Sunday, December 25, 2016

Forex Nokia 5800

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Ni siquiera se producen sobre las opciones de denary disponibles y saben depósitos de capital más grandes. Ni siquiera están vinculados a la generación de unidades de comercio y que querían un mayores depósitos.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic revisión

Es hora de la pantalla táctil para Nokia y la etapa se establece para el 5800 XpressMusic. Adelante y toca. Lo hicimos y tenemos una historia que contar.

Ahora, técnicamente no es la primera vez que Nokia se ensucia las manos con las pantallas táctiles, pero seguro que realmente significan negocios esta vez. Para Nokia 5800 no es la única historia aquí. La plataforma inteligente con el toque más influyente recibe su primera prueba por el tacto. Ser el primer dispositivo que ejecuta la Serie 60 5 solo es suficiente para el 5800 para ser recordado por.

Actualización, 03 Feb 2010: Después de que esta revisión fue publicada Nokia optimizó varios aspectos del rendimiento del Nokia 5800 XpressMusic a través de actualizaciones de firmware por lo que sentimos una actualización era debido. Encontrarás los fragmentos actualizados en la revisión marcados en negrita.

Puedes comprobar si tienes el último firmware para tu Nokia 5800 XpressMusic aquí.

Es un primer intento y proceder con precaución es justo. Nokia 5800 es unthreateningly y discretamente posicionado en el rango medio y la marca XpressMusic ayuda a compartir parte de ese primer S60-pantalla táctil de peso. Sin embargo, es mucho más que un teléfono centrado en la música asequible. El 5800 tiene una identidad fuerte e inequívoca de Nokia y ofrece proezas multimedia. Así que, vamos a tocar, verdad?

Características principales:

3.2 "16M-color TFT LCD 16: 9 pantalla táctil (360 x 640 píxeles)

Symbian S60 5ª edición

ARM 11 CPU de 434 MHz, 128 MB de memoria SDRAM

Cámara de enfoque automático de 3.2 megapíxeles con flash de doble LED

Grabación de vídeo VGA a 30 fps

Soporta 3G de banda dual con soporte HSDPA

Soporte GSM de banda cuádruple


Receptor GPS Capaz y Nokia Maps 2.0 Touch

Expansión de la tarjeta de memoria microSD, envíos con una tarjeta de 8GB

TV apagada

Radio FM con RDS

Bluetooth y USB v2.0

Conector de audio estándar de 3,5 mm

Excelente calidad de audio

Teclado QWERTY virtual en pantalla en pantalla

Sensor de proximidad para apagado automático de la pantalla

Sensor de acelerómetro para rotación automática de la interfaz de usuario y juegos basados ​​en movimiento

Paquete minorista rico

Precio pagable

Visor de documentos de Office

Integración OVI e MySpace (subidas directas de imágenes y vídeos)

Principales desventajas:

Disponibilidad limitada de software de terceros

La interfaz de usuario sigue inmaduro con una experiencia de usuario algo desagradable

La sensibilidad de la pantalla táctil no es la mejor de la clase

Sin marcación inteligente

Mala calidad de imagen de la cámara

Navegador web táctil no muy pulido

Ninguna edición de documentos de oficina fuera de la caja

No carga el microUSB

Ahora, no eres el único que espera para Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. Una legión de teléfonos con pantalla táctil han estado ocupados entregando más y mejor, y poseen ese mercado. Seguro que no le darán a Nokia y S60 la quinta más cálida de bienvenida.

En este punto, Nokia 5800 puede ser más bien un intruso que un rival digno. Queremos decir, robar incluso el más pequeño pedazo de mercado de tal competición formidable debe ser una victoria para saborear para cada recién llegado. Y aún así, no deberíamos estar mirando solo el auricular. Tal vez el 5800 no es hacer o romper para Nokia, pero S60 5th debería bien ser.

Estamos viendo la primera pantalla táctil S60. Mucho menos esperar lo mejor que prepararse para lo peor puede sonar como el tipo correcto de actitud. Porque un primer intento será medido por cualquier cosa que vive y respira, y tiene una pantalla táctil. Por lo tanto, vamos a ver lo que Nokia 5800 XpressMusic está en contra. Sólo ten en cuenta que es más que sólo los nombres de algunos teléfonos - son generaciones de desarrollo de pantalla táctil.

Apple puede estar mirando hacia abajo con divertida separación en otro aspirante a un asesino del iPhone. Suponemos que Nokia 5800 XpressMusic no quiere que la etiqueta, pero no se escapará. Estamos hablando del líder del mercado contra el pacesetter interfaz táctil. Tal vez no esta vez, pero esta vale la pena vigilar a largo plazo. En este punto, sin embargo, por el precio de un iPhone 3G libre de contrato desbloqueado puede obtener fácilmente dos teléfonos Nokia 5800 XpressMusic - suena una ganga, no?

Windows Mobile está bien en la imagen también. Los modelos recientes de HTC (Diamond, Touch HD) y Samsung i900 Omnia han demostrado que los multimedia de gran alcance no son huérfanos en el mundo de WinMo. Cargas de software de terceros y sofisticados plugins de interfaz de usuario (TouchFLO 3D, TouchWiz) son excelentes activos, pero la etiqueta de precio más pesado los hace retroceder un poco. El diamante se acerca más al Nokia, pero sigue siendo alrededor de 30 euros (40 dólares estadounidenses) más.

LG y Samsung también son muy versados ​​en las formas de pantalla táctil. Ambos fabricantes tienen carteras táctiles de gran tamaño, desde pantallas táctiles asequibles y no inteligentes hasta monstruos multimedia de 8 megapíxeles. Samsung tiene un montón de dispositivos de toque WinMo también. Lo que es más, la compañía es lo suficientemente interesado en Symbian también, por lo que es potencialmente otro capítulo "conmovedor" en la rivalidad entre los dos principales líderes de mercado.

Por lo tanto, obviamente, el juego de pantalla táctil no es broma - es cada vez más difícil por el minuto que hay. Ahora vamos a comprobar si el Nokia 5800 XpressMusic tiene lo que se necesita para jugar a lo largo. Acabamos de echar un vistazo en el paquete al por menor y - chico, estamos impresionados. Únase a nosotros en la página siguiente, donde los aullidos rugen cuando la caja se abre.

Página siguiente & raquo; 2. Unboxing, giro de 360 ​​grados, diseño y construcción

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic



Densidad de píxeles: la densidad de píxeles de una pantalla representa el número de píxeles en un área de una pulgada. Se mide en “pixels por pulgada ², o ppi. Cuanto mayor sea el número, más detallada y apuesta será la pantalla.

Tecnología - Hay dos tecnologías principales de la pantalla usadas actualmente en los teléfonos y las tabletas: LCD y AMOLED. El primero normalmente tiene una fuente de luz y cristales líquidos, mientras que el segundo está basado en diodos emisores de luz orgánicos. Las nuevas variaciones de LCD como IPS-LCD y Super-LCD permiten una reproducción de color muy precisa y ángulos de visión muy amplios, donde no se observa pérdida significativa de calidad de imagen. Las pantallas AMOLED actuales difieren de tal manera que pueden exhibir colores mucho más saturados (a veces demasiado) y niveles de contraste increíblemente altos, lo que se debe a que el color negro es completamente negro en las pantallas AMOLED.



Procesador - El procesador es el principal componente de computación de un teléfono y es un factor importante cuando se trata de la velocidad total del dispositivo. Algunos smartphones más potentes utilizan procesadores de doble núcleo y de cuatro núcleos diseñados para ofrecer un mayor rendimiento.

Memoria del sistema: la memoria del sistema o la memoria RAM es el tipo de memoria que el dispositivo utiliza para almacenar temporalmente datos del sistema operativo o de las aplicaciones en ejecución. Cuanta más RAM esté disponible para el dispositivo, mejor será el rendimiento cuando se ejecuten programas múltiples o más pesados.


Amor que captura los fotones? Nah, no estamos hablando de ningún experimento relacionado con la Física Molecular aquí, sino un arte muy sutil llamado fotografía. Si usted está en la fotografía, los archivos de National Geographic debe ser similar al santo grial! Shutterbucks no limitante, entusiastas de la naturaleza acuden a este popular servicio que se extiende más allá del espacio web (en la impresión tradicional y medios electrónicos).

No estamos seguros de qué categoría del público al que perteneces, pero podemos asegurar que Natgeo Photos tiene algo que ofrecer para todos. Apenas cuánto usted amará tener esto es algo que usted tendrá que descubrir a través de nuestra revisión breve, que usted puede coger después del descanso. Leer más & raquo;

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Nokia 5800 XpressMusic revisión

Vimos una demanda seria de teléfonos con pantalla táctil el año pasado. La mayoría de los fabricantes se inclinó hacia esta cuota de mercado y lanzó sus propios modelos. Puede sonar extraño, pero hasta hace poco, el mayor fabricante, Nokia, se mantuvo al margen de la tendencia. Durante la primavera sin embargo, una foto de su primer teléfono de la pantalla táctil emergió en el Internet, por el codename de tubo. Todo tipo de rumores sobre el nuevo producto se había puesto, pero la empresa finlandesa no pronunció una palabra. Más tarde, el mismo teléfono había sido visto en la última película de Batman, creando aún más zumbido subterráneo. Nokia dijo que la unidad se ha producido exclusivamente para el súper héroe, pero didn†™ n negar que puede convertirse en una realidad. Después de esto, la propagación de la palabra que el dispositivo sería anunciado en octubre y esto resultó ser cierto. En el evento Nokia Remix en Londres, los finlandeses presentaron oficialmente su primer teléfono con pantalla táctil Symbian S60, el Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. Encuentra su lugar en el extremo superior de la serie de XpressMusic del fabricante y se ofrece a un precio asequible, lo que significa que it†™ s dirigidos a una gama más amplia de clientes. Esta información atrajo la atención de muchas personas, pero esto también se debió a la pantalla panorámica de 3,2 pulgadas con una resolución de 640x360 píxeles, Wi-Fi, GPS y soporte HSDPA incorporados. Por lo tanto, ha llegado el momento de que el iPhone tenga un oponente digno y para Nokia para finalmente entrar en el gran juego táctil?

Comenzaremos con el contenido del paquete. Esto es lo que vas a encontrar dentro de él:

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic + lápiz óptico

Maletín de transporte duro

Correa para la muñeca


Aguja adicional

Auriculares estéreo para auriculares de 3,5 mm

cable microUSB

Cable de salida de TV


Tarjeta microSD de 8 GB

Software y DVD de presentación


Guía rápida

Manual de usuario

Encontramos el maletín de transporte un poco extraño, porque no es estándar y el teléfono se puede sacar de ambos extremos. Por otra parte, it†™ s va a proporcionar una mejor protección para la pantalla que una de terciopelo. La tarjeta de 8GB incluida es un buen extra, ya que won†™ t necesidad de ir a la tienda para comprar uno. Sin embargo, lo que llamó nuestra atención fue la banda de mano. Es elástico y tiene un pedazo de plástico unido a él, que se parece mucho a un plectro. En realidad, se puede utilizar como un lápiz óptico, en caso de que desee hacer algo rápidamente y usted don†™ t cayó como tomar el lápiz.

A primera vista, lo único que le da una pista de que el 5800 pertenece a la serie de música de Nokia es la inscripción en el extremo superior del frente. Que está dominado casi por completo por la pantalla, lo que lo hace bastante diferente de los teléfonos anteriores XpressMusic. Como pasamos un tiempo sosteniéndolo sin embargo, la sensación nos recordó el Nokia 5220 XpressMusic. El cuerpo está hecho de plástico that†™ s brillante en los bordes. No nos gusta mucho el material, ya que da la impresión de algo barato y frágil. No nos malinterpreten, se ve bien, pero esperábamos más del primer teléfono con pantalla táctil S60.

Puede comparar el Nokia 5800 XpressMusic con muchos otros teléfonos usando nuestra herramienta de visualización de tamaño.

Las dimensiones y el peso están bien equilibrados y el teléfono se siente práctico de usar. En comparación con el iPhone, it†™ s más grueso, pero también más estrecho. El 5800 sin embargo, tiene una pantalla de 3.2 pulgadas (el iPhone tiene una de 3,5 pulgadas) con un formato de 16: 9. Que es el estándar para televisión de pantalla ancha y una resolución de 640x360 píxeles (la oferta de Apple tiene píxeles de 480x320). Ambos competidores puntuación igual en lo que respecta a los colores - 16 millones. Tenemos que tener en cuenta, que la calidad de imagen es mayor en el teléfono Nokia - su pantalla es más brillante y tiene mayor contraste. Sin embargo, si lo exponen a la luz directa del sol, la imagen se quita casi totalmente lavado, lo que es una pena, teniendo en cuenta que los 16 millones de teléfonos anteriores de color Nokia no sufren del mismo problema. Además, se convierte en un verdadero lío de huellas dactilares cuando se utiliza durante un período de tiempo más largo, y ya que un paño para limpiarlo no está incluido en la caja, recomendamos encarecidamente que usted tiene uno con usted.

It†™ s importante decirle que la pantalla del 5800†™ s utiliza la tecnología resistiva. Esto significa que puede utilizar cualquier objeto para presionarlo, mientras que el iPhone utiliza la tecnología capacitiva, lo que significa que la única manera de controlarla es por los dedos. Puede obtener más información sobre las diferentes tecnologías de pantalla táctil de nuestro artículo. Necesitábamos algún tiempo para ser lo suficientemente habilidoso para poder usarlo sin cometer tantos errores. Al principio tuvimos la impresión de que la pantalla no es muy sensible. La ligera vibración al presionarlo no nos podría ayudar mucho, porque es demasiado blanda y no se puede ajustar. Finalmente aprendimos que deberíamos tocar, en lugar de simplemente tocarlo, lo que nos recuerda a la Tormenta de BlackBerry. Hablaremos más sobre ello en la sección de Interfaz.

A pesar de la pantalla táctil, you†™ ll también necesita utilizar las teclas de la 5800 XpressMusic. Hay tres de ellos en la parte delantera, justo debajo de la pantalla. Las teclas izquierda y derecha sirven como teclas de envío y finalización y la central le permite acceder al menú principal (al pulsar) o al administrador de tareas (en espera) y parpadea cuando hay una llamada perdida o un mensaje recibido. Usted won†™ t experimentar cualquier problema con ellos, como su presión se siente muy claro. Hay una sorpresa que le espera justo debajo de la cámara para las conversaciones de vídeo - una clave de sensor. Más sobre eso más adelante. Ahora echemos un vistazo a la parte superior. Alberga el puerto microUSB, el conector de 3,5 mm, el puerto de carga y el botón de encendido.

A la derecha están el obturador de la cámara y el balanceo de volumen, y entre ellos encontrarás un control deslizante para bloquear / desbloquear la pantalla. Usted sentirá una vibración fuerte mientras la desliza. Nuestra única observación es acerca de la roca de volumen es que es casi a ras con el cuerpo y no se siente lo suficientemente claro cuando lo toca. En el lado opuesto están los altavoces estéreo. La ranura de la tarjeta microSD y la ranura de la tarjeta SIM. No, no hay error aquí - la tarjeta SIM debe ser insertado en el lado y no necesita quitar la batería. Sin embargo, si decide cambiarlo o sacarlo, tendrá que quitar el panel posterior y la batería. Entonces, usted necesitará el lápiz, que se puede encontrar en la esquina inferior derecha. It†™ s hecho de plástico y no se puede ampliar. Es altamente improbable que lo pierda, porque se mantiene firmemente fijo en su lugar con mucho. En caso de que ocurra un accidente, no olvide que hay un adicional en el paquete.


Nokia 5800 XpressMusic revisión

No es el primer dispositivo de pantalla táctil de la compañía, pero el 5800 XpressMusic es el primer dispositivo de pantalla táctil que Nokia ha diseñado para atraer a las masas, y como tal, hay ciertas expectativas. Incluso el más indulgente de los estándares, Nokia es ahora oficialmente tarde a este juego - todos los restantes cinco principales fabricantes han estado ofreciendo teléfonos de pantalla táctil de mercado masivo desde hace algún tiempo - por lo que hay mucho terreno que se compone. Lo que es más, el 5800 marca la introducción al por menor de S60 5th Edition. La última encarnación de la plataforma de teléfonos inteligentes más ubicua del mundo; Las futuras iteraciones de este mismo código sentarán las bases para la ofensiva de la próxima generación de la Fundación Symbian, por lo que las apuestas nunca han sido más altas. Podría decirse que el peso del mundo - o Finlandia, por lo menos - está en los hombros del 5800, pero es esta pequeña pizarra sin pretensiones hasta la tarea? Echemos un vistazo.

Físicamente, el 5800 limpio, todo negro no hace mucha impresión en absoluto - y saber Nokia, eso es por diseño. Por todas las apariencias, es un dispositivo simple, funcional y de punto sin ningún adorno para restarle importancia a su vida; Sólo la cubierta de batería decorada decorativamente desmiente el tema. Por supuesto, lo mismo podría decirse de prácticamente cualquier teléfono estilo pizarra, sin embargo, todavía hay algo muy singular. Así, "Nokia" sobre el diseño industrial del 5800. Es un efecto polarizador; Personalmente, estamos en el lado del "amor" de ese delicado equilibrio amor / odio, pero podemos imaginar que un montón de compradores potenciales no son abrumados a primera vista. El precio del 5800 y la designación de XpressMusic sugieren que está destinado a vivir en un segmento de mercado en el que la moda y el estilo a menudo juegan un papel muy importante en la decisión, y si lo comparas (quizás injustamente) con teléfonos de gama alta, IPhones, tormentas y similares, el 5800 probablemente no va a parecer tan consciente del diseño, bien hecho, o aspiracional como la competencia para el observador casual. Una vez más, no nos malinterpreten, cavamos cómo salió - pero por la misma razón, nos gustaría ver lo que el equipo de diseño del E71 podría haber hecho. Afortunadamente, S60 5th Edition (y sus sucesores controlados por la Fundación Symbian) son el futuro de Nokia, así que no hay duda de que tendremos muchas oportunidades de ver esta misma plataforma operando en una variedad de factores de forma, diseños y precios. Por supuesto, si el 5800 era el primer dispositivo derecho al lanzamiento será discutido probablemente para los años para venir.

"Nokia-ness" no es el único problema potencial con el diseño físico del 5800, sin embargo. Las bisagras levantadas alrededor de las exhibiciones son pase & eacute; Por cualquier medida, y el labio grande, grasa en este dispositivo en particular es tan prominente como vienen. Afortunadamente, no toca el borde del área visible de la pantalla en ningún lado, por lo que es menos una preocupación de usabilidad aquí y más de una limpieza; Si usted guarda el teléfono guardado en su bolsillo, usted terminará probablemente para arriba con el polvo y la pelusa alojados alrededor de ese borde. Esa pizarra negra y elegante no es tan elegante ni tan negra, verdad? Una preocupación menor, sí - pero una vez más, el bisel no sirve ningún propósito funcional aquí, y nos habría estado bien con verlo desaparecer.

Encabezando hacia atrás, las cosas se ponen un poco baratas - y un poco raro. Al igual que el software (más en que en un momento), la tapa de la batería en el 5800 parece haber sido un total después de la reflexión. Pries apagado sin ninguna clase de cerrojo - y sí, concedido, esto es una decisión ampliamente aceptada del diseño para los teléfonos, pero está encendido allí apenas firmemente bastante de modo que usted casi siente como usted lo va a romper cada vez. Para las personas que utilizan una sola batería y un solo teléfono, esto no será un gran problema - probablemente sólo quitar la cubierta una o dos veces en todo el tiempo que usted posee el teléfono -, pero para cualquiera que cambie Dispositivos o lleva una batería de repuesto, ten cuidado, porque vas a querer uñas de hierro y una voluntad de hierro. (Curiosamente, a pesar de que la tarjeta SIM se carga convenientemente a través de una ranura en el lateral del teléfono, todavía necesita subir la batería para quitarla).

Se pone peor. Esa tarifa de 5800 es quizás la más mal concebida que hemos experimentado en cualquier dispositivo con pantalla táctil (de acuerdo), y ahora, el famoso plectro (y sí, Nokia sí se refiere a él como un "plectro" en el manual) , El Sony Ericsson P800 es bastante malo, también, pero al menos tienes una idea de lo mal que estamos hablando aquí). Parece como si la inclusión de un lápiz, literalmente, podría haber sido una decisión de último minuto cuando los ingenieros de Nokia se dio cuenta y llegó a un acuerdo con el hecho de que S60 5 ª Edición no sería 100 por ciento dedo amigable, porque es una especie de La tapa de la batería. Los ganchos en el otro lado de la cubierta aseguran el estilete cuando está guardado, y en un par de ocasiones, perdimos el segundo gancho, atascando el lápiz entre el gancho y la batería debajo de él. Además, en la primera de nuestras dos unidades de prueba, el stylus era prácticamente imposible de desalojar de la cubierta cuando la obtuvimos primero (teníamos que revisar el manual para asegurarnos de que fuera, de hecho, un lápiz extraíble y no Algún tipo de elemento decorativo a la cubierta). Por no decir que el lápiz es realmente digno de desalojar, ya que es de plástico, fácilmente doblado, y por lo general no vale la pena su tiempo. En pocas palabras: palo con los dedos y el plectro si puedes.

Los controles se colocan convenientemente y prácticamente donde se espera que estén en un moderno Nokia: dos botones de cámara de retención, resorte de control deslizante para bloquear y desbloquear el teléfono, y un volumen de rocker a lo largo de la derecha (concedido, este Se invierte de donde la mayoría de los teléfonos lo colocan, pero todavía estamos acostumbrándonos a un Nokia S60 incluso teniendo un volumen dedicado rocker, por lo que no se quejan); Un conector para auriculares de 3,5 mm, puerto micro-USB, puerto de cargador estándar de Nokia y botón de encendido en la parte superior; Y ranuras cubiertas para las tarjetas microSD y SIM a la izquierda. El fondo es libre de puertos, excepto para el micrófono.

Si usted toma un Ferrari y cinta de conducto un casco al fondo de él, se convierte en una lancha rápida? No, por supuesto que no. Del mismo modo, si usted toma S60 3.2 - una plataforma de smartphone perfectamente capaz y razonablemente utilizable que alimenta a decenas de millones de dispositivos en todo el mundo - y el soporte táctil de cinta adhesiva, no va a terminar con un sistema muy utilizable , Y es desconcertante para nosotros que Nokia parece haber pensado lo contrario. 5th Edition es, para todos los efectos prácticos, un remix de 3rd Edition Feature Pack 2 que ha sido suavemente masajeado para soportar pantallas táctiles, y el resultado nos nada menos que una pesadilla de usabilidad.

Los problemas comienzan en el instante en que se enciende el teléfono por primera vez. En el proceso de establecer su región y la fecha y la hora, usted necesita elegir AM o PM (por lo menos, usted hace aquí en los estados donde utilizamos el sistema 12 horas sumamente inferior). Aquí está el problema: el teclado numérico en pantalla que aparece no tiene letras debajo de cada número, como lo que está acostumbrado a ver en un teléfono tradicional, por lo que sólo tienes que adivinar dónde "A" y "P" puede ser . [Corrección: AM / PM se puede alternar presionando cualquier número, que no tiene más sentido. - Ed. ] Por supuesto, no es el fin del mundo - muchos de nosotros tenemos la carta de formato memorizado de todos modos - pero es una falta de usabilidad simple muerto que nunca debe haber pasado por el departamento de pruebas de Nokia. El asunto AM / PM también demuestra claramente el problema central de la 5ª edición: amplias franjas de la misma son simplemente 3,2 remanentes que se han retractado suavemente para convertirse en "utilizables" sin un teclado físico. No hace falta decir que se siente como que Nokia está siendo arrastrado chutando y gritando en el mundo del tacto. Tal vez lo sea.

Hablando de teclados, 5 ª Edición tiene muchos para elegir - y pocos (si alguno) de ellos tienen mucho sentido. En la foto se muestra el teclado de búsqueda de la ciudad, que pensamos que desconcertaría incluso la pantalla táctil y los veteranos de Nokia veteranos - se parece más a un juego de rompecabezas de algún tipo que un método de entrada. Aún peor, las teclas comienzan a desaparecer una vez que escribe para restringirlo a las letras que corresponden a entradas en la lista de ciudades; Suena intuitivo, pero en realidad, es bastante desorientador cuando su teclado se ve así para empezar.

Nunca conseguimos el colgar de saber cuando presionar en un campo de entrada aparecería una parte de la pantalla o el teclado de pantalla completa, pero no hay ninguna consistencia que sea significativa para el usuario. En lo que a nosotros respecta, con la excepción quizá de la opción QWERTY de paisaje, ninguno de los métodos de entrada tiene ninguna excusa para oscurecer toda la pantalla. En el ejemplo ilustrado aquí, estamos en la aplicación Notes, pero por alguna razón, el teclado numérico de paisaje (que se puede usar en los modos T9 y triple-tap) ocupa toda la pantalla. No hay una buena razón para ello, y francamente, no estamos seguros de por qué alguna vez desea utilizar este estilo de teclado en modo horizontal de todos modos.

El 5800 hace un trabajo encomiable de voltear entre los modos vertical y horizontal de forma rápida y sin problemas. A diferencia del iPhone, no hay ninguna transición de pantalla estúpida para entrar en el camino aquí - que a su vez el teléfono, y el auge, que está en su camino. Estábamos realmente un poco sorprendidos por lo bien que el teléfono es compatible tanto con el retrato y el paisaje, teniendo en cuenta la mitad de los demás aspectos del teléfono parece; La pantalla de inicio es más o menos la única cosa prominente aquí que no puede ser lanzado en modo de paisaje y, afortunadamente, no hay una gran razón por la que querría hacer eso de todos modos.

Un punto brillante para la 5ta edición es su navegador incluido, que es excelente como de costumbre. El problema es que en el tiempo transcurrido desde que la aplicación basada en WebKit fue lanzada por primera vez, el iPhone y Android han alcanzado; WebOS estará jugando el mismo juego, así, y WinMo sin duda no tiene escasez de opciones, tampoco. De éstos, la 5ta edición tiene quizá la puesta en práctica peor de la interfaz de usuario, aunque hace un trabajo totalmente fino de la representación - ya diferencia de algunas de esas otras plataformas, usted tiene ayuda de destello de la caja. En particular, nos esforzamos por utilizar nuestro pulgar para desplazarse alrededor de la pantalla de plástico, resistiva, que tenía una tendencia a "rebotar" lo suficiente como para registrar clics a medida que nos desplazamos. Este es un problema que hemos visto en otros dispositivos en el pasado, y pensamos que una pantalla de vidrio - algo con un poco menos "dar" y la fricción - lo resolvería completamente. Huelga decir que no estamos preocupados por el Omnia HD que sufre el mismo destino aquí. No para vencer a un caballo muerto, pero el navegador también representa un ejemplo evidente de un área donde el software 3.2 ha sido masajeado para el apoyo táctil: el puntero del ratón, que no sirve a ningún propósito en este teléfono, sigue presente y visible.

La calidad de la voz en el 5800 es buena; Como con todos los Nokias, que realista podría haber utilizado uno o dos más muescas de volumen, pero no era demasiado tranquilo por cualquier tramo. La calidad de la música también fue muy buena en el conector de 3,5 mm (suponiendo que esté llevando auriculares decentes a la mesa), y el altavoz es lo suficientemente alto y claro como para ser utilizado como un improvisado boombox de escritorio de vez en cuando. Molesto, la mayoría de las operaciones en la aplicación de música tomar alrededor de medio segundo para ejecutar, lo que se cansa - este es un lugar donde el 5800 definitivamente parece que podría utilizar un poco más de jugo de procesador, una aplicación mejor escrita, o ambos. De todos modos, nos gusta que el 5800 incluye la descarga de podcast y la capacidad de radio FM fuera de la caja, pero estamos bastante sorprendidos de que han eliminado la aplicación de radio por Internet que se encuentra en 3.2 - la radio móvil de Internet es uno de los grandes Placeres de una conexión 3G, y estamos marcando esto hasta que Espoo no tenga tiempo suficiente para portar la versión 3.2 a la 5ta Edición. Esperamos que la aplicación vuelva a aparecer en el momento en que el N97 gira; Ya sea eso, o probablemente de Nokia en los desarrolladores de la banca de fijación de este problema con sus propias mercancías en la tienda Ovi.

Recomendamos el 5800? A menos que le guste resolver misterios como "esta operación tomará uno o dos grifos" y "qué número corresponde a F en el teclado", no, no lo haríamos. Nokia llega a la mesa con un hardware realmente bueno, si no es estelar, de gama media, pero la falta de voluntad de la empresa para deshacerse de sus preconcepciones y saltar de cabeza en el paradigma táctil con una mente clara y una pizarra limpia lo ha impedido más allá del salvamento . Tenemos toda la confianza de que Nokia (y sus amigos en la Fundación Symbian) terminará haciéndolo bien, pero estos chicos siguen siendo los más grandes del mundo; Tal vez va a tomar un poco de pastel humilde antes de darse cuenta de que esto tiene que ser abordado desde un ángulo completamente diferente. Windows Mobile está aprendiendo esa lección de innumerables licenciatarios re-skinning lo que se ha convertido en la responsabilidad de Microsoft de una interfaz de usuario, y tal vez Nokia debe mirar Omnia HD de Samsung - que ha reskinned S60 con TouchWiz - como advertencia anticipada que se dirigió hacia abajo El mismo camino.

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Your phone: Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

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Nokia 5800 XpressMusic review


Touchscreen control

Symbian S60 smartphone functionality

A-GPS technology built in



Excellent music player

8GB MicroSD memory card supplied

3.5mm headphone socket

N-Gage gaming supported

FM radio

3.2-megapixel camera

Contacts bar

Good web-based applications

En contra

Supplied earphones are average quality

Touchscreen control doesn't have iPhone-style multi-touch

Camera performance is limited

Low light shooting not good

It's taken a while for Nokia to deliver its first post-iPhone touchscreen handset, but with the release of the 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia is now firmly in the touch control game.

The first handset to be built on the latest touch-operated 5th Edition of Nokia's S60 smartphone platform. the 5800 XpressMusic packs some heavyweight feature punch.

It may line up as Nokia 's flagship music phone, but it has a set of functionality more akin to the Nseries high-end phone roster.

Touchscreen action is centred on its large 3.2-inch touch display, but under the bonnet the 5800 XpressMusic features Wi-Fi support plus HSDPA high-speed 3G mobile data connectivity, A-GPS location finding and mapping technology, a host of smartphone multimedia gadgetry, including a substantial amount of music-playing ability.

Nokia boxes it with an 8GB MicroSD memory card (with cards up to16GB supported), it has a built in 3.5mm standard headphone socket, and the onboard music software is capable of delivering excellent quality audio.

A 3.2-megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics takes care of snapping business, while Nokia has included a spread of online-based features for sharing stills and video content, plus a variety of online links to services such as Facebook, and a full web browser.

Nokia has introduced the 5800 XpressMusic at a surprisingly competitive price for a touchscreen newcomer – it costs £249 SIM-free, although it's also available from free on some contract deals.

Nokia hasn't tried to do an iPhone-alike with this device. It has a distinctly Nokia look and feel; even though it does do the minimalist black front panel design, there's typical XpressMusic red or blue coloured trim, and the solid bodywork has more Nokia Nseries candybar about it than slimline Apple phone. Still, it isn't exactly a pocket-bulger though – it weighs 109g and measures 111(h) x 51.7(w) x 15.5(d) mm.

The button count on the front is low, with Call, End and Menu buttons under the display, a touch-sensitive Media button on the top right above the display, plus a secondary video calling camera and proximity sensor nearby.

