the advance is €1.23*. Reversal below €1.19 is unlikely, but would warn of another test of €1.1650.

* Target calculation: 1.20 + ( 1.20 – 1.17 ) = 1.23

The Greenback is likely to retrace to test the new support level at ¥101 Japanese Yen. Respect would confirm an advance with a target of ¥108*. The trough above zero on 13-week Twiggs Momentum strengthens the signal. Reversal below ¥101 is unlikely, penetration of the rising trendline warning of trend weakness.

* Target calculation: 1.01 + ( 1.01 – 0.94 ) = 1.08

Canada’s Loonie broke primary support at $0.94, signaling another decline with a target of $0.915*. A peak below zero on 13-week Twiggs Momentum strengthens the signal. Recovery above $0.945 is unlikely, but would warn of a bear trap.

* Target calculation: 0.945 – ( 0.975 – 0.945 ) = 0.915

The Aussie Dollar is heading for a test of primary support at $0.89. The peak below zero on 13-week Twiggs Momentum signals continuation of the down-trend. Breakout below $0.89 would offer a long-term target of $0.81*, while respect of support would suggest a rally to $0.93. The RBA needs a weaker Aussie Dollar, without lowering interest rates, and will do all it can to assist the decline.

* Target calculation: 0.89 – ( 0.97 – 0.89 ) = 0.81


The Euro is consolidating between $1.32 and $1.34. Upward breakout would indicate a primary advance to $1.40*, while reversal below $1.32 would warn of another test of primary support at $1.27. Close oscillation of 13-week Twiggs Momentum around the zero line indicates hesitancy.

* Target calculation: 1.34 + ( 1.34 – 1.28 ) = 1.40

Sterling respected primary support at €1.135/€1.140 against the euro. Recovery above €1.165 suggests that a bottom is forming. Penetration of the descending trendline would strengthen the signal. In the longer term, breakout above €1.19 would complete a double bottom with a target of €1.24. Recovery of 13-week Twiggs Momentum above zero would also indicate a primary up-trend. Reversal below €1.165, however, would warn the down-trend is likely to continue. Failure of primary support at €1.14 would confirm.

* Target calculation: 1.19 + ( 1.19 – 1.14 ) = 1.24

The greenback is headed for a test of primary support at ¥94 against the Yen. Breach of short-term support at ¥96 would confirm. In the longer term, breach of primary support at ¥94 would signal a down-trend with an initial target of ¥86*, while recovery above ¥101.50 would indicate an advance to ¥108*.

* Target calculation: 102 + ( 102 – 96 ) = 108; 94 – ( 102 – 94 ) = 86;

Canada’s Loonie is consolidating between $0.96 and $0.975 against the greenback. Upward breakout would penetrate the descending trendline, suggesting that a bottom is forming, while reversal below $0.96 would test primary support at $0.945.

Short retracement of the Aussie Dollar against the greenback suggests buying pressure. Follow-through above $0.92 would test the descending trendline and resistance at $0.93. Breakout is unlikely, but would warn that the down-trend is ending. Reversal below medium-term support at $0.90 would warn of a decline to $0.87*, with a long-term target of $0.80*.

* Target calculations: 0.90 – ( 0.93 – 0.90 ) = 0.87; 0.95 – ( 1.10 – 0.95 ) = 0.80


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The Euro continues to test medium-term resistance at $1.32 on the weekly chart. Breakout above $1.32 would suggest a primary advance, with a target of $1.40* — confirmed if resistance at $1.34 is broken. But oscillation of 63-day Twiggs Momentum around zero does not indicate a strong trend and respect of resistance remains as likely.

* Target calculation: 1.34 + ( 1.34 – 1.28 ) = 1.40

The greenback recovered above long-term support at ¥100 against the Yen, indicating continuation of the advance, with a target of ¥114*. Follow-through above ¥101.50 would confirm. Reversal below ¥100 is unlikely, but would warn of a test primary support at ¥94; confirmed if support at ¥98.50 is broken.

* Target calculation: 104 + ( 104 – 94 ) = 114

Canada’s Loonie broke resistance at $0.96, suggesting a rally to the descending trendline and resistance at $0.98 against the greenback. Reversal below $0.96, however, would warn of another test of support at $0.9450. 63-Day Twiggs Momentum declining while below zero reflects a healthy primary down-trend.

The Aussie Dollar is consolidating below medium-term resistance at $0.93 against the greenback. Breakout would signal a rally to the primary trendline at $0.96. But the primary trend remains downward and respect of $0.93 would re-test $0.90. The long-term target remains at $0.80* against the greenback. The RBA favors a softer dollar to cushion the impact of falling commodity prices.

* Target calculation: 0.95 – ( 1.10 – 0.95 ) = 0.80

The impact of the declining resources sector is reflected in the primary down-trend on the Aussie/New Zealand Dollar cross. AUDNZD is approaching its target of $1.15 and breakout above the descending trendline would indicate a rally to test resistance at $1.21. But respect of $1.21 would be likely, suggesting another downward leg on the Aussie/Kiwi cross.

* Target calculation: 1.21 – ( 1.27 – 1.21 ) = 1.15


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The euro is testing support at $1.30, representing a two-thirds retracement of the previous advance. Follow-through below $1.2950 would signal another test of primary support at $1.28 — and a ranging market — while respect of $1.30 would suggest a primary advance to $1.36*. Recovery of 63-day Twiggs Momentum above zero would be a bullish sign.

* Target calculation: 1.30 + ( 1.34 – 1.28 ) = 1.36

Pound Sterling is ranging between €1.16 and €1.19 against the euro. Upward breakout — and penetration of the descending trendline — would signal a primary advance to €1.22*. But breach of support at €1.16 would indicate another test of primary support at €1.14, while a 13-week Twiggs Momentum peak below zero would suggest continuation of the primary down-trend.

The greenback retraced to test the new support level at ¥100 against the Yen. Respect, indicated by follow-through above ¥101, would re-test resistance at ¥103 to ¥104. But reversal below ¥99 seems as likely, and would re-test primary support at ¥94.

* Target calculation: 104 + ( 104 – 94 ) = 114

Canada’s Loonie is testing support at $0.95 against the greenback. Follow-through below $0.9450 is likely and would signal another decline, with a target of $0.9350*. 63-Day Twiggs Momentum oscillating below zero indicates a strong primary down-trend.

* Target calculation: 0.96 – ( 0.9850 – 0.96 ) = 0.9350

The Aussie Dollar continues to fall, with an immediate target of $0.90* and a long-term target of $0.80* against the greenback. The RBA is cheering this on as they need a softer dollar to cushion the impact of a down-turn in commodity prices.

* Target calculation: 0.92 – ( 0.94 – 0.92 ) = 0.90; 0.95 – ( 1.10 – 0.95 ) = 0.80


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The euro fell through support at $1.32 and is headed for a test of primary support at $1.27*. Failure of support would complete a broad head and shoulders reversal, offering a target of $1.17*. Descending 13-week Twiggs Momentum suggests a primary down-trend.

* Target calculation: 1.27 – ( 1.37 – 1.27 ) = 1.17

Pound Sterling is headed for a test of support at $1.50 against the greenback. A 13-week Twiggs Momentum peak below zero suggests a primary down-trend. Failure of support at $1.50 would confirm.

The greenback is headed for a test of ¥100 against the Yen, after finding support at ¥94. The primary trend is upward and recovery above ¥100 would signal a fresh advance with a target of ¥114*. A 13-week Twiggs Momentum trough above zero would strengthen the signal. Respect of resistance at ¥100, however, would warn of reversal.

* Target calculation: 104 + ( 104 – 94 ) = 114

Canada’s Loonie found support at $0.95 against the greenback, not $0.96 as expected. Recovery above $0.96 would suggest a rally to test the descending trendline around $0.98*.

* Target calculation: 0.97 – ( 1.00 – 0.97 ) = 0.94

The Aussie Dollar displays a small flag as it rallies to test resistance at $0.94 against the greenback. Respect of resistance is likely and would suggest a decline to $0.90*.

* Target calculation: 0.92 – ( 0.94 – 0.92 ) = 0.90


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The euro is retracing to test the new support level at $1.32, respect would confirm the advance to $1.37*.

* Target calculation: 1.32 + ( 1.32 – 1.27 ) = 1.37

Pound Sterling is testing support at €1.16 against the euro. Failure would indicate a decline to primary support at €1.14. with a longer term target of €1.10. A 13-week Twiggs Momentum peak below zero would strengthen the bear signal.

The greenback found support at ¥94 against the Yen. The primary trend is still upward and recovery above ¥100 would signal a fresh advance with a target of ¥114*. A 13-week Twiggs Momentum trough above zero would strengthen the signal. Respect of resistance at ¥100, however, would warn of reversal.

* Target calculation: 104 + ( 104 – 94 ) = 114

Canada’s Loonie respected resistance at $0.99 against the greenback and is headed for another test of support at $0.96. Successive peaks below zero on 13-week Twiggs Momentum indicate a healthy primary down-trend. Breach of $0.96 would offer a target of $0.93*.

* Target calculation: 0.96 – ( 0.99 – 0.96 ) = 0.93


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The Aussie Dollar rallied to $0.955 on the 2-hour chart before encountering selling pressure. Expect a test of the 2011 low at $0.94. Breach would indicate another decline. The next target is $0.90*, with a long-term target of $0.80*. Breakout above $0.955 is unlikely, but would re-test resistance at $0.98.

* Target calculations: 0.94 – ( 0.98 – 0.94 ) = 0.90 and 0.95 – ( 1.10 – 0.95 ) = 0.80

Canada’s Loonie, however, respected support at $0.96, heading for another test of resistance at $0.99 or parity. 13-Week Twiggs Momentum below zero suggests continuation of the down-trend. Respect of resistance would indicate another decline, with a target of $0.94*.

* Target calculation: 0.97 – ( 1.00 – 0.97 ) = 0.94

The euro broke resistance at $1.32 and is headed for $1.37*. Breakout is some way off, but would offer a target of $1.47*.

* Target calculation: 1.37 + ( 1.37 – 1.27 ) = 1.47

Pound Sterling broke resistance at $1.56, signaling an advance to $1.63*. Recovery of 13-week Twiggs Momentum above zero would strengthen the bull signal.

* Target calculation: 1.56 + ( 1.56 – 1.50 ) = 1.62

The greenback continues a strong correction against the Yen, but this is a secondary movement and the primary up-trend is unaltered. A 13-week Twiggs Momentum trough above zero would strengthen the signal. Recovery above resistance at ¥100 would signal a fresh advance with a target of ¥113*. Long-term target for the advance is the 2007 high at ¥125*.

* Target calculations: (a) 104 + ( 104 – 95 ) = 113; (b) 100 + ( 100 – 75 ) = 125


The euro respected primary support at $1.26 on the monthly chart. Follow-through above $1.32 would indicate another test of $1.37, while breakout above $1.37 would signal a primary advance to $1.50. A trough above zero on 13-week Twiggs Momentum would reinforce this. Reversal below $1.26, however, would signal a down-swing to $1.20.

* Target calculation: 1.35 + ( 1.35 – 1.20 ) = 1.50

Pound sterling respected resistance at $1.53 against the dollar, confirming a down-swing to $1.43*. Declining 13-week Twiggs Momentum, below its 2011 lows, strengthens the signal.

* Target calculation: 1.53 – ( 1.63 – 1.53 ) = 1.43

The Aussie Dollar fell sharply, headed or a test of primary support at $1.015. Narrow fluctuation of 63-day Twiggs Momentum around zero suggests a ranging market. Respect of support would suggest another rally to test $1.06.

Canada’s Loonie respected resistance at $0.99 against the greenback. The primary trend is down and breakout below $0.97 would indicate another decline, while breach of $0.96 would strengthen the signal. Respect of $0.96, however, would suggest an advance back to the 2012 high of $1.03; strengthened if resistance at $0.99 is broken.

The greenback is testing resistance at ¥100 against the Japanese Yen. The 30-year down-trend of the dollar is over. Breakout above ¥100 is likely, after brief consolidation/retracement, and would suggest an advance to the 2007 high at ¥125*.

* Target calculation: 100 – ( 100 – 75 ) = 125

The Fed, ECB and BOJ are all printing money and debasing their currencies. It is a case of which boat is sinking the fastest, and the US dollar, although taking on water, being viewed as relatively safe. The fall of gold reveals the market view that the Fed is likely to tail off quantitative easing in the next 6 to 12 months.


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The euro is headed for a test of primary support at $1.26 on the monthly chart. Respect would confirm the primary up-trend, while failure would signal a down-swing to $1.20.

* Target calculation: 1.35 + ( 1.35 – 1.20 ) = 1.50

Pound sterling is testing the new medium-term resistance level at $1.53 against the dollar. Respect would confirm the primary down-trend, with a target of $1.43*. Declining 63-day Twiggs Momentum, below its 2011 lows, strengthens the signal.

* Target calculation: 1.53 – ( 1.63 – 1.53 ) = 1.43

The Aussie Dollar retraced this week to test short-term support at $1.04, but the up-trend is intact and we should expect a test of resistance at $1.06. Failure of support at $1.03 is unlikely, but would warn that primary support at $1.015 is again under threat. Narrow fluctuation of 63-day Twiggs Momentum around zero suggests a ranging market.

Canada’s Loonie rallied off medium-term support at $0.97 against the greenback. Expect some resistance at $0.99, but the CAD is just as likely to test the descending trendline at parity. The primary trend remains down and a test of primary support at $0.96 remains on the cards in the next quarter.

The US dollar is encountering increased resistance as it approaches ¥100 against the Japanese Yen. The 30-year down-trend is over. The advance is extended and a correction likely, but breakout above ¥100 would test the 2007 high above ¥120*.

* Target calculation: 100 – ( 100 – 80 ) = 120


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The euro retreated below support at $1.30, indicating a correction to primary support at $1.2650. A 63-day Twiggs Momentum trough close to zero would suggest a primary advance, with a long-term target of $1.50*.

* Target calculation: 1.35 + ( 1.35 – 1.20 ) = 1.50

Pound sterling found short-term support against the dollar but the long-term target for the decline is $1.43*. Declining 63-day Twiggs Momentum, below its 2011 lows, strengthens the signal.

* Target calculation: 1.53 – ( 1.63 – 1.53 ) = 1.43

The Aussie Dollar followed through after breaking out above $1.03, signaling a rally to $1.06. Reversal below $1.02 is now unlikely, but would warn that primary support at $1.015 is again under threat. Narrow fluctuation of 63-day Twiggs Momentum around zero suggests a ranging market.

The Canadian Loonie found medium-term support at $0.97 against the greenback, but we should still expect a test of primary support at $0.96. Failure would warn of a decline to $0.90*, but respect is just as likely and would signal a rally to $1.02.

* Target calculation: 0.96 – ( 1.02 – 0.96 ) = 0.90

The US dollar continues to advance against the Japanese Yen, suggesting that the 30-year down-trend is over. Expect resistance at ¥100, with a possible correction back to ¥90, but breakout would test the 2007 high above ¥120*.