The 3.2-inch, 16-million colour 640x360 pixels display provides a decent amount of finger room for the new Nokia touch user interface. A small stylus is also slotted into the back panel offering a more precise tapping option – and Nokia also boxes a plectrum on a wriststrap.

The S60 5th Edition user interface debuting here marries a familiar S60 style of menu structure and navigation to a straightforward to operate touch set-up. It's not the sort of easy-swiping, pinch-to-zoom Multi-touch screen employed on the iPhone, but it does allow finger stroke scrolling through menus and lists of options.

The home screen display has a couple of tappable buttons for pulling up a virtual numberpad and scrollable contacts list. Pressing towards the top of the screen pulls up quick access to calendar, clock, ringtone profiles, plus Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity options for fast switching on or off.

The neatest new homescreen feature is a Contacts Bar – a panel of four contact buttons you can assign to any of your contacts, and to which thumbnail images can be attached.

Press the contact and you have one touch access to new text messages or calls plus a log of recent communications with that number. You can also link up to two web feeds to each contact, so by pressing the contact bar you can see regular online updates from the relevant blogs, web pages or social networking sites.

If you like, these can be switched off or replaced by a more familiar S60 shortcuts bar.

Another set of shortcuts arrives via the Media touch key, glowing just above the display. A tap of this drops down a multimedia toolbar with five icons, providing quick-tapping hotkey access to the music player, web browser bookmarks, Video Centre function, media gallery, and the Share online option – offering online uploading for video and images, plus networking via sites like Nokia's Ovi service and Flickr.

The main menu touch action is clearly evolution rather than revolution. A grid of main menu icons onscreen is tappable to get into more sub menus in a way that's consistent with S60 conventions. Responsive onscreen softkeys help tap-to-select options, while generally it's easy to scroll through and select, with haptic feedback giving you vibrating confirmation that keys have been touched.

Text input can be done via a very usable virtual alphanumeric pad – just like normal texting - or via Qwerty keyboard input, using a large and very well proportioned sideways view one, or a mini any-way stylus-tappable one. A very good handwriting recognition option is also to hand. The phone has an accelerometer built in for automatic screen rotation, so it switches views to how you're holding it.

Sensors are also utilised to mute or dismiss incoming calls or switch or snooze alarms, simply by turning the phone face down when you get an alert.

User-friendly music player

Touchscreen apart, music is naturally centre-stage. The S60 music player interface hasn't been re-invented; there's none of the whizzy visual touches or cover-flow style browsing as the iPhone. The conventional-looking set-up is straight ahead and fine to use.

Nokia's Music Store is supported for those who don't sign up for the Comes With Music service, and an FM radio is built in. The 8GB of in-box MicroSD storage supplements the small 81MB onboard storage, giving plenty of headroom for stacking tracks.

Thanks to the 3.5mm headphone socket – usefully, on top of the phone – you can plug in a decent set of your own ear-wear to maximise sound quality. It's worth doing as this device is capable of producing a superb audio performance, with lovely clarity and depth. plus surprisingly hefty bass. The supplied earphones are OK, but could be better, so we'd advise a try with some higher quality ear-gear to appreciate the full effect.

Stereo speakers on the bodywork do a reasonable job for mobile phone loudspeakers, but are still limited. The radio, however, does a fine low-key job at bumping up the free entertainment quota.

Basic camera quality

Camera action takes a bit of a back set on this particular model, though it still does a competent cameraphone job. It has a 3.2-megapixel snapper built in, equipped with an autofocus system, LED flash, and a new touch-based user interface.

Image quality can be reasonably good within the camera's limitations. Normally lit shots can look acceptably detailed, and close up shots come out well. Colours generally come across accurately, but occasionally can look a bit over-saturated in some lighting conditions. Still, they're not bad for a mid-grade shooter. Low-light shots aren't so good, however, with grainy picture noise appearing and the flash having a very limited effect in illuminating over more than short distances.

Shooting, the camera automatically switches into widescreen landscape mode, giving plenty of screen space for the viewfinder and camera touch controls. The camera interface presents an easy to follow set up for auto–metering adjustments, effects and standard camera tools. Adding effects post-shooting is a breeze, too.

Video capture quality is better than average quality for a mobile phone, recording at up to VGA resolution at 30 frames per second for reasonably watchable phone footage. Both stills and video can be easily uploaded online to Ovi, Flickr or Vox accounts using embedded software options. You can play video back on a television set too, with a TV-out cable supplied in-box.

Downloaded or sideloaded video content looks superb on the big screen. The 5800 XpressMusic supports a wide range of video file formats, with a RealPlayer app pre-loaded, and streaming is supported. Nokia's regular Video Centre app provides an out-of-the-box way of finding and installing feeds to mobile optimised video content suppliers.

That large screen also does great things for the Nokia Maps application, with the 2.0 version of the software looking good on the display. All the usual position-finding, map-viewing, route-planning, search and control options are to hand, with maps of the UK and Ireland coming pre-loaded on the in-box MicroSD card. Zooming via touch is a welcome new option.

The onboard A-GPS receiver worked a treat, locking on to satellites and tracking our position very sharply, with a commendably short start-up time. It worked very well in our tests. As well as the sophisticated standard mapping package, owners have the option of upgrading to Sat Nav-style voice-guided turn-by-turn directions.

Nokia has improved the regular S60 browser with its touchscreen implementation. Wi-Fi and HSDPA mean you get relatively speedy rendering of pages, but you can also swipe around, and zoom in and out by tapping pages and using zoom bars onscreen. There's an easy to use icon-labelled toolbar for speeding up your navigation. Flash is supported on this device too.

The 5800 XpressMusic's S60 smartphone pedigree shows through with a generous helping of additional applications, while more can be accessed from Nokia via the embedded Download! tool. The usual serving of organiser functionality includes calendar, calculator, notes, to do lists, voice recorder, and a variety of clock and timer functions.

Instant messaging and email with attachments are supported too. Nokia also includes a pair of games that demonstrate its motion sensor and touch operated capabilities.

With plenty of functionality inside, the 5800 XpressMusic does a good job in power handling. We managed between two to three days battery life with our average usage, though how much you use gadgetry like Wi-Fi, GPS or the music player will impact on overall battery performance.

Nokia reckons a fully charged phone can deliver at up to 400 hours on standby in 3G coverage or 406.2 hours on GSM networks. With voice calls - with which it puts in an exemplary communications performance – it can achieve talktime of up to 5 hours on 3G, or 8.8 hours on GSM networks.

With the 5800 XpressMusic Nokia has evolved its S60 smartphone legacy into a very serviceable touchscreen format. Practical evolution rather than jaw-dropping revolution is what you get.

While it doesn't have the smoothness and easy elegance of the iPhone's ground-breaking touchscreen user interface, Nokia's first mainstream touch control device has a functional, easy to handle set-up, and performs consistently well.

The touchscreen operation may lack the Apple sparkle, but the functionality within the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic certainly delivers, with plenty of top features for the price that makes this device an attractive music majoring proposition.

Network availability: O2, Orange, T-Mobile, Vodafone, Virgin Mobile

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Wholesale-Ultra Clear LCD Screen Protector Guard Cover For Nokia 5230 5233 5800 Protective Film (5pcs film + 5pcs cloth) US $ 0.38 - 0.41 / Piece Free Shipping Minimum Order: 35 Pieces

Wholesale-New Touch Glass Screen digitizer for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic B0019 P US $ 2.95 - 3.15 / Piece Free Shipping Minimum Order: 5 Pieces

For Nokia 5800 N5800 Touch Screen Panel Sensor Lens Glass Replacement 100% Test Before Free Ship US $ 12.52 - 12.99 / Piece Free Shipping Minimum Order: 1 Piece

Wholesale-Free shipping Phone LCD Display Panel Screen Touch Screen Replacement LCD ReplacementLiquid Crystal Display For Nokia 5800 US $ 8.84 - 9.46 / Piece Free Shipping Minimum Order: 2 Pieces

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4. Marble Maze Classic

The popular Marble Maze game can now be played on your Nokia 5800. and the best part is that it is available free (ad-supported). With 80 challenging fields and a completely new physics model, Marble Maze Classic is perfectly optimized for the Nokia 5800, fully utilizing its accelerometer while presenting a challenging labyrinth to gamers. So, if you love free games for Nokia 5800 with accelerometer support, this is the game to download and play. Looks simple, but is quite challenging!

2. Resco Bubbles

A challenging action puzzle game, Resco Bubbles has numerous explosive levels. The main premise is to pop a grid of bubbles with a metal ball quickly to advance to the next level. The game utilizes the Nokia 5800’s accelerometer to the full and gives a realistic ball-bouncing feel while playing. With 60 challenging levels and a calibration feature, Resco Bubbles is one of the most exciting Nokia 5800 games with accelerometer support. However, to ensure smooth gameplay, please upgrade your firmware to v20. You may have issues with old firmware.

1. Moolan

While most games for the Nokia 5800 use the accelerometer or the touch interface, Moolan is something that every gamer must download because it uses everything, including the proximity sensor and front camera, of your Nokia 5800 smartphone.

The main goal is to fly your own space shuttle over four dangerous planets ready to be explored. You will have to tilt the phone left or right to steer your spaceship through dangerous levels. If you want to accelerate the speed of the space shuttle, just place your palm over the proximity sensor. And if you want to refuel, just shake the phone to see your space shuttle’s tanks fill up. Moolan is a nice 2D game and is a nice choice for gamers who want unique free games for Nokia 5800.

Before downloading any games from Nokia Ovi Store. don’t forget to set your mobile (Nokia 5800 Xpressmusic or Navigation Edition). Also, register your email with Ovi before you download any game.

For free ad-supported games, make sure your mobile has an internet connection for game startup. Without internet, the game won’t activate.

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Nokia 5800 Apps Pack: 10 Hot Nokia 5800 Applications

If you have already downloaded all the amazing Nokia 5800 apps we have, here are 10 more hot applications for your Nokia 5800 device. The applications are free, ready to be grabbed and downloaded on your 5800.

Soon, we are also integrating an application store on the site to bring up all the Nokia 5800 applications. games and themes collection at one place. It’s just the start of a whole new series of applications and downloads we have on cards for Nokia 5800.

10 Hot Nokia 5800 Apps:

1) iSync: Now you can easily synchronize the data of your Nokia 5800 and Mac with the help of iSync application. The plugin is officially released by Nokia and they have a “how to” here for iSync.

2) Mobbler: Mobbler is a Last. fm radio player and scrobbler for S60 smartphones. It allows you to listen to your Last. fm radio stations and to scrobble tracks played using the S60 Music Player. Mobbler now supports Nokia 5800 device as well.

3) ScreenSnap S60 V5: ScreenSnap is an application that allows you to take screenshots on your Nokia 5800 phone and save them as an image file and transfer to your PC or send them to your friends via email, bluetooth, multimedia message or infrared. Interesting little application to play with.

4) Mobile Paint: Turn your Nokia 5800 screen into a canvas and paint it with different colors, pens and templates. So let your inner Picasso come alive and explore this cutie application on your 5800.

5) Mail for Exchange: This is Nokia’s push email service and a serious BlackBerry beater on E-Series Nokia handsets, and the message maestro is supported now on the 5800 too. Now you’ll know instantly when your boss wants that report done, even when you’re in bed. And maybe some good news on occasion too.

6) SymTorrent: This is a powerful BitTorrent client for Symbian phones now updated for S60 5th edition phones like Nokia 5800 and N97. SymTorrent supports downloading/ uploading multiple torrents at a time, pausing/ resuming them and check the status and stats of your torrent files.

7) Accuweather: This is a weather app which provides users with weather information for global locations including current conditions, 4-day forecasts, radar or satellite images, 15-day calendar view for a quick check of upcoming weather, hourly forecasts in graph format for visual display of temperature and conditions, and severe weather alerts (US only).

Download AccuWeather: The widget is free for you to download straight from your Nokia 5800’s download icon, so go ahead and get it for a great weather forecast experience.

8 ) Worldmate: WorldMate is an essential app for anyone who travels frequently. It provides users with such tools as world clock, currency converter, weather forecast, as well as world day and night map. It also provides detailed flight information in the premium feature. The latest version has improved interface and updated for Symbian S60 Version 5 platform.

9) Y-Browser File Manager: Even though it’s not an actual release for the Symbian S60 5th Edition, Symbian-freak guys still tried it on Nokia 5800 and found that it works perfectly on it. There is still plenty of room for improvement with the application but it is still an improvement on Nokia’s built in file manager.

10) Fring: Fring is a mobile internet service & community that enables you to access & interact with your social networks on-the-go, make free calls and live chat with all your fring, Skype, MSN Messenger, Google Talk, ICQ, SIP, Twitter, Yahoo! and AIM friends using your handset’s internet connection. Fring is now updated to support Symbian S60 V5 handsets (Nokia 5800 & N97) and will be released very soon released now.

UPDATE: Fring officially available now here

Hands On With the New Nokia 5800

The touchscreen 3G Nokia 5800, set to launch in North America later this month, will give the mobile world a pleasant surprise. This iPhone rival brings plenty of hardware goodies, but can it compete with Apple's crown jewel?

The 5800 will launch on February 26, and will be available in an unlocked version, which can be used on either AT&T's or T-Mobile's network, for $399. I've been using the Nokia 5800 as my primary phone for the past few days to see how well it performed--and how well it compares with my iPhone.

+ 3.2-megapixel camera with autofocus, dual-flash, and geotagging

+ VGA video recording at 30 frames per second, and TV out

+ Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, FM Radio with RDS, GPS, and USB 2.0

+ Accelerometer, proximity sensor

+ Rich retail package and relatively affordable price (for an unlocked phone)

- Immature and cumbersome user interface

- Not the best touchscreen sensitivity

- Unpolished web browser

- Llimited third-party apps availability

- Separate charger/syncing ports

- Additional paid license needed for voice-guided GPS navigation

What struck me immediately about the Nokia 5800 is that it lacks external music controls--and it's supposed to be a music-centric handset. On its right side, you'll find SIM and memory card slots. with stereo speaker grills underneath. On the left side are volume controls, a sliding screen lock, and a camera shutter. At the top of the phone, there's a power/profile switching button, plus a microUSB slot and a standard 3.5mm audio jack. A pleasant surprise was the included stylus, housed at the bottom right corner of the handset's back.

One of Nokia's 5800 most important assets is located at the back of the phone. The 3.2-megapixel autofocus camera sports Carl Zeiss lens with dual LED flash (take that, iPhone). Nokia just upgraded 5800's firmware last night, adding geotagging for photos (using the built-in GPS antenna), among other features.

The 5800 features a 3.2-inch 16:9 aspect ratio touchscreen (360 x 640 pixels), which has three control keys underneath it: call, menu, and hang up. The front of the phone also has a secondary VGA camera for video calling. Above the touchscreen, there's a tiny touch sensitive area can be found that brings up five onscreen shortcuts for music, pictures, media sharing, movies, and Web.

Music is the central point of the Nokia 5800, and the phone delivers. The sound quality is excellent, and the 5800 has a dedicated music chip built in, offering a listening experience on a par with a dedicated music device like the iPod and the iPhone. The music player offers plenty of functionality, including the ability to create playlists, view cover art, and an adjustable equalizer. The new firmware also allows users to modify song information in MP3 ID tags. As usual, iTunes DRM protected songs are not supported.

It's worth noting that the Nokia 5800 is almost 50 percent thicker than the iPhone but around half-inch narrower and quarter-inch shorter. In contrast with the iPhone's poor retail package, Nokia's 5800 package is quite rich, coming with PC and video cables, headset and remote control, extra stylus, a stand and wrist-strap with an alternative stylus. A 8GB microSD card and a carrying case come bundled as well.

The Nokia 5800 is based on the Symbian S60 platform, and its touch-optimized user interface is where the 5800 scored the least points with me. Unlike the iPhone's excellent interface, the one found on the 5800 is not very user-friendly. I also found that the touchscreen was not very responsive; I had to press very hard with my finger, though I did have better luck with the stylus.

Nokia didn't really optimize the Symbian S60 mobile operating system for touchscreen input, though you do get haptic feedback (via gentle vibrations). Scrolling down is still achieved using a regular bar, making it virtually impossible to be done with your finger. This is quite inconvenient, especially when you have to scroll down through a long list of songs or artists in the music player.

In addition, I found the 5800 slow when accessing menus and switching applications. Even after installing the new Nokia firmware update, the phone still felt slow in comparison to the iPhone or even the T-Mobile G1. And while I'm making comparisons, there are not enough applications out there for the Nokia 5800 right now (but Nokia is expected to launch an AppStore soon).It's worth noting, though, that the 5800 supports features long-craved by iPhone users, such as copy and paste and multitasking with applications allowed to run in the background.

Messaging on the Nokia 5800 can be difficult, as well. The touchscreen makes finger typing on the full-screen QWERTY keyboard cumbersome. Nokia offers a mini-QWERTY keyboard, an alphanumeric one, and also handwriting recognition, all done best with the stylus. Unfortunately, the e-mail client doesn't take advantage of the large screen and doesn't display HTML e-mail either--just text (text size can be adjusted in large, medium and small formats).

Though Nokia's 5800 own web browser uses the same WebKit rendering engine as Safari on the iPhone. the browsing experience is not comparable. Browsing the Web on the 5800 is fast, but zooming in and out of columns and pages is by far not as smooth and functional as on the iPhone.

The Bottom Line (So Far)

The Nokia 5800 is by no means an iPhone replacement. as I discovered from a few day of using it as my primary phone. But if you're not into the iPhone and you want a good music handset with a decent camera, this might be the one for you, especially if you get the handset bundled with Nokia's Comes With Music offer, which gives you unlimited music downloads for a year. Also, given the recent firmware upgrade, it seems that Nokia is actively working to improve the phone's features and responsiveness. We may also see another firmware update after the phone is available in the US.

Regardless, if you're looking for a more powerful, full-featured touchscreen phone from Nokia, maybe it's worth waiting a few more months for the N97 to get released.

Back in Europe, Nokia announced that it already sold over one million units of the 5800. Do you think the phone will be successful in the US? Will you be queuing up to get a Nokia 5800 for the full price (unlocked)? Please let me know in the comments.

Amazon Shop buttons are programmatically attached to all reviews, regardless of products' final review scores. Our parent company, IDG, receives advertisement revenue for shopping activity generated by the links. Because the buttons are attached programmatically, they should not be interpreted as editorial endorsements.

Nokia 5800

Whatsapp Messenger, you probably already heard of it. This poplar messaging service has almost a billion active users. Unique because the users come from all over the world. Sending free messages, photos, videos, emojis or your location? It is all possible with the WhatsApp Messenger App. Nowadays, you can download this App for free. Moreover, the App does not contain annoying ads.

For many people it is rather unclear. Can you download WhatsApp on a Nokia 5800 or is that not possible? Look before you leap: an old proverb that applies for users of the Nokia 5800. On this page you can read whether your phone is ready for the download and installation of WhatsApp or not.

What many people forget is that the Nokia 5800 is already on the market for quite a long time. In fact, this phone was launched somewere around November 2008. Sometimes we all desire to go back to those good old days! Android or iOS software are not compatible with this phone. It runs on the quite stable Symbian OS v9.4, Series 60 rel. 5 software that was introduced a few years ago. WhatsApp for Nokia 5800 . is this an appropriate combination? We look a little further into the specifications to come with a conclusion.

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This device features a stunning 360 x 640 pixels (229 ppi pixel density) screen. The content on your screen is good visible, even in sunlight. You can use lots of different Apps on the Nokia 5800. Combined with the 81MB memory, Apps like WhatsApp and Facebook should work stable. But that is only based on the internal memory.

Have not enough memory here? Then buy an SD card and increase the storage of your phone directly. This device can process a SD-card up to 16GB. This device is equipped with a 128MB RAM memory chip. In my opinion, this chip is somewhat old fashioned and not fast enough to run the most recent Apps like Facebook or Skype. When we take a look at the back of this device, we can see the 3.15 MP, 2048 x 1536 pixels, Carl Zeiss optics, autofocus, dual-LED flash camera function. The pictures you can take with this phone are unfortunately a little disappointing and hardly suitable for Apps like WhatsApp. Lots of Android and iPhone users complain about a short battery life. Thanks to an amazing Li-Ion 1320 mAh battery (BL-5J), users of the Nokia 5800 don’t need to bother about a short battery life time. The battery lasts for at least 1 single day. Besides WhatsApp, you are maybe wondering what other features the Nokia 5800 has to offer. What do you think about nice features like WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML, Adobe Flash Lite, mp3 ringtones, proximity sensor. A nice list of reasons to use this device!

Get WhatsApp download Nokia 5800 information

Well, and then of course the key question: is WhatsApp suitable for the Nokia 5800? We do not believe this, and therefore give a brief explanation in the next section. Downloading WhatsApp for the new generation smartphones goes generally much faster compared to outdated devices that are a couple years old.

We have tested WhatsApp for the Nokia 5800. Below you can check the results of our review.

Our objective assessment of WhatsApp Download for the Nokia 5800.

You read this review because you are curious about our test results of WhatsApp for this phone? Our team has done their very best to do get this important job done. WhatsApp has a number of minimum requirements. In this review we actually analyse the extent to which the Nokia 5800 fits to these requirements.

Release date and the software of this device This phone is from November 2008. Quite a while ago, right? This phone was sold very well in both Europe as the USA. Unfortunately, we found out that WhatsApp can not be used in combination with the Symbian OS v9.4, Series 60 rel. 5 software. This could possibly be changed in the future.

Do you want to know more about the screen and the memory of this phone? Indeed, the display of your Nokia 5800 having 360 x 640 pixels (229 ppi pixel density) can't be called very impressive and powerful. Even if WhatsApp would work on this phone, reading messages on this screen would be a disaster. If WhatsApp launches an App for your OS, you don't have to worry about the internal storage capacity of 81MB. Namely, this storage is sufficient to download lots of Apps and store media and messages. Unfortunately, it is not possible to download and install WhatsApp via an external SD card. This device is able to upgrade its internal storage with 16GB using an SD Card. Did you know that this phone only provides you with 128MB RAM memory? That is not quite enough to run today's Apps like WhatsApp and Facebook. You have access to a 3.15 MP, 2048 x 1536 pixels, Carl Zeiss optics, autofocus, dual-LED flash camera. The Nokia 5800 offers sufficient specs so you can take pictures in a smooth way. However, sending pictures can be a problem.

If you want to know more specs and details of other phone you can read our reviews about WhatsApp iPhone .

More about the battery and some other features Because this device is quite large and the screen does not require much power, your battry life is quite impressive. With the Li-Ion 1320 mAh battery (BL-5J) you can play for days. Features like WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML, Adobe Flash Lite, mp3 ringtones, proximity sensor are also worth to mention and nice to try. It is a pity that WhatsApp support is not included in this list.

To conclude Apart from the old operating system, the Nokia 5800 is just a very solid and decent phone. But if you want to download WhatsApp, you really need a more modern type of software like Android, iOS or Windows Phone. Do you already have an Android or iPhone device? Then you can visit our download page for more information. If not, we recommend that you have to get one of these mobile phones! Questions or ambiguities about WhatsApp for the Nokia 5800? Post them below. We will try to respond as quickly as possible.

About Sandra Woodstra

You like WhatsApp? Me to! I am Sandra Woodstra, writer about WhatsApp download information for Android and iPhone. I am also active at the support center to answer your questions about WhatsApp.

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WhatsApp Messenger, you probably already heard of it. This poplar messaging service has almost a.

Straight from the start, WhatsApp has grown rapidly in terms of number of users. Millions.

WhatsApp Download Center

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WhatsApp iPhone

Are you the proud owner of an iPhone and want to install the WhatsApp application on your device? On our page WhatsApp iPhone explains how you can download it via iTunes or the Apple Appstore.

WhatsApp Blackberry

Blackberry also support the use of the WhatsApp application for their devices. We have collected all the useful information about AppWorld and updates about WhatsApp blackberry .

WhatsApp Android

Do you use an Android smartphone or tablet like Samsung or HTC. We wrote a lot of information about downloading and installing WhatsApp via the google playstore on our WhatsApp Android page.

WhatsApp Windows Phone & Symbian

We know here are still many users who are looking for complete information about the download process for devices that need the WhatsApp Windows phone and WhatsApp Symbian version of the app.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic (Red)

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic (Red)

Designed exclusively for music addicts, the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is a candybar mobile that comes with a great list of features.

Among the music attributes of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic are a 3.5mm headphone jack, and 8GB memory (8GB microSD) to store all your favorite songs and music pieces. You can play all your audio and video files in multiple formats. And what's more, the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic offers free music downloads for a year.

Apart from these great music features, the feather touchscreen mobile phone has a display screen of 360x640 resolutions a tilt sensor (similar to Apple's accelerometer) and an in-built A-GPS receiver with voice navigation.

The feature-packed Nokia 5800 XpressMusic also comes with a 3.2-megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss lens, LED flash and video capability.

While the phone's virtual QWERTY keyboard is ideal for text messaging, email and instant messaging, the WiFi, 3G, GPRS, dual-band WCDMA, and HSCSD support ensures wireless access to the internet.

Other features include virtual keypad with stylus input support, Bluetooth 2.0, handwriting recognition software, FM radio, and built-in surround sound stereo speakers. You can also use the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic to connect to mobile broadband using WLAN or HSDPA (3.5G). Also find directions and locations with the integrated A-GPS and included maps.

You can choose the Nokia 5800 MusicXpress from three great colors like blue, black and red. Grab yourself a Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and enjoy music to your heart's content.

No wonder, the phone has rightly been called he latest 'iPhone killer' in India.

nokia 5800 By Damodar . 2012-08-06 19:26:15.0

It looks nice, very good in operate. Go for it.]

Good By Naved Khan . 2010-07-17 16:34:18.0

The only thing I don't like in this phone is 3.2 MP camera. I think Camera should be atleast 5 MP in this range.

Nokia 5800 Review, Specifications and Applications By Akash Malik . 2010-04-28 12:38:23.0

I have recently bought this phone. I highly recommend tech guys to go for this phone, Infibeam has always been my best shopping mate, you can buy this phone from infibeam itself.

Nokia 5800 XM By Sachin Yadav . 2010-04-28 12:37:30.0

This is the best Touch screen smart phone i have ever used. brightning fast touch screen. Camera is a good quality one. comes with four input methods. Big 3.2 inch screen. can play all video formats like. avi to using smartplayer. Thanks to INFIBEAM.

"5800" - AN ALL ROUNDER By Abhishek . 2010-04-14 14:30:52.0

Hey friends this time i m totally satisfied with NOKIA, Nokia has this time given a phone which is totally a "ALL ROUNDER" It has good music, camera, features etc. And most importantly it has a huge big touch screen with functions such as 3G, GPS, WI-FI and such combinations are hardly to be found in any other mobile, so friends just go for it.

About Nokia 5800's Camera By Anil Singh . 2009-10-24 10:33:02.0

Overall, this phone is good. But if the camera is very poor. If you are looking for a good camera phone, never purchase this one. Buy any other. I had Nokia N73 Music edition in past, the picture quality of that phone was much more better than this 5800. Camera Freaks-Do not go for this.

Simply the best By Anirban . 2009-09-05 21:12:53.0

I am using Nokia 5800XM from 2nd Jan 09, one thing I can tell that this ph have every thing, a complete phone, excellent emailing supports IMAP & POP3, nice camera, nice music, 3G, GPS, very user friendly what's more? More over this phone have 5th edition platform, as a result almost no chance for virus attack etc. & nice battery backup too. Like iPhone it doesn’t have zooming & menu rotation features & it's not as slim as Samsung Star3G. If it could be slimmer like Samsung Star3G, with these same features, it could be more attractive.

incomplete featured mobile By Vijay kumar . 2009-08-30 20:57:33.0

This set has every good features, except camera. It has 3.15 mega pixel camera which is of very poor quality, much below than average 3.15 mp. I became very disappointed buying it. look is also very simple.

As a Phone with all features By vamshi . 2009-03-04 12:04:01.0

Simply This phone is great

more to do By y kondal rao . 2008-12-18 15:48:14.0

we have every thing for music but i would like to know more about its fetures n how it works n about its looks n u should have more clarity on this phone it has great fetures but about its working i want to know okits good n about its software supports

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Nokia's 5800 XpressMusic was long anticipated when it finally went on sale in the UK on 23 January. It had been shipping in some other countries since last year and by the time we Brits were able to get our hands on it the phone had already sold a million units elsewhere.

You can pick the phone up SIM-free from the Nokia online store or pop along to your operator and get it for prices from free on contract. Vodafone has even bagged an exclusive blue colour highlighted version.

Such prolific availability at UK launch indicates that the 5800 XpressMusic is something of an attention seeker. It is, after all, the first appearance of S60 5th edition, which, vitally, supports touch control. That might be enough to make you want to rush out and buy this handset, but hold your horses. I see this phone as a competent first attempt rather than an all out iPhone killer.

There is no pinch control. There are some sweeping controls - for example, moving through photos and song lists, but the implementation lacks the charm and wow factor of the iPhone's system. It feels more like S60-plus-touch rather than a bottom up designed touch interface. Not surprising, really, as that's what it is.

My heart sunk when I realised there was a stylus sitting in a housing on the casing. I am inclined to think that any mobile that has a touch interface yet comes with a stylus is missing an important trick. Fortunately, I didn't have to resort to using this one.

Text entry is one of those all-important areas where the touch-based user interface has to be superb. If it works well then text messaging and emailing are easy. If not, they are frustrating. In this case, individual keys are small but not too small and there is a gentle vibrating response when you hit a key.

One potential problem is that keys don't actually register till you lift your finger away from them, so there's no chance of really fast typing that can result in physical contact with two keys at once. This may slow down the speedmongers.

Another irritation is that sometimes the screen wants a double tap and I had to get used to when this was the case. One example is choosing, rather than simply highlighting, an option in the music player. Press, wait, nothing happens, press again. Irritating. Still, these niggles aside, I'm inclined to give the touch implementation eight out of 10 for usability.


Trevor Totten

February 13, 2009, 2:15 pm

I&#38;#039;m sold. I&#38;#039;m due an upgrade on my contract, and I&#38;#039;ve been waiting for a review from you guys. My brother has one, and recommended it, but I don&#38;#039;t trust him as much as TrustedReviews! I&#38;#039;ve always had Nokias, but changed to Sony Ericsson and their W850i, which isn&#38;#039;t bad, but I just prefer Nokias. I&#38;#039;m sure they&#38;#039;ll be delighted to hear i&#38;#039;m coming back to them!


February 13, 2009, 7:40 pm

Um, a bit of a light review I thought?<br /><br /> <br /><br /> I&#38;#039;ve had one for a week now and can say that i&#38;#039;m 50/50 on it. It does require a lot of personalisation of the menu system for it to flow better and there are more bugs with the software than you can shake a stick at. I&#38;#039;ve lost count of the number of hard and soft resets and firmware / software installs i&#38;#039;ve done! <br /><br /> <br /><br /> Browsers (opera &#38;amp; S60 one) crash all the time with intensive use, I have so many niggles with the UI that I literally can&#38;#039;t write them all down here because i&#38;#039;d be here until 5pm! Needless to say - it ain&#38;#039;t no iPhone killer! Browsing busy web pages is a pain since scrolling is sooo difficult to do without accidentally selecting a hyperlink by mistake. Aghhhh!<br /><br /> <br /><br /> The build quality is generally good, but mine is falling apart after only 6 days of 7 days of use, the front raised bit of plastic around the edge of the front of the phone has started to come off at one corner. It has had no damage done to it, it just appears that the manufacture was faulty. I hope Nokia will fix this FOC.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Also this front lip, the raise plastic edge around the screen, is a nightmare for trapping dust and grit, as are the buttons at the bottom. I can see this causing problems after a while. <br /><br /> <br /><br /> The camera is diabolical. End of.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> The speakers and music side of things are very good.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Screen sensitivity is poor - you need to have long nails and tiny fingers for this handset to make sense. If you have sausages for fingers, you&#38;#039;ll be throwing this against the wall in no time. I have to use the Stylus all the time, which I don&#38;#039;t mind but as Sandra points out this sort of defeats the point of having a touch interface.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> The inconsistency of 1 click or 2 click is driving me mad. I may blend it one day, just because of this annoyance.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> And the battery life, i&#38;#039;m finding in real life, isn&#38;#039;t as good as reported. It will just about show a full 100min movie in mp4 format at 3/4 light with headphones, before it dies.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Battery life on the music front does appear a lot better, only using a couple of bars in 5 hours playing to external speakers. Sound quality is very good for a phone. On standby, i&#38;#039;m sure it will last for 10 days easily. if you don&#38;#039;t touch it, or breath on it. Seems like a silly, pointless, commonly quoted measure.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> As for it being a phone, well it&#38;#039;s good! Call quality is very good, signal and sound wise, in fact I get a better signal from this that I do with my E51 in the same areas.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Using the phone for writing lengthy emails, is a pain. mainly due to the various text input methods being too small for me. Either you have big letter keys and a tiny window to see the text you&#38;#039;re inputting or the direct opposite problem. Also I really miss the momentum scrolling (where it continues to scroll depending on the speed of your swipe) from the iPhone. (Although i&#38;#039;m not an iPhone fan, I do appreciate the good aspects)<br /><br /> <br /><br /> It does play. flv files directly without any conversion required. however, recently i&#38;#039;m finding this to be a poor gimmick since it is always crashing, dropping frames and generally misbehaving. More software issues.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> MP4 playback is very good, use mediacoder to convert your files to the native format and films look great. However, every 10 minutes or so the screen freezes and it takes a few seconds for everything to catch up. Again, more software issues.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Basically, I think that this could be an excellent handset in about 6 months time when Nokia have finished using people like me as guinea pigs for their (poor) firmware and software. They have had long enough to test this in-house, and I feel they should have done a much better job on the first FW releases.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> None of the hardware or software is new technology, but as a package it is still very compelling because you know that when nokia finally get the software right and iron out all these bugs, it&#38;#039;ll be a corker of a handset. <br /><br /> <br /><br /> A heavily upgraded new version of software has just been release on the NSU to owners of the blue handsets in various EU countries and, in spite of reports of new issues precipitated by this, it does sound promising. Owners of UK Red non-branded handsets will have to wait for this FW (V 20.0.012), maybe a few weeks. check the forums.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Also, i&#38;#039;m happy to report that the aGPS is actually worth having in this handset and is more responsive than my stand alone tomtom unit, which amazed me. I have managed to install TomTom software on to my 5800, but you need a BT keyboard to work it! I hope this is updated and available legitimately, soon.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Until then, i&#38;#039;ve gone back to using my E51 as my main phone, when I get the new FW uploaded, i&#38;#039;ll try again.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Any questions, feel free. <br />


February 14, 2009, 12:10 am

@lifethroughalens - your post was almost as long as TR&#38;#039;s review - shame they don&#38;#039;t have user reviews on this site.


February 15, 2009, 2:52 am

I say do video review as it is an important pivotal product in nokias history.


February 15, 2009, 4:06 am

This is a little off topic but can you say in your opinion which are the three best quality camera phones of the time are? just I am looking for a really deacent camera phone


February 18, 2009, 1:27 pm

@Jay<br /><br /> <br /><br /> I requested this handset a while back and was obviously not first on their list. I&#38;#039;ll check back and hopefully get a video done in the next couple of weeks. <br /><br /> <br /><br /> As for camera phones, well there&#38;#039;s the Samsung Pixon, Samsung Innov8, Sony Ericsson C905, and LG Renoir. The Renoir is a pretty slick handset with full touch screen interface and has a cool manual focus feature where you just press the part of the touch screen that you want it to focus on and it does so. Otherwise I quite like the C905. Build quality is definitely a cut above the rest, the keypad is really nice to type on and its on a par with the rest in most respects.


February 24, 2009, 8:32 pm

I agree that the review could have been better. I like to know the problems are before I buy - thank you lifethroughalens!<br /><br /> <br /><br /> I ordered one today, but before I read this review. I&#38;#039;m now having my doubts!<br /><br /> <br /><br /> I read on the s60 forum that you only need a bluetooth keyboard to install Tomtom sw. I didn&#38;#039;t realise that you need the keyboard the whole time! I&#38;#039;m sure some clever person will sort this issue out though.


March 12, 2009, 3:51 am

P1J2H3, the review by lifethroughalens is only one experience. I have had this phone for several weeks now and have suffered none of the crashes needs to reset or video glitches that he/she has. I have to say that battery life is excellent too. Areas that are not so good are the radio which isn&#38;#039;t too sensitive, the camera (but as a photographer I would use a dedicated camera for anything serious anyway) and the one click or two clicks thing. Physically there have been no problems, though I agree that sometimes bits of dust get stuck under the edge of the display. <br /><br /> <br /><br /> At the end of the day this was never meant to be an &#38;#039;iPhone killer&#38;#039;, the pricing shows that apart from anything else, the N97 will be the first serious attempt at iPhone killing. Several friends have the 5800 and are very pleased with it.

Paul T 1

March 13, 2009, 3:11 pm

Like most reviews on most phones the reviewers bang on about all the goodies but never mention how the thing works as a phone which, surely, is the main reason for having one!


March 17, 2009, 5:33 pm

i think this phone is brilliant, apart from the camera. (which there is a newly released software patch that can cure some of the niggles like the cameras fuzziness and the touch screen response) the phone overall is fun, feels different and keeps me amused with being able to use wifi, changing the themes and the virtual qwerty keyboard for those who are used to typing this way. in my eyes its is the closest you will find right now to an iphone killer. this phone is far more appealing to me than the must have samsung pixon and the iphone etc. plus the sound and display quality beat both of those phones and some of the apps do.


March 31, 2009, 5:09 am

A good start for Nokia touch screens. Not necessarily an i-phone killer as no touch screen yet compares to an iphone and no way near the number of apps as on an iphone, I guess it&#38;#039;s early days. However, I&#38;#039;d recommend the phone as the touch screen is responsive (much better than my other half&#38;#039;s Samsung Omnia), it&#38;#039;s great for people who love Nokia&#38;#039;s easy-to-use menu system, screen resolution is good, speaker sound quality is reasonable, and it&#38;#039;s free on most networks. Agree with comments re poor camera unfortunately.

Paul Churchley

April 23, 2009, 2:33 pm

I have had the 5800 now for about 2 months and I thought the video review was quite misleading in some respects.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> The criticisms of the screen having no multi-touch and so being difficult to type on is a problem with resistive screens in general and not just the 5800. The same is true of the softer screen feel as resistive screens work by pressing together two layers. Capacitative screens, such as on the iPhone, are glass and do not require any pressure at all providing for a much smoother and more gentle feel. This means that ANY phone with a resistive screen, not just the 5800, will display these properties. However, resistive screen do allow you to use any kind pointer and will even work with gloves. It sounds to me that the reviewer just didn&#38;#039;t like resistive screens but I don&#38;#039;t think that should be a critisicm in the review as he should really be reviewing in the context of the equipment. If you want a capacitative screen then don&#38;#039;t get the 5800!<br /><br /> <br /><br /> He said it was not at all thin and seemed to consider that a point against but this phone is great to use with one hand and its extra thickness makes it very stable in the hand and so much easier. It also allows quite a hefty battery to be used giving it excellent battery life for a phone of this type. I see the extra thickness as nothing but a benefit!<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Again, regarding the screen, I would guess that the reviewer hasn&#38;#039;t used the phone for long because he talked about the soft screen possibly getting scratches. In normal use I cannot imagine this being so. Although slightly soft to allow for the touch it is incedibly scratch resistant. I use a sharp pointed propelling pencil (with the lead retracted) as a pointer and it hasn&#38;#039;t shown any signs of scratching at all. Clearly, Nokia have done their homework on that one IMO.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> He talked of the ridge around the screen as getting in the way of typing. I certainly have not found that at all and to be honest I find that unlikely for most people.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> He talked about the one touch vs 2 touches in lists and grids. The problem here is that he doesn&#38;#039;t know how to use the operating system. In lists the first touch selects the item in the list allowing you to use the options menu to do something with that item such as delete, edit etc. If you want to action that item then it requires the second touch. This is not unlike when using Windows on a PC. Once you understand the reason for it then it starts to make sense and stops being a problem because you know what is happening and can choose to use the options menu on an item of action it. To call these smartphones &#38;quot;phones&#38;quot; isn&#38;#039;t really true. they are computers and so, as more and more of the functionality moves towards the computer aspects so the interface will start to have some characteristics of a computer in the more traditional sense and I think that the one touch vs two touches is a result of that. Is it ia problem? Not for me and once you know about it then it is just how it works.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> So, on to my impressions of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> This is a great phone is so many ways. The touch interface is not as smooth as the iPhone as it has a resistive screen, but it is very effective and for me certainly acceptable. The display is very bright and sharp. As an N95 user I have found changing over to the 5800 a doddle. The 5th Edition of Symbian S60 operating system has retained many of the same ways of working as the 3rd edition and so although there are many improvements, particularly in connection and access point management, it still seems familar and easy to learn.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Battery life in excellent. I have been using mine very regularly for podcasts and video streaming over wifi and I have only had to charge once during the day. If you are using the multimedia or GPS all the time then I am sure you might need an additional charge during the day but for most users, even active multimedia ones, I am sure that a charge overnight would be sufficient.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Sound is very good although a little quite at times for a phone billed specifically towards multimedia but video playback is nothing short of stunning. I subscribe to several video podcasts and view programs on BBC iPlayer and YouTube and all are quite excellent. You can even view live BBC TV now over wifi.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> Connection management is much improved over the N95. The 5800 allows you to define different access points, some GPRS, some 3G, some wifi and to list them in a class of connnection. When you use a program that requires connection you just specify the class of connection, not the specific access point, you want it to use and it will then use the access point that is nearest the top of the list that is available. This saves you having to change access points when moving out of your home/office, where you would use wifi, into the street where you would use 3G. It changes the active access point automatically. On returning home where wifi is available again it knows and will use the wifi automatically. If you want a particular program to always use wifi or 3G you can just set up new classes containing just those access points. <br /><br /> <br /><br /> This makes using the online services much easier and to be honest, it was one my biggest complaints about the N95. This is truly a phone for online use and I use it as my main way of reading and sending emails now.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> All in all the 5800 is a super phone. It has a resistive screen and the S60 5th edition O/S and so it isn&#38;#039;t perfect. But for the price I think it is great value for money and I think that with this phone Nokia has come up with a winner.

adam thomas

September 6, 2009, 2:42 am

The review was fair. but more then once he did show his true love for the iphone this is disapointing because this is not a iphone just a touch screen phone, theres not much they could of done to change the touch looks <br /><br /> and as for the scroling. there is also a bar on the right hand side to use so there is a better way to do it he just didnt show it.<br /><br /> i now have this phone and i safley say ' get it if you are looking for a touch screen phone and not a iphone' because this should not be seen as a iphone replacement, but as a touch screen phone made by nokia. <br /><br /> Great phone all round :)


September 7, 2009, 9:40 pm

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but can anybody tell me whether it will play native MP3s - in other words, can I just drag files onto the phone without having to go through barrier software?<br /><br /> <br /><br /> &#38;micro;

Guest Game Review: EA Cricket 2010 for Nokia 5800

Overwhelmed by the encouraging feedback we got from our very first guest review by Dheeraj CVR, we are bringing yet another guest review by him. After covering an amazingly powerful file explorer: X-plore, our guest reviewer is covering one of the most fascinating games in television history - Cricket .

Electronic Arts which is probably the best known name in the gaming circuits brings the popular sport Cricket to the mobile gaming platform with its EA Sports Cricket 2010. The game is so exhaustive that you can even play an entire world cup on your 5800. Can’t wait to get the feel of this game on your 5800, right? Hit the jump button for screenshots and a brief review.

This is a Java Version of the Cricket 2010 and is as good as the PC Version. There are a few limitations here and there owing to the hardware limitations of a mobile device, but nothing major (no commentary, custom Player creation etc.)

EA Games is very successful at cricket games on PC and now on mobiles too. You don’t need to worry about fielders catching the ball outside the boundary rope and finding your beloved player back in the dressing room. Happens in some games. No kidding, but this version of Cricket is user-friendly and is really hassle-free for game-play on a mobile handset. The easy bowling and batting options make a cake walk of cricketing skills but thats only for this game on our 5800 and not on the actual field!

What we like about the game: 1. Excellent gameplay (Realistic Fielding, bowling and batting) 2. Good Graphics for a Mobile Phone 3. Good Sound Effects

What we don’t like : 1. The game seems to be much slower in Devices without Java Runtime Installed (You can install Java Runtime by downloading it from Nokia beta Labs ).

EA Cricket 2010 is one of the most entertaining games on symbian fifth edition platform. If you are a fan of cricket, you gotta have this game installed on your phone and there is no other way around it! If you are new to Cricket, this game provides a right platform to get a feel of this game which fascinates billions of viewers worldwide.

P. S - Thanks to Dheeraj CVR for a great review.

Viewing software for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Blacklist is a service for automatic calls reject depending on your rules. The rules are very easy to set up - just add contacts, contact groups or custom phone numbers to the list. You are at the meeting and can't accept calls at the moment or you want to block someone from calling you permanently - try Blacklist, it offers you an easy solution.

Blacklist Scheduler makes your phone a completely automated personal secretary. It can reject everyone except family members at night, accept only co-workers at business hours on working days, etc.

The service will do all job using really small amount of memory, system resources and absolutely transparent to user. Just configure and turn it on one time and you can forget about it and forget about all unwanted callers as well.

Easy to understand and configure.

Real-time incoming number analysis.

Reject before your phone starts ringing and disturbs you.

Scheduler that can automatically switch rules based on time.

Rejected calls log.

Sms notifier that can send sms to rejected person if needed in order to explain your reject reason.

Service based application - works in background and absolutely transparent to user

You can create as many lists as you need and activate the one that suits your current situation.

You can add as many correspondents as you need to every list.

Scheduler is a very useful function of BlackList application that can switch your lists automatically based on defined time schedule. For example Scheduler can block all calls every day after 23:00 except the ones from very close family members, at 9:00 it can allow everyone to call you except some numbers you have blacklisted. During working days when you are on working place it can allow only "work" calls, etc

Automatically rejects unwanted callers. Real-time incoming number analysis and instant reject. Easy to configure and use. Your phone will be always busy for unwelcome calls!

Best Blacklist highlights:

Real-time incoming number analysis. When you have an incoming call BlackList application instantly detects the incoming number and uses unique algorithm (reverted binary tree) to analyse it and determine if the service has to reject it or not. Regardless of how many numbers/contacts it has to analyse it rejects the call if needed in some microseconds, before your phone starts ringing and disturbs you.

Just busy. Because of real-time number analysis and almost instant call reject all unwanted callers won't even know that they are blacklisted, they will just hear the busy tone all the time .

Sms notifier. You can set up blacklist to send sms to rejected person if needed in order to explain your reject reason, e. g. "I'm on business conference, call you back later".

Scheduler. Scheduler makes BlackList your completely automated personal secretary. The service can reject everyone except family member at night, accept only co-workers at business hours on working days, etc.

Real interaction with built-in contacts. When you set up your black lists you can add here contacts from your contact book (not just import phone numbers!) and even more you can insert here groups of contacts . Just create in your built-in contacts application some groups like Family, Spammers, Co-workers, etc and add these groups to as many lists as you need without adding tons of contacts to every list.

Service based application. BlackList is a professionally made application and consists of configuration application that you can start like any other application and service module (always-in-memory process). When you have configured the settings you can activate the service and close the configuration application. The service will do all job using really small amount of memory, system resources and absolutely transparent to user. Just configure and turn it on one time and you can forget about it and forget about all unwanted callers as well.

User Guide:

Lists and Correspondents

You can create as many lists as you need and activate the one that suits your current situation.

Only one list can be activated at one time. You can activate/deactivate any list using "Activate/Deactivate" commands or just by double tapping on it. Currently active list is marked with . If no list is active then the service will perform no call filtering action.

There are 2 types of lists:

Black list. If activated it will reject only the correspondents listed in this list.

White list. If activated it will accept the correspondents listed in this list only and will reject everyone else.

Hint: - Empty "white list" - will reject all incoming calls. - Empty "black list" - will accept all calls.

You can add as many correspondents as you need to every list.

Contact . You can select contacts from your contacts book. All phone numbers that the contact has will be blocked or accepted (depends on the list type)

Group . You can select groups of contacts from your contacts book. All contacts that the group has and all their phone numbers will be blocked or accepted (depends on the list type)

Phone number . Type here any custom phone number.

Unrecognised number . Represents all callers who hide their phone number or their phone number was not recognised by network.

All in Contacts . Represents all numbers in your contact book.

All not in Contacts . Represents all numbers that are not found in your contact book.

Number template . Allows you to make number 'masks' using character *. P. ej. if you include in blacklist: "+38050*" - will block all numbers starting from +38050. "*12345" - will block all numbers ending with 12345. "*123*" - will block all numbers containing 123 anywhere in the number.

When you finish setup you can turn the service ON to start filtering all incoming calls. When the service is ON BlackList configuration application is no longer needed and you can close it in order not to waste the memory and resources, the service will stay in memory and will do all job.

When the service is activated you can see the brief status of its activity in application status line. Like "Rejected 3 / 4" - means 3 calls have been automatically rejected from 4 total incoming calls.

Please note: service activating could take some time (some seconds) as it has to prepare and organize all your data (fetch all phone numbers from listed contacts/groups of contacts, etc) to be able to analyze incoming phone number during a call in real time.

Scheduler is a very useful function of BlackList application that can switch your lists automatically based on defined time schedule. For example Scheduler can block all calls every day after 23:00 except the ones from very close family members, at 9:00 it can allow everyone to call you except some numbers you have blacklisted. During working days when you are on working place it can allow only "work" calls, etc

You can create as many scheduler "rules" as you want. If you don't want some rule to be enabled you can disable it (without deleting) and when next time you need it you can enable it again (no need to create it again).

Imagine the situation you are on business conference and want to accept some "work" calls only and don't want to be disturbed with the rest of calls. But you don't want to lose them! You can manage such situation easily with BlackList application. Just set up BlackList to accept needed calls only and use Phone built in "Call divert" options. To reach "Call divert" options, please start the system application "Settings" and select "Call divert" item here. This command allows you to configure Call forwarding service of your network operator directly from the application. Turn "Divert if busy" ON and set up here your secretary/voice mail/etc phone number and your network operator will automatically forward callers rejected by BlackList application to the specified number.

You can always take a look what numbers were rejected by the application. To see rejected calls log select "View log" command from menu. Here you will be able to see all such calls sorted by time and call back the rejected caller from this view.

Frequently asked questions

1. When a blacklisted call comes in it goes to my voice mail. Can it just be rejected only?

Sí. If rejected call goes to voice mail it means your network provider re-directs the caller to your voice mail when receiving busy signal from your phone. Some providers set this behavior on default when you buy a phone. But you can change this behavior directly from your phone: Start system application "Settings" and select "Call divert" command here. Select "If busy" item and than cancel divert command.

15-days fully functional demo version

File: best_blacklist_s3_s60_3_and_5_v_4_00_sw. sisx Download size: 352.5 KB File format: SISX (Symbian installation) Target platforms: Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, S60 5th edition Languages: English, Russian, German, Chinese

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

What's hot: First touch screen S60 Nokia smartphone. Very high resolution display.

What's not: Little UI niggles.

Review posted April 23, 2009 by Lisa Gade, Editor in Chief

While Nokia has ventured ever-so rarely into touch screen phone territory (we're thinking of the Nokia 7710. the first and last S90 smartphone, dating back to 2005), the iPhone craze seems to have gotten them on their way. Better late than never, as the cliche goes; and the Nokia 5800 is worth the wait. This is Nokia's first S60 5th Edition phone-- 5th Edition is the touch screen version of S60, while 3rd Edition is the non-touch version used on all other current Nokia smartphones such as those in the N and E series. There is no 4th Edition since many high tech companies that market products in Asia avoid the number 4 because in Chinese the word for four sounds the same as the word for death. The flagship Nokia N97 will run 5th Edition as well (released mid-2009), which makes the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic even more interesting since it gives us a sample of what's to come in that top-of-the-line model and it offers an affordable alternative to the pricey N97.

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic was first available in Europe several months ago and is now available for the US in the NAM (North American) edition. We're reviewing the NAM model which has 3G HSDPA for AT&T's 850/1900MHz bands. The NAM version works on EDGE with T-Mobile US and overseas. The Euro version has Euro 3G (900/2100MHz) rather than US 3G and lacks a US warranty. The Nokia 5800 is a GSM quad band unlocked world phone, and it's sold direct from Nokia's US website and from online retailers like Amazon and Dell.

Priced at $399 list with no contract and available for less from a variety of online retailers, it offers a wealth of features for the money. These include WiFi, GPS with Nokia Maps, a 3.2 megapixel autofocus camera, Bluetooth and Nokia's usual bevy of built-in S60 smartphone applications. The 3.2" resistive touch screen runs at 16:9 widescreen resolution (640 x 360). It has haptic (vibration) feedback and an accelerometer. S60 5th Edition supports both capacitive and resistive touch screens, so why did Nokia go with resistive? To support character input (handwriting recognition), which capacitive can't do. While US buyers might not be in love with handwriting recognition, it's very popular in Asia for character input, and Nokia is a global company.

Touch and Display

The Nokia 5800 requires a slightly firmer press than the iPhone, but it's a light touch compared to other resistive touch screen phones. It's similar to the Samsung Eternity and requires a lighter touch than most Windows Mobile Pro phones and the LG Vu. This is in part due to the large targets (icons and menu items)-- Nokia has optimized S60 to work well with a finger and there's no need for a firm, pinpoint touch on tiny user interface items. It's a pleasure to use the touch screen with fingers, and there's no need for the included stylus that tucks into the back cover, unless you want to use handwriting recognition or sketch with a paint program (Nokia Hong Kong has a paint program available for free download ). S60 looks largely the same as it does on other recent N and E series phones, so the learning curve is short for those accustomed to Nokia S60 smartphones.

You can scroll by dragging a screen of icons or a list in the same direction as you'd move the scroll bar (yes, there are scroll bars-- that's so 90's). That feels a little weird since it's the opposite drag direction from touch screen phones like the iPhone and Samsung Touch Wiz feature phones. Finger scrolling works very well in the web browser and image viewer, however. Oddly, in some cases you'll double-tap and in others single-tap to accomplish a task. For example, you single-tap an icon to launch a program, but double tap to select a list item. Perhaps Nokia did this to avoid accidental list item selection when scrolling?

There is no d-pad and the only hardware buttons are call send, call end and the S60 programs button on the front face. There's a camera button, screen lock/unlock slider and volume up/down buttons on the phone's right side and that's it for mechanical buttons. There's a touch sensitive button above the display that brings up shortcuts to the web browser, video player, image viewer, music player and Share Online (Ovi, Flickr, Vox and other services).

How to select a phone profile? You can press the power button briefly to bring up the profile selector or tap the carrier name/date at the top of the homescreen (there's an option to view the calendar too). How to set an alarm or bring up the world clock? Tap the clock on the homescreen. Want to access connectivity settings (Wifi, Bluetooth, cellular)? Tap the display's upper right corner where the Bluetooth and WiFi icons appear when those radios are on.

While some third party S60 3rd Edition apps do install and run, they're generally designed for a d-pad and soft keys so there's no way to effectively use them without some hacking. Thankfully, developers are releasing 5th Edition apps (Garmin, MobiSystems OfficeSuite 5, MobileDVD, QuickOffice, themes) quickly; though we still don't have the broad collection of apps that are available for 3rd Edition. Games particularly are lacking right now, though by the end of 2009, I'm sure we'll see a decent selection (keep in mind this isn't an N-Gage phone).

The Nokia 5800 and the iPhone 3G .

The programs key brings up the applications window, just as it would on any other Nokia phone. Press and hold the programs key to bring up the S60 task manager that allows you to switch between running programs. There are two home screen layouts available: the first is similar to the standard active desktop on other S60 phones, with 4 shortcut icons to applications (there are fewer icons since they're larger to be finger-friendly). It shows upcoming appointments, has a link to search the phone or Internet and a music player controller that shows when the music player is playing tunes. Two icons near the bottom link to the phone dialer and contacts. The other home screen layout replaces the 4 application shortcuts with 4 speed dials, each with a photo of the contact. Pressing the call send button brings up call history, while the call end button minimizes the current running program.

We love the high resolution, 24 bit color display. At 360 x 640 pixels, it's the highest resolution Nokia phone on the market and it's perfect, when in landscape mode, for viewing web pages and watching movies. The 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio is perfect for films, and Nokia includes a $50 Amazon video on demand gift certificate in the box along with an 8 gig microSD card.

We also appreciate the proximity sensor that turns off the display and touch screen when the phone is against the face, but wonder why Nokia forgot to include letters on the on-screen dialer keys for vanity number dialing. There's an accelerometer than handles screen rotation and it's just right: not too twitchy nor too slow.

Here's our 10 minute video review of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic NAM. We give you a walk around the phone, show the UI, multimedia playback, GPS and more.

How do you input text? Nokia provides several options including a phone-style keypad with predictive text that does a very good job, handwriting recognition, compact QWERTY and full screen QWERTY. You can use the compact QWERTY and number pad entry in both portrait and landscape orientations, but the full screen QWERTY is available only in landscape mode.

Above: compact QWERTY. Below: large QWERTY in the messaging application.

Phone and Internet

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is a quad band unlocked GSM phone that supports all the world's GSM bands: 850/900/1800/1900MHz. You can use any GSM carrier's SIM with the phone, and you need not start or extend a contract to get the phone. As we mentioned, there are two versions: Eurasian and North American. We're covering the North American (NAM) version with US 3G HSDPA on AT&T's 850/1900MHz bands. This version lacks Euro 3G, so data is EDGE-only in Europe and the same is true on T-Mobile US (T-Mo uses different 3G bands and there is no version of the 5800 with T-Mo 3G). The phone detects your SIM card and automatically configures the correct data connection and MMS settings-- very nice.

As per usual with Nokia phones, voice quality is excellent and reception is very strong. This is a great voice phone, and a pocketable one at that. It works with Bluetooth headsets and car kits as well as A2DP Bluetooth stereo headsets. A stereo wired headset is included, and voice is loud and clear over that headset. The Nokia has speed dial and voice command with voice dialing. Voice dialing as usual on Nokia phones wasn't terribly accurate. Data transfer speeds over AT&T's HSDPA network are good and the phone supports DUN so you can use the phone as a wireless high speed modem for a notebook.

Nokia's Webkit-based web browser (the same browser engine as in Safari on the iPhone, in the Android web browser and in Google Chrome) is powerful and does an excellent job of desktop rendering. It's similar the browser on other recent S60 Nokia phones like the N96 and N79. but it's been optimized for touch with large on-screen buttons and support for scrolling via finger-dragging, which works quite well. It supports CSS, Javascript, dHTML, SSL, cookies, cache management, frames and more. There's a full screen mode which greatly reduces side-to-side scrolling in landscape mode since the browser controls appear on the right hand side in landscape orientation (and at the bottom in portrait mode). Thanks to Flash Lite 3.0, you can watch YouTube and other Flash content via the browser-- nice!

Messaging and email are again the same as that found on other recent Nokia smartphones. There's support for text, MMS, POP3, IMAP and MS Exchange email too.

Applications and Syncing

Since this is a smartphone, it has a full suite of full-featured PIM applications (same as any other Nokia S60 phone) and it syncs with Outlook in Windows and Address Book and iCal in Mac OSX (you can download Nokia's iSync plugin from their web site ). The address book supports most every field available in Outlook and it supports groups. The calendar has day, week and month views and it has alarms, recurring events, multi-day events and tasks. There's a notes application, Zip manager, Quickoffice 4.2 for viewing MS Office files, a multi-language dictionary, Nokia Maps, web browser, email and messaging client, Gallery, call log, sample games and more. The phone multitasks, so you can have several applications running simultaneously.

The 5800 is both a smartphone and a music phone-- Nokia was one of the first manufacturers to realize we want to work and play with the same device. The music player is Nokia's usual capable player with support for album art, shuffle, EQ, playlists, stereo widening and loudness boost. It's not as slick as the iPhone with its Cover Flow interface, but it is one of the better phone players. File format support includes MP3, AAC, M4A (iTunes format), AAC+, WMA, WAV, Real Audio and True Tones. You can use any tune as your ringtone and store music on microSD cards up to 16 gigs capacity (an 8 gig card comes with the phone). The side-firing stereo speakers are some of the best we've heard on a phone (especially with stereo widening turned on) and our only complaint is that bass can distort at high volumes. A stereo earbud headset is included and it includes an inline controller and mic that's separable so you can plug in your favorite headphones and still control music and make calls. The phone also supports A2DP Bluetooth stereo with AVRC (AV remote control). Sound quality with a good pair of Bluetooth headphones like the Samsung SBH500 is very good.

In addition, the 5800 has an FM radio, Real Player, Flash Lite 3.0, a podcasting application and access to Nokia's music store. As usual, the FM radio uses the headset as its antenna, but it can play through the speakers as long as the headset is connected. The radio application can automatically scan for and save stations and the tuner is strong (stronger than our desktop AM/FM radio).

The phone can play locally stored videos and streaming media in Flash and Real Player formats. This Nokia does a better than average job of Flash playback from sites like YouTube. It takes a while to load and buffer video over 3G, but playback is smooth and the phone remains responsive while playing video. The 5800 supports a variety of video formats, and we tested MP4 videos up to 640 x 360 resolution at fairly high bitrates. We were impressed with the phone's smooth playback with no apparent dropped frames or loss of audio sync-- very nice! Nokia includes a small folding stand that's ideal for watching movies with the phone sitting on a desk or table.

The Nokia 5800 has a 3.2 megapixel camera with a Carl Zeiss autofocus lens. That sounds like pretty good stuff, and the photos are good but not great. They're head and shoulders above the Nokia E71. and really good for outdoor shots, but indoor shots have more noise than we'd like despite the dual LED flash.

Max photo resolution is 2048 x 1536 pixels and there are a variety of lesser resolutions. All controls are touch-based, though the camera button can act as the shutter button. You can send photos via email, MMS, Bluetooth or share them online via a variety of services including Nokia's own Ovi service. Colors and sharpness are very good in outdoor shots and focus is reasonably fast. Indoors, noise creeps in, though not all shots are terribly noisy-- the cat photo to the right had relatively little noise for a poorly lit indoor photo.

The camera can shoot video from MMS size to VGA 640 x 480 and 640 x 360 at 30fps. on paper, that's as good as the imaging champs Nokia N95 and N96. While the 5800's videos are excellent by camera phone standards, they're not as good as the N95 and N96: there's more noise and less sharpness.