* Target calculation: 100 – ( 100 – 80 ) = 120


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Japanese Yen Prediction for 2013

Written by: PaxForex analytics dept - Friday, 01 February 2013 0 comments

The Japanese Yen has entered a free-fall in the fourth-quarter of 2012 and has not looked back since. The Japanese elections ushered in the return of the LDP under the leadership of former Prime Minister Abe and the return of economic policies known to market participants as ‘Abenomics’.

‘Abenomics’ haven not worked in the past, do not work now and will not work in the future which will further harm the Japanese economy which has been in a recession for the better part of two decades and flirts with a depression twice a decade. The Japanese Yen, usually used as a carry trade, has collapsed and Abe wants to see further weakness in his currency in desperate hope to bolster exports.

Japan depends heavily on their export industry of quality electronics, machinery and cars. The weaker the Japanese Yen the more attractive their exports become. Abe hopes that the global economy will stutter along and tries to make Japanese goods as cheap as possible to foreign buyers without sacrificing the bottom line.

His primary tool to achieve that goal is to make sure the Japanese Yen as weak as possible against major trading partners which is why he threatened the markets with unlimited supply of Jen in the open market which caused the current collapse of the currency. The Japanese Yen has been dropping with an accelerated pace as nobody wants to bet against the Japanese Prime Minister and his threat to destabilize the currency. This threat carries extra weight as Abe is not able to destroy the Japanese economy due to its dead status which makes the Yen the next best thing to ruin. Most analysts from both side of the spectrum predict that the USDJPY, the most popular Yen pair, will close 2013 between 89.5 and 93.5. Roughly 90% of market participants believe in that prediction which makes us one of the remaining 10% as we believe the Japanese Yen will finish 2013 lower as compared to the U. S. Dollar, Euro, Australian Dollar, British Pound and Canadian Dollar as well as New Zealand Dollar.

We believe that the USDJPY will close 2013 in a range between 75.60 and 79.60. Prime Minister Abe threatened global markets with an unlimited supply of Yen, but the ultimate question will boil down to how weak the U. S. Dollar will be. The U. S. also referred to as the ugly step sister of Japan, also has a weak USD policy and this pair may be caught in crossfire of who can print more money faster and devalue their currency.

The U. S. still has an unresolved fiscal cliff issue plus the debt ceiling debate has not even been taken into consideration. In essence the U. S. is close to default on its debt a la Greece and we all know what that did and still do to the Greeks. Hopes are high that the U. S. will manage to cheat its way out of it for now with the help of Goldman Sachs and some fancy balance sheet engineering, but eventually the truth will come out. Goldman Sachs helped Greece hide their problems so Brussels could not detect them and we know how that story unfolded.

Once the global economic problems unfold people will try to hide in safe havens and the Japanese Yen will strengthen relevant to its major partners whether Abe likes it or not. His 2% inflation target is not only twice the target of the Bank of Japan, but nothing more than some terrible Sushi.

Laino Group número de registro 21973 IBC 2014. Advertencia de riesgo: Tenga en cuenta que el comercio de productos apalancados puede implicar un nivel significativo de riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Usted no debe arriesgar más de lo que está preparado para perder. Antes de decidir negociar, asegúrese de comprender los riesgos involucrados y tenga en cuenta su nivel de experiencia. Busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

Por favor, como PaxForex sitio en su red favorita y obtener acceso a la página gratuita de registro de la cuenta de bonificación!

http://www. profitconfidential. com/forex/usd-jpy-this-could-send-the-japanese-yen-soaring/ USD/JPY: This Could Send the Japanese Yen Soaring Alessandro Bruno, BA, MA Profit Confidential 2016-02-10T07:21:06Z 2016-02-10 07:21:51 USD JPY Japan economic collapse USD/JPY negative interest rates Japanese economy Bank of Japan BoJ Abenomics Shinzo Abe yen The Japanese yen defies market expectations and rises, even as the Bank of Japan adopts negative rates. Forex http://www. profitconfidential. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/USD-JPY. jpg

By Alessandro Bruno, BA, MA

Published: February 10, 2016

Sobre el Autor

USD/JPY: This Could Send the Japanese Yen Soaring

By Alessandro Bruno, BA, MA Published. 10 de febrero de 2016

Despite the Bank of Japan’s (BoJ) negative rates, the Japanese yen keeps getting stronger. The USD/JPY pair has not moved; neither has inflation. On February 9, the Tokyo Stock Exchange fell sharply, losing some 5.4% of its value. The Nikkei fell 918.86 points under the weight of the banking sector. The TOPIX (index of listed companies on the Tokyo Stock Exchange) dropped 76.08 points. That means 5.51%.

The yen is to blame for the dramatic drop. The JPY is simply too string and no amount of interest rate sorcery can stop it. The yen is one of the safe havens of choice in turbulent times. Indeed, the USD/JPY is at its highest level since November 2014: the dollar has fallen below 115 yen for the first time in over a year. The euro also lost to the JPY. It was trading at 128.56 yen against 130.71 yen on the previous close.

The JPY lived up to its reputation as a refuge for weary stock investors. Wall Street had a moping session. The Dow Jones lost 177.92 points (1.10%) to 16,027.05 points. The S&P 500, lost 26.61 points (1.42%) and the NASDAQ Composite lost 79.39 points (1.82%). As Europe flounders in uncertainty, fueled by another Greek crisis, the JPY looks better than ever.

Stock markets had a disastrous start to the year. Between the economic slowdown in China and the low oil prices, the specter of a bear market has spooked investors. The USD/JPY relationship and the BoJ’s failure to stimulate growth carry consequences for the global markets as well.

Zero rates represented the last attempt to stimulate industrial growth, exports, and domestic consumption. If any further evidence were needed, the Fed has even fewer incentives to raise interest rates again this year. Any hike would make Japanese goods too competitive. The yen has resisted all efforts to lower the USD/JPY exchange rate. This is the opposite effect that the government stimulus plan, dubbed “Abenomics” after Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, intended.

It seems Japan is suffering from the same malaise affecting China, a notion corroborated by the rise of debt. In other words, in 2016, both Japan and China could face a recession, if not an outright economic collapse. The contagion will spread quickly to the rest of the world, making a U. S. stock market crash inevitable. Or, it may just be that Japan is in a recession. The problem is that the yen seems to gather strength regardless of what the BoJ or equities do.

The yen can rise in international markets regardless of how the indices of the world’s main stock exchanges move. When Janet Yellen raised interest rates, the yen gained popularity with the risk-averse crowd. Yet, last December, as some riskier assets including stocks were gaining, the yen was still rising. This defies the usual inverse correlation between currency and stock exchanges.

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JPY - Live Quotes

This table displays live streaming forex rates for the Japanese Yen (JPY) against world currencies such as Eur, USD Dollar and Swiss Franc . The rates table will update automatically as we receive new data into our server, which can be around 10 times per minute. As this is exchange data it may vary from quotes at transfer companies due to spreads and related commissions.

These forex prices are intended only as a guide to what the actual forex market is quoting. Whilst we try to keep our forex data as accurate as possible, it is supplied from 3rd party providers. We hold no reponsiblity for any errors in data which occur. Using this data for trading decisions is done so at your own risk. Data on this page is protected by our terms and conditions of use.

Foreign Exchange - JPY rate

Above are live forex quotes for the price of the Japanese Yen versus other Currencies.

The latest JPY rate is shown in the table crossed against the most popular currencies, a selection of which include the Euro, U. S Dollar, Swiss Franc and Japanese Yen. Clicking on any ticker in the above table will bring you to the detailed rate page which includes a live chart for the cross pair and news.

Live Currency Rates

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The second largest economy in the world behind the United States is Japan. The starting point for understanding the fundamentals of the Yen is Japan’s economic history. First of all, the Japanese economy, in contrast with the United States, has few natural resources. Due to this fact, Japan had a large military force prior to World War II, which it used to occupy Korea, Taiwan, and parts of China. This was seen by the country as necessary, due to the vulnerable position that its lack of natural resources would have otherwise put it into.

World War II set the country back considerably in economic terms however with approximately 40% of its industrial plants and infrastructure being destroyed. Thankfully this actually turned out to have a silver lining for the Japanese Economy. Due to the fact that so much of their infrastructure had been destroyed, this provided the Japanese with the opportunity to significantly upgrade it, which gave them an edge over other economies from the victor states as they had much older factories.

Following World War II Japan was occupied by the United States, which led to the development of a democratic nation that was dominated by industry, rather than the military. The Japanese focused on rebuilding their industries rather than focusing on the military and as a result they were able to not only match their pre war production levels by 1950, but actually surpass them. Japan proved very competitive on the international stage in the following decades, and its economic growth in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s was incredibly impressive.

The quality of Japanese products and services has remained very high since the 80’s, however Japan’s economy was disrupted in the early 1990’s, which led to the busting of one of the most famous asset price bubbles in history.

Japanese Saving Rates

The Japanese population had one of the highest savings rates in the world in the following decades after World War II. This meant that there was more money available for investment, which in turn made access to credit a lot easier than it had been before. Due to Japan’s economy being an export oriented economy, this caused the value of the currency to rise dramatically during this period. Through a combination of a strong economy, easy access to credit, and a strengthening currency Japanese assets became very attractive to investors.

As its economy continued to grow, and newly wealthy Japanese saved more and more money, much of that capital was invested into the stock and real estate markets. As evidenced by the chart below, the stock market grew exponentially throughout the 1980s, almost quadrupling in value in 5 years. According to wikipedia. org, in some of the most expensive districts, real estate prices reached levels as high as $139,000 per square foot.

Both the stock and real estate markets declined slowly and continuously from the highs reached in 1990 and did not bottom out until 2003, from a top of approximately 39,000 to a bottom of around 7600. The decline was so dramatic in some cases that some of the most expensive commercial real estate properties stood at 1/100th of their pre bubble bursting peak, and $20 Trillion in wealth had been wiped out in the stock and real estate markets.

In an attempt to reign in speculation which was driving stock and real estate prices to incredibly high levels, in 1989 the Bank of Japan (BOJ) started raising interest rates, and the government introduced limits on total bank lending to the real estate sector.

While the aim of the central bank was to simply take the foot of the gas and tap the breaks, unfortunately the market’s reaction was dramatic, and resulted in a stock market and real estate crash starting in 1990. The effects of decline in real estate and stock market prices started a chain reaction, which reverberated throughout the economy and whole Japanese financial system.

First of all, the most important aspect to understand here is that the economic slowdown, in combination with dramatic falls in the stock and real estate markets, led the financial position of Japanese banks to rapidly depreciate.

Japanese bank loans which utilized the land they on which the loan was being taken out on as collateral, caused much of the speculation that was pushing real estate prices so high. Due to the fact that the quality of the loan was linked to the value of the real estate backing that loan, as real estate prices dropped, so did the quality of the bank’s loan portfolios. Second of all, in Japan large institutions such as banks cooperate with one another, and as a result of this, hold large quantities of each other’s stock. Stock holdings are an asset for the banks and are included in the bank’s capital numbers, which define how financially sound a bank’s balance sheet is. When the value of these stock holdings tumbled lower, so too did the bank’s capital position, which added more pressure on the stability of the individual banks in Japan, and the Japanese Banking System as a whole.

Finally, as the economy slowed as a result of all this, the individuals and corporations who had taken loans began to struggle to make their payments, further weakening the quality of the bank’s loans, and stability of the banking system.

It is a common argument, in part due to weak corporate governance, that Japanese banks did little to adjust to the financial difficulties that they faced, instead preferring to wait for stock and real estate prices to move back in their favor towards their pre bubble bursting levels. The government also did little to tackle the problem until 1995, when it became obvious that if the government did not intervene then there would be massive bank failures.

This history is important for two reasons to us as traders

Reforms of the Japanese financial system designed to return stability are still continuing today, and it is these financial and structural reforms that are examined closely by traders when determining the fundamental direction of the Japanese Economy.

Deflation (i. e. a decrease in prices) towards the end of the 1990’s was a result of a drop in consumer spending by Japanese consumers, many of whom had lost large sums of money in the real estate and stock markets.

Japan Intervening on the Forex Rates of the Yen

It is argued that the Bank of Japan took too long to take any action to rectify the economic weakness, but they did eventually respond by cutting interest rates from over 8% in 1990 to as low as zero percent in 1999. While Japanese interest rates have increased since then, they are still easily the lowest of any of the major economies and currently stand at only 0.25%. Due to this fact, the cost of borrowing Japanese Yen is very low, which has led to it becoming the primary funding currency for carry trades, a subject which we covered earlier in this course. It is difficult to completely understand and predict movements in the Japanese Yen, without fully understanding the concept of the carry trade, so it would be advisable to review this subject again if you are not completely comfortable with it.

As stated previously, Japan has very limited natural resources of their own, which means that they are an economy that depends on imports of natural resources such as oil. This is something that should be taken into account when trading the currency, because as Japan imports almost 100% of its oil from overseas, any increase or decrease in the price of oil will generally have an effect on the value of the Yen.

Another thing that it is important to bear in mind is that the Japanese economy is extremely reliant on exports such as cars and electronics for growth in their economy. Due to this fact, the value of Japan’s currency is an even more key factor in their economic growth compared to countries that are not so reliant on exports to drive domestic growth. As we covered when discussing trade flows, a stronger Yen will translate as Japanese goods and services being more expensive for overseas consumers, which will harm Japanese exports.

To prevent the Yen from rising to the point where it would be harmful to the Japanese economy, the Bank of Japan has been known to intervene in the foreign exchange markets, which can result in the Yen value falling dramatically.


Live and Historical EUR/JPY Rates

The chart above compares the euro against the yen of Japan - how many yen will purchase one euro. The euro is a major currency used in much of international trade as is the yen. However, when considered together as EUR/JPY, they form neither a major pair nor a commodities pair.

The Euro

The euro is the currency for almost all the nations of the European Union (EU). (The United Kingdom and Switzerland are notable holdouts). In addition, the currencies of 23 other nations are pegged to EUR. EUR is the second most traded currency in the world. Such expansive influence makes it hard to believe that EUR has only been in play since 1999. Naturally, the market strength of the euro is strongly impacted by the major industries of the countries that make up the Eurozone. These industries include tourism, manufacturing, and agriculture. Though widely used, questions remain about the staying power of he euro, in part because of weakening economies in some EU nations (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain).

The Japanese Yen

The Japanese yen is a widely traded currency in the world market and it ranks as the fifth most popular reserve currency. The Bank of Japan exercises its governing power over the value of JPY and has kept interest rates low in the decades following 1990. This was an attempt to grow the value of JPY. As a result, JPY became more popular with investors as a carry currency, causing the yen's value to drop. When used in a currency pairing, the pip moves from its usual fourth place (.0001) to the second place (.01) after the decimal.

EURJPY Analysis

The greatest value flows between EUR/JPY through their common trading partner-the US. As such, the best foundation for evaluating the pair is through their pairing with USD. Both are large currencies and relatively stable in their value. Both countries also have relatively similar industries, with Japan having a greater dependence on manufacturing, and Europe more involved in finance. At times, this pair may be a effective for carry trading. But the best opportunities for profit usually arise from some type of change against the value of USD.