The Nokia has an integrated GPS with aGPS and Nokia Maps 2.0. Unlike last generation Nokia phones which were slow to get a fix and sometimes lost track of satellites during a trip through urban jungles or tree-lined streets, the 5800 got a fix quickly (even indoors near a window) and maintained a fix when driving. Nokia Maps is a capable mapping application with POIs and turn-by-turn spoken directions. It's matured over the years and now provides expedient routes in the US. Nokia Maps is free, but driving and walking directions require a subscription (daily, monthly, 1 year and 3 year plans are available at prices similar to TeleNav and US carrier-branded navigation services). A free 30 day trial is included, so you can test it out thoroughly yourself. You can use the desktop map loader to save maps to a card, or download maps over the data connection as needed. The application, like all Nokia apps on-board, supports the touch screen but maps are shown only in portrait mode.

Google Maps works fine on the Nokia 5800 as well and we could use a finger to drag maps. Garmin XT Mobile doesn't yet work correctly on the US version of the 5800. Garmin updated their software for the Euro 5800, but version 5.00.40 doesn't work on the US model. Hopefully they'll release an update soon!

Multimedia 3G smartphones don't generally have the best battery life. The Nokia 5800 proved the exception, managing better than average battery life (significantly better than the Nokia N95-3). Using the GPS for driving directions is the only activity that drains the battery quickly (get a car charger for long trips). The 1320 mAh Lithium Ion battery easily lasted us 2 days on a charge with moderate use (10 minutes of GPS use, and hour of music playback through the phone's speakers, several short calls, 45 minutes of video playback, 30 minutes of gaming and an hour of web browsing on 3G and WiFi).

Nokia's first touch screen S60 smartphone is a success overall. It's easy to use, fun and has a compelling set of features. Not to mention it has excellent call quality and reception. Nokia could add some polish and abolish those scroll bars, but these small complaints don't stand in the way of using the phone nor do they annoy us unduly. If you're a Nokia fan and want to join the touch screen crowd, the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is a great way to start. It's relatively reasonably priced and has a wide set of features to meet most any need. We love the capacious widescreen and excellent video playback, stellar call quality and easy syncing to PCs and Macs.

Pro: Large, very high resolution display is a joy to use, especially when web browsing, viewing photos and watching videos. Excellent voice quality and reception. Familiarity of S60, yet well on its way in terms of touch optimization. Great video playback performance, excellent music experience. Absolutely no need for the stylus unless you want to use handwriting recognition or draw. Good GPS performance. Reasonable price for a very well-featured S60 touch screen smartphone Good battery life.

Con: In most cases the 5800 requires 5th Edition versions of 3rd party apps (software junkies take note).

Display: 24 bit color resistive touch screen LCD. Screen size diagonally: 3.2". Resolution: 360 x 640, supports both portrait and landscape modes.

Battery: Lithium Ion rechargeable BL-5J battery, 1320 mAh. Battery is user replaceable. Claimed 3G talk time: up to 5 hours. Claimed GSM talk time: up to 8.8 hours. Claimed music playback time: up to 1.5 days. Claimed max video playback time: 5.2 hours, 3.4 hours with nHD/MPEG4 640 x 360 high quality video.

Performance: ARM 11 compatible CPU, 369 MHz processor. 64 MB built-in RAM. 128 MB Flash ROM with 2.85 megs available.

Size: 4.37 x 2.04 x 0.61 inches. Weight: 3.84 ounces.

Phone: Unlocked GSM quad band 850/900/1800/1900MHz world phone with EDGE. 3G HSDPA for AT&T's bands (850/1900MHz). Euro version has different 3G bands.

Camera: 3.2 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss autofocus lens and dual-LED flash. 3x digital zoom for photos and 4x for video. 2048 x 1536 max photo resolution. Can shoot video with audio at VGA 640 x 480 max resolution, 30fps. Secondary QVGA (front-facing) 2-way video conferencing camera captures video up to 176 x 144 at 15fps in H.264 format (video conferencing not supported by any US carrier).

Multimedia / Audio: Built-in stereo speakers, mic and 3.5mm standard stereo headphone jack. Supports Bluetooth A2DP stereo with AVRC. Voice recorder (records in AAC format) and music player included. Supported video formats: 3GPP formats (H.263), Flash Video, H.264/AVC, MPEG-4, RealVideo 7,8,9/10, WMV 9. Supported audio formats: AAC, AAC+, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, AU, AWB, eAAC+, M4A, MIDI Tones (poly 64), Mobile XMF, MP3, MP4, RealAudio 7,8,10, RMF, SND, SP-MIDI, True tones, WAV, WMA, WVE. Supports USB mass storage mode and MTP for music transfer over USB as well as UPnP. Includes AV cable that connects via RCA connectors to video and left/right audio channels on a TV or projector.

Networking: Integrated WiFi 802.11b/g and Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR.

Software: Symbian OS 9.4 with Nokia S60 5th Edition. Web browser, messaging, email client, Mail for Exchange, notes, calendar, contacts, voice command, speed dial, Real Player, Flash Lite 3.0, music player, Gallery, video player, FM radio, podcasting, Share services, demo games, WorldMate, translation dictionary, Zip manager, QuickOffice 4.2 (via free download), Nokia Maps 2.0 and Download (powered by Jamster).

Expansion: 1 SDHC microSD card slot compatible with cards up to 16 gigs. 8 gig card included. USB 2.0 High Speed port (sync/transfer cable included).

In the box: Phone, battery, world charger with US prongs, extremely short USB sync cable, standard stylus and guitar pick stylus with lanyard, stereo headset with detachable controller + mic, AV cable for TV connection, manual, software CD, Amazon video gift certificate, 8 gig microSD card and small folding stand.

Nokia 5800 review

Besides some quirks and strange choices, the Nokia 5800 is actually a nice phone. Calls sounded good, and battery life was strong. The phone has solid music, video, Web browsing and GPS features, and even though none of these are exceptional, they're all robust and quite capable compared to other multimedia phones out there. On the other hand, we had hoped to see a more polished interface design, better camera and an overall multimedia performance that could match the N series smartphones, but it seems like we'll have to wait and see if the Nokia N97 can work some real magic there. In our opinion, Nokia also needs some new ideas about finger controls. Attaching two different styli to the phone just won't cut it, especially when remembering that Windows phones with only one stylus attached are already in trouble. Release: March 2009. Price: $320.

Pros: Music sounds good. Microsoft Exchange support for e-mail, contacts and calendar. Solid Web browser. Responsive touchscreen.

Cons: Mediocre camera performance. Too many hardcoded onscreen keyboard options. S60 5th Edition doesn't provide the real XpressMusic experience.

Full Nokia 5800 Review:

Of course the most interesting aspect of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic's design is the new touch interface. Though Nokia has certainly made touchscreen devices before, the Nokia 5800 is the first device to come along in the wake of the recent tablet phone revolution. We were expecting to find touch capabilities shoehorned into a standard Symbian S60 platform, but in reality the phone's interface is actually kind of pleasant. It isn't the marvel of design that the Apple iPhone OS represents, but it's certainly more pleasant than using Windows Mobile on an all-touch device, even the Samsung Omnia, with it's TouchWIZ interface.

There are some problems that make the S60 5th Edition platform seem less than polished. Pressing the Menu key takes you to the last open menu, not the main menu. The screen orientation switch from portrait to landscape could be slow, some times taking up to 5 seconds. Scrolling lists on the Nokia 5800 is different than on other all-touch phones. You don't move the list with you finger, instead you move a selector up and down. It still worked nicely, and the screen was pleasantly responsive, but we wished that scrolling would accelerate as we moved through our music library or our contacts. Instead, scrolling actually slowed down near the end, which was very annoying.

Overall, 5th Edition offers a nice implementation of touch sensitivity on Symbian S60, but it's not a great touch interface in its own right. Nokia even concedes that you'll need a stylus, so they bundle two different pointed with the device. A guitar pick can hang off the phone on a cord, or you can use the stylus slotted in the battery cover around back. We almost wish Nokia would start from scratch and create a whole new platform designed for touch, perhaps using capacitative touchscreens instead of the resistive technology on the Nokia 5800.

The Nokia 5800 is one of the least attractive all-touch phones we've seen, but it's still a functional design. The phone is squat and thick with a protruding rim around the edge of the device. We like the external slots for not only the microSD card, but for the SIM card as well, though the SIM slot wasn't spring loaded, so it was easy to insert but not remove.

For buttons, the phone gets a camera button, volume rocker and a dedicated, touch sensitive, media menu key that lets you jump to music, photos, etc. When the screen goes black, you light it up by flicking the lock switch. Easy enough, but why not just rely on the built-in proximity sensor, like Apple's iPhone 3G does? The Nokia 5800 is already smart enough to black the screen during calls.

Calls on our Nokia 5800 review unit sounded pretty good. We used AT&T's 3G network for our tests, and calls were mostly clean. We heard a slight bit of hiss at times, and callers reported a somewhat metallic quality to our voices, but nothing too serious. Reception was solid throughout our test time. We were also impressed with battery life. We got nearly 6 hour of talk time, which is pretty good for an HSDPA network. But we like that the phone seemed to sip juice slowly on standby, so after leaving the phone for a couple days without using it, it still had plenty of life left.

Thanks to Symbian OS, the Nokia 5800 has a capable address book. We used the included Mail for Exchange app to synchronize our Outlook contacts with the phone. The phone also lets you place shortcuts for 4 contacts on the home screen, which was nice, but we could double that and still beg for more. Searching through the contact list was strange though, as an alphabetically arranged, not QWERTY, keyboard appeared. The keyboard only places 18 lettes or numbers on screen at once, so typing for instance the letter "R" would require you to go the next page.

For calling features, the Nokia 5800 is a mixed bag. The speakerphone is great. It was very loud and clear. Conference calling was also easy. Once you've placed your second call, an icon appears to conference the two calls. We connected 4 calls at once and had no trouble swapping and dropping individuals from the conference. The Nokia 5800 comes with speaker independent voice dialing, but it suffers from the Nokia curse. We simply wish Nokia would have included its new voice control by Nuance on this phone.

Messaging on the Nokia 5800 was solid, though it did lack some essential features. Text messaging was easy enough with the wide onscreen QWERTY keyboard. We liked the haptic feedback on the keyboard, which gave us a soft click every time we successfully pressed a key. There are more compact keyboard options available, especially for portrait mode, but when we stuck to the wider landscape keyboard we were much happier. The phone has predictive input, so it will guess what you want to say, but we wish it would correct our mistakes, instead. That's a much more useful feature on a touchscreen phone.

All around, the various keyboards on the Nokia 5800 were unpredictable and made little sense. In some apps, we'd get a full screen QWERTY, while in others (like GPS navigation), we'd only have a tiny mini-QWERTY, or a number pad. In the contacts list, it's that strange alphabetic, multi-page layout. Worst of all, there's often no way to pick your favorite. Nokia needs to standardize this throughout the UI.

For e-mail, we used the included e-mail app to connect to Gmail. Then, we used the Mail for Exchange program to synchronize with our Microsoft Exchange accounts. Having Exchange access on a multimedia phone like this is a great plus that makes it much more useful, not only for e-mail, but for scheduling and contacts as well. We also like that whenever we wanted to send a message, from the photo viewer or from the address book, the phone always gave us the option to choose which account to use.

The one major feature the Nokia 5800 lacks is Instant Messaging. Again, Nokia has never been good about bundling IM apps on their unlocked phones. Of course, since it is a Symbian device, there are plenty of third party apps available, but we always prefer when this feature comes preloaded.

The Nokia 5800 has music in its name, but music doesn't seem to be its primary focus, especially considering the other phones in the XpressMusic family that we've liked (to check out our comparison of Nokia's XpressMusic phones, click here). Don't get us wrong. The Nokia 5800 does have some nice music features. For one thing, music sounded great on this phone. Even played through the onboard speakers, sound quality was good overall, and we liked the equalizer and stereo widening options. The phone also uses a standard 3.5mm headphone jack, so we could use our own earbuds. An 8GB microSD card comes preloaded.

Music transfer was a real chore though. This time around, we eschewed the standard PC Studio and let Nokia's Ovi software manage the sync tasks. The interface was still confusing, slow and uninspired. Music transfer took a long time, much longer than we had expected.

Web Browsing - Good

While the Nokia 5800 uses the capable Nokia Web browser, which uses WebKit technology, the interface was pretty basic and unfriendly. The mini map from other Nokia phones is still there, and you drag it around with your finger, but we wish the mini map would magnify the small portion it covers, like the browser on the T-Mobile G1. The browser window also needs to react better to touch. It was responsive for panning and scrolling, but zooming and clicking on links were more of a pain. The phone didn't always resize properly when we tapped to zoom in, and some links were unresponsive until we pulled out one of the two different styli included with the phone.

We have to give the Nokia browser some credit for using Flash Lite 3. It did slow things down considerably, but with some patience and a little luck, YouTube videos played nicely. Videos were playable either in their respective Web page, or in full screen mode. Often a long or slow-loading video would freeze the browser, but about half the time videos played smoothly.

The phone uses a 3-megapixel, auto focus shooter, and Nokia is certainly capable of turning out some excellent cameraphones. But pictures on the Nokia 5800 were horrible. They were blurry with lots of noise. Colors were drab and insipid. The dual LED flash helped with lighting, but pictures taken with the flash came out even blurrier than shots without.

Photo management also needs some serious improvement. Most touchscreen phones, including HTC's TouchFLO phones like the HTC Touch Pro, use gesture controls to zoom or rotate photos. On the Nokia 5800, you can swipe photos to see the next one, but most photo viewing is handled by onscreen menus. To zoom, you have to move a slider bar with your finger, then watch the spinning icon onscreen while the phone redraws. It's neither smooth nor fun to use. Photo uploading was very easy, and we paired the Nokia 5800 with our Flickr account in no time.

GPS Navigation - Good

For GPS navigation, the Nokia 5800 comes with Nokia Maps. We were impressed with the GPS performance on this phone, and also with the fluidity of the Nokia Maps program. It was fun to start at a full Earth view and zoom in quickly to our exact location. It's not Google Earth, but its better than most phone navigation programs. We had problems entering destinations for turn by turn navigation, as the phone wouldn't let us use the widescreen keyboard layout. But once we typed in an address, the phone helped us get there, and looked pretty good doing it.

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This simple and intuitive software program allows you to convert any video files into MP4, ready for playback with Nokia phones. The program converts videos in many popular formats, including – but not limited to – AVI, MPEG, MOV, WMV, MP4, WEBM, 3GP, 3G2, FLV, RM, MKV, and others. Besides, it can produce video files that are compatible with many specific models of Nokia phones.

7 votes 0 commented

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Nokia 5800 XpressMusic hands-on

She's arrived at last, the 5800 XpressMusic. Nokia's tardy entry into the (modern) touchscreen phone space, and we've gotten some quality face time with the device. Appropriately nicknamed the Tube, the device has a number of Nokia peculiarities that could appeal to certain sensibilities, but probably won't be taking a big bite out of existing touchphone market share -- at least in the S60-phobic United States. Let's dig in, shall we?

Resistive touchscreen, huh Nokia? We're intrigued, but certainly wouldn't say impressed. Nokia claims the decision was made to appeal to the world market, particularly asian countries that prefer handwriting recognition to keyboards. Hence the stylus input option. It doesn't ruin everything for those of us that would rather tap with our thumbs, but means pushing that much harder on the screen, and using the tips of your fingers when you type instead of the flat -- knocking off a good 5 wpm or so in the process -- we'll talk more about software keyboards in the next section. There's also a plectrum (guitar pick) included that can hang from a wrist strap if you don't want to smudge the screen and don't feel like sliding out the stylus.

The LCD itself is certainly impressive, at 640 x 360, but colors and brightness aren't complete knockouts. Purists will enjoy the dull screen surface, which certainly cuts down on glare, but casual users often prefer glossy screens for watching movies, something this aspect ratio is very well suited to.

There's a very, very loud speaker in the back. It's not the clearest thing in the world, but if you want to share a song or something with a friend, they'll certainly hear it. There's also a 3.5mm jack up top, right where it should be.

The 3.2 megapixel camera focuses well and takes great pictures in daylight -- indoors is likely a different story, as with most cameraphones, but there's a rather powerful dual LED flash to help out with that.

All of this -- in addition to things like GPS, WiFi and a side-loading microSD slot (there's a free 8GB card included) -- are wrapped up into an elongated, chubby package, hence the Tube moniker. We'd hate to have something of its shape and thickness in a tight jeans front pocket on a regular basis, but we must admit that it's very comfortable to hold and use with a single hand, something that can't be said for all touchscreen phones.

It's S60, so if you were hoping for something else you'll be sorely disappointed. Nokia's done "just enough" to turn the traditional interface into a touchable one with version 5.0, sizing up icons, adding finger-friendly buttons in lieu of traditional menu items and so forth. What Nokia hasn't quite figured out is consistency, requiring double taps in some places, single taps in others. Scrolling through most lists requires dragging a scroll bar, pulling down as the list flies up, but the browser has touch and drag scrolling. Nothing's too frustrating or unreasonable, but this is no seamless experience.

What's new is a touch-sensitive button above the screen that drops down the Media Bar for access to music, movies, photos, the browser and sharing. Not life changing, but quite convenient. There's also a new home screen with a "Fav Four" of sorts across the top and little else. Tap that friend, and you can get a quick look at recent calls, messages and even related RSS feeds. Pretty neat if you're a loner, but there's no way to add more than four friends, or view similar info for your regular contacts that don't make the cut. Luckily, the traditional S60 home screen is also available.

For text input you have four options: handwriting, mini QWERTY keyboard, full screen QWERTY and alphanumeric keypad. The first two are stylus-based (that mini QWERTY is truly mini), while the other two are only available in landscape and portrait modes, respectively. Like we said in the hardware end of things, the resistive touch means using the tips of your fingers instead of the pads, which we find a tad frustrating, but the keyboard in landscape mode is truly gargantuan, and after an hour or two of learning we're guessing you could rattle off some pretty lengthly emails or Great American Novels. Luckily, if you're a T9 fan there's nothing stopping you from keeping the phone in portrait mode and rattling off text messages with the touchable alphanumeric keypad, and the phone is frankly too narrow to work well with QWERTY in portrait. The handwriting recognition looks good enough, but we revert to a 2nd grade writing level whenever we pick up a pen, so that stylus is staying firmly in its holster.

We're not convinced the touchable browser is a step up over existing WebKit implementations on Nokia's other handsets, since the tap to zoom function is slow and unreliable -- and no, you can't select text from web pages to copy and paste. Panning around the page is also jittery, perhaps a tad worse than the G1 -- nobody has managed to pull off iPhone smooth yet in this department. We were using a slightly early software build, so some of these problems might be fixed in the final version, but it wasn't encouraging. Still, there's no denying the advantages of viewing the web on a 640 x 360 LCD.

We tested out an accelerometer-based driving game, but it was overly sensitive and no-fun-at-all -- though we're guessing that wouldn't be a hard fix. The graphics looked pretty good, though. Movies are potentially this phone's killer app, but you'll have to do the conversion just right to get smooth playback at full resolution. We did see some video shot with the phone (that Sea World shot in the gallery) and it looked pretty good.

If you haven't picked it up by now, Nokia isn't going after the power users here. The phone will be marketed under Nokia's "Live" banner, and really concentrates on the most basic communications -- calling and texting -- with a whole bunch of multimedia piled on top. Nokia's Comes With Music helps on that end of things, and the screen certainly helps with video, but this is no iPhone when it comes to to solid media integration or full-featured media player apps. On the communication side, we're sad to see Nokia almost burying some of its S60 advantages. Everything's still there, but Nokia didn't put the gruntwork in necessary to really take advantage a next-gen interface as it relates to keeping track of emails, social networking, IM and the correspondences of more than four people. All that said, Nokia isn't claiming that the 5800 is the be all end all, is releasing it with a very aggressive price point (€279 unlocked), and promises more where this came from.

The phone ships this fall in Europe, and will show up next year in the States without a carrier, though hopefully it picks up one soon -- a $50 subsidised price tag could turn this thing into a hit if the US carriers don't sit on it too long.

The new software update aims to improve the performance and add new functionalities to the device. It’s immediately available for download on Nokia Software Update website. It’s free of charge, though data charges may apply.

Improvements in the new software version, says Nokia, include faster data download from Internet, improved e-mail experience, better search experience with in-device search.

New Camcorder Features . second camera support for still image capture in addition to video calls, burst mode that allows people to take multiple pictures one after another without needing to repress the picture taking button

Mobile Dictionary . built-in dictionary functionality with voice playback of words utilizing text-to-speech technology, support for 38 languages

Application Update . with Application Update people can check for available updates for applications and update them directly in the device. Applications can also be kept up-to-date by setting the checking to automatic.

“The update includes great improvements in the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. As mobile devices become more and more advanced, additional features and new functionalities are easy to install to the existing device. We recommend people to take advantage of the new features and upgrade their Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, and get more from their existing device,” said Soren Petersen, senior VP, Devices, Nokia.

Nokia regularly releases firmware updates for many device models to improve their performance.

For software, you can go to the Nokia Software Update website: http://www. nokia. com/softwareupdate

Review: Nokia 5800 XpressMusic - An Alternative Review

You'll have already seen Rafe's exhaustive review of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, the first S60 5th Edition phone: Intro and Hardware. Multimedia. Software and Compatibility. In this review feature, Steve Litchfield gives his own slant on the device. Armed with production (9th Dec 2008) firmware, he critiques the 5800 XpressMusic from various standpoints.

Size and Design

Held in the hand, the 5800 is almost identical in size to the N78 and N82. Or indeed to any other phone-sized smartphone from the last year or so. In other words, it feels great in the hand to non-geeks, whereas the likes of the N95 8GB and N96 (let alone wider devices like the Apple iPhone and HTC Touch versions) are on the chunky side for use by a 'normob' (normal mobile user). The size alone is a big clue as to who the 5800 is aimed at.

There's a demographic that is currently trying the likes of the LG Viewty and Samsung Tocco (among others), wanting a touch screen phone but not willing to stump up for a heavyweight contract in order to acquire a wider-than-they'd-really-like iPhone. This demographic (and I've talked to a fair few people in it) finds the current phone-sized touch devices too clunky, too slow and too hard to read in daylight. And they also rather wish they could have similar aspirations but with the Nokia brand name across the top. Well, now they can.

Although unashamedly a plastic 'tablet', build quality is good and the 5800 XpressMusic looks the business with its luminescent colour strips on each side:

A curious ridge all round the battery cover becomes clear when you spot that at two points on the left side are the speaker apertures, blasting sound from within the ridge. With the apertures on the left, rather than on the right (as on the N82 and other devices), I can only assume that Nokia have discovered that playing sound to reflect off a desk or lap is more effective than playing it off vertically into the air.

I liked the camera shutter key, which is nicely positive, I liked the tethered microUSB port cover and I loved the keyguard toggle. This makes for a supremely quick and handy way of turning the screen off and locking the device in a fraction of a second. And unlocking it again later.


The 5800's display is perfectly sized (for the form factor), is bright (even outside in sunshine, it fares better than resistive touch screens of yesteryear) and fairly responsive. We're not talking iPhone visibility and response here, but it does the job pretty well. One of the pillars behind the iPhone's conception (and, to be fair, behind full screen PDAs since about the year 2000, including, notably Nokia's own 7710, several years before the iPhone) was the idea that very little frontal real estate was used for buttons that got in the way, i. e. the screen itself could adapt, to show graphics or maps or a full qwerty keyboard, as needed at any one moment. The 5800 means that Nokia are now in the same field with a current, fairly future-proof phone - and, to be honest, I've been quite impressed.

One downside of touch-based phones is that they're soon bedecked with fingerprints and the 5800's no exception here. Having said that, the screen is slightly recessed, as is the camera glass, so at least you don't then pick up every last piece of dust on top of the finger grease when you lay the phone down. Maybe we should all just wash our hands more?(!)


S60 now scales up or down to suit a variety of screen sizes, of course - I wasn't expecting any difficulties here. The speed of S60 5th Edition, even with 'Theme effects' turned off, isn't great yet - there's a slight lag in everything that happens. From the 50ms or so delay after tapping the screen while the haptic vibration system works, to the second or so while some application screens switch in and out, you wouldn't say that the 5800 is blindingly fast yet. However, it's clear that there is still optimsation to be done and I'd expect speed increases in many areas over the next few firmware versions. And as it stands, the 5800 XpressMusic is fast enough for the man in the street.


The most interesting aspect of S60, as implemented here with a touch screen, is the way screen taps are mapped through to each application. I think Nokia have gotten this wrong in several places, with the result that double-taps are needed where single taps would be quicker and less confusing. How I think this should work is that, when faced with a screen of icons or a list of items, a single tap should behave the same as if you'd highlighted the item with a phone d-pad and then pressed in 'Enter'.

For example, in Music Library, you see the usual 'Artists', 'Albums', etc. list. If I tap on 'Albums', I want it to bring up the list of albums, not merely highlight the item, awaiting a second tap. Now, in some very specific places, lists like this have a whole string of context-sensitive options appropriate to each item and in these cases it's probably reasonable to just highlight the item and wait for the user to tap on 'Options', to decide what to do with it, e. g. in File manager or editing Access points. But in well over half the places where S60 5th Edition presents screens full of items, a double tap is needed where it's not really necessary. The end result is that the user taps once and waits. After about a second or so, when it's obvious that nothing's happening, the user sighs and taps again.

Another example: the list of bookmarks in Web. As a user, you bring up the list and expect to tap on a bookmark to go to that site. After all, what else would you want to do? In fact, there's a small chance that you might want to edit the bookmark or move it around - but this would be better handled by an 'Options' Bookmark editor function. S60's UI designers are rather caught between a rock and a hard place here - they want to keep as much of existing S60 in place as possible, yet also to embrace a new way of doing things. Something's got to give, in the interests of keeping things intuitive.

I accept the fact that there will be some inconsistency in the interface - after all, this is bolting on a whole new means of interaction onto an interface designed for one thumb. But the current situation frustrates as often as it delights.

Text entry

In most cases in the 5800 XpressMusic, tapping on a text field (in order to add or edit text) will pop up your default keyboard, i. e. the one you chose to use last. This is mostly true, though there are a few apps which insist on just the simplified alphanumeric keypad. See Rafe's preview articles (links at top) for more on the text input options. The one that interested me though was the 'Full Screen QWERTY' keyboard - even the Apple iPhone can't currently put up a wide-screen keyboard in landscape mode.

The keyboard layout itself (barely smaller than that on the huge E90) key highlighting mechanism and haptic (vibration) feedback all work rather well, your fingers will soon be trying to fly across the virtual keys. But there's a problem, in that, due to physical restrictions in the resistive touch screen, key presses have to entered below a certain minimum speed, i. e. go too fast and your keystrokes get missed. This is a shame, since I for one had harboured dreams of mastering the layout and letting my fingers work up a decent speed. Yet the faster you get the more keys are missed.

If you have access to a 5800 XpressMusic you can test this yourself. Press a virtual key and then press another while keeping the first one pressed. The second one is the only character registered, even though the screen knows where you first made contact. I'm hoping, really, really hoping that some clever screen drivers can help out to interpret the pattern of a user's taps here, to increase typing speeds for everybody.


S60 Web hasn't changed much under the hood from the familiar beast on older, non-5th Edition S60 devices, although there have been some optimisations that help it turn in a faster performance, subjectively perhaps 30% faster on some byte-rich pages. The biggest change is of course in the user interface, with the old d-pad-driven, Options-led system now changed to a touch-driven, largely-toolbar-led system. The end result is something that's more functional than it is beautiful, with some functions on the pop-up tools panel, some on the traditional Options menu, and some on both.

Pages can sometimes only be dragged around with a finger once they've been fully rendered, depending on the mix of graphics and Flash objects. This latter restriction does causes problems sometimes. Once rendered, dragging the web image around isn't as smooth as on the capacitively-screened iPhone, but it's not a million miles off. There's no multi-touch here, of course, so zooming is done by double-tapping to cycle between appropriate zoom levels or by using the on-screen zoom control. I found that I was continually using the tool panel 'Full screen' function, in order to be able to see more of my page - a single tap shortcut to this function would have been handy. In landscape mode, particularly, a lot of the screen is taken up by the title bar and toolbar, rather foiling the point in having such a large screen in the first place.

As demoed in The Phones Show 72. watching Flash video 'inline' in web pages is slightly quicker and more streamlined than doing the same on older S60 devices - maybe the Flash Lite code got itself an overhaul? I was initially bemoaning the fact that YouTube clients like Mobitubia and emTube don't work on the 5800 XpressMusic (yet), but in fact it's not that painful looking for videos and watching via the full YouTube site - just steer clear of the incredibly-Flash-heavy front page if possible.


In good lighting. the 5800's stills and video cameras are up with the very best of Nokia's Nseries phones - the use of Carl Zeiss optics mean that things are kept crisp. Sin embargo. the internal CMOS sensor is obviously quite a bit smaller, since low light photos have an order of magnitude more digital noise than the equivalents on flagships like the N95 and N96. The 5800 counters slightly, with dual LED flash keeping light levels up in dark situations and by being able to shine out the LEDs when doing video recordings, but there's no substitute for more sensor pixels at the end of the day. Anything taken indoors will end up a disappointment.

Camera samples, click each to download or bring up in your browser:

The exposed camera glass also rather collects fingerprints, given that this is a touch screen phone and fingers will need to brace (on the underside) against finger taps on the front of the device - so you'll need to wipe the camera glass before any important shots!

Still, for a lower priced phone with so many other unique selling points, the camera will please many, especially if used outdoors in daylight. As demonstrated recently. there's one novelty here in that one of the video capture resolution options is wide-screen, effectively created by cropping the middle 640 by 352 pixel slice from the larger VGA video frame in its highest quality mode.

As with stills, it's vital to emphasise that the smaller and cheaper sensor means lots of digital noise when taking videos indoors, dramatically more than on the N82 and N95, for example.

As with most recent S60 phones, Nokia hasn't been able to resist putting in a 'multimedia' key. This time in yet another different format, dropping down from the top-right of the interface at any point and simply offering shortcuts to Music player, Gallery, Share online, Video centre and Web. As usual, the multimedia menu doesn't offer anything new and only really serves to confuse people. In my opinion - hey, maybe new users will love it.

I had no problems whatsoever with video playback, with even raw FLV (Flash video) files being played back well at full-screen size, it seems that despite the lack of video hardware, enough has been optimised in software to fill in as needed. Photo browsing was on the slow side, with only one image 'either side' of the current one being cached - it's quite easy to get ahead of the display software and end up seeing several circular 'loading' icons. In addition, even bringing a photo up for editing results in a wait of up to ten seconds - surely this will be sorted out in future firmware.

Music playback was superb, both in terms of quality, library speed and stereo speaker volume. This last is just extraordinary - the 5800 XpressMusic has the loudest speakers of any phone that I've ever tried. And there are the usual Nokia extras, such as stereo Bluetooth support (A2DP) and also TV out, for playing back music via a Hi-Fi or video/photos via a TV.

Mapping and Navigation

I ran Maps 2.0 on the 5800 over the course of a day's car navigation and had no problems whatsoever - Maps 2.0 arguably works better here than on any previous S60 device. There's the larger screen for clearer maps, plus the touch screen interaction, bringing to mind PNDs like the TomTom GO. And all on your phone, etc. The loud speakers (sic) also helped here, for spoken directions.


It's really way too early to call the 5800 XpressMusic a success in respect of games. The device comes with a version of Global Race, an arcade driving game that unfortunately suffers from lack of hardware graphics acceleration (it flies on the N95, E90, etc) and an annoying platform puzzler 'Bounce' (though my daughter enjoyed this!). More than any other application genre, games will need to be rewritten to take into account the new screen size, lack of d-pad and touch-screen layer. N-Gage-compatibility is promised, so there are games on the way from this direction, at least.

Whether the large screen, combined with lack of graphics oomph, will be a problem remains to be seen. At worst case, it might just mean an absence of 3D/sports games. At best, the extra flexibility of having a touch screen will make new genres a possibility for the first time under S60.

Services and third party applications

In recent times, I've had cause to talk quite a bit about Samsung's latest S60 smartphones, in the context of their firmware taking a while to be finalised, but also focussing on support for such newcomers from software developers and service providers. Having a top end phone or smartphone is about much more than just the features you get out of the box.

Such is the case with the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, with many of Nokia's own services and addons still not recognising the 5800, even after it's been out on the streets in some parts of the world for almost a month. Mind you, I'd expect the pace of compatibility with the rest of the world to be much faster than with the slightly more 'niche' Samsungs - this is the mighty Nokia, after all, with huge resources being thrown at their new device and platform (S60 5th Edition) from all directions, plus the popularity of the 5800 XpressMusic is more or less guaranteed, ensuring a constant stream of attention from developers.

Rafe has already talked a lot about backwards compatibility for S60 5th Edition and this big touch-screen. Among applications that I was particularly interested in, Google's Java Gmail client installed but was very clunky to use - it's based around the assumption that a d-pad is present and on the 5800 you have to use the on-screen virtual d-pad. Best ScreenSnap worked brilliantly for capturing the images in this review, Google Maps 2.3 worked brilliantly as well, with Street View looking great in landscape mode and controllable using touch - on S60, a real novelty. Quickoffice is in the 5800's Download! Catalog (as opposed to being in ROM), which is fair enough for the target market - this also seemed to work well, although I didn't upgrade it to 'editing' status.


The hardware team have done a cracking job on the 5800 XpressMusic, it looks and feels like a high quality product. It even feels sexier than the Apple iPhone, although it can't match the latter's speed, graphical prowess or breadth of applications. But then it is a lot cheaper, both SIM-free and on contract. And, in its own way, has some very appealing features: the genuinely phone-width form factor, the widescreen video recording, the application of touch to Web, Nokia Maps and Google Maps, the reasonable quality stills camera (light permitting), the terrific music playback and loud output. Plus the usual Nokia telephony and connectivity strengths.

Bottom line: if I was handed a 5800 XpressMusic, an Apple iPhone 3G and a HTC Touch HD, and was asked to pick one, all costs covered, I would probably still pick the 5800, even though it's by far the cheapest [though I'd take an N95 8GB over all of these without a second thought, if I'm honest]. The 5800 XpressMusic is already a competent contender in the phone world - with some TLC (Tender Loving Care) from Nokia's firmware department over the next few months, it should rise to become a mid-tier flagship.

Steve Litchfield, All About Symbian, 23 Dec 2008

PD. And, of course, the entire 5800 software development experience is paving the way very nicely for the N97, which should arrive with significant polish and a turn of speed, thanks to six months of firmware iterations on the 5800 XpressMusic.

Published by Steve Litchfield at 10:47 UTC, December 22nd


Nokia 5800 XpressMusic review


Touchscreen control

Symbian S60 smartphone functionality

A-GPS technology built in



Excellent music player

8GB MicroSD memory card supplied

3.5mm headphone socket

N-Gage gaming supported

FM radio

3.2-megapixel camera

Contacts bar

Good web-based applications

En contra

Supplied earphones are average quality

Touchscreen control doesn't have iPhone-style multi-touch

Camera performance is limited

Low light shooting not good

It's taken a while for Nokia to deliver its first post-iPhone touchscreen handset, but with the release of the 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia is now firmly in the touch control game.

The first handset to be built on the latest touch-operated 5th Edition of Nokia's S60 smartphone platform. the 5800 XpressMusic packs some heavyweight feature punch.

It may line up as Nokia 's flagship music phone, but it has a set of functionality more akin to the Nseries high-end phone roster.

Touchscreen action is centred on its large 3.2-inch touch display, but under the bonnet the 5800 XpressMusic features Wi-Fi support plus HSDPA high-speed 3G mobile data connectivity, A-GPS location finding and mapping technology, a host of smartphone multimedia gadgetry, including a substantial amount of music-playing ability.

Nokia boxes it with an 8GB MicroSD memory card (with cards up to16GB supported), it has a built in 3.5mm standard headphone socket, and the onboard music software is capable of delivering excellent quality audio.

A 3.2-megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics takes care of snapping business, while Nokia has included a spread of online-based features for sharing stills and video content, plus a variety of online links to services such as Facebook, and a full web browser.

Nokia has introduced the 5800 XpressMusic at a surprisingly competitive price for a touchscreen newcomer – it costs £249 SIM-free, although it's also available from free on some contract deals.

Nokia hasn't tried to do an iPhone-alike with this device. It has a distinctly Nokia look and feel; even though it does do the minimalist black front panel design, there's typical XpressMusic red or blue coloured trim, and the solid bodywork has more Nokia Nseries candybar about it than slimline Apple phone. Still, it isn't exactly a pocket-bulger though – it weighs 109g and measures 111(h) x 51.7(w) x 15.5(d) mm.

The button count on the front is low, with Call, End and Menu buttons under the display, a touch-sensitive Media button on the top right above the display, plus a secondary video calling camera and proximity sensor nearby.

The 3.2-inch, 16-million colour 640x360 pixels display provides a decent amount of finger room for the new Nokia touch user interface. A small stylus is also slotted into the back panel offering a more precise tapping option – and Nokia also boxes a plectrum on a wriststrap.

The S60 5th Edition user interface debuting here marries a familiar S60 style of menu structure and navigation to a straightforward to operate touch set-up. It's not the sort of easy-swiping, pinch-to-zoom Multi-touch screen employed on the iPhone, but it does allow finger stroke scrolling through menus and lists of options.

The home screen display has a couple of tappable buttons for pulling up a virtual numberpad and scrollable contacts list. Pressing towards the top of the screen pulls up quick access to calendar, clock, ringtone profiles, plus Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity options for fast switching on or off.

The neatest new homescreen feature is a Contacts Bar – a panel of four contact buttons you can assign to any of your contacts, and to which thumbnail images can be attached.

Press the contact and you have one touch access to new text messages or calls plus a log of recent communications with that number. You can also link up to two web feeds to each contact, so by pressing the contact bar you can see regular online updates from the relevant blogs, web pages or social networking sites.

If you like, these can be switched off or replaced by a more familiar S60 shortcuts bar.

Another set of shortcuts arrives via the Media touch key, glowing just above the display. A tap of this drops down a multimedia toolbar with five icons, providing quick-tapping hotkey access to the music player, web browser bookmarks, Video Centre function, media gallery, and the Share online option – offering online uploading for video and images, plus networking via sites like Nokia's Ovi service and Flickr.

The main menu touch action is clearly evolution rather than revolution. A grid of main menu icons onscreen is tappable to get into more sub menus in a way that's consistent with S60 conventions. Responsive onscreen softkeys help tap-to-select options, while generally it's easy to scroll through and select, with haptic feedback giving you vibrating confirmation that keys have been touched.

Text input can be done via a very usable virtual alphanumeric pad – just like normal texting - or via Qwerty keyboard input, using a large and very well proportioned sideways view one, or a mini any-way stylus-tappable one. A very good handwriting recognition option is also to hand. The phone has an accelerometer built in for automatic screen rotation, so it switches views to how you're holding it.

Sensors are also utilised to mute or dismiss incoming calls or switch or snooze alarms, simply by turning the phone face down when you get an alert.

User-friendly music player

Touchscreen apart, music is naturally centre-stage. The S60 music player interface hasn't been re-invented; there's none of the whizzy visual touches or cover-flow style browsing as the iPhone. The conventional-looking set-up is straight ahead and fine to use.

Nokia's Music Store is supported for those who don't sign up for the Comes With Music service, and an FM radio is built in. The 8GB of in-box MicroSD storage supplements the small 81MB onboard storage, giving plenty of headroom for stacking tracks.

Thanks to the 3.5mm headphone socket – usefully, on top of the phone – you can plug in a decent set of your own ear-wear to maximise sound quality. It's worth doing as this device is capable of producing a superb audio performance, with lovely clarity and depth. plus surprisingly hefty bass. The supplied earphones are OK, but could be better, so we'd advise a try with some higher quality ear-gear to appreciate the full effect.

Stereo speakers on the bodywork do a reasonable job for mobile phone loudspeakers, but are still limited. The radio, however, does a fine low-key job at bumping up the free entertainment quota.

Basic camera quality

Camera action takes a bit of a back set on this particular model, though it still does a competent cameraphone job. It has a 3.2-megapixel snapper built in, equipped with an autofocus system, LED flash, and a new touch-based user interface.

Image quality can be reasonably good within the camera's limitations. Normally lit shots can look acceptably detailed, and close up shots come out well. Colours generally come across accurately, but occasionally can look a bit over-saturated in some lighting conditions. Still, they're not bad for a mid-grade shooter. Low-light shots aren't so good, however, with grainy picture noise appearing and the flash having a very limited effect in illuminating over more than short distances.

Shooting, the camera automatically switches into widescreen landscape mode, giving plenty of screen space for the viewfinder and camera touch controls. The camera interface presents an easy to follow set up for auto–metering adjustments, effects and standard camera tools. Adding effects post-shooting is a breeze, too.

Video capture quality is better than average quality for a mobile phone, recording at up to VGA resolution at 30 frames per second for reasonably watchable phone footage. Both stills and video can be easily uploaded online to Ovi, Flickr or Vox accounts using embedded software options. You can play video back on a television set too, with a TV-out cable supplied in-box.

Downloaded or sideloaded video content looks superb on the big screen. The 5800 XpressMusic supports a wide range of video file formats, with a RealPlayer app pre-loaded, and streaming is supported. Nokia's regular Video Centre app provides an out-of-the-box way of finding and installing feeds to mobile optimised video content suppliers.

That large screen also does great things for the Nokia Maps application, with the 2.0 version of the software looking good on the display. All the usual position-finding, map-viewing, route-planning, search and control options are to hand, with maps of the UK and Ireland coming pre-loaded on the in-box MicroSD card. Zooming via touch is a welcome new option.

The onboard A-GPS receiver worked a treat, locking on to satellites and tracking our position very sharply, with a commendably short start-up time. It worked very well in our tests. As well as the sophisticated standard mapping package, owners have the option of upgrading to Sat Nav-style voice-guided turn-by-turn directions.

Nokia has improved the regular S60 browser with its touchscreen implementation. Wi-Fi and HSDPA mean you get relatively speedy rendering of pages, but you can also swipe around, and zoom in and out by tapping pages and using zoom bars onscreen. There's an easy to use icon-labelled toolbar for speeding up your navigation. Flash is supported on this device too.

The 5800 XpressMusic's S60 smartphone pedigree shows through with a generous helping of additional applications, while more can be accessed from Nokia via the embedded Download! tool. The usual serving of organiser functionality includes calendar, calculator, notes, to do lists, voice recorder, and a variety of clock and timer functions.

Instant messaging and email with attachments are supported too. Nokia also includes a pair of games that demonstrate its motion sensor and touch operated capabilities.

With plenty of functionality inside, the 5800 XpressMusic does a good job in power handling. We managed between two to three days battery life with our average usage, though how much you use gadgetry like Wi-Fi, GPS or the music player will impact on overall battery performance.

Nokia reckons a fully charged phone can deliver at up to 400 hours on standby in 3G coverage or 406.2 hours on GSM networks. With voice calls - with which it puts in an exemplary communications performance – it can achieve talktime of up to 5 hours on 3G, or 8.8 hours on GSM networks.

With the 5800 XpressMusic Nokia has evolved its S60 smartphone legacy into a very serviceable touchscreen format. Practical evolution rather than jaw-dropping revolution is what you get.

While it doesn't have the smoothness and easy elegance of the iPhone's ground-breaking touchscreen user interface, Nokia's first mainstream touch control device has a functional, easy to handle set-up, and performs consistently well.

The touchscreen operation may lack the Apple sparkle, but the functionality within the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic certainly delivers, with plenty of top features for the price that makes this device an attractive music majoring proposition.

Network availability: O2, Orange, T-Mobile, Vodafone, Virgin Mobile

Nokia 5800

Editor's Review of the 5800

Reviewed by Michael Gabriel on 23rd February 2009

Also called the XpressMusic phone, the Nokia 5800 is a lightweight handset weighing 105 grams, and with the full measurement of 111 x 51.7 x 15.5 millimetres. It is clad in a black-coloured casing highlighted by the red shade, which makes it stunning and sophisticated. The device is part of Nokia's XpressMusic lineup, which includes the Nokia 5320, the Nokia 5610 and the Nokia 5700.

A highlight of the Nokia 5800 is its 81.28-millimetre touchscreen that functions with the touch of a fingertip or a stylus that comes with the handset package. The wide screen displays 16 million colours on a 640 x 320-pixel resolution and can be viewed either vertically or horizontally. Users will find inputting of messages handy through the mini and full QWERTY keyboard. The phone also has a handwriting recognition feature. Users can give their handset a personal touch by selecting from a range of AAC, MP3, Polyphonic and video ringtones.

Operating on Symbian Version 9.4 operating system and running on S60 software, the Nokia 5800 is a 3G-enabled handset equipped with Smartphone features. With its 3G HSDPA capability, this is a multitasking handset with fast internet access. It comes with the built-in features of GPS navigation and Nokia Maps to assist users on directions to certain applicable areas.

The Nokia 5800 is a quadband handset that works over GSM 1900, GSM 1800, GSM 900 and GSM 850, as well as HSDPA 2100. For instant connectivity to the Internet, the phone is pre-installed with a WAP Browser in HTML and XHTML, complete with RSS feeds. Connecting to the World Wide Web anytime is possible with the support for WiFi technology that allows users to go online wirelessly through a local WLAN or a nearby hot spot. As its connectivity features, there is of course a Bluetooth wireless connection or micro USB to allow users to transfer files and data to or from a computer, a printer or a laptop, as well as other compatible devices. It's also powered by EDGE technology, which trims downloading time with fast downloading rates.

The Nokia 5800 can pass for an efficient assistant with its organiser features such as a phone book, a calendar, a clock and a calculator. Frequent travelers will still be able to use their mobile phone by activating the handset's Flight Mode option. Similarly, making or taking calls is also convenient with the support for push-to-talk technology (where supported by networks), handsfree speaker feature and speed dialing. Additionally, the mobile phone is capable of handling conference calls.

Staying true to its standard functionalities, the mobile phone supports both text and multimedia messaging services complete with the Predictive Text feature. Thanks to the Internet connectivity it offers, users can create, receive, send, store and forward emails with document attachments.

Users who enjoy snapping photos at any time and place will enjoy the Nokia 5800's 3.2-Megapixel camera equipped with Carl Zeiss optics. The camera has a 3x digital zoom and an auto focus feature to precisely take pictures. It also comes with a dual LED flash and a dedicated camera button for ease of use. In addition, the handset can be used as a video recorder at 30 frames per second and on a 4x zoom. It has the ability to take video clips of up to 90 minutes, and allows enhancements and addition of video effects through its video settings. For purposes of 3G calls, there is a second camera on the front of the device.

As a music-focused handset, this little beauty boasts of top-of-the line features including a built-in music player with a display of album graphics. It also supports music selection through categories Album, Artist, Genre and Composer. Anyone can create their own playlist for convenience. For quality listening experience, it comes with a graphic equalizer, a bass booster, stereo widening and integrated stereo speakers. The handset is also characterized by quick access to music, images, video, the Web and a video centre features through a media bar. Users who prefer to listen to their favourite tunes on-air may opt to use the integrated FM radio complete with RDS.

The 5800 does not stop at entertaining its users with music-oriented features. The handset transforms itself into a portable gaming zone with its embedded Java games, and support for other downloaded games from the Internet.

There is 81 Megabytes of internal memory plus an additional 8 Gigabytes through a MicroSD card that can be expanded to 16 Gigabytes of memory. You can use the mobile phone for 8.8 hours in talk time for GSM, and 5 hours for WCDMA. The handset can also last for 35 hours for its music playback. In addition, the Nokia 5800 has a standby time of 406 hours for GSM and 400 hours for WCDMA.

Some users have complained about the Nokia 5800's user interface being less friendly and touchscreen sensitivity being of average functionality. Other observers also find that being a music phone, the handset lacks external music keys and controls. Nevertheless, the usability and entertainment-focused features of the phone make it a must-have for modern users.

Opiniones de los usuarios

Based on an average user rating

Unlocking by code Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

How to unlock Nokia 5800 XpressMusic by code ? Unlocking Nokia 5800 XpressMusic by code is very easy, it is also safest and non-invasive method of unlocking your phone. To get code for unlock Nokia 5800 XpressMusic You need to provide IMEI number of Your Nokia. Type on keyboard *#06# or remove battery from Your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic to check IMEI number. IMEI is written on the information label as shown in this picture .

Recent comment about unlocking Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Fantastic and reasonable price

How to enter code in Nokia 5800 XpressMusic ?

If the code counter in the device is blocked. You need to reset the counter by using an USB cable and the given program How to enter Unlock code RESET COUNTER to nokia using USB cable

Second unlocking option

How to enter the following sequence #pw+123456789012345+1#: 1. Turn on the phone without any sim card inserted 2. Select character # on the keypad 3. Characters p, w, + will appear by pressing the STAR * symbol a few times 4. Press # button to confirm the code 5. Message "SIM restriction OFF" will appear. Your phone is now unlocked

ADVERTENCIA. You have only 3 attempts to enter the code. The last failed attempt will block the counter.

Available options for unlock Nokia 5800 XpressMusic


Fantastic and reasonable price

Mariusz (. 6.249.207) date 2016-01-04 19:30:43

zamуwienie zrealizowane bardzo szybko, co¶ okoіo godziny szczerze polecam:)

gorzki (. 2-221-141.customer. lyse. net) date 2015-07-31 10:05:23

great job, your job is so fast i like this bom trabalho, o codigo chegou bem rapido

Arlindo (. 124.12) date 2014-09-29 13:41:55

Dziaіa i gitara dziкki. Pozdrawiam.

Piotr (. stream. pl) date 2013-09-11 10:03:07

Jacek (. 27.neoplus. adsl. tpnet. pl) date 2012-07-24 22:37:06

Wszystko dziaіa jak powinno wielkie Dziкki

wojciech (. 7.internetdsl. tpnet. pl) date 2012-07-03 18:29:27

Polecam jak pisali tak teї byіo szybko sprawnie i po simlocku

Krzysztof (. 02.nitka. net. pl) date 2012-06-29 16:13:16

Kod otrzymaіem po niespeіna 8 godzinach od momentu dokonania pіatno¶ci. Po wpisaniu go z klawiatury telefonu wyskoczyі komunikat "Error code". Po podі±czeniu telefonu do komputera i sprawdzeniu programem Nokia BB5 Utility okazaіo siк jednak їe jest blokada simlock zostaіa zdjкta. Polecam

Јukasz (. lf. zagorz. net) date 2012-06-22 17:35:08

Very good and fast.

Jose (. 4-254.202.196.netcabo. co. ao) date 2012-05-07 12:16:50

it took sometime but worked thanks

Alvin Gerard (. 2.32.44.pldt. net) date 2012-03-06 22:20:35

More comments on the PC version

Copyright (c) 2010 - 2016 m. sim-unlock. net. Todos los derechos reservados.

Symbian Anna Custom Firmware v7.9 for Nokia 5800, 5530, 5230 & X6

Symbian Anna custom firmware for Nokia 5800, 5530, 5230 & X6 updated to v7.9 . The latest version fixes all bugs reported in the previous version, brings new features and updated system applications. Download link and video demo after break.

New RAM memory optimization (Exclusive)

Modification of Symbian OOMonitor that fixes several bugs in handling the RAM (Exclusive)

Processor speed increased to 536 Mhz really (Exclusive)

Correction levels battery sensor, now it works and reports the exact value (Exclusive)

New Web Browser v7.3.133

Dll Modified the browser cache to point the external memory. (Exclusive)

New startup sound.

QWERTY keyboard, Symbian Anna

Corrected errors in the camera icon.

Effects renovated, with kinetic response.

Nokia n8 software Nokia Pure Font much more readable.

Nokia Store integrated and updated to version 1.30 (05) August 2012

Fixed incompatibility with Bluetooth headsets on the Nokia 5530

Fixed version number in the firmware of Nokia 5230

Optimized startup applications. (mobile apps developments)

Unlock screen “Tap Unlock” with notifications enabled

Changes in the system cache for apps to faster.

Improved InstallServer correcting problems when installing some applications

Desk with original transparent Widgets Symbian Anna (Exclusive)

Default theme Symbian Anna Firmware designed exclusively by @ aj23thememaster

Built with the core of the Nokia N97 mini which allows better management of the RAM

Support for emoticons and symbols on the keyboard messaging

Horizontal menu to full screen with the bar down

Integrated Nokia Maps 6.3 (Exclusive Version)

Language English and Spanish Latino

Improved Sidebar improving much smaller space in all applications

Image on and off the original Black NOKIA Symbian Belle

The Tap Unlock unlock system saves RAM and increases battery performance

Light Behavior reprogrammed

Firmware thorough cleaning to get more free space.

But all the other advantages of the previous version Anna v7.

Video: CFW Symbian Anna v7.9 for Nokia 5800, 5530, 5230 & X6:

Note:- Installing custom firmware or rooting phones is extremely dangerous, Try this at your own risk, SymbianTweet will not be responsible for any damage.

Mohmamed August 28, 2012

Unable to open dial pad error report “qtn_debug_pe_failed_at_startup”..please help

I am getting an error flashing files retrieving failed firmware checksum of file

Deepu August 29, 2012

any new software update for C503??

This is “CFW” for only nokia 5530 BLACK_GREY (0583715) UKRAINE. I need a version BLACK_RED. I’M FROM BRAZIL.

Opera Mini 4.2

Poor bandwidth and internet browser are just two of the cons consumers noted with the standard 5800 installed browser. Although bandwidth is variable, Opera Mini 4.2 could help avoid bandwidth spill and might persuade you to throw the standard browser out the window. This application is compatible with the Nokia S60 Platform specifically for Nokia 5800 express music and is free to download. Internet connectivity is obviously crucial to enjoy this feature.

BBC iPlayer Mobile

Can't stand missing out on your favorite TV shows? Now you can watch them on your Nokia 5800 with this nifty application. With just a good Wi-Fi connection, you can enjoy TV shows, the travel channel, sports channel, the possibilities are endless. This feature is free to try and the links are found on the BBC website for instructions. Then you are a few clicks and scrolls away from streaming your favorite shows on that 3.2 inch screen mobile phone. You can add and subscribe to more channels and features by upgrading and signing up .

Handwriting Calculator

If you don’t want to be bogged down by solving a few equations, here is a handy Nokia 5800 app, almost like your very own scientific calculator. This application should not be underestimated - it can give you a straight square root mathematical solution if you just scrawl the numbers with the stylus. los

Handwriting calculator was given the Nokia’s seal of approval for it has proven to be a helpful tool for its consumers. This application works well with any Nokia touch devices based on S60 5 th edition.


Playing radio and music tunes has never been as fun as it is with the Mobbler application. It was one of the most downloaded Nokia 5800 apps among any other S60 5 th edition compatible music players, which is why this app made it to the top of the list. If you are familiar with last. fm on the internet you can hook up with the trendiest and coolest radio stations just by downloading this application to your mobile device. Though you have to make sure you’ve checked the system requirements on their website before installing, otherwise you won’t be able to use it effectively.

Mail for Exchange

Keeping in touch with work, friends and family by accessing your email is made possible with another popular Nokia 5800 app, almost a staple on all N series mobile phones-the Mail for Exchange. It’s going to give you that “push" you need to be updated on mail messages wherever you are. Mail for exchange delivers your email directly once you receive an online email update, so it is working in perfect synchronicity with your online program. This is a perfect application for busy corporate people who are always on the go and need help managing their email accounts.

Phone unlocking made quick and easy!

Unlock Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

This is how you can Unlock your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic from any GSM networks such as AT&T and Rogers.

Your phone will ask you for a Network Code when you try to use a SIM card from a different network. Simply enter the Nokia Unlock Code we email to you and this will unlock your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic to be used with any GSM network.

Once you place your order for your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Network Unlock Code, we will email you the Unlock Code once it has finished processing. Once unlocked, your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic will be permanently unlocked for another GSM Network.

Please select your phone's carrier below for your price quote:

Unlock Nokia unlock instructions

Once you have received the Unlock Code email, please follow the following instructions carefully.

Nokia Lumia Devices

Insert a SIM card that is not from the original carrier in your phone and power on the phone.

Once finished loading your phone will ask you for the "Network Unlock Code".

Enter the Nokia Network Unlock Code.

Your Nokia Device is now Unlocked!

Some phones may have different unlock Code Input Instructions.

If you are having difficulty, please see below or contact us for more details!

Older Nokia phones (Non-Lumia models only)

Remove the SIM card from your phone and power on the phone.

Phone will display SIM is restricted

Dial #pw+ [Code Here] +1# on the phone.

For example, if your code is 123456789012345, please enter dial this:


To enter "p", quickly press the button star ( * ) 3 times.

To enter "w", quickly press the button star ( * ) 4 times.

To enter "+", quickly press the button star ( * ) 2 times.

For all ROGERS, FIDO and ChatR devices use +7 at the end first if code error then try +1

For all TELUS, BELL and KOODO devices use +5 at the end first, if code error then try +1

For all T-MOBILE USA devices use +1 at the end.

For all UK Networks use +1 and +7 at the end

The phone shows "SIM Restriction Off".

Your Nokia Device is now Unlocked!

Some phones may have different unlock Code Input Instructions.

If you are having difficulty, please see below or contact us for more details!

If you are receiving either "CANNOT UNDO RESTRICTION", "NOT ALLOWED", or "PHONE RESTRICTION" message:

This means your phone is hardlocked and you will have to use the following software:

You will require the following:

A USB Cable for your Nokia phone.

The correct USB Cable Drivers. Installing the 'Nokia PC Suite' software that you can obtain from the Nokia website will install the appropriate USB Cable Drivers. You can find it HERE

A small software application that you can download from HERE .

The unlock code sent to you by us

Once you have all of these, follow the directions below:

Switch on your phone without a sim card. You should be prompted to "Start Phone Without SIM Card" or similar. Click "Accept" or "OK". Your phone is now in offline mode.

Connect your Nokia phone to the PC using the USB Cable. Your phone will display several options, "PC Suite Mode". mass storage mode etc. stay in this screen, do not select any of the options.

Start the "SendCodeUsb" application you downloaded earlier and click on the "Read Phone Info" button. The application should display several lines of information. If it says "not found" replug your phone into the usb, and then click read phone info.

If the application still displays "Not Found". your "USB Cable Drivers" are not correctly installed. In this case you will need to uninstall, then re-install the USB Cable Drivers. This procedure will not work unless the drivers are correctly installed. Trying an alternative USB Port may also help. DO NOT move on to the next step until you have successfully installed the USB Cable Drivers and the software can read the information from the phone.

Now make sure you check the "Check For Fbus" checkbox. Also make sure the "Level(1-7)" selection is set to the appropriate carrier

For all ROGERS, FIDO and ChatR devices use +7 at the end first if code error then try +1

For all TELUS, BELL and KOODO devices use +5 at the end first, if code error then try +1

For all T-MOBILE USA devices use +1 at the end.

For all UK Networks use +1 and +7 at the end

Enter only the numbers of the correct unlock code into the "Unlock Code (15 digits)" field.

If your correct unlock code was #pw+123456789012345+1# you would enter only 123456789012345 in this field.

Click on the "Send Unlock Code" button. The application should confirm that your Nokia phone is now unlocked.

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Written By Sam on 20 July 2009

Today morning I was searching for Games and Applications for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and came across the official Nokia India website where there are some good number of touch based applications. Most of the applications for Nokia 5800 Mobile are touch screen based. I downloaded Touch Guitar . Touch Piano . Drummer and Flute applications and installed on my 5800 XpressMusic Mobile . All these timepass applications for Nokia 5800 are really good and they will definitely help you to pass your time.

Touch Guitar for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Mobile

With Touch Guitar you can strum your favorite tune by touching the strings on your mobile. You can enjoy the experience of a real guitar on your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic . Touch Guitar has got 126 different chord combination and you can choose from the three types of guitars which includes an Electric Guitar also. There are also some pre-loaded songs to inspire you.

Drummer for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Mobile

You can enjoy the experience of a real drum on your Nokia 5800 mobile with the Drummer application. You can get the real drum sound effects by touching the drums on your mobile. You can even choose from the four funky skins to personalize your drums. There are also some pre-loaded songs to inspire you.

Touch Piano for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Mobile

If you love to play a piano then you can experience a real piano on your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic with Touch Piano. Touch Piano comes with five instrument sounds: Piano, Violin, Flute, Saxophone and Guitar. There are smart skins for a personalised look and 17 key piano preloaded with songs.

Flute for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Mobile

If you are looking to create some soothing music on your 5800 mobile then you need to try the Flute touch screen application . With Flute your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic will transform into a real flute. You can blow the air in the microphone, tap the holes displayed on the screen and you have a flute in your hands. The Flute application gives you an original flute feel – sensitive to breath, movements and touch with real sound effects. There are four skins for you to choose from.

You can download all the above applications to your PC and then transfer them to your mobile and install from it. You can also install them directly using the Nokia PC Suite . If you haven’t installed the PC suite yet, use your laptop to transfer the files via Bluetooth and then install the applications from your mobile directly.

84 Responses to “Download Touch Based Timepass Applications For Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Mobile”

Films nokia 5800

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Films nokia

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Review of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

The end of 2008 brought us many good things from Nokia, one of them being the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. This is the first phone to be built on Nokia's touch UI, the S60 fifth edition also called as Tube. The Tube platform integrates with thumb based touch unlike Windows Mobile where most applications can't be controlled by thumb based touch. The Nokia 5800 features a resistive touchscreen with tactile feedback. The Nokia 5800 Multimedia Smartphone simplifies design issues by leaving out a QWERTY keypad, and unnecessary bells and whistles. Though it needn't be compared with Apple's iPhone, the Nokia 5800 has earned its own following by being much affordable and having more features than the iPhone.

Look, Design, Feel ( 10 /10)

We should note that Nokia has kept for music lovers in mind when designing the 5800 XpressMusic. Its looks are thus appealing for any music lover or mobile multimedia fanatic. Below the large 3.2" touchscreen on the Nokia 5800 are only the call, end and menu keys, pretty much everything is controlled by means of the touchscreen. On the side of the device are the volume, lock, and camera keys. The 640 x 360 nHD high-resolution screen definitely adds to the looks of the Nokia 5800 Tube.

Features ( 9 /10)

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is not low on features either. Being the first Nokia phone to host the SymbianOS 9.4 and the S60 5th edition UI, the phone is filled with almost all advanced features of a latest smartphone. There is 81 MB of internal memory and the microSD expansion slot supports 16GB cards as of now. The Symbian device offers a 3.2 Megapixel camera with Carl-Zeiss optics, which kind of disappointed photography lovers. However the Nokia 5800 was designed only to please multimedia lovers at a moderate price, so a better camera was traded off. A GPS Receiver is present and works well with the Nokia Maps application on the 5800. Video calling and 3D surround sound output through the stereo speakers is supported and definitely adds to the Nokia 5800's value.