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Japanese Yen Exchange Rate

Countries using the ISO 4217 Currency Code JPY: Money Transfer To Japan.

Whether you are going on holiday and after travel money rates or looking to carry out Japanese Yen exchange . Vale la pena mantenerse informado. Exchange rates fluctuate constantly and this page allows you to not only check the latest exchange rates Japanese Yen today, but also the Japanese Yen exchange rate history in more detail.

The currency code for Japanese Yen is JPY .

Japanese Yen Exchange Rate Full Table (JPY):

Updated: 28/03/16 09:49

in Japanese Yen

Updated: 28/03/16 09:49

in Japanese Yen

Updated: 28/03/16 09:49

in Japanese Yen

Updated: 28/03/16 09:49

in Japanese Yen

Updated: 28/03/16 09:49

in Japanese Yen

Latest JPY News From Exchange Rates Blog

The USD to JPY conversion rate chart remained in the consolidation pattern last week, with the bias to stay neutral this weekThis week's US dollar to yen exchange rate forecast news roundup with leading USD/JPY foreign exchange.

A Crash Course in Trading the Japanese Yen

By forexnews on Jul 8, 2011 04:03:05 GMT

When I first came over from the stock market to currencies, let’s just say I needed a lot of help. I didn’t know the first thing about trading currencies.

So I needed something that would give a “stock guy” an edge in the currency market.

After a little digging and some testing, I found a strategy that has worked for me for over a decade now. This strategy helped jumpstart my career in the currency world.

Even better, this strategy helped me overcome the hesitations some traders have about trading the confusing “odd currency pairs” that involve the Japanese yen.

Right now, the stars are aligning that will make this Japanese yen strategy even more profitable than usual.

To put this technique to work for yourself, you have to know a few things aboutJapan’s economy first. Let me explain…

The Secret to Trading the Japanese Yen

As a trader, the first thing you need to know is Japan is a major exporter. Some of the more famous Japanese exports include Toyotas, Hondas, Nissans, and Sony electronics.

As a major exporter, Japan’s overall stock market does well whenever Japanese companies sell lots of cars, electronics, cameras, etc. On the flipside, stocks tend to slump when these companies are selling less.

The cost of these goods determines how much these exporters sell on a daily basis. But the cost is a bit relative – it’s really how foreigners perceive the cost.

Much of this boils down to exchange rates. In other words, if the Japanese yen seems cheap compared to your home currency, then Japanese goods seem cheap because your money goes a long way in buying Japanese goods.

However if the yen is strong, then these goods appear to be very expensive. As a foreign buyer, you’re likely to buy less.

This is why the Japanese yen and Japan’s Nikkei Stock Index have an inverse correlation to each other. When the Japanese stocks drop in value, the yen tends to rise against the dollar and vice versa.

We are seeing this exact set-up right now in Japan. As you can see below, the Nikkei just broke out higher. That means now is the time to be shorting the yen pairs. Check it out below.

Japanese Stocks Break Higher…So the Yen is Starting to Fall Again

To make this even simpler, the Japanese yen tends to be listed second in currency pairs. For instance, if you trade the dollar vs. the yen, you use the symbol USD/JPY. The euro vs. the yen is EUR/JPY, and the Aussie dollar vs. the yen is AUD/JPY.

Therefore, as the yen goes down, it pushes these pairs up. That means as the Nikkei goes up these pairs will tend to rise overall too!

As I mentioned, I first caught on to this stock/currency correlation as a young currency trader. Ever since, it’s been much easier to trade the Japanese yen pairs.

You can see how this correlation is working below. As Japanese stocks fall, the Aussie dollar is dropping at the exact same time compared to the Japanese yen. In other words, the yen is rising in value against the Aussie as Japanese stocks fall. Take a look…

This tip can take you a long ways in your currency trading before you know anything about the macro economics of any of these nations.

You really don’t have to know too much about currency trading to pick up on this correlation. You just need to recognize that when Japanese stocks pick up steam and trend higher the Japanese yen is likely to fall.

That’s all you need to know in order to profit!

Here’s Why NOW is the Best Time to Get Started

I’ve found this to be an easy “bridge” to help beginning traders get started in the currency market.

Right now is truly the best time to try this out for yourself.

With Japan’s disasters earlier this year, they have never had more incentive to help their economy recover. As they are pushing for a recovery, Japanese stocks should rise once again.

Also, central bankers are still on the warpath about the incredibly strong Japanese yen. Back in March, several central banks in the G-7 (including the Fed) coordinated a massive intervention to push down the yen’s value.

So far, it has not succeeded, but they are likely to keep at it. Eventually, I see these central bankers dragging the yen’s price lower.

All of these dynamics make NOW a great time to check out this simple strategy.

There are so many “yen pairs” out there to choose from that you’ll have plenty to trade just off of this one tip alone.

Bottom line: With the Nikkei breaking higher, it looks like its open season to short the Japanese yen pairs. But going forward, just watching Japanese stocks can easily tell you where the yen is headed next.

Have a Nice Day!

PD While I have my eye on Japan, my colleague Bob Bauman is watching where millions of Americans are retiring overseas. In his latest report, Bob reveals why 800,000 Americans have quietly disappeared over the past four years – and where they are going to protect their freedom, their purchasing power and their wealth. Click here for the full story.

Recent posts by forexnews

Important Notes:

Description: The Yen Plan is a step by step daily trading plan to trade the Japanese yen (margin trading). Price: Costs $50.00 per day regardless of the result.

* Wherever a Buy or a Sell is mentioned in The Yen Plan, it means Sell or Buy the US dollar. Example: if we Buy the yen at 100.00 and at the end of the day it goes to 99.00 then we make a profit. * If you are trading yen futures you should do what The Plan states at the equivalent of that spot price in the futures rate. One simple way to do that is by monitoring the spot and the futures rate at the same time, and once the spot price indicated in The Plan is hit, place your order in the futures market. Use the same strategy to exit according to the General Rules below. For example: if The Yen Plan suggests Buy yen (sell dollar) and the yen goes from 100.00 to 99.00 in the spot rate (Forex) you make a 100 points in profit. At the same time the yen futures price may go from 0.010000 to 0.010101 making about 101 points in profit. In such futures scenario you want to Buy the yen (sell dollar) as well.

General Rules to follow while trading according to The Plan (yen and euro):

Rule #1. (exit rule based on time) The Plan is sent a little after 01:00 a. m. California Time - Pacific Time. All open positions must be liquidated by 23:59 Monday through Thursday and at noon on Friday. Rule #2. No hedging (having Buy and Sell positions open at the same time). Rule #3. The trading account recommended to apply The Yen Plan is $25k ($50k would be great). This may vary depending on margin requirement. Visit account size page for details. Rule #4. If a target price from the Targets List is hit exactly, or plus or minus up to three points a. k.a. Target Zone (TZ) look at the hourly chart. If the price continues not to break that TZ during the next hourly bar, then take the profit (or loss) on the opening of the following hour a. k.a. Potential Exit Hour (PEH) on one condition. See the F A Qs page for exit strategy. Rule #5. A change in the interest rates, banks' interventions, major political and economic events, and acts of war may have an adverse effect on The Plan. Rule #6. You must use the same data feed I use in order to apply The Plan correctly. Visit the charts page to get the needed information. If you need to find out what time it is now in Pacific Time go to:

Japan's Currency: How To Invest In and Buy Japanese Yen

By Justin Kuepper. International Investing Expert

Justin Kuepper is a financial journalist and private investor with over 15 years of experience in the domestic and international markets. Lee mas

Updated February 26, 2016.

Japan's economy is the third largest in the world, after the U. S. and Chinese economies, with nominal gross domestic product of about $4.21 trillion in 2015. But, the country's status as the world's largest creditor, rather than its economic prowess, has given its currency - the Japanese yen - a safe-haven reputation in the marketplace. As a result, the Japanese yen has become the third most traded currency in the foreign exchange market after the U. S.

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dollar and the euro.

During the eurozone's sovereign debt crisis. the Japanese yen appreciated significantly in value as one of the few safe-haven currencies, particularly after the Swiss franc was pegged to the euro's valuation to prevent further appreciation. The Japanese yen has also been a popular carry trade in the past, due to its low interest rates that made it cheap to borrow. While the currency lost some of this clout in 2015 and 2016, the currency plays a vital role in the lives of many international investors.

Safe-Havens, Carry Trades & Hedges

The Japanese yen has been historically popular amongst international investors as a safe-haven, carry trade and currency hedge. Since the early 2000s, investors had begun borrowing Japanese yen given the Bank of Japan's very low interest rates. The funds from these borrowings were then lent out in other currencies, like the U. S. dollar at a higher interest rate. By 2007, some estimates pegged the Japanese yen carry trade at around US$1 trillion in size, before unwinding.

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Between 2008 and 2012, the Japanese yen became a desirable safe-haven investment for international currency traders, given the country's creditor status. These activities drove up the yen's valuation versus other currencies and hurt its export sector considerably. In 2013, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was elected on the promise to reduce the Japanese yen's valuation through quantitative easing and other measures, which helped bring down the valuation.

Throughout all of these periods, the Japanese yen was also used as a currency hedge. given Japan's status as an investment destination. International investors based in the U. S. could offset the currency effects, gains or losses, in the volatile Japanese yen by purchasing long or short Japanese yen funds or buying directly in the spot foreign exchange market.

Investing in Japanese Yen with ETFs

The easiest way for international investors to gain exposure to the Japanese yen is using exchange-traded funds ("ETFs"). Using a variety of derivatives like currency swaps, these funds attempt to mimic the price of the Japanese yen versus either the U. S. dollar or a basket of international currencies. Some funds also offer leveraged or short-selling options that enable investors to capitalize on the Japanese yen's movement in a variety of ways.

The two most popular Japanese yen ETFs include:

ProShares UltraShort Yen (YCS) - YCS seeks daily investment results that correspond to two-times the inverse (-2x) of the daily performance of the U. S. dollar price of yen, with a 0.95% expense ratio and approximately $425 million in total assets, as of March 2013.

CurrencyShares Japanese Yen Trust (FXY) - FXY is designed to track the price of the Japanese yen by holding Japanese yen in deposit with the share price reflecting the price in U. S. dollars of the Japanese yen, with a 0.40% expense ratio and approximately $215 million in total assets, as of March 2013.

Buying & Selling Yen in the Forex Market

The spot foreign exchange ("forex") market offers another option for traders looking to buy or sell Japanese yen. By using one currency to buy another currency in a highly leveraged (e. g. 50:1 or more) situation, traders can realize a profit when the currency purchased increases in value relative to the currency used to make the purchase. The Japanese yen is most commonly traded against the U. S. dollar in a currency pair known as USD/JPY.

But before trading in these markets, international investors should be aware that the leverage involved often involves a greater amount of risk. These trades are also typically placed in specialized forex broker accounts that may differ from existing stock brokerage accounts.

JPY (Japanese Yen) ETF List

Japanese Yen ETFs allow investors to gain exposure to the JPY (Japanese Yen) currency, without the need for complicated foreign exchange (forex) accounts.

Click on the tabs below to see more information on JPY (Japanese Yen) ETFs, including historical performance, dividends, holdings, expense ratios, technical indicators, analysts reports and more. Click on an ETF ticker or name to go to its detail page, for in-depth news, financial data and graphs. By default the list is ordered by descending total market capitalization. Note that ETFs are usually tagged by ETFdb analysts as more than one type; for example, an inverse gold ETF may be tagged as “inverse” and as “gold” and as “commodity”.

Note that the table below may include leveraged and inverse ETFs. Exclude Leveraged and Inverse ETFs

ETF Resumen

This is a list of all JPY (Japanese Yen) ETFs traded in the USA which are currently tagged by ETF Database. Tenga en cuenta que la lista no puede contener ETF recién emitidos. Si está buscando una forma más sencilla de navegar y comparar ETFs, puede visitar nuestras Categorías ETFdb. Que categorizan cada ETF en un solo & # 8220; mejor ajuste & # 8221; categoría.

& # 42; Activos en miles de dólares estadounidenses. Assets and Average Volume as of 2016-03-24 20:16:06 UTC

Devoluciones ETF

This page includes historical return information for all JPY (Japanese Yen) ETFs listed on U. S. exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database.

Gastos de la ETF

The following table includes expense data and other descriptive information for all JPY (Japanese Yen) ETFs listed on U. S. exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database. In addition to expense ratio and issuer information, this table displays platforms that offer commission-free trading for certain ETFs.

Clicking on any of the links in the table below will provide additional descriptive and quantitative information on JPY (Japanese Yen) ETFs.

Dividendos de la ETF

This page includes historical dividend information for all JPY (Japanese Yen) ETFs listed on U. S. exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database. Tenga en cuenta que ciertas ETPs no pueden hacer pagos de dividendos, y como tal, parte de la información a continuación puede no ser significativa.

ETF Holdings

The table below includes basic holdings data for all U. S. listed JPY (Japanese Yen) ETFs that are currently tagged by ETF Database. El siguiente cuadro incluye el número de tenencias para cada ETF y el porcentaje de activos que componen los diez activos principales, si corresponde. Para obtener información más detallada sobre las tenencias de cualquier ETF. Haga clic en el enlace de la columna de la derecha.

Tasas de impuestos ETF

The following table includes certain tax information for all JPY (Japanese Yen) ETFs listed on U. S. exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database, including applicable short-term and long-term capital gains rates and the tax form on which gains or losses in each ETF will be reported.

Técnicos de la ETF

This page contains certain technical information for all JPY (Japanese Yen) ETFs that are listed on U. S. exchanges and tracked by ETF Database. Tenga en cuenta que la tabla siguiente sólo incluye indicadores técnicos limitados; Haga clic en el & # 8220; Ver & # 8221; En la columna de la derecha para cada ETF para ver una pantalla ampliada de los técnicos del producto.

ETF Analysis

This page provides links to various analysis for all JPY (Japanese Yen) ETFs that are listed on U. S. exchanges and tracked by ETF Database. Los enlaces en la tabla siguiente le guiarán a varios recursos analíticos para el ETF relevante. Incluyendo una radiografía de las tenencias, una hoja informativa oficial del fondo, o un informe objetivo del analista.

ETFs: ETFdb Realtime Ratings

This page provides ETFdb Ratings for all JPY (Japanese Yen) ETFs that are listed on U. S. exchanges and tracked by ETF Database. Las ETFdb Ratings son evaluaciones transparentes y basadas en los datos de ETFs en relación con otros productos de la misma ETFdb Category. Como tal, debe tenerse en cuenta que esta página puede incluir ETFs de múltiples Categorías ETFdb.

Forex news that the Bank of Japan would not undertake new measures to weaken the yen continued the currency’s appreciation against the dollar and the euro. The dollar traded at the range of Y78.44 – Y78.60 while the euro fell to Y97 from Y97.46. The yen has strengthened by 1.4% against the dollar over the past month and has also recorded highs against the euro, pressuring the BoJ and the Ministry of Finance to act on weakening the currency.

The BoJ meeting retained the level of its asset-purchase fund at Y70 trillion. Despite concerns over the strong yen causing the country to lose competitiveness, further monetary easing measures are not seen unless the yen continues to appreciate. Policy interest rates were also maintained by the BoJ at the 0.0% to 0.1% range.