The Nokia 5800 supports a plethora of video formats including Windows Proprietory WMV. The high resolution (640 x 360 pixels) screen offers a great multimedia experience in 16:9 aspect ratio. There is also a Video center service and a Media bar feature on the 5800 XpressMusic. DVD Quality Video recording at both 640x480 and widescreen 640x352 is supported at 30fps. TV-out on the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic adds to the overall multimedia functionality of the Symbian device. Web browsing is definitely a treat on the high resolution screen of the Nokia 5800. The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic device sports a 3D image engine so playing games on the high resolution screen is an enjoyable experience.

Connectivity ( 9 /10)

The Nokia 5800 device has good connectivity options, Quadband GSM/EDGE and 3G 850/1900 with support for HSDPA up to 3.6 Mbps. WLAN 802.11 b/g with VoIP support add to the flexible connectivity options present on the 5800. The Multimedia device also supports Bluetooth 2.0 with A2DP, AVRCP profiles and Media Transfer Ptotocol (MTP). The new OVI social networking platform is present on the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic adding to ease of communication between friends.

Performance ( 10 /10)

Overall, the Nokia 5800 has good performance as a multimedia smartphone. It is powered by a 1320 mAh Li-Ion battery which guarantees 8.8 hrs of GSM talktime. The Nokia 5800 is also capable of about 5.2 hours of music or gaming playback, 3.8 hours of TV-out playback coupled with a Bluetooth Stereo headset. 3.6 hours of video recording, and 3 hours of video call time are also possible with the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. The biggest news for music lovers is, the 5800 XpressMusic supports up to 1.5 days of music playback, hats off to Nokia!

Value for Money ( 10 /10)

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is every music (and multimedia) lover's dream phone, and there's no doubt it will appeal to a large audience due to its moderate price. The large memory capacity with a bright high-resolution screen, the completely new touch interface will be appreciated by millions of users.

If you are looking for a multimedia phone that has all the bells and whistles, and is future-proof, you should consider the Nokia 5800


Hi-resolution screen

Full multimedia support

Very good music playback time

Great design

Video calling

S60 5th Edition Freeware Downloads for Nokia 5800, N97, 5530, C6, 5230, X6 and Samsung I8910

S60 5th Edition Applications and Games

Here you can find some freeware or shareware applications for S60 5th Edition . It is a list of mostly N97 applications that we like a lot, so give it a try! Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any damage to your data on your phone upon installing this. Anyway, please feel free to leave a comment with more freeware applications .

By the way, some games enable an onscreen keyboard. To remove it go to Settings > App Manager > Installed apps > Find the game that you have just installed > option > suite settings > on-screen keyboard > OFF


Furtiv plug-ins for Nokia Share Online – upload and share photos and videos directly to facebook, picasa, myspace, twitpic

Navigate to http://furtiv. mobi in your phone browser

Sym4Square – Foursquare for Symbian

Swype (beta) – Nokia Symbian S60v5

Podcatcher – Symbian S60v5/S60v3

Animal Pair Up

Nokia Internet Radio for S60v5 and S60v3 – Direct download here or at Ovi Store

Ovi Maps Challenge – Direct download here or at Ovi Store

Comment navigation

Major Firmware Update Released for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic has been a bit of a hit for the Finnish mobile device maker, and the improvements and new features in its latest firmware update could make it even more popular.

This update to the phone’s software addresses system stability and wireless download performance. It also adds still-image support to the front-facing camera, a new burst-mode to the regular 3.2 megapixel camera, and new a Mobile Dictionary that has voice-playback and supports 38 languages.

Lastly, the 5800 now supports a new feature which is referred to as Applications Update. This new checks for the latest versions of applications on the device and can notify the user when a new update is available. Combined with the 5800’s ability to do over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates, connecting to a host PC might become a thing of the past for users.

This v.20 update for all 5800 XpressMusic versions (Euro and NAM), can be downloaded from the Nokia Software Update page. or by pressing *#0000# on the numberpad to initiate the update OTA.

More About the Nokia 5800 Xpress Music The 5800 Xpress Music is a touchscreen-based, Symbian S60 smartphone featuring a 3.2 MPx camera, GPS, Wi-Fi, and support for several web services such as Nokia Ovi, Flickr, and more.

For more information about this smartphone, visit the Nokia website .

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Price in Pakistan

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Price in Pakistan

Empresa. Nokia

Modelo. 5800 XpressMusic

Price In Pakistan. Rs. Discontinued

Camera. 3.15 MP, Carl Zeiss optics, autofocus, dual-LED flash

Operating System. Symbian OS v9.4

Colors. Black, Red, Blue

Memory. 81 MB storage, 128 MB RAM

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Prices

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Price in Pakistan Discontinued (Pak Rupee)

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Review

Nokia 5800 Xpress music was released in November 2008. Nokia 5800 Xpress music was the best touch screen released by Nokia in the year 2008. Nokia 5800 Xpress music price in Pakistan is quite affordable and is not a bad choice for Symbian lovers.

Nokia 5800 Xpress music was manufactured for the American market but later at the end of 2009 it was also exposed to Europe and Asian markets. Before Nokia 5800 Xpress music was introduced in European and Asian markets its more than million copies were already sold in American markets. Nokia 5800 Xpress music was the first 5th Edition of Nokia’s S60 Smartphone platform with touch screen. Most of the features in nokia 5800 are also cloned from nokia N series mobile phones.

Nokia 5800 is packed with numerous features. It weighs 109g and its dimensions are 111 x 51.7 x 15.5 mm. These dimensions are ideal for a touch screen mobile phone. Nokia 5800 comes up with 3.2 inch display and supports 16M colours while the resolution is 360 x 640 pixels. Nokia 5800 is powered by 434 MHz processor and 128MB RAM. If you are comparing Nokia 5800 with Android Mobile Phones and thinking that 434MHz processor is small then you are wrong because 434 MHz processor is sufficient to run the Symbian v9. 4 Operating System.

As the name indicates ‘Xpress Music’ Nokia 5800 is particularly designed for the multimedia lovers. It has 81MB user storage memory but memory can be extended up to 16GB. Buyers in Pakistan will also get 8GB memory card with the phone. Nokia 5800 comes with 3.15 mega pixel camera and can take pictures up to 2048×1536 pixels resolution. The camera result is excellent considering that it’s only 3.15 mega pixels. The other features in camera are Carl Zeiss optics, Autofocus, dual-LED flash and Geo-tagging. The camera is also capable of recording videos in VGA standard. There are number of sharing options integrated like on Facebook and YouTube. FM Radio with RDS is also integrated into the user to make it completely a multimedia mobile phone.

Symbian OS allows users of this mobile phone to install a variety of applications and games with six file extension. There are multiple connectivity options as well like WI-Fi, Bluetooth and MicroUSB. Other integrated applications in Nokia 5800 are GPS with Nokia Maps, PDF reader, Office Suite, Flash supported browser, Music Player and many others. Wi-Fi and HSDPA allows speedy browsing, there are many other features offered in browser like swipe around pages, zoom in and out by tapping pages and using the zoom bar on screen.

Before discontinuity Nokia 5800 Xpress Music price in Pakistan was only Rs 20,500. This price was reasonable considering the specifications and features that Nokia 5800 offers.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Pictures

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Features

109 g Weight

3.2 inches Screen Size

Symbian OS v9.4 Operating System

ARM 11 434 MHz processor CPU

Stereo FM radio with RDS

microSD, up to 16GB, 8GB included

MP3/WAV/еAAC+/WMA player

MP4/H.263/H.264/WMV player

Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g WLAN

Available Black, Red, Blue colors

Standard battery, Li-Ion 1320 mAh(BL-5J)

Stand by Up to 406 h (2G) / Up to 406 h (3G)

Talk Time Up to 8 h 45 min (2G) / Up to 5 h (3G)

Music Play Up to 35 h

Nokia is an old multinational electronics company manufacturing so many latest mobiles, smart phones, dual Sim phones and touch screen phones and is engaged in converging communication and internet industry. Being at the peak, it has created so many of its rivals.

Nokia launches its new model “Nokia C3-01 Gold Edition” which is based on original Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type but with sophistication. The sophisticated thing in this handset is a luxury of 18-carat gold plating. Nokia C3-01 Gold Edition is especially made for the Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Embedded with excellent features Nokia T7 is a stylish and touchscreen mobile. Nokia T7 also known as Nokia T7-00 is coming soon in Pakistani cellphone market. Its clear black glossy display touches the sensibilities. Inclusion of 8MP camera assures you the best and cleaner image quality.

Nokia 702T is a capacitive touch screen handset launched by Nokia. Nokia 702T is a latest technology handset, coming soon in Pakistani mobile market. Furnished with 8 MP camera, with 8 GB memory storage, 256, MB RAM, 1 GB ROM and microSD, up to 32 GB.

Nokia introduced its new model “Nokia C5 5MP”also known as “C5-00 5MP”. Nokia C5 5 MP Pakistan is a simple and appealing handset. Having 5MP camera this Nokia set gives good quality pictures. With internal memory of 270MB storage, 256 MB RAM, 512 MB ROM and microSD, up to 32 GB, you can upload music, games, apps.

Only a year ago Nokia entered the market of touch phones, presenting the 5800 XpressMusic. Time passed and the market needed more affordable solutions optimized for finger control. One of them is Nokia 5230, presented by the Finns in August.

Touch phone Nokia 5230 will be available by the end of the year. New home screen is installed in the shell, which first appeared on Nokia 5530 XpressMusic. For the user this means a possibility of flexible configuration of interface and quick access to frequently used sources.

The indisputable advantages of Nokia 5230 is the price (in Europe – about 150 euros) and at least five colour options. Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is also sold in several color options.

Display: The display of Nokia 5230 is similar to the one used in Nokia 5800 XpressMusic – 3.2 inch, 640 x 360 pixels, 16:9 aspect ratio, resistive. Generally, there are no differences.

Design: The appearance of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic can hardly be called impressive, and Nokia 5230 looks even less attractive – rugged, a lot of cheap plastic used in it. Keys of the new device are located in the same places as that of the first device, making the impression that this is the same phone. The 5230 is somehow thinner than the 5800 (16 mm and 14.5 mm respectively), although its weigh is 4 grams more (109 grams and 113 grams).

Processor: The phone Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is equipped with ARM11 processor with a frequency of 369 MHz, while Nokia 5230 is equipped with 434-MHz ARM 11 processor. The difference of the 65 MHz is the advantage of 5230. It is assumed that due to this applications will work quicker and smarter.

Memory: One of the serious shortcomings of the 5800 is the amount of available memory for users – 81 MB. Unfortunately, the 5230 does not have a significant amount of memory, only 70 MB. However, in both cases a microSDHC slot for cards up to 16 GB is foreseen.

Camera: Nokia 5800 is equipped with a 3.2-megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics and dual LED-flash. Nokia 5230 comes with a 2 megapixel module without flash.

Other specs: Both smartphones have FM-radio, wireless module for Bluetooth, GPS-navigation. Both Nokia 5230 and Nokia 5800 XpressMusic support networks of second and third generations. Nokia 5800 has a Wi-Fi module, which is not available for Nokia 5230.

Conclusion: In this case it is not easy to recommend any particular model. Practically all current Nokia touchphones (except, perhaps, N900) are created like 5800 XpressMusic – some features have been added or removed, the corpus has been slightly retouched. Such a strategy can not be considered to be successful, because the user has to choose if he/she needs to take the base model 5800 XpressMusic or to save money, taking the 5230 without Wi-Fi or 5530 XpressMusic without GPS. A choice could be made based on the design, but the phones are too much alike. There are alternatives for bar form factor Nokia touchphones (N97 and N97 mini), but the difference in price is too much to consider it a fair competition.

There is no sense for the owners of 5800 XpressMusic to take 5230 for the sake of productivity and bold colors. Buyers should pay attention to the new Nokia 5230 if they want budget sensory decision, but they don’t like products of Samsung or LG – South Korean companies have presented very strong touch-lines in recent years.

Specifications of Nokia 5230:

Network: GSM / GPRS / EDGE (850/900/1800/1900 MHz), WCDMA / HSDPA (900/2100 MHz),

Platform: Symbian OS v9.4, S60 5th Edition

Display: touchscreen, resistive, 3.2-inch, 640 x 360 pixels, 16 million colours

Camera: 2 MP

RAM: 128 MB

ROM: 256 MB

Processor: ARM 11 434 MHz

Expansion slot: microSDHC (up to 16 GB)

Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR



3.5-mm connector

Audio: AAC, AAC +, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, AU, AWB, eAAC +, M4A, MIDI Tones (poly 64), Mobile XMF, MP3, MP4, RealAudio 7, 8, RMF, SND, SP-MIDI, True tones, WAV, WMA, WVE

Video: 3GPP (H.263), Flash Video, H.264/AVC, MPEG-4, RealVideo 7,8


Battery: 1320 mAh

Hours Talk Time: Up to 7 hours

Hours Standby time: up to 19 days

Time running video player: up to 4.6 hours

Time running music player: up to 33 hours

Dimensions: 111 x 51,7 x 14,5 mm

Weight: 113 grams

Date of announcement: August 2009

Release Date: Fourth quarter 2009

Specifications Nokia 5800 XpressMusic:

Network: GSM / GPRS / EDGE (850/900/1800/1900 MHz), WCDMA / HSDPA (900/2100 MHz),

Platform: Symbian OS v9.4, S60 5th Edition

Display: touchscreen, resistive, 3.2-inch, 640 x 360 pixels, 16 million colors

Camera: 3.2 megapixels, Carl Zeiss, autofocus, dual LED-flash

Built in memory: 81 MB

Processor: ARM 11 369 MHz

Expansion slot: microSDHC (up to 16 GB)

Wi-Fi (802.11 b / g)

Bluetooth 2.0, A2DP

3,5 mm jack

USB 2.0


Battery: Li-Ion, 1320 mAh

Hours of talk time: up to 9 hours in the networks of GSM, up to 5 hours in WCDMA

Hours Standby time: up to 17 days

Time running playing music: up to 35 hours

Time running video: up to 5 hours

Dimensions: 111 x 51,7 x 15,5 mm

Weight: 109 grams

Nokia XpressMusic 5800 Accessories - Nokia 5800 Accessories

Being a loyal Nokia 5800 customer faces being left with hundreds of dollar worth of obsolete accessories. Then also it is very difficult to get the accurate one. People haven't been willing to invest this much time and money to search the perfect match for your Nokia 5800 accessories . Everyone is looking for the best one, which one will exactly match to their gadget and give an original feeling of the Nokia 5800 features. There is a good news for you that Nokia 5800 happened, and unlike other tech manufacturers who were trying to make their own accessories, Nokia 5800 didn't really bother with that market. Instead, it developed a branding program, which meant third-party makers would create the accessory. There are many multiple brands are available in the market, on which you can trust. But you should check the genuine service provider. We are ready to help you out. Come to us we will show you the multiple Nokia 5800 accessories of popular brands. We have directly contact with all popular brands in cell phone accessories, which will provide you multiple selections for your Nokia 5800. In accessories section we are dealing with multiple category like cases, screen protectors, chargers, batteries, cables, vehicle mount etc. Check all the categories of Nokia 5800 accessories according to your wish. You will get 100 percent original accessories with us. We always think about your needs and your delight.

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Blog News

Nokia 5800 Comes With Music

As if the the name doesn't say it all, the Nokia 5800, previously code-named Tube, comes with music. That is, the phone comes with an available service named Comes With Music. This service gives you unlimited downloading access to millions of songs for free for the first year. After that year all the music downloaded is yours to keep. Top record labels like Universal and Sony BMG are a part of this program, so you know the music is good. For the musically intelligent people out there, this is a dream phone. I hear, listen, talk and even breathe music, but I also wouldn't want to live without a touchscreen. Well aside from an awesome music service, this phone apparently has an incredible touchscreen, 3.2 megapixel camera, Wi-Fi, and other features that bring it up to par to say the least. So, how many songs can be downloaded in a year? Just think of having this phone. you could be rocking out to the latest tunes on one cool new device. Also not to forget, that not only does this phone play your favorite music it's also likely to be with you 24/7. So if you are ever out there stranded on a deserted island, hey, at least you'll have your music player, cellphone, and 3.2 megapixel camera to keep you company!3896

Nokia XpressMusic 5800 Top 5 Accessories

Today I'm going to look at five great accessories for the Nokia XpressMusic 5800. These should drastically help to improve the survivability, usefulness and utility of this hot, new device.

Nokia OEM BL-57J 1320 mAh Standard Battery - Want to keep juiced up all the time? An extra battery is a great way to go. Just plug it into your phone, charge it up and switch it out. Then you'll always have power in case of an emergency or just for when you want to listen to a few more songs. Motorokr T505 Bluetooth In-Car Speakerphone with Digital FM Transmitter - This great hands-free kit for your car is easy to install and use and keep your hands where they should be while driving: on the wheel, not on your phone. Just attach it to your visor, and as a really great feature, it will connect to your speaker system using an FM transmitter, so you can hear your music and calls through your car stereo. Easy to use and extremely convenient. Amzer Silicone Skin Jelly Case - Simple, yet effective. Takes about two seconds to put on your phone and will increase it’s survivability immensely. In addition to providing your phone with a shock resistant layer, it makes the phone much easier to grip and hold. Also, unlike many hard cases, this silicone case still makes using all the buttons on your phone easy. Comes in a wide variety of colors: jet black, lily white, light blue, maroon red, purple lilac, hot pink magenta, grey. Nokia OEM Car Charger - Probably the most move-have accessory for any device; everyone should have a car charger for their phone, it's great for both safety and convenience. Sandisk 8B Universal MicroSD Mobile Memory Kit - Unfortunately, the internal memory for the XpressMusic is fairly low, and if you like media, expect to fill both it and the included flash card up in a big hurry. So expand your collection and capacity with this multifunction MicroSD card kit.

Amzer Full Body Silicone Skin Jelly Case We get loads of new products in through our warehouse on a daily basis and 90% of them are rejected, but of the 10% that do get into our product line, every once in a while there is a true gem of a product and something that really redefines the market. Enter Amzer Full Body Silicone Skin Jelly Case. This case solves the dilemma of so many issues you have with protecting your phone I don't know where to begin: 1. It totally does away with the phrase 'my phone just slipped out from my hand'. yes it has really unbelievable grip! 2. You don't have to buy a separate skin case and a screen protector because it's handily combined in one product now. 3. Truly like a second skin. Many, many products have claimed to be a second skin to your BlackBerry, Nokia, iPhone, etc. But this really is the second skin that you've been looking for. 4. Lightweight and non-existent ability as well as uncannily resilient. Listen, I'm not in sales but when I see something that I like, I have to tell you all about it. So far we have this baby live for the BlackBerry Storm, the BlackBerry Bold, BlackBerry Curve 8900, and Nokia xpress Music 5800. If you have another phone/model, check our new arrivals daily or send us an email at care@fommy. com to see when it will be available for sale.

Nokia's continuing blunders.

It was reported on RCR Wireless that the new 5800 that everyone has been talking about will be carrier-less. Unfortunately most of the talk has been about the phones problems. and after a very limited shelf time it was even pulled from the New York flagship store, probably indicating that the phones problems aren't limited to rumor and isolated incidents alone. Combining the apparent poor quality of the device, lack of carrier support, and current high price it's no wonder people don't flock to Nokia anymore as their stock price falls further and further. The companies current financial difficulties and hard times in the U. S. seem to be fairly apparent, and will continue if this device is any kind of example for the company. The device can't seem to barely stand on it's own, and even without the myriad of problems and disappearances, I really don't see anything about the device that makes it stand out next to the dominant iPhone except for 1.2 megapixels, who is available for a cheaper price, even if you a wrangled into a carrier and contract, which apparently isn't a problem for most people these days. And to boot you at least with the iPhone you get decent support from AT&T and hardware that has been proven stable. So what do you as the consumers think? Leave a comment. Do you think the 5800 NAM is an iPhone killer or is Nokia doomed to fall by the wayside in the face of the current competition? - Image courtesy of BGR.

More Cell Phone Accessories

Nokia 5800

Would you like to download WhatsApp for the Nokia 5800? On this website you can find all useful information about the download of WhatsApp for Nokia 5800 . In contrast to many other older phones, Symbian devices are in many cases suitable for WhatsApp. However, this does not apply to all Symbian devices. The most easy way to download WhatsApp is going to the website www. whatsapp. com/nokia. Here you will see a big green download button. When your phone is not compatible with WhatsApp, you will see automatically an error message. Whether you can download WhatsApp for Nokia 5800, you could also check the Symbian page on this website. Here you can see all Symbian devices that are suitable for WhatsApp.

Download WhatsApp for Nokia 5800

WhatsApp is a very popular messaging app worldwide. WhatsApp has over 500 million active users. Users are coming from all over the world. Especially, countries like Russia, India and Brazil are growing very fast. Using WhatsApp, you can send free messages, photos, videos, en many more to all your contacts. When you have downloaded the app, you will immediately see who of your contacts already use WhatsApp. You can directly start sending WhatsApp messages to these contacts. WhatsApp for Nokia 5800 is completely free to download. The first year is something like a trial period. This means you don’t have to pay anything during the first year. After the first year you pay an annual amount of $0,99. This is still a very low amount of money when you look at all the advantages WhatsApp offers! For now: Good luck and have fun with WhatsApp for Nokia 5800!

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Nokia 5800 XpressMusic review

We've waited a heck of a long time for Nokia to catch up with Apple, LG and Samsung and launch a touchscreen phone. And here it is at last! It's a 3G smartphone, and belongs to Nokia's XpressMusic range.

At first glance, it looks like it was worth the wait. It's a very stylish handset. All touchscreen phones tend to look pretty much the same to be honest. What distinguishes the 5800 is its sleekness: it's much narrower than the iPhone 3G. in fact with a width of 52mm, it's one of the narrowest touchscreen phones around. This means that you can easily operate it with one hand. It has a lovely big screen too, with a very high resolution (640 x 360 pixels), which helps to make the user interface easier to use. The device has a wide range of input options: finger touch, stylus and plectrum with a virtual alphanumeric keypad, full and mini QWERTY keyboards and handwriting recognition. The display will rotate automatically when you turn the phone to landscape mode. Normally the XpressMusic phones have dedicated buttons for music, and the 5800 has a dedicated virtual media bar for quick access to music controls, as well as functions like the gallery and web browser. There are also physical keys for power, send and end, menu, screen lock and volume. The big question is: "Is the touchscreen on the 5800 as good as the iPhone?" Sadly, no. But it isn't at all bad. It's just that you need to use the stylus sometimes and the whole experience isn't quite so much fun. But stick with the review, because the 5800 has a lot going for it.

The 5800 has a proper camera for a start. At 3.2 megapixels it isn't the best camera phone by a long way, but it uses Carl Zeiss optics, has autofocus and a double LED flash and leaves the iPhone standing. It also has a decent video camera, which can record at up to 640 x 480 pixels and at 30 frames per second, with stereo sound. A front-mounted video camera enables you to make video calls on a 3G network.

The music player in the 5800 is excellent too. We found the touchscreen controls to be very easy here, and all the features that you'd hope for are here, including an 8-band graphic equaliser and a 3.5mm headphone jack. The phone is supplied with an 8GB memory card, which can store up to 2,000 MP3 tracks (or 4,000 in AAC format), and if your music collection grows even bigger, you can upgrade this to a massive 16GB. There's also a built-in FM radio. No complaints for music then.

The 5800's big touchscreen is ideal for web browsing. With very fast download speeds thanks to the 3G HSDPA implementation and a quality web browser, there's nothing to hold you back. The 5800 beats the iPhone here too, with support for Flash meaning that you can watch videos from YouTube and other sites on your phone. The phone is also WiFi compatible, so you can get super fast data transfer speeds in the vicinity of a WLAN network or a WiFi Hotspot.

GPS is included too, together with Nokia Maps. As well as 3G and WiFi, the connectivity options include Bluetooth and USB, plus a TV-Out connection (cable supplied.)

The 5800 XpressMusic is a Series 60 phone, and potentially there are going to be a lot of third-party apps available for downloading too. You get a couple of games and the standard Series 60 organiser applications with the phone, including document browsers and a good organiser.

Finally, we want to mention that the battery life is very good. Phones like this do tend to get used rather a lot, and big screens are hungry for power, but the battery capacity seems to be up to the job.

The sales package is generous, including all the cables you'll need, a stereo headphone, an 8GB memory card, a case, a stand and a stylus. The phone is available in black, red and blue too.

We weren't sure what to expect from Nokia's first touchscreen phone. It's obviously spent a lot of time in the design studio, and it looks like Nokia wisely resisted the temptation to rush something out. The 5800 no doubt has the occasional bug (all smart phones do), but these are few and will probably be ironed out pretty quickly with firmware updates. The 5800 XpressMusic manages to combine the benefits of touchscreen, without many downsides, and avoids being just another iPhone clone thanks to Nokia's attention to detail. It may not be perfect, but we're impressed by just how good it is.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic features include:

Series 60 5th Edition Symbian version 9.4 3G Smartphone

3.2 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics, autofocus, 4x digital zoom and double LED flash

Video recording (up to 640 x 480 pixels and up to 30 fps), 4x digital video zoom, front camera for 3G video calling

Display: Touchscreen, 16.7 million colours, 640 x 360 pixels (3.2 inches) with automatic display rotation

NSeries music player (MP3, AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, WMA formats) with 8-band graphical equaliser

FM radio with Visual Radio

Stereo loudspeakers

Ringtones: MP3 & video ringtones, 64-voice polyphonic ringtones, vibration alert

Voice commands: speaker independent dialling and voice commands

Voice recorder (digital stereo microphone)

Integrated handsfree speaker

Games: 3D Bounce and Global Race

Messaging: SMS, MMS, email (support for IMAP, POP, SMTP) plus attachments, Audio messaging

Advanced Series 60 personal organiser functions, Flash Lite 3.0

Integrated GPS with Nokia Maps

Internet: HSCSD, GPRS, EDGE, 3G HSDPA (3.6 Mbps), XHTML web browser

Connectivity: WiFi, Bluetooth 2.0, USB 2.0, 3.5 mm audio jack, TV-Out

Memory: 81 Mbytes plus 8GB microSD memory card (up to 16 GB supported)

Flight mode

Quadband (GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz) plus 3G (WCDMA 900/2100 MHz)

Size: 111 x 52 x 15.5 mm

Weight: 109g

Talktime: 5 hours (3G) - 8.8 hours (2G)

Battery standby: 400 hours

Music playback: up to 35 hours

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October 25, 2009 – 10:05 am | by Steve

The long wait has finally ended with the unveiling of Nokia’s first ever Touch Screen handset – Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition . This Masterpiece comes with an in built Navigator which can be used for the whole lifetime.

Most important features of this mobile phone include its Sound system, Speakerphone, its 81 MB storage capacity, and its immense 128MB RAM. This Cell Phone has an expandable memory up to 16GB. Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition comes with the GPRS of 32 class with stereo speakers of 3.5mm Audio Jack. With down loadable Java games Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition doesn’t compromise in its picture quality. It has a facility of Auto Focus LED flash and 3.6 HSDPA speed. Connectivity system of Bluetooth also available Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition comes in two colors – Chrome and Black.

Providing you all the weather maps and costing just an estimated Price of 285 Euros this is certainly one the best inventions in NOKIA Phone market today.

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Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Pictures

Here are some great photos of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is a mobile phone in the bar form factor. The phone's dimensions and weight are: 111 x 51.7 x 15.5 mm and 109g. The device is designed to operate on the following networks: GSM 850/900/1800/1900 HSDPA 2100. It is necessary to note the presence of a digital camera 3.15 MP, GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps, 3,6 Mbps, Bluetooth v1.2 with A2DP, v 2.0, WAP 2.0/xHTML, Predictive Text Input T9.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

More pics and a review on the Nokia 5800 can be found here

Nota. Harga Nokia / The Handphone price here is the average price from many different stores and can be a little different from the actual price on the dealer or the seller depend on some factors.

Nokia 5530 XpressMusic can be one of three touch screen phones released by Nokia. Specifications of this phone has a touch screen 2.9 inches, the S60 5th Edition Symbian OS, as well as Wi-Fi connectivity.

This phone has 3.2 megapixel camera resolution, 150MB internal memory supported, as well as a microSD memory card slot and 3.5mm headset jack. In addition there is added an FM radio with RDS.

Looking at the Nokia 5530 XpressMusic specifications can be a small version of 5800. But the advantages of this series is offer a cheaper price.

& # 8211; 2G Network. GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 - Dimensions. 104 x 49 x 13 mm, 68 cc – Weight. 107 g – Display. Type TFT resistive touchscreen, 16M colors – Tamaño. 360 x 640 pixels, 2.9 inches – Proximity sensor for auto turn-off – Accelerometer sensor for auto-rotate – Handwriting recognition – Memory. Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and fields, Photocall – Call records. Detailed, max 30 days – Internal. 70 MB storage, 128 MB SDRAM – Card slot. microSD, up to 16GB, 4GB included, buy memory – Datos. GPRS Class 32 – EDGE. Class 32 – Stand-by. Up to 336 h – Talk time. Up to 4 h 54 min – Music play. Up to 27 h

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Big collection of free downloads for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic . All high quality Nokia 5800 XpressMusic files are available for free download. Big collection of new games apps for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic . All high quality Nokia 5800 XpressMusic games apps on page 9 of 439 are available for free . Top Apps & Games download for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Top Cricket 3D, Coin. Facebook, WhatsApp Messenger, Skype - free IM & video calls, Yxplayer, DivX. At mob. org you can download thousands of Nokia 5800 XpressMusic games for free . Huge selection of free java games for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic . Descargar. Sep 4, 2010 . RacingThunder(1stgame) - http://gallery. Terminator Salvation (2nd) game. Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Games + download links. Ciocîrlan. Best Free Apps For Nokia 5800 - Duration: 5:00. Nokia 5800 Xpress Music - Bounce Touch Game Final Level/Battle (8) - - Duration: 3:02. Java nokia 5800 full screen games download - Angry Birds Free (Nokia Series 40). Minecraft type game for Java cell phones. all Nokia / S40 touch screen. Summon your element elf and use their powerful elemental power! Nokia 5800 XpressMusic puzzle mind Java 360x640 games touchscreen | 6076k. Nokia 5800 software applications free download & thousand of java apps & program. Games . Themes. Softwares. Wallpapers. Screensavers. Compare Phones well-suited video call friends & take pleasure since their friends & family on the big color touch screen. Programa, programm para, zedge. net. The device has variety of input methods: stylus, plectrum and finger touch . The collection of free games for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic right here to be download. Free Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Software, Themes, Games . Apps Download. Sponsored Links: Search by Device. Best Software for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic .

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Java nokia 5800 full screen games download - Angry Birds Free (Nokia Series 40). Minecraft type game for Java cell phones. all Nokia / S40 touch screen. Summon your element elf and use their powerful elemental power! Nokia 5800 XpressMusic puzzle mind Java 360x640 games touchscreen | 6076k. Nokia 5800 software applications free download & thousand of java apps & program. Games . Themes. Softwares. Wallpapers. Screensavers. Compare Phones well-suited video call friends & take pleasure since their friends & family on the big color touch screen. Programa, programm para, zedge. net. The device has variety of input methods: stylus, plectrum and finger touch . The collection of free games for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic right here to be download. Free Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Software, Themes, Games . Apps Download. Sponsored Links: Search by Device. Best Software for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic . Big collection of free downloads for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic . All high quality Nokia 5800 XpressMusic files are available for free download. Big collection of new games apps for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic . All high quality Nokia 5800 XpressMusic games apps on page 9 of 439 are available for free . Top Apps & Games download for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Top Cricket 3D, Coin. Facebook, WhatsApp Messenger, Skype - free IM & video calls, Yxplayer, DivX. At mob. org you can download thousands of Nokia 5800 XpressMusic games for free . Huge selection of free java games for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic . Descargar. Sep 4, 2010 . RacingThunder(1stgame) - http://gallery. Terminator Salvation (2nd) game. Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Games + download links. Ciocîrlan. Best Free Apps For Nokia 5800 - Duration: 5:00. Nokia 5800 Xpress Music - Bounce Touch Game Final Level/Battle (8) - - Duration: 3:02.

Java nokia 5800 full screen games download - Angry Birds Free (Nokia Series 40). Minecraft type game for Java cell phones. all Nokia / S40 touch screen. Summon your element elf and use their powerful elemental power! Nokia 5800 XpressMusic puzzle mind Java 360x640 games touchscreen | 6076k. Nokia 5800 software applications free download & thousand of java apps & program. Games . Themes. Softwares. Wallpapers. Screensavers. Compare Phones well-suited video call friends & take pleasure since their friends & family on the big color touch screen. Programa, programm para, zedge. net. The device has variety of input methods: stylus, plectrum and finger touch . The collection of free games for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic right here to be download. Free Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Software, Themes, Games . Apps Download. Sponsored Links: Search by Device. Best Software for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic .

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Big collection of free downloads for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic . All high quality Nokia 5800 XpressMusic files are available for free download. Big collection of new games apps for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic . All high quality Nokia 5800 XpressMusic games apps on page 9 of 439 are available for free . Top Apps & Games download for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Top Cricket 3D, Coin. Facebook, WhatsApp Messenger, Skype - free IM & video calls, Yxplayer, DivX. At mob. org you can download thousands of Nokia 5800 XpressMusic games for free . Huge selection of free java games for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic . Descargar. Sep 4, 2010 . RacingThunder(1stgame) - http://gallery. Terminator Salvation (2nd) game. Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Games + download links. Ciocîrlan. Best Free Apps For Nokia 5800 - Duration: 5:00. Nokia 5800 Xpress Music - Bounce Touch Game Final Level/Battle (8) - - Duration: 3:02. Java nokia 5800 full screen games download - Angry Birds Free (Nokia Series 40). Minecraft type game for Java cell phones. all Nokia / S40 touch screen. Summon your element elf and use their powerful elemental power! Nokia 5800 XpressMusic puzzle mind Java 360x640 games touchscreen | 6076k. Nokia 5800 software applications free download & thousand of java apps & program. Games . Themes. Softwares. Wallpapers. Screensavers. Compare Phones well-suited video call friends & take pleasure since their friends & family on the big color touch screen. Programa, programm para, zedge. net. The device has variety of input methods: stylus, plectrum and finger touch . The collection of free games for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic right here to be download. Free Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Software, Themes, Games . Apps Download. Sponsored Links: Search by Device. Best Software for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic .

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Java nokia 5800 full screen games download - Angry Birds Free (Nokia Series 40). Minecraft type game for Java cell phones. all Nokia / S40 touch screen. Summon your element elf and use their powerful elemental power! Nokia 5800 XpressMusic puzzle mind Java 360x640 games touchscreen | 6076k. Nokia 5800 software applications free download & thousand of java apps & program. Games . Themes. Softwares. Wallpapers. Screensavers. Compare Phones well-suited video call friends & take pleasure since their friends & family on the big color touch screen. Programa, programm para, zedge. net. The device has variety of input methods: stylus, plectrum and finger touch . The collection of free games for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic right here to be download. Free Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Software, Themes, Games . Apps Download. Sponsored Links: Search by Device. Best Software for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic .

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Nokia 5800 XpressMusic software

Welcome to Symbian Guru. com - your guru in Nokia 5800 XpressMusic applications!

We are presenting to you cool security and productivity software for smartphones. especially Symbian 3, Symbian Anna, Symbian Bella and Series 60. We hope you enjoy this page content and find the presented applications for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic useful for yourself.

Phone Guardian software for series 60.3/60.5 is mobile anti-theft and phone tracking software. Version 3.1 includes GPS-Tracking, install without icon and warning SMS sent to three numbers!

Phone Wallet for Symbian^3, Symbian Anna, Symbian Bella and Series 60.3/60.5 securely stores and organizes your confidential data such as passwords, contacts, credit cards info, notes. The application is very flexible and has high grade of security with Advanced Encryption Standard.

BT-Guard for Symbian^3, Symbian Anna and Symbian Bella is security software that protects your phone from Bluetooth attacks and unwanted Bluetooth intervention by turning off your BT automatically. It also saves battery life of your mobile.

Blacklist and Whitelist software that manages unwanted calls. Now you don't have to worry about incoming calls at the inappropriate time!

AutoProfiles for Symbian^3, Symbian Anna, Symbian Bella and Series 60.3/60.5 is profile scheduling software with variety of recurring conditions, including Bluetooth status scheduler. Profiles change according to your own rules, respecting meetings in your calendar.

SMSAlert software allows to assign different SMS signals to every contact or group of contacts. New grafical tabs and buttons. Compatible with Series 60.3/60.5 and Symbian^3.

Create unlimited speed dial numbers and attach different actions to them with SpeedDial+!

LoudSpeaker for Series 60.3/60.5 works as your car wireless hands free set without any additional hardware. Very handy solution for your handsfree!

AfterCall for Series 60 v3 performs various actions directly after ending of the call or call attempt. You get direct access to your calendar, contacts and messages right after the call!

GPS-Action software for your mobile phone which performs different actions and fires alarms depending on your geographical GPS position.

Cute Keys for Series 60 v3 is productivity software that creates keyboard shortcuts for often performed actions on your phone. Now you can call your friend or open the favourite site with only one key combo!

Call Recorder software for Series 60.3/60.5 and Symbian^3 is a reliable recorder of the incoming and outgoing mobile phone calls. Set your rules and automatically record different phone numbers and call directions.

Expenses for Symbian^3, anna, belle and Series 60.3/60.5 is an expense tracker for your private and business expenses. Just with one click you will get a full report on the mobile screen, or export your expenses report to MS Excel compatible format on your PC.

My Portfolio for Series 60 v3 brings Google Finance information directly to your mobile: with details of your own online portfolio, auto-refresh function and history. Now you will be always up to date with your financial courses!

Currencies is a currency converter for your Series 60 v3 mobile that uses real time exchange rates from Central European Bank. With 35 preloaded currencies and no limit of your own currencies to add it is the easiest way for you to convert money!

On this place you will soon find new software from SymbianGuru that is being under development now. If you would like to help us with products translation, you are welcome to contact us.

AutoThemes for Symbian^3, Symbian Anna, Symbian Bella and Series 60.3/60.5 is a theme scheduler for automatic mobile themes change according to a personal time schedule or active profile. Easy way to personalize your mobile!

PhotoFun for Series 60.3 is an entertainment software for people, who love to joke friends and laugh on and with them! Using PhotoFun you can make funny photos combining your mobile camera with different templates.

Christmas Photo Fun for Symbian^3, Symbian Anna, Symbian Bella and Series 60.3/60.5 is an entertainment software for people, who love to create individual and funny Christmas cards and send them with greetings to friends and relatives.

Easter Theme makes your phone more bright and expressive. Joyful spring field and colorful rainbow set you in the good mood and the cute bunny will share with you the Easter celebration. Well designed icons in the style of Nokia Belle and good readable font make the Easter Theme suitable for daily use.

Here you can find more various applications for your Symbian and Windows smartphones offering by our partners.

The different applications for Android and Apple iOS platforms allow you to make your mobile life more expressive!

Top 5 GPS Navigation Apps for Nokia Lumia Microsoft Windows Phone 10

No mobile phone is complete without a GPS software, having said that, not all GPS apps are created equally. Waze is a community driven map where you get live report on traffic, road blocks and accidents. Here Maps by Nokia is the only true offline maps that works without any internet connection and CoPilot is the most accurate among all the GPS apps. Garmin is pretty good, the only drawback is it cost USD30. Why pay when there are so many other free alternative? Without further ado, here are the top 5 GPS for Nokia Lumia powered by Microsoft Windows Phone 8.1.

Nokia HERE Maps

No matter how you choose to travel, HERE Maps shows you the smartest way across town with fast, offline maps in over 135 countries, so you can find your way even without a data connection. With new collections, you can now group, save and sync your favorites with here. com. And with LiveSight, HERE Maps brings the power of sight to your map. Hold up your phone to see floating labels on nearby places through your screen.

Waze (Own by Google)

Waze is a fun, community based mapping, traffic & navigation app. With millions of drivers from across the globe joining forces to outsmart traffic, save time, fuel money, and improve daily commuting for all.

GPS Voice Navigation

GPS Voice Navigation Free provides turn-by-turn voice driving navigation using Google Maps. With GPS Voice Navigation Free, you get all the important driving information shown right on the map. Add to this spoken turn-by-turn directions and you are ready to go anywhere! App interface and navigation instructions are available in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Bulgarian.

Garmin StreetPilot

Garmin StreetPilot® brings the power of Garmin navigation to your phone with rich navigation features and an intuitive user interface designed exclusively for Windows Phone. Using your data connection, StreetPilot always has access to the most up-to-date maps for the U. S. and Canada so you can navigate with confidence whether you’re on foot or in the car. Install the app while you’re on-the-go and begin navigating in minutes. StreetPilot is loaded with premium navigation features, including voice guidance with automatic off-route recalculation, integrated real-time traffic, multiple-destination routing, photoReal™ junction views, 3D buildings, lane guidance, speed limits and more.

CoPilot™ GPS

Find the best way to all the places you need to go with CoPilot. Detailed street maps of an entire country or region are stored on your phone, so you can plan routes and get driving or walking directions without a mobile internet connection. Millions of useful Points of Interest are built-in, so it’s easy to find nearby restaurants, hotels and more. You can also search for local places using Yelp, Google™ and Wikipedia.

Windows Phone 8.1 GPS Software App Comparison

Dedicated GPS vs Smartphone GPS

Yes, smartphone GPS is good, good enough for average use. Just like smartphone cameras, they are average in term of photo quality and it can never replace a DSLR. Therefore a dedicated GPS is always better than a smartphone GPS, go for TomTom or Garmin.

Recommended for you:

Updated On January 18, 2016 / Category: Microsoft Windows Phone / Author: Ngan Tengyuen

17 comments on “ Top 5 GPS Navigation Apps for Nokia Lumia Microsoft Windows Phone 10 ”

your garmin mobile system is good. than iwant same system for nokia n70

Gravity Twitter

The Gravity Nokia 5800 XpressMusic application is a Twitter client that gives you unprecedented access to advanced features from Twitter and other online services such as Picassa and Flickr. Upload images to MobyPicture and Twitpic. Set up several Twitter profiles, get alerts, share private messages, check status messages and mentions. This client is simple and easy to use and allows you to take Twitter with you everywhere you go. You can download Gravity from Nokia Ovi Store here for $7.79.

Qik Video Camera

Qik Video Camera is a great multimedia app that allows you to record videos from your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. In addition to recording videos, the Qik Video Camera also allows you to share your recordings with family and friends and anyone else in general, either directly or on social networks like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and others, including plugins for Wordpress, Tumblr and Blogger.

Qik Video Camera for the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic also allows you to send video messages through MMS and through emails. You can also tag your videos with with Geo-location information and even save the images on the Qik video camera website.

You can also have video conversations with Qik Video Camera and it is easily one of the best Nokia 5800 XpressMusic applications out there. Qik can be downloaded for free and the premium version costs $0.99 at the Nokia Ovi Store .

YouTube Mobile Application

YouTube Mobile is an application that lets you access millions of videos from YouTube. com directly on your device. With the YouTube Mobile Nokia 5800 XpressMusic application you can upload videos directly from your phone. Access your favorites menu, play-lists and subscriptions. Use the easy search tool on this Nokia application to find your videos or simply browse the videos. YouTube Mobile is one of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic applications that lets you encode DVD quality videos on the device for the optimum experience. You can download the YouTube Mobile application by visiting m. youtube. com/app using your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic mobile phone.


The Worldmate travel app is one of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic applications that every regular traveler must have. This Nokia application has a wide variety of services which enable you to receive real time alerts on flight details such as cancellations, diversions and delays, and also gate changes. You can search for alternate flights too. These updates cover at least 350 flights worldwide.

With this Nokia 5800 XpressMusic application you can check the current weather at your destination or even see what the weather will be like when you get there. The weather can also be visualized in a map.

With the Worldmate Nokia 5800 XpressMusic application you can keep track of the current times in up to five different cities worldwide at a go. This is convenient for those with business in different regions of the world. Also available on this Nokia application is a currency converter.

You can download a limited version of Worldmate for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic here. To activate all features you will have to subscribe for Gold membership for about $49.95.


Keep in touch with friends and family with the Facebook for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic application. With the Facebook app you can enjoy almost all of your favorite activities including photo uploads, check and send messages, change status updates, look up contacts. You can also comment on friend's status, send invites and much more including sending and receiving friend requests. You can download Facebook from Nokia Ovi Store for Free.

Adobe Reader LE

The Adobe Reader LE application is a PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) viewer. For $5.49 you can enjoy one of the best Nokia 5800 XpressMusic applications for business. With this Nokia 5800 application you can search text, rotate pages, zoom and print, among other features including support for attachments and embedded files. To get a copy of this Nokia 5800 XpressMusic application, you can go the Nokia Ovi store and download Adobe Reader LE .

A new firmware update for Nokia 580 0 (XpressMusic) running on S60v5 software has been rolled out recently. The version 60.0.003 is an update from v52.0.007. This update brings new app updates mainly on web browser and Maps.

What’s new with v60:

Nokia Maps v3.06

Supports for IDNs and other languages like Arabic and Chinese

Symbian Anna Browser v7 is the new browser for 5800

Improvements on overall web browsing experience and phone’s performance

You can update your Nokia 5800 through OTA (over the air) by navigating to your Menu>Applications>Software Update. Or you could use the Nokia Suite or Software Updater in your PC. Approximately the update size is 7MB. Just note that the roll out is still on process so you might not be able to see the update now.

UPDATE: Nokia 5530 added on the lists.

Mensaje de navegación

i am from brazil, my 5800 is the rm 356… i see the update … i can do the download, but when i will install it, i receive a note that my phone is not compatible with this version.. i will have to wait some days??

i am from brazil too. Hehe, no meu 5800 também acontecia isso com outras atualizações mas acabava que não conseguia atualizar assim. Tinha que baixar pelo Navifirm e atualizar pelo Phoenix mesmo.

I’m not sure. Did you tried two methods of updating? OTA and PC?

Nokia 5800 Runs Symbian^3

Nokia 5800 Runs Symbian^3

Is this the biggest Nokia/Lumia fan in the UK?

Best Nokia Lumia Windows Phone price deals for August 2014

Celebrate Nokia Devices and Services and Microsoft Rube Goldberg style

The Nokia 5800 has been seen out in the wold running the Symbian^3 operating system, which bodes well for the future of Nokia’s first and most successful touchscreen device to date. Seen in the hands of Scott Weiss from the Symbian Foundation it’s being used as part of the testing programme. The question is, will the Nokia 5800 be running Symbian^3 when it finally gets the seal of approval? Read on to find out more about the Nokia 5800 and Symbian^3…

Symbian^3 is just around the corner and for anyone owning a current Nokia smartphone, the big question is whether upgrading is an option or even possible? Now, we’ve no way of knowing at this stage whether it’ll be possible, but the Nokia 5800 itself is being used to test drive the new version of the operating system.

Como sabemos? Well, Scott Weiss, Symbian user interface technology manager, has been using his to check out the changes to the Symbian^3 platform. As you can see from the screengrab above, the Nokia 5800 is alive and well and running Symbian^3.

The main focus of the video is the new interface for Symbian^3, as well as a few ideas for the future. In the video Weiss talks about the big changes and shift of focus within Symbian^3. Primarily, the fact that it’s not He talks about the support for graphics acceleration, pointing out that applications and games are going to load and run ‘really fast’.

Single tap enhancements are one of the major changes with Symbian^3. As Weiss points out, this shift is a fundamental one moving the OS away from its non-touch roots, where two clicks to open an app was the preferable method of working.

So what do you think, will Symbian^3 be compatible with your current Nokia smartphone and even so, are you not tempted by the new generation of devices, such as the Nokia N8 that will be natively built around Symbian^3? Watch the video below and let us know what you think in the Comments.

We’d like to that NokNok reader Aloy Wee for tipping us off to the presence of this video (great work fella!)

Check out the Scott Weiss video (Nokia 5800 running Symbian^3 at 42 seconds):

Is this the biggest Nokia/Lumia fan in the UK?

Best Nokia Lumia Windows Phone price deals for August 2014

Celebrate Nokia Devices and Services and Microsoft Rube Goldberg style

Is this the biggest Nokia/Lumia fan in the UK?

Best Nokia Lumia Windows Phone price deals for August 2014

Celebrate Nokia Devices and Services and Microsoft Rube Goldberg style

Nokia 5800 User Manual

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic User Guide Issue 2.

Corporación. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or tradenames of their respective owners. Reproduction, transfer, distribution, or storage of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without the prior written permission of Nokia is prohibited.

CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. NOKIA RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REVISE THIS DOCUMENT OR WITHDRAW IT AT ANY TIME WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Reverse engineering of any software in the Nokia device is prohibited to the extent permitted by applicable law. Insofar as this user guide contains any limitations on Nokia's representations, warranties, damages and liabilities, such limitations shall likewise limit any representations, warranties, damages and liabilities of Nokia's licensors.

Switch the device on. 15 Stylus. 15 Lock the keys and touch screen. 15 Home screen. 15 Access the menu. 16 Touch screen actions. 16 Media key. 17 Change the ringing tone. 18 Nokia support. 18 2. Find help. 18 In-device help. 18 Extended user guide. 18 Software updates. 19 Settings. 19 Access codes. 19 Prolong battery life. 20 Free memory. 21.

Answer or reject a video call. 33 Video sharing. 33 Video sharing requirements. 33 Settings. 34 Share live video or video clips. 34 Accept an invitation. 35 Log. 35 Recent calls. 35 Recent calls toolbar. 35 Call duration. 36 Packet data. 36 Monitor all communication events. 36 5. Write text. 36 On-screen keyboard. 37 Handwriting. 37 Alphanumeric keypad. 38 Icons and functions. 38.

Music player. 49 Play a song or a podcast. 50 Playlists. 51 Podcasts. 51 Transfer music from a computer. 51 Nokia Music Store. 52 Nokia Podcasting. 52 Podcasting settings. 52 Downloads. 53 Radio. 53 Listen to the radio. 53 Manage radio stations. 54 10. Gallery. 54 View and organise files. 54 View images and videos. 54 Organise images and videos. 55.

15. Share online. 80 Share online. 80 Subscribe to services. 80 Manage your accounts. 80 Create a post. 81 Post files from Gallery. 81 16. Nokia Video Centre. 81 View and download video clips. 82 Video feeds. 82 My videos. 83 Transfer videos from your PC. 83 Video centre settings. 83 17. Web browser. 84 Browse the web. 84.

Security module. 99 Restore original settings. 100 Protected content. 100 Notification light. 100 Call settings. 100 Call settings. 100 Call divert. 101 Call barring. 101 22. Troubleshooting. 102 Accessories. 105 Battery. 105 Battery and charger information. 105 Nokia battery authentication guidelines. 106 Authenticate hologram. 106 What if your battery is not authentic. 107 Care and maintenance. 107.

Recycle. 108 Additional safety information. 108 Small children. 108 Operating environment. 108 Medical devices. 109 Implanted medical devices. 109 Hearing aids. 109 Vehicles. 109 Potentially explosive environments. 110 Emergency calls. 110 Certification information (SAR). 111 Index. 112.

Symbian Signed or have passed the Java Verified™ testing. Consider installing antivirus and other security software on your device and any connected computer. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

You may also access other third - party sites through your device. Third-party sites are not affiliated with Nokia, and Nokia does not endorse or assume liability for them. If you choose to access such sites, you should take precautions for security or content.

1. Get started Keys and parts 1 — Micro USB connector to connect to a compatible PC 2 — Nokia AV Connector (3.5 mm) for compatible headsets, headphones, and TV-out connectors 3 — Charger connector 4 — Power key 5 — Earpiece 6 —.

1. Open the cover of the SIM card slot. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. 2. Insert a SIM card in the slot. Ensure that the contact area on the card is facing up and the bevelled corner is facing toward the device.

Tip: Disconnect the charger from the wall outlet when the charger is not in use. A charger that is connected to the outlet consumes power even when it is not connected to the device. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

Important: Use only a stylus approved by Nokia for use with this device. Using any other stylus may invalidate any warranty applying to the device and may damage the touch screen. Avoid scratching ©.

If you tap a file or similar item once, it is not opened, it becomes highlighted. To see the options available for the scr. and follow the item, select toolbar. Personal Home screen. & Gt; Options or, if available, select an icon from a © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

In some list views, you can scroll by placing your finger or stylus on a list item and dragging up or down. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Touch screen light > Help, tap Options, and The touch screen light is turned off after a period of inactivity.

Maintenance For maintenance services, find your nearest Nokia Care point at www. nokia. com/repair. You can find links to related topics at the end of the help text. If you select an underlined word, a short explanation is displayed.

Not all operators may endorse the latest software versions available. To update the device software, you need the Nokia Software Updater application and a compatible PC with the Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, or Vista operating system, broadband internet access, and a compatible data cable to connect your device to the PC.

WLAN on your Nokia device switches off when you are not trying to connect, not connected to an access point, or not scanning for available networks. To further reduce battery.

● Images and video clips in Gallery. Back up the files to a compatible computer using Nokia PC Suite. mgr. Phone switch ● calendar entries, from a compatible Nokia device. E-mail setup ● Transfer content Menu > You can use the Switch application to copy content such as phone numbers, addresses, calendar items, and images from your previous Nokia device to your device.

(1-16 digits), and select OK. Enter the same code on the other device, and select OK. The devices are now paired. Some earlier Nokia devices may not have the Switch application. In this case, the Switch application is sent to the other device as a message.

Memory card Use only compatible microSD and microSDHC cards approved by Nokia for use with this device. Nokia uses approved indicates that the industry standards for memory cards, but some brands may not be fully compatible with this device. Incompatible cards may damage the card and the device and corrupt data stored on the card.

To adjust the volume level when you have an active call or are listening to a sound clip, use the volume key. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Remove memory card. is displayed, select.

To use voice commands, in the home screen, press and hold the call key. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Antenna locations Your device may have internal and external antennas. As with any radio transmitting device, avoid touching the antenna.

— Activate the sensors. ● Turning control — Select Silencing calls ● alarms to mute calls and snooze alarms by turning your device so that the display faces down. Select © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Sensor settings. & Gt; Snoozing Auto-rotate.

To use the headphones with a remote control unit, connect the unit to the Nokia AV Connector in the device, then connect the headphones to the unit.

Remote phone locking > Enabled. Tap the text input field to enter the text message content (5 to 20 characters), select. and verify the message. Enter the lock code. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Settings Phone > >.

To call the contact, press the call key. If you have saved several numbers for a contact, select the desired number from the list, and press the call key. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. During a call To mute or unmute the microphone, select.

Message call. The first call is put on hold. scroll to the participant, Menu Settings and Calling. & Gt; Call Speed > © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Call > & Gt; text. Options >. The conference call dialling.

4. To end the active call, press the end key. 5. To end both calls, select Options © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Voice dialling Your device supports enhanced voice commands. Enhanced voice commands are not dependent on the speaker’s voice, so you do not need to record voice tags in advance.

To switch back to the handset, select to open the dialler, and Options Call Video call. & Gt; >. If you have attached a Options Activate BT > © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. ), and.

Use video sharing (network service) to send live video or a video clip from your mobile device to another compatible mobile device during a voice call. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. The loudspeaker is active when you activate video sharing. If camera. To switch back to.

Options Video clip to send the invitation. Your to mute or unmute the microphone to switch the loudspeaker on and off to pause and resume video sharing © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Share video. & Gt; Live video. and the clip you.

Select Options and from the following: Pause — Pause the playing of a video clip. ● © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Continue ● Mute ● To end the sharing session, select Stop. To end the voice call, press the end key. When you end the call, video sharing also ends.

Handwriting recognition allows you to write characters directly onto the screen using the stylus as a pen. Tap any text input field to enter letters, numbers, and special characters. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options > Options >.

Writing 3 — On-screen keyboard © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. 4 — Shift and Caps Lock - Allows you to enter an uppercase character when you write in lowercase using the on-screen keyboard. When you tap this key in handwriting recognition mode, the last lowercase character switches to uppercase, and vice versa.

4 — Input mode - Opens a pop-up window, in which you can select from the available input modes. When you tap an item, (Alphanumeric Activate predictive text © 2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Activate predictive 2. To write the desired word, tap the keys 2-9. Tap each key only once for one letter. For example, to write "Nokia" when the English dictionary is selected, tap 6 for N, 6 for o, 5 for k, 4 for i, and 2 for a.

— Change the colour of the text written — Call the desired contact. — Send a message to the desired — Create a new contact. Send business card. to mark the desired contacts, and to delete, > Borrar. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options >.

To define a ringing tone for a contact, select the contact, Options Ringing tone, and a ringing tone. & Gt; © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. To define a ringing tone for a contact group, scroll to the Options contact group, select >.

& Gt; dialling list. Messaging main view Select Options SIM numbers > Deactivate fixed New SIM contact, or Options > Menu Messaging (network service). & Gt; © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Fixed dial > Options > dialling, and Add from >.

(network service). Write and send messages Select Menu > Messaging. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. message. Important: Exercise caution when opening messages. Messages may contain malicious software or otherwise be harmful to your device or PC.

Bluetooth 1 new message Important: Exercise caution when opening messages. & Gt; Retrieve. is shown if sound is included, or Options > Objects. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options > ), you may see an.

When you create a new mailbox, the name you give to the mailbox replaces Mailbox in the Messaging main view. You can have up to six mailboxes. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Open the mailbox Select When you open the mailbox, the device asks if you want to connect to the mailbox.

& Gt; Restore. Options > Disconnect. Menu Messaging Options > Options Mark/Unmark > & Gt; Options > Copy. A list of folders opens. Menu Messaging Options > © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. server. messages. & Gt; Mark Mark all Cell broadcast. >.

● that have been defined. Message centre in use — Select which message centre ● to use to deliver text messages. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Character encoding ● another encoding system when available, select support. Receive report ●.

IM service. You can also enter the settings manually. Settings > & Gt; Mailbox in use and a mailbox. Options > Borrar. Mailboxes Options > and a mailbox to change the connection Applications > IM. & Gt; © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. >.

& Gt; To change the image displayed in the home screen when a call is received, select Call image. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Profiles Select Menu You can use profiles to set and customise the ringing tones, message alert tones, and other tones for different events, >.

To modify the tone of the music playback, select Equaliser. ; to resume, tap. A. To skip to the again ) on or Options Shuffle > ), or to turn repeat Options > Repeat. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options >.

& Gt; To add songs, albums, artists, genres, and composers to a playlist from the different views of the music menu, select an © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. item and playlist. To remove a song from a playlist, select Remove.

You may be asked to select the access point to use when connecting to the Nokia Music Store. Select access point. In the Nokia Music Store, you may be able to edit the settings by selecting Options > Configuración.

— Define the time of the next ● automatic update. Automatic updates only occur if a specific default access point is selected and Nokia Podcasting is running. If Nokia Podcasting is not running, the automatic updates are not activated. Download limit (%) —.

To browse files in groups, swipe up or down. Options Options Delete or Rename. & Gt; Options Manual tuning. & Gt; & Gt; Options > Menu Gallery Images & videos. & Gt; © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. & Gt; Stations, and Stations > & Gt; Options > Organise Copy >.

In TV-out mode, you cannot use the TV as the camera viewfinder. To watch images and video clips on TV, do the following: 1. Connect a Nokia Video-Out Cable to the video input of a compatible TV. 2. Connect the other end of the Nokia Video-Out Cable to the Nokia AV Connector of your device.

TV, zooming in is not available. 11. Camera Your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic has two cameras, a high resolution camera on the back of the device, and a lower resolution camera on the front. You can use both cameras to capture images and record videos.

Select from the following: — Select the scene. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. — Switch between video and image mode. — Show or hide the viewfinder grid (images only). — Activate the self-timer (images only).

& Gt; image. To assign the image to a contact, Assign to contact. To return to the viewfinder to capture a new image, press the capture key. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options Settings > & Gt; wallpaper. Set as call >.

To copy the settings of another scene, select on scene mode and the desired scene. To save the changes © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. and return to the scenes list, select Back. To activate your own scene, select.

90 minutes with other quality settings. Video recording on-screen controls and indicators The video viewfinder displays the following: Sequence > 1 — Capture mode indicator and the video mode © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. A red.

& Gt; 12. Positioning (GPS) You can use applications such as Maps and GPS data to find out your location, or measure distances and coordinates. These applications require a GPS connection. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Play ● Delete ●.

With the help of assisted data, your device can obtain the GPS position faster. Your device is preconfigured to use the Nokia A-GPS service, if no service provider-specific A-GPS settings are available. The assistance data is retrieved from the Nokia A-GPS service server only when needed.

● If you are outdoors, move to a more open space. ● Ensure that your hand does not cover the GPS antenna of your device. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. ● If the weather conditions are bad, the signal strength may be affected.

— Use the integrated GPS receiver of your — Use Assisted GPS (A-GPS) to receive — Use a compatible external GPS receiver — Use information from the cellular server. The positioning server may be Measurement system Coordinate format, and the © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. >.

Some maps may be available in your device or memory card. You can also use the Nokia Map Loader PC software to download maps. To install Nokia Map Loader to a compatible PC, see www. nokia. com/maps.

Search Addresses Options > & Gt; & Gt; Options Search > Options Search Places Eat & Drink > & Gt; & Gt; Places > Accommodation. Enter the name > © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Select > Places > & Gt; Options > Search all.

The location is saved in Favourites © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. To send a location to a compatible device, tap the location, and select Send. If you send the location in a text message, the information is converted to plain text.

Nokia Map Loader, as Nokia Map Loader uses the Maps information to check which version of the maps to download. To install Nokia Map Loader to a compatible PC or Mac, go to http://maps. nokia. com, and follow the instructions on the screen.

Check the type of access point you need with your service provider for the service you want to access. For availability and subscription to packet data connection services, contact your service provider. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Network settings Select Menu.

*#62209526#. WLAN wizard Select Menu Settings Connectivity > LAN. The WLAN wizard helps you to connect to a wireless LAN (WLAN) and manage your WLAN connections. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Wireless >.

The infrastructure operating mode allows two kinds of communication: wireless devices are connected to each other through a WLAN access point device, or wireless devices © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. are connected to a wired LAN through a WLAN access point device.

*. Other fields can be left empty, Settings Connectivity > Options destination. & Gt; Options New access point. To copy an existing > Organise Copy to other > & Gt; © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Must > & Gt; dest..

— Depending on the access point you are ● setting up, enter the web address or the address of the multimedia message centre. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Use access point ● priority. want the device to ask for confirmation before the.

& Gt; — Enter the IP address of your device, the — Define the type of DNS address. (only for Ad-hoc) — To enter a channel User © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Shared for the (length of defined.

Connectivity > transfer > Sync. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. The Synchronisation application enables you to synchronise your notes, calendar entries, text and multimedia messages, browser bookmarks, or contacts with various compatible applications on a compatible computer or on the internet.

SIM access. To ensure interoperability between other devices supporting Bluetooth technology, use Nokia approved accessories for this model. Check with the manufacturers of other devices to determine their compatibility with this device.