Meanwhile, forex news reports from the past month indicate that the Japanese economy may not be as strong as previously believed. Factory output fell for the third straight month, by 0.1% in June from a 3.4% fall in May. The decline was attributed to smaller output in the iron, steel and machinery sectors.  This, in turn, could be due to the slowing US and China economies as well as Europe’s growing sovereign debt crisis. Export figures in June fell by 0.6%, although analysts were unsure as to how much of the decline was attributable to a decline in global demand for Japanese exports and how much due to the strong yen.

Meanwhile, revised second quarter Gross Domestic Product growth rates for the period ending June 30 weakened by 2.1% from the same period last year, better than the 2.2% expected by traders. On a quarterly basis, GDP fell 0.5% during the quarter, which was in line with median forecasts and lower than the 0.3% that was initially reported. The weakening was attributed to companies restraining from capital expenditures due to concerns over weakening global economic growth as well as the appreciating yen.

However, GDP is expected to expand in the third quarter of 2012 following three consecutive quarters where it contracted, due to the quick recovery of the country’s supply chains after the March 11 earthquake as well as increased public reconstruction spending. Japanese forex news revealed last month that the government plans to increase spending on reconstruction projects by Y13 trillion apart from the Y6 trillion already set aside in two supplemental budgets.

Another forex news development that could affect overall market trading was the second major system error of the Tokyo Stock Exchange Group over the past seven months. The error halted derivatives trading for some 95 minutes on August 6, causing share trading volumes to fall and government bonds to drop. Index futures trading were diverted to the smaller Osaka exchange while the Tokyo Exchange was offline. Compounding the error was the lack of backup systems that had previously resulted in the February disruption, which was the biggest shutdown in six years. The system error represents a setback for Tokyo’s bid to become a global equity trading hub, following twenty years of corporate corruption as well as economic stagnation and equity losses.

One Response to Forex News: Japanese Yen Continues to Appreciate Against USD, Euro

Japanese Yen Forex Quotes

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Japanese Yen May Become World’s Strongest Currency in 2016

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 11:03:00 +0400

It is reported that the Japanese Yen may well become the world’s leader in terms of strengthening next year relative to other major currencies. This is the supposition made by Morgan Stanley. JPMorgan Chase experts share this expectation. At the same time, the supposition is backed by the latest report published by Bloomberg.

The thing is, while the Japanese current account surplus is widening, the Bank of Japan cannot influence the Japanese Yen by any means without harming the national economy. Therefore, we can conclude that next year the Japanese economy is going to grow mainly at the expense of higher salaries in the public sector as well as massive structural reforms.

The experts assume that the Japanese Yen may even outpace the U. S. Dollar in terms of the pace of strengthening versus other currencies. Therefore, JPY is also expected to get stronger versus USD. The lost likely USDJPY exchange rate is 115, they say.

Masterforex-V Academy experts say that this scenario is very likely. Chances are, JPY ends up 2016 as one of those major currencies showing the biggest growth rate versus other currencies. It is interesting to note that most of the experts interviewed by Bloomberg expects USDJPY to trade around 110 in late 2016.

As you probably know, the Japanese Yen has been losing its value against the U. S. Dollar over the last 4 years. Over the course, JPY has lost 40% of tis value vs USD. This year, the weakening has slowed down and is reported to be around 3%.

Principales Noticias Forex

The Japanese yen rallied against the euro but fell against some other majors, including the US dollar, today. The currency received some support from risk aversion caused by tensions between Turkey and Russia. Minutes of the Japan’s central bank released today left mixed feelings among analysts.

November 19, 2015 at 12:05 Japanese Yen

The Japanese yen leaped against the US dollar and gained versus other most-traded currencies today (though it was unable to beat the euro) as the Bank of Japan refrained from expanding monetary stimulus. The central bank remained passive even after the nation’s economy has entered technical recession.

November 16, 2015 at 16:51 Japanese Yen

The Japanese yen opened sharply higher due to risk aversion caused by terrorist attacks in France. Yet the currency pared back gains after data released on Monday showed that Japan’s economy slipped into recession.

Japanese Yen Bounces Back in 2015

What Kind of Price Action Did We See?

Forex Review: Japanese Yen Daily Chart

The Japanese yen had a quiet year in terms of major events and economic data from Japan, but it was a positive year against most majors (which happens to be our contrarian pick back at the beginning of 2015 ). It came back against the franc after the early SNB currency peg shock. and it didn’t give up too much ground against the Greenback and Sterling, both of whom had expectations of monetary policy tightening from their respective central banks. Against the euro and the comdolls, it kicked butt harder than Mad Max on Fury Road, rising 8% or more against the group in 2015–a pretty big move in currency land.

Why Did the Yen See Some Gains?

I could make the argument that despite the prolonged weak economic readings. the bullish Bank of Japan rhetoric in May (potentially reducing bond purchases ) was what drew in the buyers, but the main driver was likely the broad risk aversion sentiment that took hold mid-year after a stream of weak Chinese data and equity market collapses. as well as easing actions by the Chinese government and People’s Bank of China throughout 2015. Okay, maybe the positive turn in Japan’s economic data in June may have helped a bit.

With emerging economic data weakening and fear sentiment growing in the second half of the year, forex traders sold out of risk assets and moved back to the “safe havens” like the Japanese yen, disregarding Japanese data and monetary policy. And this was best illustrated when the Bank of Japan finally did make its only perceived easing move in 2015 a couple of weeks ago (lengthen bond maturities and adjusted asset purchases program ), after which yen sellers barely made a dent before buyers took back control.

What’s Next for the Yen?

With Japanese economic data swinging back to the downside and recent risk sentiment on global growth and emerging markets creeping lower, we could see another positive year for the Japanese yen if 2015’s stories continue to hold. Of course, if all of the easy money starts to turn economies around, it could be a different tune for “safe havens” in 2016. What do you think?

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Forex Trading: The Weak Japanese Yen and Exports

Exports are the crux of the Japanese economy. The Japanese economy depends on exports, exporting to the United States, China, South Korea, Europe, and other nations.

A strong currency makes exports very pricey for overseas buyers. Having an export-based economy, Japan desires the Japanese Yen to be weak. Japan manufacturers long for a weaker Yen so, theoretically they can sell more goods.

Shinzo Abe has returned to the Prime Minister position and is looking to weaken the Yen exponentially.

O’Neill, chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management in London England said “If the BOJ starts to treat inflation targeting as a genuine target and not a goal, then it is very important and could result in notable yen weakness,”. He also said, “The yen has been unjustifiably overvalued since the Lehman collapse,”.

The Lehman Brothers collapse was like the Pearl Harbor event of the recent 2008 financial crises. O’Neill predicts the USDJPY will reach between 100 and 112 in 2013. (WSJ blog )

This is the monthly USDJPY chart dating back to the 1990’s. As new policies at implemented, Forex Trading will continue to be interesting for the USD/JPY.

In the coming months, and possibly even more in April once the current BOJ governor is replaced, Japan could be intentionally targeting inflation at a large scale.

The Japanese economy has shrank almost 10 percent in the years since Abe lost his position as prime minister. (Bloomberg ) In the coming years with government trying to weaken the Yen. there could be a turn around for the Japanese Economy, or quite the opposite. The Japanese Yen’s Weakness in the Forex market is a critical thing to keep your eyes on.

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Descargo de responsabilidad: Trading forex en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

USDJPY – Japanese Yen To Continue Gaining Traction?

The Japanese Yen enjoyed a decent run during this the past session against the US Dollar. The main reason for the rise of the yen was increase in demand of safe havens. There was a high risk news that hit the wires recently about the terror attack in Brussels. According to the news reports, more than 28 people were killed and many were injured in attacks at Brussels international airport and a city metro station.

The Japanese yen rose against most its peers including the US Dollar. Let us see how we can trade the USDJPY pair in the near term. As, I kept saying the USDJPY pair is in a downtrend, and it won’t be easy for the bulls to make a recovery.

The weekly chart of USDJPY looks bearish and there is a chance of more losses moving ahead. The pair might even test the 200 simple moving average on the weekly chart.

So, I think it’s best to look for a sell trade in the short term. Looking at the hourly chart, the pair is currently making an attempt to correct higher and could present us a sell trade. Let’s see how.

W1 – The weekly chart, which shows the downtrend in the USDJPY pair and a possible down move towards the 110.00-108.00 levels moving ahead.

H1 – The hourly chart of the USDJPY pair shows that the pair is currently attempting to correct higher. However, it could complete the current correction cycle in two waves, and it then we should look for a sell trade. So, if the pair continues to move higher, completes a cycle in two waves as shown in the chart, breaks a support trend line formed and closes below it, then we can a sell trade once the pair retests the same trend line.

Remember, the pair may create a couple of false breaks, so we need to be patient and wait for the right time to enter a trade and not rush.

Stop Loss . 15 pips + last high created before entering a trade.

Fundamental events recap and Economic news to watch out

The news which impacted the market most was attack at Brussels international airport and a city metro station. It ignited volatility in a silent market earlier. However, the market seems to be settled now, and could continue in a normal way moving ahead.

In the US so far, the MBA Mortgage Applications, which presents various mortgage applications were reported by the Mortgage Bankers Association. The outcome was not eye-catching or the one which could impact the US Dollar to some extent.

There was a decline of 3.3% in applications as reported by the Mortgage Bankers Association, which was similar to the last reading. Overall, there were a few moves noted in the US Dollar during the start of the NY session.

Let us see whether the USDJPY pair can form the structure we want to enter a sell trade in the short term.

Good Luck with trading today traders!

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USD JPY – An Overview of USD JPY Currency Pair

Currency trading is also popular by many other commonly used terms. Say, for example currency trading is also acknowledged as Forex trading, Fx Trading, currency pair trading and so on. This platform aids investors to assess and compare favorable and unfavorable features, ups and downs of various economies of the world and buy and sell currencies that belong to the economies depending on their suitability, in terms of familiarity, timing, knowledge, analyses, understanding, and in-depth study of the market.

Trader trades (buys and/or sells) currency pairs with an objective of earning profits from the difference in rates at different times under different economic conditions and situations. The main aim of Forex trading irrespective of pair the investor is trading – is to find out which country’s economy is likely to outperform another, and based on this analyses one’s decision to enter and exit trades with a view to earn profits from the movement of currencies.

This feature is all about USD JPY currency pair where we shall learn various aspects and angles of trading exclusively focused on USD JPY currency pair. We will try and cover every aspect of the pair, as comprehensively, independently, & interdependently as we can to help our readers who happen to be traders, gain an insight into this business of USD JPY trading.

The feature will hopefully help them gain and sharpen their skills give him/her an edge as a trader. We intend to cover everything from primary to advanced lessons a trader needs to learn which will help him to become an expert at trading USD JPY pair.

So let us start with the most basic and yet most important of all lessons – what does USD JPY or Dollar/ Yen mean.

When we say USD JPY this currency pair formula can be translated into sentence form like this – no. of Japanese yen a trader will require spend to be able to buy one U. S. dollar. From the other angle, if one dollar is sold against Japanese yen how many Japanese Yen the dollar seller will receive.

Trading the USD JPY currency pair in the trader’s circle is also known as trading the gopher. USD which appears in the beginning of the currency set is called the base currency and JPY which appears later in the pair is called the counter or quote currency.

Some economists and experts have made some critical observations from the Bank for International Settlements survey. They have released a report as per which the USD JPY currency pair with 17% of total daily volume is the second highest traded currency pairs amongst the major pairs.

The value of the USD JPY pair is quoted in the following manner – 1 U. S. dollar equals ’n’ number of Japanese yen. Suppose this pair happens to be priced at 76.80 it is translated for a layman as – that an investor or trader will have to shell out 76.80 yen if She/he wants to purchase 1 U. S. dollar.

The USD JPY exchange rate fluctuates or is triggered by causes that either put worth of the United States dollar under some kind of economic pressure or the Japanese yen, independently or in association with each other, as well as to other currencies. If any / either or both economies face any crises or upsurge due to any reason, then the currency will get to experience a blow and the exchange rate as a result are bound to show some swaying or movement.

It is because of this reason that the interest rate disparity between the Federal Reserve (Fed) and the Bank of Japan (BoJ) shows an impact on the value of these currencies when compared with each other.

An example – when the Federal Reserve takes some kind of step, new initiative or intervenes in the open market operations with an objective of strengthening the power of U. S. dollar, the worth of the USD JPY cross is likely to increase, as a result of strengthening of the U. S. dollar especially when the same is compared to yen.

Traders also need to keep the currency pairs correlation in mind. USD JPY, USD/CHF and USD/CAD share a positive, and favorable correlation with each other, because of the fact that in both these pairs, Dollar which is the official tender belonging to US is the base denomination of the currency pair.

USD JPY Currency Pair – An Overview:

The USD JPY Currency pair exch. rate as explained in the beginning is the price of one U. S. dollar known as the base currency in relation to Japanese yen, known as the quote currency. When a bid/ask quote of USD JPY is at 89.29/89.32. it signifies that a trader can buy one U. S. dollar for 89.32 yen and can likewise sell one U. S. dollar at 89.29 yen.

Now if traders or analysts expect that the U. S. dollar may appreciate against the yen, then the quote might look like this – 89.73/89.76. The strategy a trader should implement in this case would be to buy USD JPY. But on the contrary if trader is expecting the USD to depreciate against the yen, then the quote might fall to 88.68/88.71 and the favorable strategy for traders would be to sell USD JPY.

The weekly published report concerning jobless claims customarily calls for disturbance and upheaval in the currency markets, as it is indicative of the monthly Non-Farm Payrolls, the forex trading king.

Understanding Japanese Yen:

Yen is the legally circulated Japanese tender, third most widely traded following Currencies of USA and Europe – the USD and EUR. It is also one of the reserve currencies positioned after USD, EUR, and Pound Sterling. The word yen signifies round object.

So there are several important features that are attached to the Japanese yen. It’s third highest traded currency, it’s a reserve currency, & it’s amongst the stronger and more stable lot of currencies in the Forex trading arena.

Besides that Japan also happens to be common target when it comes to the short side of what is technically known as carry trades. The reason for this is that the country for around a decade has maintained low interest rates.

Japan as an economy is famous for quite a receptive country when it comes to fluctuations and movement in prices that take place in oil segment because of the fact that the country uses significant amount of oil and hardly has any of its own resources, almost negligible that it can call not bought or its own.

What makes Japan’s economy a strong combination is that it is the 3rd hugest market in the global rink and boasts of trade surplus that stands at 2nd position.

Then what makes the economy invariably shake is the weekly report on jobless claims publication, since it is indicative of the monthly Non-Farm Payrolls.

The traders, who are following the economic announcements coming out of Japan, should ensure that they also follow Bank of Japan’s overnight call rate, The Tankan Manufacturing Index, Preliminary gross domestic product (GDP), & Tokyo core CPI.

From 1931 onwards Japan gradually started to shift from the gold standard system to the managed currency system. Determining factor of Yen’s worth includes Foreign Exchange Market – which is largely governed by economic forces of demand and supply. Yen’s supply is based on the willingness of Yen Holders to hold on to the currency while the demand is based on people from other countries to buy goods and services of Japan or their keenness and willingness in investing in Japan.

Understanding Exchange Rate In Relation to forex Market:

Exchange rate is the rate against which one country’s currency is exchanged for another. These rates are primarily governed by the forces of supply and demand.

If it is understood that the over all demand for Yen in the monetary as well as Forex market is above that of US dollars, in this kind of economic scenario the worth of the yen will but shoot in upward direction and will show a rise. This situation is most likely to arise when an American company places order for Japanese goods and intends to pay it in their currency which is Jap Yen.

Another important tip about Japanese yen is about the values of these currencies which hold relevant till the 4th decimal place.

For Stock Traders Eyeing the Currency Market:

When traders from the stock market shift from commodity or stock market to currencies or try their hands at forex trading they ideally need quite a lot of help. In this section of report we shall discuss everything a trader needs to know about Japanese Yen before he finally trades the USD JPY pair in real market.

Before we start discussion about the currency trading lets understand why Forex trading is not as talked about or popular as stock trading .

In spite of the fact that Forex involves such high trading volume and plays such a crucial role globally, forex market is hardly in the media limelight unlike stock trading which is making some or the other kind of headline everyday. The main reason for this is that this method of trading forex is less noticeable as compared to Stock Exchange. However, for past few years trading forex has become much more visible and bigger.

Times are undergoing a change at a very fast pace – it would note be an exaggeration to say with each passing quarter, some prominent and positive sign is noticed that points towards increasing interest of investors in Forex Market.

Currency or Forex Market is beginning to making its way into the mind of the general public which is clearly visible because increasing number of traders are getting attached with forex market’s inbuilt profitability & its ability to supervise and manage risk. Another feature that is driving traders to forex trading is the absence of geographic boundaries and an active market some part of which is open for everyone round the clock.

Japanese Yen – JPY:

It’s time to return to our topic of core discussion which is the Japanese Yen. After reading this report, giving information some time to fall in place, a little digging, and some trial and error on demo account albeit – traders will sure be able to devise strategies on their own that will work for them. Information will help both types of traders – whether it’s the new kids on the block or an experienced lot familiar with advanced tools and trading strategies .

The strategies traders will be able to develop after reading and absorbing the information here is sure to help their Forex trading career look hopeful and bright. More importantly the strategies and clues in this section may also do their bit to help the traders overcome the hesitations they may be feeling about trading the confusing “out of sync currency pairs” that involves the Japanese yen. We do hope our effort pays off and things do look up, especially for traders whose main concentration is on trading USD JPY pair and to some extent also other currency pairs where JPY is one of the currencies.

Understanding Japan’s Economy before Understanding JPY:

To understand Japanese Yen Traders will first have to understand the economy of Japan.

As an aspiring trader, the first thing you have to know is that Japan as a country is a big huge exporter. Some well known and world known Japanese exports comprise automobile brands Toyotas, Hondas, Nissans, and not to forget a household name across the world – Sony electronics.

As Japan is a big time exporter – its overall stock market scene always looks bright and also manages to perform extremely well in the areas where Japanese companies are selling lots of cars, electronics, cameras, etc. On the other hand reverse reflection is immediately noticeable when sale of these companies’ hits the bottom for these goods and services.

The rate of such items helps to identify how much the exporters manage to put on the market for sale on a regular day to day basis. But the cost aspect is slightly relative – it’s actually how foreign recognizes the cost.

Majority of all this at the end of the day reflects on rates of exchange. If the JPY looks priced lower when compared to a trader’s own country’s currency, then Japanese items will have a tendency to give an impression of being low cost because the trader’s home currency will help him do favorable buying of Japanese merchandise.

On the other hand if the yen comes across as a strong currency, then the same goods appear to be dearer, more expensive. As a foreign buyer, the trader is likely to buy less under such circumstances.

The above explanation will help a trader understand clearly as to why the Japanese yen and Nikkei Stock Index shares unfavorable / negative correlation with each other. When Japanese stocks drop in value, the traders witness the yen rising against the dollar and vice versa.

If a trader is trading the dollar vs. the yen, he uses the symbol USD JPY. Likewise if he is trading the Euro vs. the yen, the symbol is EUR/JPY, and if it the Aussie dollar vs. the yen, it is AUD/JPY. The JPY is always listed as second currency in the sequence and this is called the counter currency and another name as commonly used for the same is also quote currency. Therefore, when the yen goes down, it pushes these pairs upwards. In other words when the Nikkei goes up these pairs too will tend to show an overall rise.

Once a trader is clearly able to understand this pattern about stock and/or currency correlation it will become much easier for him or her to trade currency pairs where one of the components is a JPY. Also after getting a hang of this phenomenon, the traders feel more in control and are able to strike faster and smarter moves in the long run.

When traders begin to observe some real time charts, they will understand a lot more clearly as to how when Japanese stocks fall, and how the Aussie dollar drops at the exact same time. Meaning the yen rises in value against the fall of Aussie.

This suggestion from a professional or on accord of his own experience or that of his colleague can make a big difference for a trader and can take him far to make success in Forex trading. And come to think of it, he is not even really required to understand the way international economics of any of these counties works.

As a matter of fact it is not at all mandatory or compulsory for traders to really have thorough inside out knowledge of foreign exchange to capitalize or benefit from of this correlation. Some common sense and logic will take them a long way. What they have to learn is to be able to distinguish that when Japanese scrip shows a favorable growing pattern and continues to improve, the JPY in all likelihood shows a drop. Actually that’s a big part of the story and will prove to be good enough for a trader to strike some winning deals and trades and book profit.

Timing to Trade Pairs Which Have JPY in Them:

Another thing for traders to keep in mind is the timing to get started in the currency market.

When Japanese economy faced disasters, incentive was given for economies to recover. As they started recuperating and were on recovery path, Japanese stocks shot up once again. At that time the central bankers were still on the war footing about the Japanese yen that continued to gains strength.

However they have not succeeded in their attempt to do so, but it doesn’t look like they have any intentions of stopping. As many financial analysts are observing and the efforts will finally pay off yen’s price will be affected adversely.

All of these dynamics make a great moment when a trader can check out this simple strategy. Also there are so many currency pairs with yen being a part of them out there to choose from that traders will have lots to trade just off this one advice.

USD and JPY currency Pair Profile:

The USD JPY is a popular currency pair for traders, actually 2nd most traded amongst majors. The USD JPY comprises the base currency which is the United States Dollar and the quote currency or counter currency which is the Japanese Yen.

USD JPY is a currency pair wherein value of one currency is compared with the value of the other. In other words when we talk about USD JPY currency pair, we are talking about one currency’s merit against the merit of the other currency. If USD JPY quotation reads as 98.75, in simple words it means that it takes 98.75 yen to buy one US dollar. Or one dollar equals 98.75 Japanese Yen.

There are many reasons because of which the exchange rate of this pair can or is likely to fluctuate Some major reasons are ; Interest Rate Differential that may exist between Federal Reserve & the Bank of Japan; Japanese Government Intervention to strengthen Yen may result in the pair taking a hit; increase in oil prices may also affect the pair’s exchange rate.

Trading happens when currencies are compared. The best thing about USD JPY is that the pair can be bought and sold in any economic environment. USD JPY trading is a preferred choice when it comes to reducing of portfolio risk on the part of trader as the pair comes with scope and possibility which enables a trader to profit in rising markets as well as markets going downhill.

The USD JPY is often found to share a similar correlation to those pairs that have USD as their base currency, like USD/CHF and USD/CAD etc. It is absolutely possible to trade USD JPY online and it actually offers typical advantages and edge, which include scope to trade round-the-clock.

Other characteristics associated with USD JPY currency pair are; the average broker spread is very tight resting between two and four pips ; average of everyday range of the pair averages around eighty and ninety pips; as far as the most lucrative and sought after time period when a trader is advised to buy and sell the USD JPY pair is definitely 2400 GMT – 0900 GMT which is Asian session. It’s a politically sensitive pair. Factors affecting USD JPY exchange rate are already mentioned in the above paragraph.

Trading style most recommended for this pair is either Day Trading or Swing Trading. To trade the USD JPY pair, the trader is not really required to be very experienced or a professional. Even a new currency trader can try his hands on this pair. At the same time the pair is also as suitable for experienced and advanced traders.

While trading USD JPY pair, applying Technical Analysis along with analyzing and scrutinizing fundamental news from the Asian zone will help a trader to make better and more informed decision to trade the USD JPY pair. It has been observed that the news and event breakouts are more often true and sustained ones than rumors.

Characteristics of Dollar & Yen – As Individual Currencies & as a Pair:

We shall first discuss USD and JPY as independent currencies before discussing how one impacts the other and finally how a trader can benefit from the movements.

& # 8211; The U. S. Dollar:

The U. S. Dollar or USD is the legal tender belonging to the United States. It is the most traded currency globally and has been reported that it has been part of eighty five percent of total transactions in 2010. Till about ten years back more than Ninety percent of transactions happening across the globe in all markets had US Dollar as one of the currencies.

The dollar is globally acknowledged as safe haven by leading authorizes along with the fact that competing currencies are increasing in number with more and more economies trying to become part of forex market. It’s also a fact that debt of the United States is increasing and becoming alarming, but the supremacy of the dollar yet cannot yet be challenged.

The dollar is amongst the most widely circulated reserve currencies globally. Special mention of China is a must, where foreign currency reserve comprises two and a half trillion United States dollars. The USD is administered and controlled by the Federal Reserve (FED) authority which is responsible for devising their monetary policy related decisions.

& # 8211; YEN (JPY) & the Japanese Economy:

The Yen (JPY) as the name suggests (the Japanese Yen) is the national and legal tender of exchange or currency of Japan. It is at 3rd position when it comes to the currencies which are most voluminously traded on the Forex trading platform followed by United States Dollar and the EUR.

The JPY is treated amongst major currencies which is bought and sold aggressively and in big number in the global currency trading markets. Floating Rate applies to Japanese Yen, which goes on to suggest that the market forces comprising demand & supply determine the value of the JPY.

Japan’s main area of concentration in export markets are counties like United States with 22.8% having share, European Union at 14.5%, South Korea at a little less than eight percent Taiwan at almost seven percent, 6.8 percent to be precise, China at fourteen percent, 14.3 percent to be accurate, and Hong Kong at five and a half percent, or 5.6 percent to be exact. This goes to prove that exports like imports is what most of Japan’s economy is made of. And these include transportation equipment, motor vehicles, and electronics.

Imports include food, machinery, and fossil fuels comprises 20.5% from China, twelve percent from the United States, approximately 10.4 percent from the European Union, 6.5 percent of Saudi Arabia, and 5.5 percent from the UAE and so on.

The JPY is receptive to volatility and spikes in exchange rates for a simple reason that Japan as a country happens to be a big exporter of finished merchandise. The Bank of Japan acts shrewd albeit in the interest of the nation when it comes to maintaining and retaining the position and stability of Yen, as Japan’s economy is highly reliant on exports a great deal which helps them to achieve their growth.

Japan is quite small and also short on natural resources. As a result it imports many of its commodities including metals, energy, and other commodities.

The Yen is known for yielding a very low interest rate because of its slow domestic growth.

It was reported that in the year 2010, nineteen percent of total trading that happened in the forex, Japanese yen was one of the components of the pair either as base currency or as quote currency. Nineteen percent is a reasonably fair share and it is because of this fact that Dollar/Yen currency pair was the second most voluminously bought and sold currency pair comprising fourteen percent of entire dealings during the year 2010.

It is well known that Japan comprises big part of global economic system wherein credit for majority of Japan’s growth goes to its exports. Because of this the Japanese government had implemented a 0 interest rate fiscal guiding principle which could help yen depreciate.

This for a while has been the phenomenon the traders are aware of this USD JPY currency pair angle. The carry trade came to a close against the emergency, which has substantially enhanced the true and rightful worth of JPY vis-à-vis the United States Dollar and some other currencies. Bank of Japan controls and administers the Japanese Yen. Bank of Japan is the institution that is finally accountable for making monetary policy related decisions.

& # 8211; What Impacts the USD JPY currency Pair:

Next let us discuss both currencies as a pair and factors impacting their exchange rate and worth. It will give traders an insight into the pair to help them identify the winning trades.

The USD JPY currency pair is the second most traded currency pair forming about 14% of the total number of trades that happened on the forex platform in the year 2010. If traders would look at charts of past few years, they will notice the volatility of the Dollar USD/ Yen pair in past three years has been about 115 pips.

For quite a few years, the USD JPY pair has been influenced by the trend of the carry trade.

American exchange rates are managed and controlled with the aid of the Federal Reserve have for several years remained high compared to the Japanese rates. As a result, traders sold the yen in a big way to buy the American dollar which was working out to be more profitable proposition.

The USD JPY trader are advised to take note of the fact that as a result of crises, the disparity in interest rate has shrunk significantly, plus the carry trades are also not up to date. And with carry trades being unwounded, the value of Yen has gone up.

Unwinding of carry trades essentially indicates that traders are shifting to safer currency pairs with an aim to protect themselves from suffering financial loss.

This rise in the value of Yen is hardly a good sign for Japanese economy which is so export based. Exporters are hesitant when its time to convert their home currency into Japanese yen in order to make payments for goods exported from Japan. As a result of this economic growth takes a hit.

Traders, new to trading this pair should take a note of the fact that USD JPY pair is quoted in 2 decimal places but sometimes 3 decimals can also be found with some select brokers. The exchange rate of the pair is floating and as a result subject to the law of supply and demand on interbank forex market.

Like other central banks. the Bank of Japan also intervenes from time to time directly on the foreign exchange market to oversee and take control for the benefit of its own currency. As a result of this sometimes traders get to witness significant spikes in both directions along with movements on the pair which is the result of intervention on the part of the BoJ and which depreciates the yen, to ensure there is boost in the selling and supplying out of the country.

& # 8211; Other Key Concerns:

While trading the USD JPY pair there could be several factors within a nation that can significantly impact the currency exchange rates and can question relative importance of each of these currencies.

Traders who are focusing on this pair in live environment should be aware of some of the key fundamentals. Besides government intervention in the exchange rate which is perceived as detrimental to business exports, Japan has frequently experienced natural calamities which alter the economic landscape almost always that it strikes. Traders would remember how earthquake and tsunami led to a nuclear crisis.

Inflation is another factor that should be a crucial concern for forex traders focusing on JPY. Interest Rates are another key concern area for forex traders. It has been kept low in Japan by the central bank in an effort to stimulate economic growth. Low interest rate has attracted investors to take loan from Japan to be able to invest in other countries, which is known as carry trade practice.

Perception or Observation is an important aspect as far as foreign currency traders are concerned. Perception is about how investors will see it and whether these investors or traders will perceive it as stable, safe, and sound currencies especially more so during times of political or economical instability or not.

The USD JPY cross’ total volume of trading is around eighty five percent of total of all cross currency transactions happening globally. This volume makes USD JPY cross highly valued as a leading currency pair. To buy the USD JPY a trader would be expected to study and analyze situation where the US Dollar strengthens against the Japanese Yen. If a trader decides to sell the USD JPY he would be tracking signals concerned pointing at US Dollar getting feeble compared to Jap Yen.

Supply or stream of money, rising cost of living, political standing, Gross Domestic Product, Balance of Trade numbers, and product prices – more so if the country relies on merchandise such as oil in crude form or otherwise, metals, crop growing for its GDP to some extent are some of the issues that will impact favorably or adversely rate of exchange of any currency without exception depending on combination effect all the situations.

As far as USD JPY forex trading accounts goes one thing to note is that they are not biased to either rising or falling markets like shares and stocks which are influenced by up surging prices of stock and where there is short selling to a certain extent only. On the other hand USD JPY forex traders have the opportunity to earn profit in rising as well as falling markets, assuming they have done their homework and understand the realties associated with the market.

Traders also should understand that diversifying their portfolio with USD JPY forex accounts can reduce the volatility of the portfolio, risk and increase the profit potential because low correlation exists between forex to stocks and bonds.

Another thing to remember about USD JPY currency pair is that this pair gives trader the ability to profit in any economic environment.

However as traders trade this currency pair they should also be aware of the risks related with USD JPY forex trading accounts. Market risk is ever-present when we talk about entering into USD/JPY trades. This pair involves quite a lot of risk. USD/JPY trading is carried out in the cash market and not on an exchange. Also, when it comes to USD JPY currency pair, past performance is not indicative of future results. Traders should ensure that they use only the risk capital to enter into or invest in USD JPY trading.

Trading Japanese Yen (JPY):

For past few years the Japanese Yen’s popularity has seen encouraging times especially when we talk about and compare this currency with the U. S. Dollar. What has given Yen this standing is Japan’s traditionally conformist and steady economy, along with one of the organized and methodical banking constitution worldwide. Yen undoubtedly is a currency in demand.

Yen is accepted as a benchmark for protection in this unpredictable and volatile economic environment across the globe in case of Currency Trading.

During the mid 80s Dollar was at its peak and almost since then Yen has been rising in its value steadily too. In ‘85 its rate stood at 260 Yen versus the Dollar and went to 89 Yen within a period of around 24 months.

Dollar has dealt with recuperating to an extent versus the Yen, especially because of Japanese economy softening to an extent. However, JPY has experienced an upsurge when compared to the U. S. currency and now stands at around 113 Yen for a Dollar.

Japanese Interest Rates:

It was reportedly that the low interest rates and Prime rate at which lending is happening is near to the figure of half a percent. In spite of the interest rates being so low it does not have an adverse impact on the Yen’s strength because of country’s economy that is growing steadily. Even the favorable trade balance showing against the US, which happens to be Japan’s largest business ally has been responsible to make Yen such a strong and robust world currency that it is.

Stock market disturbance that hit the market recently has also not effected Yens’ value though it has made so many other economies go weak. When we talk about economies getting hit, USA find first place in the list.

Many currencies of European countries, especially the Franc of Belgian, Lira belonging to Italy, Shilling which is Austria’s legal tender, and Peseta of Spain – as they switched from their own currency to EURO during the year 1999 they took the decision to quit 3 and 4 digit currencies. Just like the trading of Dollar/Euro pair requires on the part of the investor to maintain minimum balance; minimum balance in the account is a requirement when it comes to Dollar Yen pair too as it facilitates and enables traders and investors to trade on a margin basis.

"Si crees que puedes, o crees que no puedes, tienes razón." - Henry Ford

I’d like to know your opinion about the JPY and the EUR.

You wrote this article in December 2012, one could buy a Dollar with around 78 JPY by that time. Now people have to pay 120 JPY, 2.5 years later.

Do you think it’s similar to what happens to the EUR at the moment? The EUR was at around 0.86 USD in 2001. And it seems to be the goal of the ECB to devalue the EUR further down to 0.8 (Draghi said something like that in his accouncements) in the coming years. If they introduce negative interest rates by let’s say 2017, do you think we will see carry trades like with the JPY now?

So so summarize my question: Do you think the EUR goes a similar way like the has been doing for years?

I have written an article on this. Please read it and let me know if it can answer your question: http://www. fxkeys. com/is-eurusd-going-lower-where-is-the-next-support-level/

I think my question above is a little bit confusing, now when I read it again…

What I want to know is, is it normal for you (from your experience) that currencies have 50% devaluations every now and then? For example with the JPY 50% down the last 2.5 years and the Euro is doing the same now.

Which source do you recommend for the EUR news from the central bank that influence investors decisions? In another article you wrote the ECB releases something every month on the first Tuesday, if I understood that correctly.

Currencies values go up and down against each other. For example, EUR goes down against USD, but it can still have the same value in Euro countries. I mean you could buy a car for 5000 Eur and still you can do the same while EUR value has dropped against USD.

There are some important factors that alter the currencies values against each other. First, is the interest rate. They can easily lower or higher the currencies value through changing the interest rate. All the other factors are dependent on interest rate. For example the control the inflation (that lowers the currency value in the country) through changing the interest rate too.

It is good to know about all of these. However, as a Forex trader who wants to make money through trading currencies against each other, taking the too strong setups should be your only concern. This makes your life much easier.

Thank you very much, that answers all my questions.

It’s important for me to think about it because of the account currency I’ll chose for the live account later.

Since the EUR in long-term seems to drop below <1 USD, it'd be better to chose USD as the account currency, especially if I want to exchange it to several other currencies. So I'll not lose so much money.

All About The Binaries

Five-Minute Forex Binary Options on the Japanese Yen

Have you ever wondered about trading forex binary options? Today we will take a look at how to trade the USD/JPY currency pair (US Dollar / Japanese Yen) using binaries with a five-minute expiration time-frame. In this example, we will look at forex binary options that were available yesterday, March 22nd, expiring at 8:20 p. m. EST. Five-minute expiration options become available 5 minutes prior to expiration, which in this case was at 8:15 p. m. EST.

A one-minute chart is useful when looking for a 5-minute expiration trade. Two possible strikes are labeled on the chart, 112.25 and 112.31. The red and green lines at those levels show that during the half hour prior to expiration, the USD/JPY currency pair was moving both above and below those strikes. At the time this chart was generated, price was trading right in the middle of that range at around 112.28. Given the fluctuation of this USD/JPY forex pair during that time period, it seemed reasonable to expect that price could possibly move 3 pips in a five-minute time period.

Binary options are offered with various time-frames – within the hour like five-minute options, hourly, daily and weekly. The five-minute binary is the shortest time-frame available. With binary options, you look at the strikes available and simply answer “yes” or “no” as to whether the market will close above or below a certain strike at expiration. These options can be traded from any viewpoint.

The binary options we are using in this example are based on a $100 settlement value at expiration, per contract. When you buy a binary option at the offer, you profit if the underlying price closes above the strike; and your risk is the purchase price, while your potential profit is the difference between the $100 settlement price and the premium.

When you go short on a binary, you believe the underlying market price will close below the binary strike level. When selling a binary option, your profit would be the difference between the trade price sold and zero. Your risk or initial cost is the difference between the trade price and $100.

The image of the strike list shows all of the 5-minute binaries for the USD/JPY available yesterday with an 8:20 p. m. EST expiration. For this example, we have chosen th e second and fourth s trikes on the list.

This trade is entered with a view that the USD/JPY would move 3 pips up or down in five minutes, outside the strikes marked on the chart above. The trader would need to have a direction viewpoint on whether the market would continue the downward swing and go 3 pips lower, or would reverse and head back up 3 pips.

If the market view was that price would settle below the strike of 112.45 at 8:30, you could sell the USD/JPY 112.25 at the bid of $79.00 per contract; this selling amount would be your profit if you are successful. Your risk or initial cost would be the difference between the $100 settlement and $79.00 selling price, or $21.00 per contract.

On the other hand, with a view that price would close above 112.31 at 8:20, you would buy the USD/JPY 112.31 strike at the offer of $23.00 per contract would be your initial cost or trade risk. If price settles above the strike level at expiration, your profit would be $77.00 per contract ($100 settlement – $23.00 purchase price).

Both of these trades have the potential to yield around a 4-to-1 reward-to-risk ratio – you risk around $20 to make around $80 per contract, in just 5 minutes. The amount of risk is clear – with each binary option, you know the exact amount of risk going into the trade. Binaries do not have margin calls and may be exited at any time prior to expiration.

Note: Exchange fees are not included in calculations.

Las operaciones de futuros, opciones y swaps implican riesgos y pueden no ser apropiadas para todos los inversores. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros.

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This currency rates table lets you compare an amount in Japanese Yen to all other currencies. Free realtime forex chart for USDJPY US Dollar / Japanese Yen foreign exchange, including easily-selectable and configurable technical indicators for. Free realtime forex chart for USDJPY US Dollar / Japanese Yen foreign exchange, including easily-selectable and configurable technical indicators for.

Calculate live US Dollar to Japanese Yen foreign exchange rates with this free. FX trade was relatively subdued in N. Y. trade on Wednesday, though the dollar. Latest JPY market news, analysis and Japanese Yen trading forecast from leading DailyFX experts and. DailyFX - Forex Trading Noticias y análisis de mercado. Current exchange rate US DOLLAR USD to JAPANESE YEN JPY including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion chart.

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Current exchange rate US DOLLAR USD to JAPANESE YEN JPY including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion chart. Latest Exchange Rates 1 Malaysian Ringgit = 32.021 Japanese Yen. Exchange rate for converting Malaysian Ringgit to Japanese Yen 1 MYR = 32.02090.

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Latest JPY market news, analysis and Japanese Yen trading forecast from leading DailyFX experts and. DailyFX - Forex Trading Noticias y análisis de mercado. Compare money transfer services, compare exchange rates and commissions for sending money from Malaysia to Japan. Also, view Ringgit to Yen currency.

Weak U. S. data, BOJ outlook push dollar down vs. yen

n">The dollar fell sharply against the yen on Tuesday after the Bank of Japan left interest rates unchanged and weak U. S. retail sales data compounded investors' search for safety as oil tumbled and equity markets globally turned lower.

Six weeks after shocking markets by cutting rates into negative territory, Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda said the central bank would take time to look at the impact, but could move again before the cut had worked its way fully into the economy.

Despite the below-zero interest rate and the possibility of further easing, investors piled into the yen, continuing the Japanese currency's more than 6.5 percent increase since the day after the rates were announced following its January meeting.

"We are obviously in the midst of monetary policy exhaustion," said Tina Byles Williams, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer at FIS Group in Philadelphia. "There's anticipation of a risk-off moment and the yen is the protection against that."

The dollar fell by more than 1 percent against the yen following data that showed U. S. retail sales had fallen less than expected in February, but were reversed sharply downward for January.

It was last down 0.6 percent to 113.12 yen JPY=.

Stocks had been on a rally since taking a beating to start the year. A gauge of global equity markets. MIWD00000PUS rose nearly 5 percent the last two weeks and was up almost 10 percent for the past four. That gain also benefited the dollar, which has moved in concert with risk assets for much of this year.

"We had a nice rally in risk, but now it's starting to push interest rate expectations higher," Vassili Serebriakov currency strategist at BNP Paribas in New York. "Fed tightening expectations get repriced and then risk sentiment turns a bit more cautious."

The Federal Reserve has said it expects to continue raising rates this year, after hiking in December for the first time in nearly a decade. Such a rise in interest rates makes the dollar more attractive to investors, but can also weigh on company balance sheets by hurting U. S. exports and profits for U. S. companies that do business overseas.

Sterling was the day's other big mover, down 1 percent against the euro and dollar after a Daily Telegraph poll showed the campaign in support of Britain leaving the European Union nosing in front in the run-up to a June referendum.

The euro was flat at $1.1105 EUR= .

(Reporting by Dion Rabouin; Additional reporting by Patrick Graham in London; Editing by Andrea Ricci, Diane Craft)

GBP JPY – British Pound Japanese Yen

GBP JPY denotes currency pair British Pound & Japanese Yen. This pair is referred as “Sterling Yen” by traders. This shorthand detail or notation makes use of the ISO 4217 standard codes to indicate the foreign exchange rate of the United Kingdom’s Pound Sterling versus Japanese Yen.

The most outstanding feature of this pair as observed by experienced traders is that, no other pair displays so much volume during Asian Session as the GBP JPY does. This indicates that traders who find Asian Market time zone comfortable and convenient can take the liberty of taking chances with this pair. GBP JPY, because of its sheer volatility happens to be a preferred pair for a short term trader.

GBP JPY Currency Cross Basic

It can’t be emphasized enough that no currency pair offers more action than the GBP JPY cross pair does. To the extent that on some days it has been seen to move up to 300 pips within a day which as most traders would agree is no mean feat. So traders looking for some thrill in trading by juggling the volatility, this is their pair. GBP JPY belongs to volatile pairs group.

It is easy to trade GBP JPY in any economic environment. GBP JPY trading is preferred over several other pairs for a simple reason that it helps to reduce portfolio risk by providing the scope for booking profits in both types of market situations – rising and falling market conditions. Often, when the GBYJPY appreciates it affects other cross rates such as that of USDJPY .

GBP JPY – History of the Pair

From 2000 till 2007, when it came to fluctuations GBP JPY (Sterling Yen) and GBPEUR Pound Sterling and Euro – both pairs were seen to share similarities in several ways – barring the strong volatility comprising important monthly variations of the exchange values of the GBP JPY cross which were likely to occur because of direct interventions by the Bank of Japan with an objective of keeping the Yen within control.

During this 7 year period, the Pound sterling strengthened in value against the Yen, because of its strong foundations comprising the monetary policy along with superior interest rates that applied in Great Britain more than in Japan. This was also the time period during which British economy was getting stronger and gaining strength.

In this market environment, traders found a way to trade. They cashed on carry trade method by playing long on the Pound (the currency bought when interest rates were favourable) and by going short on yen. This strategy crashed in 2007 owing to the what was called as the subprime crisis.

During same time Bank of England’s interest rates too crashed and continued to go downhill until 2008. It was during this time that similarities between the GBP JPY and GBPUSD currency pairs were seen, especially vis-à-vis price volatility.

In September 2000 the exchange value GBP JPY was 150, the GBP JPY cross did show an upsurge which continued to improve at a steady pace for 4 years in spite of the strong monthly weekly movement in the market until the time when the value GBP JPY showed 206,88 – which was during March 2004.

These movements and volatility continued to appear and disappear until September 2005 when GBP JPY was valued at 199,30. This was before the Pound sterling appreciated against the Yen and went on to become more important and lasted until July 2007 when it touched its peak and the GBP JPY was at its high of 248.

Associated with the adverse situation being observed against the dollar and the Euro, Pound’s decline began, a trend which finally made the currency cross reach 200 during March in the following year, that is, 2008 before breakdown was experienced that some people in the trading initially read as a signal pointing to a road leading to recovery.

This lasted until February 2009 and GBP JPY hit 132, its value reduced by almost 46% within a span of 18 months. The Pound sterling won the battle over Yen and GBP JPY touched160 during 2009 summer. However an alteration took place not only with Japanese currency but also against the US Currency dollar and the Euro and the GBP JPY got valued at 149,34 in the beginning of December 2009.

GBP JPY – Personality of This Currency Pair

The most prominent personality trait that will easily eclipse any other is that the GBP JPY is the most active of all the currency cross pairs capable of touching more than 270 pips or even more within a day.

Which means the profile and personality of the trader also has to be such that he is able to handle the volatility and risk associated with this pair. Traders with substantial exposure and experience only should trade this one.

Another feature of this pair lies in the spread that it offers. GBP JPY offers a spread that can range between 6 and 10, & during a normal trading day, traders can even expect to trade a range of 150-200 pips.

There are several factors that can affect exchange rate of GBP JPY pair, like interest rate variation between Bank of Japan and Bank of England; Money supply; inflation; GDP; Balance of Trade data; political disturbance; goods prices for country relying on metals, oil. farming and agriculture and other such commodities for its GDP; growth rate comparison of UK and Japan also impacts Sterling Pound/Yen pair.

The big daddy - mover and shaker of GBP JPY currency cross is oil pricing because of the fact that Japan imports 99% of its total oil consumption

Basic Requirements for Trading the GBP JPY

Trading GBP JPY pair requires application of Technical & Fundamental Analysis of news from the UK and Japanese markets respectively. GBP JPY is an extremely volatile currency cross and is not recommend for traders who are new to trading or are just starting out in the real market.

It is also a widely traded pair with more volatility on average. Private Forex traders, consider this currency pair GBP-JPY – the King because of its basic nature – which is strong to say the least, it is a pair offering sharp trading signals, wide movement scale, along with volatile, unpredictable, and explosive approach.

GBP JPY – Why is it Such a Preferred Currency Cross Amongst Traders

What makes the GBP JPY one of the most popular currency crosses is the explosive nature of its price. We may not exactly know whether it’s the MOST volatile pairs of all or not but what we definitely know that it is volatile and comes with a spread of 7.

If traders are able to get their hands on the pulse of market conditions and its consequences then they can earn a lot as the margin this pair offers is quite good.

There are several other good reasons for beginners to trade this pair;

This currency cross is widely traded, which facilitates liquidity. Liquidity or being cash rich is a fundamental requirement for any pair to be able to benefit from price changes.

GBP JPY pair boasts of spreads that may oscillate between tight & moderate which at majority of instances receives higher spread quotation from brokers in profession because of the kind of instability the pair offers because of its wider price ranges compared to other pairs.

And the final reason for traders to go for this pair is that there are many Forex trading systems and softwares that have been developed for trading this pair information about which can be easily found online.

GBP JPY is known for its extreme volatility & inclination towards large moves and ending up with 150 pips a day. There are days when the pair even moves as much as 200 pips – this means larger profit windows. However, a novice is advised to steer clear of trading this pair and not fall prey to this wide profit window temptation until he gains some real time trading experience and insight into the complexities of trading this highly volatile pair.

The pair is a good choice for traders interested in breakout trading & scalping. provided proper risk management strategies are in place and the pair is traded with extreme care.

There is ample of market information, research and analysis available for GBPUSD pair, which is another reason that makes it favorable among traders.

The GBP JPY Currency Pair – ‘In-Depth In-Sight’

When we discuss or refer to the currency pair GBP JPY, the GBP as we can notice appears as first in the set of two is called the base currency and the Japanese Yen or JPY that is the following currency in the set is the counter-or Quote currency. The pair indicates how many Yens will a trader be required to spend in order to buy one Pound Sterling. Looking at it from another angle – by selling one Pound how many yens will a trader get?

When spreads are being discussed for British PoundJPY they highly depend on quality of or number of transaction, but spreads between five to seven pips are quite commonly seen. The market in British Pound and Yen may be cash convertible, however spreads can further widen at the time of break out of some big economic announcement, or when some economic stats is brought in the open for public consumption.

GBP JPY is fourth highest traded currency pairs among the “major cross pairs” making the pair as one of the highly-traded in the market.

About Great Britain’s Pound Sterling:

Now we shall discuss GBP at length. The acronym – GBP stands for the Pound Sterling and the official symbol by which it is known worldwide is “£”.

The Japanese Yen

Let us learn about the second component of GBP JPY pair, i. e. Japanese Yen. Basics first – Japanese Yen or JPY is symbolized as “¥”. It is the official currency of Japan and is in circulation as legal tender throughout Japan since its official adoption in 1871. It’s the third highest traded currency worldwide.

Besides banknotes, Japanese Government has also issued coins in the market in the denomination of 1 Yen Aluminium Coin, 5 Yen Coin, 50 Yen Coin, 100 Yen Coin, and 500 Yen Coin.

When it comes to yen being considered a safe heaven or stable and sound currency, it is positioned in the fourth place in the world preceded by the Dollar, Euro, and Sterling.

Coming to Japanese Yen’s primary sensitivity areas – traders should know that currency’s value tends to gain advantage from global economic challenges taking Yen’s status as a reserve currency or a safe haven currency into consideration. However it can get hurt in a big way by higher or rising commodity prices. This holds especially true when it comes to oil prices, because Japan is a net importer of this important and key commodity.

Understanding & Using Currency Correlation of USDJPY

To be an effective trader, understanding how different currency pairs move in relation to each other is an important lesson. It’s called Currency Correlation in Forex language. Once the trader gets a hang of this aspect of currencies trading them becomes much more interesting. This helps him to fine-tune, and take his trading skills to new heights and depths.

This helps traders to better understand their and analyze their exposure. There are some pairs which have a tendency to move in tandem with each other, where as others may have the tendency to move in the opposite direction.

Gaining some insight and knowledge about equations related to currency correlation helps traders to manage and organize their portfolios far more effectively. Irrespective of trader’s strategy that he wants to implement to enter and exit trades, exploring scope for diversifying his positions, finding alternate pairs to be able to leverage the view are some of the things that are of vital importance that they keep the correlation between various pairs and their shifting trends in mind – while they are trading and also while they are exploring opportunities.

To take advantage of currency correlation while trading GBP JPY, it will be ideal if we understand the concept of Correlation Coefficient first. Once fundamentals are clear to the trader he will be able to trade the pair with more ease and confidence. Plus the knowledge will help herhim to trade other pairs also besides GBP JPY.

Understanding Forex Correlation Value Range

First thing for all traders to take note of is that the currency correlation coefficient varies between -1 and +1. A correlation of +1 points to the fact that the two Forex pairs in question are going to run in the same direction at every opportunity cent percent of the time.

This phenomenon is called Positive Correlation phenomenon. Then comes next – a positive figure but less than +1 implies that the currency pairs in question generally tend to move in same direction but not always, not 100% of the time. A value nearer to +1 indicates that majority of times the pairs move in tandem or in the same direction.

Now let us discuss negative correlation phenomenon. Correlation of -1 is called negative leaning indicative of the fact that the two currency pairs will never move in the same direction. They will always move in opposite direction – 100% of the time. When the correlation is neither positive nor negative, if it is zero, then it indicates that the relationship between the currency pairs is casual and random.

Learning to Interpret the Currency Correlation Table:

0 to 0.2 points to very weak to insignificant correlation

2 to .4 is indicative of weak, low correlation, not considered too critical

4 to .7 is indicative of reasonable or moderate correlations

7 to .9 Strong, high correlation

9 to 1 is indicative of very strong correlation

Understanding and Using Currency Correlation of USDJPY for Maximum Advantage

While trading currencies it is of utmost importance for a trader to understand sensitivity of his portfolio to various market situations and sentiments to be able to control it better.

At the same time it is equally important for him to understand, that while trading currencies, he is trading them in pairs (made of two different currencies) as a single unit.

Though it may seem like he is trading a pair, i. e. one unit, technically he is placing two trades every time that he trades currency pair. He is buying one currency and selling the other at the same time.

This means that instead of viewing trading of a currency pair as a single unit, trader should get into a habit of looking at currency pairs as two separate trades.

This approach will help him to understand the connection between various currency pairs more clearly; also, how one pair impacts the value of the other and so on, which will finally have a better impact on his own portfolio.

An important tip for learners here, when a trader is comparing two currency pairs for correlation, he has total four currencies before him. He should ensure that irrespective of whether the currencies are bought or sold – one currency does not appear more than once.

By following this method, trader is creating a unique relationship which will help him gain significant insight into the relationship of the two pairs he is trading in. This comparison of Correlation can give rise to new and exciting trading opportunities as well as strategies. But to get there understanding the concept clearly is absolutely essential.

Understanding Correlation With respect to GBP JPY Pair

Let us understand the angle of mutual dependence of currencies on each other. If trader decides to trade the British pound against the Japanese yen i. e. GBP JPY, what he is actually getting into is the GBPUSD and USDJPY derivative; now when we look at it from this angle – it becomes easier to understand why GBP JPY is in a certain way correlated to sometimes both the pairs or minimum one of them.

However, traders have to bear in mind that the currencies’ mutual dependence on each other is result of their existence in pairs. Some pairs are habituated to travel in same direction, others may take the course that is just opposite; this happens due to the complex forces.

Here it does not matter which currency, or currency pair, makes the first move. zOne thing is certain – that British Pound-Japanese Yen pair moves strongly when the situation is such that Pound-Dollar and Dollar-Yen pairs on M15 bar are shown moving in same direction (the fact of the matter is that they should ideally not be doing this and should be moving in the opposite direction of each other, as they are supposed to be negatively correlated pairs).

These types of counter-correlation situations between GBPUSD currency pair & USDJPY lasts less than one M15 bar, the price of Pound-Yen currency pair moves in that same direction for another minimum additional M15 bar, with a range comparatively larger than that of the two other pairs. In such environments it’s the manual trades that have seen pretty good success.

Currency correlation is ever fluctuating so before trading the pair, traders should look up the correlation data of last few days or weeks and compare it with last year’s data. If they do not find them in sync or find no similarity between short term and long term values, then the trader should take his clue to place his/her trade.

Traders trading Pound Sterling/Yen pair using five minutes chart have observed that it succeeds barring sudden spike up or owing to breaking news. So, traders to keep away from whipsaws should avoid trading half an hour before and after breaking news.

Let us discuss some of the practical realities related to Scalping method of trading vis-à-vis GBP JPY in 1M, 5M, & 15M time frame and using Bollinger Bands indicator.

It is advised that GBP JPY is not traded on ranging, or when the market is not showing any noticeable movement. This strategy should also not be used before any major breaking news is released. To opt for 5-10 pips is good enough. Opening of London and closing of Japan market is the best time to use this strategy.

When this strategy is being put to use in 1M time frame the trader is required to keep a watch on the screen minute by minute, so he should either go for time based stops or loss based stops. When trader is using this strategy his/her time frames are very tight so he should ensure that his stops are also as tightly placed.

Now some tips, irrespective of which time frame trader decides to go with, he should first get the feel of this pair and trade it on demo account. Two, as observed by traders practicing this strategy on Mondays is slightly complicated so avoid this one on a Monday. Trader at no point should ignore resistance and support levels and go by what is being indicated on larger time frames; avoid over trading .

The GBP JPY currency pair is also referred to by other names like “Geppy” “The Beast” or “The Dragon” which are equally common amongst traders.

It’s called the dragon or beast because of the Volatility that comes with it. The GBP JPY currency cross is amongst the most impulsive and volatile currency pairs in the Forex market.

For traders who want to know if there exists a pair that would teach them lessons in Forex trading quickly and fast, the answer would undoubtedly have to be the GBP JPY pair.

GBP JPY is commonly referred to as Sterling Yen among English speaking traders. In the year 2010 this pair amounted to one percent of overall Forex trading, and its volatility reached around to three hundred pips. It is a pair associated with aggressive fluctuations and volatility. So traders with experience and ready to risk some capital for bigger gains did manage to book profits during the period.

For scalpers and risk takers GBP JPY makes for a perfect pair.

Major action and fluctuations scene is witnessed at the time of breaking of economic news in the day when market is active. GBP related news is announced during the morning and 10:30 am and for Yen, the news announcements are during the evening and late evening hours.

The GBP JPY for several seasons has been influenced by carry trade trend. It is crucial for a carry trader that he understands the role interest rates play in the Forex market. He should understand that a country that offers high interest rates will draw more capital from investors seeking higher returns. As country’s interest rates rise, investment will increase, which can have a positive impact on the value of currency of that country.

For an extended period of time Japan had zero percent rate of interest. This prompted trader to sell Yen against the British Pound to earn more profits. However, once crisis hit Japan – it impacted the interest rate differential and carry trading the GBP JPY pair is not same as before.

The fall out of this was that value of yen appreciated. However this appreciation works against a country like Japan, where economy’s growth is directly linked to exports.

The GBP JPY is quoted in 4 decimal places. In some instances even in 5 decimals. The pair follows floating rate of exchange. Rate of exchange is impacted by the law of demand and supply on the interbank currency market.

Like other central banks. the Bank of Japan also intervenes in the Fx market from time to time with the purpose of keeping its currency stable.

Whether it is to stabilize currency or encourage exports, whenever BoJ initiates any move in the Fx market like changing the interest rate or launching asset buyback program etc, sharp spikes can be noticed. This whole thing also impacts GBP JPY pair.

Coming to the British pound i. e. the GBP is the official circulating tender of England and Northern Ireland. It is the 4th highest traded currency on Forex behind the U. S. Dollar, Euro, and Yen. London being the most active Forex market, British pound was one of the components in the 13% of transactions made on the Forex in 2010.

Even during crises, when GBP touched its rock bottom, it withstood the jolt and managed to uphold its strength in terms of value, both in Forex trade as well as on international exchange. England keeps up its effort to stick to its own currency Pound and does not seem keen to adopt the euro.

This high percentage is result of fact that USD JPY happens to be the second highly traded pair comprising 14% of total transactions in 2010. And Japan owes big part of its growth to exports.

White trading Forex irrespective of which currency pair the trading may be trading timing is a critical issue. It can make or break a trader’s day. Choosing the best time to trade is a smart way to maximize the scope for profit for every trade a trader enters into.

Professional and experienced traders, who have been in the business for a while, know this secret. They are extremely careful when it comes to choosing the timing for their trades so that they can produce the optimum profits.

It’s called to choose to trade the Power Hours. In this lesson we shall examine what gives the Power Hours their noteworthy strength. There are two words that we can use to answer this question: volume + volatility – Es decir. the amount of trading and amount of movement.

When we speak of Power Hours in context of GBP JPY it refers to the time periods during which the volume as well as the volatility of the pair is at its optimum best. Big volume signifies that multiple lots of a particular currency pairs are in the market, which are either actively being bought or are being sold by traders. And hyper or frenzied volatility is the term that indicates an environment where GBP JPY pair prices are moving fast and quick.

Forex market is open 24 hours & comprises three time zones – New York, London, & Tokyo. There are specific times in each of these markets, when market is more active and therefore chances of making money are also more. These time frames in trading circles are known as Power Hours. Trading during these hours is called Power Hour Trading.

The busiest or most active times in the market are between 3 to 4am, and 8am to 12 pm, since during these two time frames – two markets are overlapping. And, since London overlaps with both Tokyo and New York at some point, it usually is the busiest time period and best time for traders to capitalize on.

Coming to days for trading – mid week is usually the busiest in terms of trading. This means, Tuesdays and Wednesdays shows better movement and activity than Mondays or Fridays, i. e. beginning or end of the week.

GBP JPY is traded during London Session 3am to 12pm ET when the pair is most active – the average range being 140 pips. In New York Session between 9am to 5pm ET is also good for the pair when the average range is 120 pips; and in Tokyo Session GBP JPY trades best between 7pm to 4am ET with average pip of 110.

If situation demands and the traders get occupied with something else during the Power Hours and cannot take advantage of it, they normally shift their focus on other trading times the next best ones, which can help them produce fair results. However, they should not expect as potent or dramatic results as they would get to experience during Power Hours.

European and the U. S. Markets, two of the biggest currency markets worldwide demonstrate high volume of transactions and price movement both of which make for finding some good trading opportunities.

Trading GBP JPY in the European session – European session is based in London. The number has made London the world’s most volatile market for trading currencies. European market connects with the Asian as well as the American sessions .

Traders should keep a close watch on the GBP JPY apart from GBPCHF to catch strong price movements since during the phase the European assets get translated into assets denominated by USD and these conversions cause to make strong price movements.

To make the most of this opportunity, traders will have to wake up early or stay up late because the European session is most active between 2 in the morning (am) and 12pm EST. The watch list for European session includes; GBP JPY, and also GBPCHF, USDCHF. GBPUSD, USDCAD .

Trading GBP JPY during the US Session. The US trading session is based in New York. And during this time the GBP JPY and USDCHF are at a high volume and volatility as in these pairs US dollars is one of the components.

American session trading tends to be hyper because both – the bond and stock markets open at this time and this is the time when foreign investors are converting their respective currencies into assets that are denominated into US Dollars.

The US session is aggressive and active from 8am to 5pm EST. The most potent currency pairs in order of their popularity are: GBP JPY, GBPUSD, USDCHF, GBPCHF, and USDCAD.

There are time gaps when a trader should minimize trading and or not trade at all – the European-Asian overlap session falls under this category. Most traders during this hour are sleeping, and napping. As a result the trading volume is relatively low and trends tend to become unpredictable during sleepy or cold hours. Traders can instead start preparing for the opening of the European session. The low trade time hour runs from 2am and lasts till 4 in the morning EST.

Timing trade is a strong and important tool that traders can use to find strong price movements. Know power hours, know your currency & currency pair, and get going!

GBP JPY currency pair is all about large swings; however the Pound Yen pair can be brought under control using low risk and high potential trading strategy. Since there are large swings in this pair targets profits and stop losses may differ based on trade discretion.

GBP JPY is amongst the high profit generating currency pairs when it comes to Swing Trading. Swing trading is based on the primary rule of taking portion from the market as prices fluctuate throughout the market.

This type of trading is most effective on trending markets which are not too volatile. It does not however mean that a trader can’t swing trade volatile markets, but a novice might as well steer clear of it.

Swing trading works better on pairs that are not too volatile. GBP JPY however is a highly volatile pair which actually may help trader to earn a bigger profit per trade but risks associated with this pair are also substantial, some previous trading exposure will stand the trader in a better stead.

The thing you should look for when searching for a currency pair to trade is that it is not too volatile. Volatility, for some traders, is seen as a good thing. So much fluctuation makes it difficult even for an experienced trader to assess teh situation and tackle the trade within such a short span of time. Price fluctuations can happen so quickly that many a times they end up getting better and quicker off traders ability to think of a strategy and apply it.

As said earlier – both, the risk as well as the reward ratio are big for swing trading this pair. And it is because, this pair is so volatile that new traders avoid trading GBP JPY. It fluctuates throughout the market for almost no clear reason.

Based on where the trader lives and trades from which market, he should set alerts so that he knows as the orders get triggered. It is advised that traders try this at the most twice every night. If he experiences failure the second time, he should ideally wait until the next day to give it another try, which means you have called it a day with a 100 pips loss.

"Si crees que puedes, o crees que no puedes, tienes razón." - Henry Ford

SRIDHAR August 11, 2014 at 9:39 am

Japanese yen

2007 Schools Wikipedia Selection. Related subjects: Currency

The yen or en ( Japanese: &#x5186;, en . in older Japanese yen ) is the currency of Japan. It is also widely used as a reserve currency after the United States dollar and euro. The ISO 4217 codes for the yen are JPY and 392. The Latinised symbol is. while in Japanese it is written with the kanji &#x5186; .


The yen is a cognate of the Chinese yuan and the Korean won, and was originally written in the same way in Kanji as the Chinese yuan (&#x5713; pinyin: yun, Wade-Giles: yuen). Modern Japanese writings now use the simplified shinjitai character (&#x5186;) which is different from the one commonly used (as shorthand) in Chinese (&#x5143;). The Latinized symbol () for the yen however, is identical to the one for the Chinese yuan. although the PRC also uses the single-crossbar Y (&#x4B0;). Consequently, the ISO abbreviations JPY for the yen and CNY for the yuan are used to avoid confusion of the two currencies.

In standard Japanese, the yen is pronounced en but the spelling and pronunciation of yen is standard in English. due to a historical Portuguese transliteration. The inclusion of the letter y is based on romanization of an obsolete writing of the word, examples of which can also be found in such words as Yebisu . Iyeyasu . and Yedo . Like the spellings of names of people outside Japan, the romanization of yen has become a permanent feature.&#x3000; En literally means round object in Japanese, as yuan does in Chinese, referring to the ancient Chinese coins that were circular in shape and widely used in Japan up to the Tokugawa Period.


The yen was introduced by the Meiji government in 1870 as a system resembling those in Europe. The yen replaced the complex monetary system of the Edo period, based on the mon. The New Currency Act of 1871 stipulated the adoption of the decimal accounting system of yen (1, &#x5713;), sen ( 1 100 . &#x9322;), and rin ( 1 1000 . &#x5398;), with the coins being round and cast as in the West. The yen was legally defined as 0.78 troy ounces (24.26 g) of pure silver, or 1.5 grams of pure gold. The same amount of silver is worth about 1181 todays yen, while the same amount of gold is worth about 3572 yen. The Act also moved Japan onto the gold standard. (The sen and the rin were eventually taken out of circulation in 1954.) While not a usage specific to currency, large quantities of yen are often counted in multiples of 10,000 ( man . &#x4E07;) in the same way as values in the United States are often quoted or rounded off to hundreds or thousands.

The yen lost most of its value during and after World War II ; after a period of instability, the yen was pegged at 1 US dollar = 360 from April 25, 1949, to until 1971 when the Bretton Woods system collapsed and the value of the yen began to float. After the Plaza Accord of 1985, the yen appreciated against the dollar.


10 JPY = 4.10 PHP

10 Японские иены = 4.10 Филиппинский песо

50 JPY = 20.48 PHP

50 Японские иены = 20.48 Филиппинский песо

100 JPY = 40.95 PHP

100 Японские иены = 40.95 Филиппинский песо

250 JPY = 102.39 PHP

250 Японские иены = 102.39 Филиппинский песо

500 JPY = 204.77 PHP

500 Японские иены = 204.77 Филиппинский песо

1000 JPY = 409.55 PHP

1000 Японские иены = 409.55 Филиппинский песо

5000 JPY = 2047.73 PHP

5000 Японские иены = 2047.73 Филиппинский песо

10000 JPY = 4095.45 PHP

10000 Японские иены = 4095.45 Филиппинский песо

50000 JPY = 20477.26 PHP

50000 Японские иены = 20477.26 Филиппинский песо

100000 JPY = 40954.52 PHP

100000 Японские иены = 40954.52 Филиппинский песо

500000 JPY = 204772.61 PHP

500000 Японские иены = 204772.61 Филиппинский песо

1000000 JPY = 409545.21 PHP

1000000 Японские иены = 409545.21 Филиппинский песо

5000000 JPY = 2047726.07 PHP

5000000 Японские иены = 2047726.07 Филиппинский песо

100000000 JPY = 40954521.42 PHP

100000000 Японские иены = 40954521.42 Филиппинский песо

How much is to convert Филиппинский песо to Японские иены (convert PHP to JPY)? See PHP to JPY Convert.

Why The Iraqi Dinar Beats The Japanese Yen

Last year, financial journalist Tim Parker wrote about the benefits of investing in the Japanese Yen. Many other people also believed that the Yen would be a great investment. However, its now apparent that Japan is facing economic and political problems that make the Yen a much less lucrative investment than had been predicted. In fact, for a variety of reasons the Iraqi Dinar is expected to offer a much higher return than the Yen.

The Yen begins to decline

The Yen has lost over 26% of its value during the last two years. Many Japanese firms and currency speculators fear that its value will continue to decline going forward, which may lead many Yen investors to seek refuge in the Dinar. Here are some of the long-term issues that are causing the value of the Yen to decline.

Japan has been in the midst of a major deflationary depression for over two decades. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the problem has resulted from ineffective central banking policies.

One of the biggest issues is that Japanese central banking authorities have been reluctant to cooperate with government officials; instead, they implemented monetary policies which led to deflation.

On the other hand, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has enacted effective monetary policy, which helps the value of the Dinar to remain stable.

Lack of consumer demand

Economic growth in Japan has stalled over the last few months. which raises concerns about a possible recession. Keynesian economist Paul Krugman believes the problem with the Japanese economy is that consumer demand is anemic and businesses aren’t fully utilizing their production capabilities to their fullest potential.

Krugman said that the only way for the country to address their problem is by expanding the money supply so consumers have more to spend, which would devalue the Yen but hopefully boost the Japanese economy.

In sharp contrast, the Iraqi Dinar is gaining value as consumer incomes and spending have grown quickly because of the countrys oil wealth.

Lack of political confidence

The Japanese people seem to doubt the government’s ability to address the countrys problems. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has promised to deliver solutions to revitalize the national economy, but his promises have failed to materialize. Two of his top ministers recently resigned. which raises concerns about the administrations ability to survive.

Citizens are wary and skeptical about a new prime minister’s ability to deal with these problems. A lack of public confidence may worsen consumer spending even more, and resulting social unrest might cause the Yen to fall even further.

The Japanese Ministry of Finance reported that the country had a debt-GDP ratio of 227.2% in 2013. The massive and still-growing public sector debt creates a dilemma for the Bank of Japans policymakers as well as the national political leadership.

As a short-term fix, the central bank may be forced to print additional money, expanding the money supply available to pay off these debts, which will certainly push the value of the Yen down even further.

As a separate revenue-boosting measure, the government also intends to pass a consumption tax. This is expected to further hinder consumer spending, hurt economic growth and cause the currency to decline even more.

Dinar proves a better investment

Japan is clearly facing a number of economic and political problems, clearly making the Yen a poor investment choice. In comparison, there are several reasons why the Dinar is potentially a better buy right now.

Improved trade relations

Iraqi lawmakers have recently forged a comprehensive trade deal with China, which is expected to lift the national economy and the Dinar in the near future. China currently purchases over 1.5 million barrels of oil from Iraq every day, and they want to buy more.

As well, Iraq is discussing trade compacts with a number of other countries. Perhaps most importantly, relations with Iran are very good nowadays, and this friendship has boosted trade between the two countries .

On a global level, Iraq has also significantly improved trade relations with Russia over the past five years. As the country continues to forge new trade agreements with other countries, demand for the Dinar will continue to grow, and the currency must gain value.

Increasing incomes equals more consumer spending

In 2011, an economist from the CBI suggested that consumer spending in Iraq would double by 2015. Today, the Central Statistics Organization shows that the country may indeed reach that goal. Incomes have increased sharply, and poverty has fallen noticeably in recent years. Higher consumer incomes will inevitably boost spending, improve the economy and raise the value of the Dinar.

Foreign investors are finally beginning to recognize the stability of the Iraqi economy. Shell, AKE Group, Hyatt Hotels and Pizza Hut are among the companies that are currently establishing a presence in Iraq to take advantage of the numerous opportunities.

Fadwa Al-Homaizi, Managing Director of the Al Kout Food Company, recently announced Pizza Hut’s Iraqi debut by saying that “Kout Food Group is proud of its partnership with Yum! and the success of launching the first Pizza Hut Dine-In store in Iraq.”

More foreign companies are investing in the Iraqi economy each year. These businesses will need to purchase Dinars in order to acquire the materials and equipment needed for their new ventures, which will cause the currency to gain value. Of course, foreign companies will also employ local workers, which will further stimulate the economy and boost the Dinar.

Investors should buy the Dinar instead of the Yen

The Japanese Yen has lost over a quarter of its value since 2012. And, according to economic and political indicators, the currency still appears to be significantly overvalued.

On the other hand, the Iraqi Dinar is shaping up to be a far better foreign currency investment opportunity. The Dinar will continue to gain value as the economy stabilizes and more investors begin to see the opportunity. These factors should cause the CBI to revalue the IQD in the near future, which will be a great win for Dinar investors.

FX al por menor

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Analysis: Carry Trades and the Japanese Yen

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Weaker Yen Underpins Nikkei 225 Index

March 25, 2016 @ 13:32 GMT

A weaker yen was crucial in driving Japanese equities stronger on Friday, with many regional markets closed for holidays. US equity markets were mixed with marginal losses for the S&P 500 index and a 0.10% gain for the Nasdaq index. US bond yields edged higher with 10-year rates at 1.90%.

Latest Japanese inflation data was slightly weaker than expected with the national core rate unchanged over the year compared with expectations of a slight 0.1% gain with Tokyo data, also weaker than expected with a 0.3% decline over the year from a 0.1% drop the previous month. The data will reinforce concerns that the Bank of Japan is losing the battle to stem internal deflation and will also increase pressure for further monetary easing.

Currency markets remained an important focus with the dollar making further headway against the yen during the US session and there was a push above 113.00 during the Asian session which helped underpin sentiment surrounding Japanese stocks. although the dollar did fade from its best levels.

The Nikkei 225 moved to test resistance above 17,000 early in the session before hitting some profit taking and continued to probe resistance following the mid-session break. As momentum added, the index eventually closed with gains of 110.4 points and 0.65% at 17002.7.

A yen retreat was important in boosting valuations for key exporters with Toyota, Nissan and Honda all gaining by around 2.8%.

Federal Reserve policies will continue to be watched very closely in the short term with increased speculation that there could be an interest rate increase at the meeting in late April. There would be mixed implications for Japanese stocks as equities would tend to gain support if expectations of a tighter US policy push the dollar stronger against the yen. There would, however, also fears over fresh market turbulence and wider regional selling on equity markets if another increase in US interest rates triggers a serious deterioration in risk appetite.

Bank of Japan policies will also be important given increased pressure for further monetary easing at its meeting. April 27th will be bookmarked by global markets with the Bank of Japan and US Federal Reserve both meting on that day. On a shorter-term view, comments from Fed Chair Yellen will be watched very closely on Tuesday.

Domestically, there will be potential buying of equities ahead of the Japanese fiscal year-end on March 31st, especially with buying to capture dividends. There will be some concerns over potential yen volatility on capital repatriation which could also have an impact on equities.

Nikkei 225 Daily

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