1. To pair with a device, select Options device. Devices that are within range are displayed. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. 2. Select the device, and enter the passcode. The same passcode must be entered on the other device, as well.

● applications such as Nokia Ovi Remote SIM Suite, and Nokia Software Updater. mode. Settings Connectivity > USB. & Gt; Ask on > Sí. option is USB connection — Use Nokia PC © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. in the signal.

You can use your mobile device with a variety of compatible PC connectivity and data communications applications. With Nokia Ovi Suite you can, for example, transfer files and images between your device and a compatible computer. To use Ovi Suite with USB connection mode, select mode.

3. Sign in to your account as instructed on the service provider’s website. Nokia's services in the online sharing service are free of charge. Any data transferred over the network may incur charges from your service provider. For the availability and cost of the third party services and data transfer costs, contact your service provider or the relevant third party.

To add a title or description to the post, enter text directly to the fields, if available. 16. Nokia Video Centre With Nokia Video Centre (network service), you can download and stream video clips over the air from compatible internet video services using a packet data or WLAN connection. You can also transfer video clips from a compatible PC to your device and view them in Video centre.

— Subscribe to new feeds. Select to select a feed from the services in the video Add manually to add a video feed address. — View information about a video. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Schedule > Manual Via Video.

Options Move and copy > memory card. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Transfer videos from your PC Transfer your own video clips to Video centre from compatible devices using a compatible USB data cable. Video centre will display only the video clips which are in a format supported by your device.

— Select whether to download and view Important: Only install and use applications and other Options Settings Page Load content > & Gt; & Gt; Go to New web page. & Gt; & Gt; © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. ), and select Text >.

Go to web address — Enter a new web address. ● Show zoom — Zoom in or out on the web page. ● © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options To use the expanded toolbar, select > from the following: ●.

3. Carefully read all the information provided. 4. To continue or cancel the download, select the appropriate option (for example, Accept or Cancel). Options Find previous. To go to the next match, select Find next. & Gt; © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Keyword >.

Web also keeps track of the web pages you visit during browsing. In the Recently visited pages the list of the visited web pages. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Empty the cache The information or services you have accessed are stored in > Downloads. In the list, the cache memory of the device.

To change the country or region setting to find more search providers, select Options Settings > región. About Download! Select Menu > Descargar. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Search the to use another search Options > Country or >.

To view your active and inactive alarms, select Alarms. When the alarm is active, is displayed. When the alarm is repeated, is displayed. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. To update the content in Download! manually, select Options Refresh content.

— Add a now to-do note. Menu Applications File mgr. & Gt; & Gt; Menu Applications File mgr. & Gt; & Gt; Options > Encontrar. Enter a search text that Options Organise > Options Sort by > © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. and the desired and the desired.

Bluetooth connectivity. You can use Nokia Application Installer in Nokia Ovi Suite to install an application to your device. Icons in Application manager indicate the following: mgr..

Options View log. & Gt; Important: Your device can only support one antivirus Menu Settings Application > Installed apps. & Gt; Remove. Select to confirm. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. mgr. >.

To download the available updates, select update. To unmark updates, select the updates. To view information on an update, select details. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. To change the settings, select RealPlayer With RealPlayer, you can play video clips or stream media files mgr..

The converter has limited accuracy, and rounding errors may occur. Both parties hear a tone every 5 Menu Applications > Notes. To write a note, > Options note. Tap the note field to enter text, > Menu Applications > Calculadora. & Gt; © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

— Select the date format. ● Date separator — Select the symbol that separates days, ● months, and years. Time format — Select the time format. ● © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Listen ● History ● current session. Languages ● Languages ●.

— Adjust the playback volume for the — Adjust how easily the — Select whether the spoken — Reset voice recognition Menu Settings Phone > Accessories. & Gt; — Set the profile that you want activated © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options >.

To change the settings for a TV-out connection, select and from the following: Default profile — Set the profile that you want activated ● each time you connect a Nokia Video Connectivity Cable to your device. TV screen size — Select the aspect ratio of the TV: ●.

If you forget the PIN or PIN2 code, contact your service provider. If you forget the lock code, contact a Nokia Care point or your service provider. Lock code —.

Certificate not valid yet — The certificate validity period ● has not yet begun. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Certificate corrupted ● Contact the certificate issuer. Change the trust settings Before changing any certificate settings, you must make sure that you really trust the owner of the certificate and that the certificate really belongs to the listed owner.

(network service). Settings Phone Notification > & Gt; Notification > Configuración. Select Calling Call > — Select to show your phone © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. light. and from the Set by.

When line 2 is selected, is shown in the home screen. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Line change — Select to prevent line selection (network ●.

A: This is a characteristic of this type of display. Some displays may contain pixels or dots that remain on or off. This is normal, not a fault. Q: Why can't my Nokia device establish a GPS connection? A: Establishing a GPS connection may take from a couple of seconds to several minutes.

Q: How do I turn the wireless LAN (WLAN) off on my Nokia device? A: The WLAN on your Nokia device turns off when you are not connected or trying to connect to another access point, or not scanning for available networks. To further reduce battery.

If this does not help, switch the device off and then on again. Q: Can I use my Nokia device as a fax modem with a compatible PC? A: You cannot use your device as a fax modem. However, with call diverting (network service), you can divert incoming fax calls to a fax number.

Battery and charger information Your device is powered by a rechargeable battery. The battery intended for use with this device is BL-5J. Nokia may make additional battery models available for this device. This device is intended for use when supplied with power from the following chargers: AC-8, AC-5.

Nokia battery authentication guidelines Always use original Nokia batteries for your safety. To check that you are getting an original Nokia battery, purchase it from a Nokia authorised service centre or dealer, and inspect the hologram label using the following steps: Successful completion of the steps is not a total assurance of the authenticity of the battery.

© 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. do not use the battery. Take it to the nearest Nokia authorised service centre or dealer for assistance. The use of a battery that is not approved by Nokia may be dangerous and may result in poor performance and damage to your device and its accessories.

More detailed information is available from the product retailer, local waste authorities, national producer responsibility organisations, or your local Nokia representative. Check how to recycle your Nokia products at www. nokia. com/werecycle, or if browsing on a mobile device, www. nokia. mobi/werecycle.

● Hold the wireless device to the ear opposite the medical device to minimise the potential for interference. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. ● Turn the wireless device off immediately if there is any reason to suspect that interference is taking place.

2. Press the end key as many times as needed to clear the display and ready the device for calls. 3. Open the dialler by selecting the dialler icon ( © 2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.

That amount changes depending on a number of factors such as how close you are to a network base station. © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. The highest SAR value under the ICNIRP guidelines for use of the device at the ear is 0.99 W/kg.

61 scenes 59 self-timer 59 sequence mode 60 video mode 60 capture settings in camera 57 cell broadcast messages 46 certificates 98 clock 89 computer connections 79 data connections See also conference calls 30 © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

97 dialled numbers 35 dictionary 95 dismissing calls 30 display rotation 26 display settings 96 double-tap 16 © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Download! 88 purchasing and downloading items 89 downloads 86 drag 16 DRM (digital rights management) 100.

PIN code 19 PIN2 code 19 podcasting downloads 53 settings 52 positioning information 61 positioning settings 64 presentations, multimedia 44 profiles 49 offline restrictions 26 proximity sensor 29 proxy settings 73 PUK codes 19 © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

WPA 74 security code 19 security module 99 select 16 self-timer camera 59 © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. sensors 26 sent messages folder 43 service commands 47 service messages 45 settings 57, 95, 96 access point name control 79.

49 web connection 84 web logs 85 week settings calendar alarm 90 Welcome 21 WEP 74 widgets 86 wireless LAN (WLAN) 70 wireless LAN settings 71 WPA 74 wrist strap 28 zooming 58, 60 © 2008 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.


I believe some of Nokia 5800 Express Music are suffering with this problem. Your screen become fuzzy when u unlocked the screen. The solution actually is send your Nokia 5800 to the Nokia center and ask them to change your Nokia 5800 screen. I not really sure with the price they will going charge you.

However i discover it this problem will solve when your screen displaying white color. For example when you turn your nokia off, your screen will be ok.

Or when you online from your nokia and showing "white" google page, your nokia 5800 screen will be ok.

Or if you have Garmin GPS install on your nokia 5800 and you run that application your screen will be ok because the application displaying "white" display.

So i wrote this solution for those having inadequate budget for your phone screen repairing. Beside of doing all that, (which is annoyance) you can solve the problem with a little sacrifice.

Maybe some of you feel that this theme is disgusting. But this is free cost solution for your Nokia 5800. If anyone got another theme which is can be the cure of this nokia 5800 "suffered disease". You can share it here. Hope this can change your bad day with your lovely Nokia 5800.

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---Download hot babe picture to you nokia 5800 Express Music---

Nokia has announced to give free Mobile Navigation to all Nokia GPS enabled smartphone user this is including Nokia 5800 Express Music. So instead of using our hacked Garmin GPS, we now have an option to choose Nokia Mobile Navigation comparing Garmin GPS considering Nokia Mobile Navigation have a nice looking maps and many other features.

To install this application, firstly you have to make sure your Nokia 5800 have the latest software version. To check that, dial *#0000# on your mobile and your software version should be 31.0.008 or greater. If your Nokia got lower than that, you need to update first by selecting Option > Check for Update or using Nokia Software Updater .

To install Nokia Mobile Navigation on your Nokia 5800, go to this link NOKIA MOBILE NAVIGATION.

Select your Mobile to be Nokia 5800 and hit Ok.

You can use Quick download by entering your Mobile Number, then Nokia will send you the link via sms for you to download directly to your phone (Your service provider will charge your data transfer). I preferred to use Desktop download because there is no data charge. To those who preferred to use Quick download, I would like to tell you the application size is about 7.8 Mb quite large data.

Right after you hit the download link, the "Download Map Loader" box will visible.

Select your language and hit download link.

Now you have download 2 application file. The first one is. sis file which you have to install in your Nokia 5800. The second file is. exe file which you have to install in your computer.

Run the Map loader application on your computer and connect your Nokia 5800 via USB cable and select PC Suite connection.

Choose the map you want to download into your Nokia 5800. Begin the downloading file by hitting "download". Don't forget to download voices file too.

Now you can use your Nokia Mobile Navigation when you travel by car or walking around the city without getting lost.

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Handy converter allows you to quickly convert currencies, clothes sizes and measurement units. Currency converting functionality includes automatic and manual currency converting and gives the possibility to see exchange rates. The Handy Converter application uses an internet connection to get exchange rates from various external sources (web sites).

One of the special extra feature in Handy Converter is you can converting the clothes size of men's, women's, kid's, or kiddies' clothes sizes among different system measurement. This is very useful when you go for shopping outside of your country. Let say you are Russian and you are visiting France and now you want to buy a cloth for someone. In Russia, you know he is wearing size 48 but you can't simply choose the cloth with size 48 because the same size actually 46. There are many other cloth conversion available and if you felt that it is useful, download in now and install it on your Nokia 5800.

Unit converting functionality includes converting Length, Weight, Area, Volume, Speed and Temperature from one unit to another.

After you installed this application, the icon is not placed on your apps folder as usual. The application will create a new folder named "Handy" if you want to replace the icon into the app folder, follow this instruction from here. http://nokia-5800-touchscreen. blogspot. com/2009/09/handy-calendar-with-keygen-for-nokia. html

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---Download hot babe picture to you nokia 5800 Express Music---

Phones. com » Cell Phones » Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is a creation that takes you to a new level of music listening. It features one-touch music bar, stereo sound, and huge in-built as well as expandable memory. The phone doesn’t limit itself to music and travels new paths of technology with 3.2MP camera, video recording, GPS, touch screen and faster web browsing via 3.5G HSDPA and WLAN. The desktop stand that comes as an accessory helps in handsfree viewing of videos and pictures in a landscape mode.


Music lovers will fall in love with the Nokia 5800 as you get to hear great tracks of music for continuous 35 hours. One touch Dedicated Music Bar, gives you instant access to all play lists and videos with advanced features of stereo surround sound and crystal clear sound.


The 3.2” wide touch screen reacts instantly at the touch of your fingertips / stylus. You are instantly transported to your preferred destination via an alpha numeric keypad, full QWERTY keyboard and handwriting recognition facility.


With 3.2MP camera and video recorder in hand, etching permanent memories on your phone as well in your mind is not a problem. The clarity of images and videos, plus the choice of re-editing them, enhances their quality.

Error de servidor en la aplicación '/'.

Error en tiempo de ejecución

Descripción: Se produjo un error de aplicación en el servidor. La configuración de error personalizado actual para esta aplicación evita que los detalles del error de aplicación se vean de forma remota (por razones de seguridad). Sin embargo, podría ser visto por los navegadores que se ejecutan en la máquina del servidor local.

Detalles: Para permitir que los detalles de este mensaje de error específico se puedan ver en máquinas remotas, cree un & lt; customErrors & gt; Dentro de un "web. config" Archivo de configuración ubicado en el directorio raíz de la aplicación web actual. Este & lt; customErrors & gt; Etiqueta debe tener su "modo & quot; Atributo establecido en & quot; Off & quot ;.

Notas: La página de error actual que está viendo puede ser reemplazada por una página de error personalizada modificando el parámetro & quot; defaultRedirect & quot; Atributo de la aplicación & lt; customErrors & gt; Etiqueta de configuración para que apunte a una URL de página de error personalizada.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic DVD Video Converter

Ripping DVD and converting videos for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic supports video playback. With Aura DVD Ripper, users can convert DVD and a wide range of videos for watching on their Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and many more. It's easy and fun.

Besides Nokia 5800 XpressMusic videos, Aura DVD Ripper can also convert videos to AVI, MP4, FLV, WMV, MPEG and dozens of other video formats.

Find out all features and supported formats of Aura DVD Ripper, the versatile Nokia 5800 XpressMusic DVD video converter.

Note: Aura DVD Ripper do not support SWF input format. So if you want to convert SWF video to your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, please try Flash Video Converter.

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter enables users to download online videos from Youtube, MetaCafe, NicoVideo and others. It can then convert the downloaded videos to supported videos for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and any other media players and platforms.

Download Nokia 5800 XpressMusic DVD Ripper & Video Converter

Aura DVD Ripper, the versatile Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter, is the wonderful DVD software that allows you try before you buy. You can click the following link to download the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter program and try it out.

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Video Converter is compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. Please note that it’s not compatible with Mac OS X.

If you feel like the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter program after trial, you can buy a copy of Aura4You license to use the full version.

Software screenshots of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter

Click the thumbnails to view larger images of Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter screenshots.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter features

The Aura Nokia 5800 XpressMusic DVD video converter program provides three major functions: ripping DVD ripping, converting video file formats, downloading online videos. The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter also offers many brilliant features:

Support 30+ input video formats

Support iPod, iPhone, mobile phones and all media players

Extract sound tracks from DVD and videos and save in MP3 format

Customizable output profiles

Select DVD chapter, subtitle, language and even angle for conversion

Normalize volume for video conversion

Plenty of customizable parameters: video codec, video size, video bitrate, video frame rate, audio codec, etc.

And more…

See the complete list of features of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter.

Have questions about the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter? Please feel free to contact us.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video and audio formats

Video and audio formats supported by Nokia 5800 XpressMusic:

3GPP formats (H.263), Flash Video, H.264/AVC, MPEG-4, RealVideo 7,8,9/10, WMV 9

AAC, AAC+, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, AU, AWB, HE-AAC v2, M4A, MIDI Tones (poly 64), Mobile XMF, MP3, MP4, RealAudio 7, 8, 10, RMF, SND, SP-MIDI, True tones, WAV, WMA, WVE

With Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter, you can also convert some other popular video formats such as MTS, FLV, MOV, MKV and so on, especially the MKV (HD video format) and the FLV (YouTube video format) for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic.

Ripping DVD for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Ripping DVD movies to Nokia 5800 XpressMusic videos is one of the most important functions of Aura DVD Ripper, the versatile Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter.

After downloading and installing the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter, run the program, insert your DVD to the drive, click the Open DVD button to load the DVD movie to Nokia 5800 XpressMusic DVD ripper program.

Select titles or chapters that you want to rip for your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, choose a output format that is supported by Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, and then hit the Convert button.

After conversion, just open the output folder to look for the converted videos and transfer them to your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic for watching later.

Converting videos for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

No matter it’s AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, or not often seen video format like DVR-MS, the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter can handle it well and convert it to any supported format.

You can convert MPEG videos to Nokia 5800 XpressMusic videos, convert WMV videos to Nokia 5800 XpressMusic videos, and even download and convert Youtube videos for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, and more.

Step 1: Click the Add Video button, or just drag and drop selected videos to Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter program. Batch video conversion and merging videos are supported.

Step 2: Select the suitable output profile in the profile drop-down list, then you could hit the Convert button to start converting video to Nokia 5800 XpressMusic.

For better enjoying videos on Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, you can customize video and audio options, such as Video Codec, Video Bitrate, Audio Codec, Audio Bitrate, Audio Channel, Disable Audio, etc.

Step 3: Open the output folder to get the converted video files. Then transfer videos to Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and enjoy them on the go.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Video Converter Support List

• Convert AVI to Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

• Convert WMV to Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

• Convert OGM to Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Extract Audio from Video format for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

With Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Video Converter, you can easily extract audio tracks from AVI, MPEG, MPG, FLV (Flash Video), DAT, WMV, MOV, MP4, 3GP video files and save them as MP3, WMA, OGG formats. Then you can use them as ringtone on your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic!

Besides the above features, Aura DVD Ripper can do a lot of things for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. Learn more about Aura DVD Ripper .

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Resources

Nokia Europe - Nokia 5800 XpressMusic - Products

Take your music with you with the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic: made for entertainment and sharing your sounds. The new Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is a touchscreen.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic - Full phone specifications

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Symbian smartphone. Announced 2008, October. Features 3G, TFT resistive touchscreen, 3.15 MP camera, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth.

Hands-on with the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Tube

Joe from Stuff. tv gets hands-on with the Nokia XpressMusic 5800, codenamed Nokia Tube

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is not the first touchscreen device in Nokia's range. In 2004, the Nokia 7700 was announced, a Nokia Series 90 device that was.

Nokia 5800 XPressMusic - At A Glance - Reviews by PC Magazine

The Nokia 5800 XPressMusic offers some powerful media features, including lots of free music, but its touch-screen interface needs work.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Review

With the first official Touch User Interface (UI) of Nokia XpressMusic 5800 on the way which is also powered by the latest Series 60 versions of the Symbian OS namely the S60 5th edition OS 9.4, you will be thrilled to know that the Apple iPhone is going to face some serious competition.

Almost all of us who loves Nokia know by now that the introduction of the Nokia Morph Concept. Nokia AEON or the S60 Touch UI are the bling bling for new devices of Nokia and it seems that the 360 x 640 24 bit color pixel screen of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is the first step for Nokia to reach the way of the future, a new dimension in cellular phones technology! What makes the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic different from any other N-Series or E-Series S60 phones is its huge High Definition (HD) bright view display, its navigational development and of course the introduction of the Touch UI. With all those being said, let us review the Nokia 5800 Xpress Music in much detail and cover the technical aspects, the latest features and the overall value of the phone.

With a nice and handful size of 111 x 51.7 x 15.5 millimeter, the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic smartphone or PDA is not the beast in the market in terms of size. It weighs not really a lot, 109 grams to be exact which seems to be a major plus for this smartphone. Even the new Nokia N96 weighs around 125 grams and the Nokia N85 even more with 128 grams. The Apple iPhone weighs even more with 135 grams which around 4.8 ounces. Only the HTC Touch Diamond is in its arena in terms of size as the HTC Touch Diamond weighs about 110 grams.

However, in terms of size no cell phones or PDA can beat the Blackberry Pearl which weighs only 98 grams, well below any other similar devices in the smartphones or PDA market. Even the upcoming Blackberry Bold and Blackberry Storm weighs around 136 grams and 128 grams respectively! Nokia have done a fantastic work in this department to start with.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic brings with it the power of the first ever logical 16:9 ratio screen resolution which should be a blast itself because with the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic in your pocket, you have the theater with you! It has a wide range of navigational development which includes the power of the stylus, plectrum and good ol’ finger touch support for any sort of text input or UI control. It also has a full featured QWERTY keyboard, alphanumeric keypads and handwriting recognition built in. One might say that every single way through which you might access your phone is already built in the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic.

With a dual LED flash you can be sure that the integrated Carl Zeiss powered 3.2 megapixel camera will capture every single detail when you pick yourself a quick flick. Accessing the mobile broadband internet through Nokia was never any issue in the past and the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is no different. 3.5 G HSDPA and WLAN connectivity are just some quick examples of such ways of accessing the mobile internet differently or in a sort of new-fashioned way compared to the old USB Nokia PcSuite connectivity.

It has an integrated assisted GPS with the Nokia Maps 2.0 installed by default, both A2DP bluetooth +EDR and USB 2.0 for additional ways of mobile connectivity in office or at home. Beside supporting all the major GSM frequencies throughout the world, the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic also features connectivity with the major WCDMA networks wherever available. That is serious good news for the American market and specially for AT&T Wireless, Rogers, T-Mobile, Sprint. Nextel, Verizon Wireless among others.

The clock speed of the single CPU (central processing unit) is something Nokia could have developed a bit further however for now the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic smartphone features a 369 Mhz processor. As expected the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic will be able to use Nokia’s standard virtual unlimited heap and jar size installers. Internal memory size or the phone memory of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is 256 MB, however the end users like you and me will only find 81MB in our disposal. The rest are already used up by all the built in features and operating system of the Symbian OS. It supports hot-swap memory cards of up to a staggering 16gb for now. To compete well with the Apple iPhone this is one department Nokia seriously needs to improve upon.

The modem of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic smartphone supports WAP, GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA and of course the HSDPA connection and speed. The built in Nokia smartphone internet browser supports Flash Lite 3.0 which is good to see and it additionally supports HTML, XHTML and WAP rendering. Nokia have also improved upon its default Data Sync features and updated it with the 1.2 version which I personally find very interesting.

I hope that this will speed up the synchronization of the phone with the laptop or the desktop PC which otherwise take hours to finish with almost all the current cellular phone models of Nokia, LG. Motorola, Samsung. SonyEricsson etc that are available in the market. The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic smartphone comes with the powers of MIDP 2.1 which is the market standard at the moment and it is not something Nokia can improvise to develop themselves considering the fact that Nokia is a handset manufacturer.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic supports all sorts of Push based Mobile E-Mail connectivity including the SMTP and IMAP E-mail servers. Since Nokia already teamed up with another giant namely Microsoft regarding the development of the Outlook Exchange on mobile phones, Nokia was able to integrate the Outlook “one-click-configuration” in the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic cell phones. With the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic you now will be able to get instant e-mail notifications whenever a new e-mail arrives in your inbox!!

There are two cameras built in the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic handheld of smartphone. The resolution of the main phone camera is 3.2 MP like mentioned above which makes it around 2048×1536 in dimensions and with this camera you will achieve a zoom level of up to 3x or 3 times the actual object. The video resolution is again configured as standard for any Nokia 3.2 Megapixels cell phone, which is 640×480 with a frame rate per second of 30. The video will enable you to zoom up to 4x or 4 times the actual distance for any object. The secondary camera has a screen resolution of 320×240 which is ok for any secondary camera and the frame rate per second of the video recorder is around 15 with up to a hefty 2x digital zoom.

You will be able to assign Video Ringtones. watch video streaming easily, and edit your favorite videos on the go as the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is packed with a built in editor for video editing or for discovering your movie director potential. The Video Player of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic supports Real Media, MPEG, 3gpp, Flash Animations or video, WMV and of course the newly developed H.264/AVC format for direct TV output. Of course this handheld device has a TV out port with it.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic smartphone is compatible with a wide range of audio formats which includes MP3, AAC, WMA or any other audio from almost any standard streaming channels of the world wide web. Nokia also included a nice touch to this smartphone which is audio equalizers which unlike the existing audio equalizers of Nokia have a capacity of up to 16Khz.

Nokia also included a ZIP format extractor in the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic smartphone which is a wise thing to do because so many of us use this format and the RAR formats to transfer files easily. In Nokia Symbian Themes you will find almost all the downloadable files to be of those format too! Additionally it comes with some bloatwares like the Read Only Office Excel, PowerPoint and Word Reader, the Adobe PDF Reader etc. The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic cellular also features a standalone FlashLite 3.0 player which is really good to see! Also, this fantastic cell phone features the Accelerometer Sensor, a flight mode option, an Over-The-Air Firmware updater, Proximity Sensor, Image Editor, Java Open C APIs, Nokia Maps 2.0. the default Sync ML, a mobile stereo radio etc among other things.

The battery is supposed to provide of up to well over 8 hours of GSM talktime and 5 hours of WCDMA talktime. This is well over the talktime landmarks for popular PDA devices such as the Blackberry Pearl which provides you with 3.5 hours of talktime. Even the HTC Touch Diamond offers up to a maximum 4.5 hours of talktime! This is where Apple iPhone is strong compared to other PDA or smartphone devices in the market, the 3G Apple iPhone provides up to 5 hours of talktime and this is where Nokia seems to have exceeded the expectations and the standard! The Nokia XpressMusic 5800 smartphone or should I say PDA is powered by a BL-5J 3.7V 1320 mAh Lithium Ion battery.

5800 Touch Keyboard

Supported in GSM networks like the AT&T Wireless. T-Mobile, America Movil, DoCoMo, 3g Wireless. Optimus, Sprint, Telkomsel, Hutch, Rogers, Orange Mobile. Singtel, Airtel, Telefonica, Nextel. Zain, Vodafone. France Telecom, Cingular. Verizon Wireless. MTN Group, TeliaSonera, Telstra. MTS, Etisalat, TIM Wireless, Reliance Mobile etc.

All in all the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic smartphone is more of a Music Edition PDA in nature which will ensure that you keep in touch with tomorrow without losing too much money by emptying all the cash from your pocket. It will also ensure you get work done and as you can in the pictures and videos, it is a robust cell phone and should be durable. Priced around $385 or 280 Euros in the retail market this smartphone falls in the mid range market of smartphones. It is surely a taste of things to come from Nokia in the near future, I am pretty sure about that. This phone is surely a good phone in terms of value for money to be spent!!

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

A-GPS, Nokia Maps

3D Image Engine, Keys and Input Method (Stylus, Plectrum and finger touch support for text input and user interface control (alphanumeric keypad, full and mini qwerty keyboard, handwriting recognition, full screen handwriting for Chinese language), Dedicated Media Bar touch key for access to music, gallery, share on-line, Video Centre and web browser, Voice Commands Physical keys for application launch key (menu key), send & end, power, camera, lock, volume up & down), Call Features (Automatic answer with headset or car kit, Any key answer, Call waiting, call hold, call divert, Call timer, Logging of dialled, received and missed calls, Automatic redial, Speed Dialling, Voice Dialling: speaker independent dialling and voice commands (SIND), Fixed Dialling number support, Vibrating alert (internal), also with tactile feedback, Side volume keys, Mute/unmute, Contacts bar for 4 contacts with images and communication history (SMS, IM, email, web feeds), Talking Ring Tones, Conference Calling, Video calling, Nokia Xp

facebook messenger for nokia 5800

Free application for Nokia phones that lets you edit, synchronize and back up many of your phone's files Nokia PC Suite is a package of Windows-based PC applications developed especially for use with Nokia phones. Depending on your phone model, Nokia PC Suite lets you edit, synchronize and back up.

Size:31.73 MB | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

With PC Suite for Nokia 3650, you can share information between a compatible PC and your phone, install software on the phone, configure phone settings, and make backups of phone files. You can also synchronise your calendar, contacts and tasks with Microsoft and Lotus applications, copy and move im.

Size:31.81 MB | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Nokia PCsuite is a program that helps connect a Nokia mobile phone with a computer. It has a set of features available in it that allows a user to Backup files (on the phone) and synchronize the calendar, contacts, etc. with the computer. The Backup Manager, called Nokia Content Copier, can.

Size:40.9 MB | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Tags Realated to facebook messenger for nokia 5800 :

Additional Files, related to facebook messenger for nokia 5800 :

Size:46.2 MB | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

With PC Suite for Nokia 6600, you can share information between a compatible PC and your phone, install software on the phone, configure phone settings, and make backups of phone files. You can also synchronise your calendar, contacts and tasks with Microsoft and Lotus applications, copy and move im.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Modem drivers Use your phone as a data modem for a compatible Windows-based PC. Unless otherwise noted, modem drivers require Windows XP or 2000. Please note: PC Suite includes all of the drivers and management features you need to use your phone as a modem. For easiest modem installation, Nokia re.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Bonrix SMS Server 4 Nokia CDMA 1.0 - Group SMS Software Bonrix SMS Server 4 Nokia CDMA is group SMS software for various purposes such as marketing through SMS and election campaign. It is compatible with latest Nokia CDMA mobile phones. It can be used to develop SMS system such as Bulk/Group SMS s.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Nokia Multimedia Factory 1.3 is a special add-on for your Nokia phone. With this tool it is possible to use your system for creating multimedia messages to be sent via your mobile. The tool allows you to easily get through with creating and handling of messages with images, video and audio clips. Wi.

Tamaño: | Licencia: Shareware | Date:2011-11-07

Nokia Video Converter Factory Pro is a powerful video converter and editor that can help you to adapt videos in almost any popular format to your Nokia multimedia phone or any other multimedia player supporting the 3GP or MP4 format. The program has a user-friendly interface that lets you convert an.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Free Nokia Video Converter Factory is an all-in-one video converter for your Nokia phone. It’s capable of converting videos of all pop formats, like AVI, MPEG, WMV, FLV, RM, MDV, 3GP, MP4, etc. It also can convert all formats of audio like MP3, AAC, WMA, WAV, AC3, MP2, etc. Free Nokia Video.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Nokia Video Converter Factory is a free video converter. It is an application that was designed for one task: conversion of video files for playback on Nokia mobile phones. Thus, all the conversion profiles available are optimized for a number of Nokia handsets. The list of profiles is neatly organi.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Nokia Map Loader downloads maps of over 200 countries to your PC which can be transferred to Nokia Maps on a mobile device (both available for free on the the download page). Once the map is transferred to a mobile device, it can be used any place at any time saving on mobile data service costs. T.

Tamaño: | Licencia: Shareware | Date:2011-11-07

Nokia Video Converter Factory Pro is a professional video program for you to enjoy the multimedia on all of Nokia cell phones. It supports convert all video formats to MP4, 3GP, FLV, WMV, AVI video formats and AAC, MP3, WMA, WAV audio formats. It also allow you merge, cut, crop video/audio files and.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Wallpaperio Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Maker is a free wallpaper maker that creates wallpapers from pictures and photos so you can personalize your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. The software can read many types of picture files (jpg, gif, png) and lets you into resize them into the proper size of your Nokia 5.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Videora Nokia Converter is a free multi-format video converter. Videora converters have great format support. They can open pretty much every standard video format. I generally test these applications with MKV and AVI files, and Videora Nokia Converter had no problems with those formats. The applica.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Ringtonesia Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Maker is a great tool that allows you to create ringtones for your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic from any audio and video files. The program can read many types of audio such as mp3, m4a, wav and video files like avi, divx, xvid, flv, x264, vob, mpeg, DVD's, YouTube and.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Nokia Ovi Player is free for your PC. Explore music on Ovi and Comes With Music. Download and play music on your PC and transfer it to your mobile.

Tamaño: | Licencia: Shareware | Date:2011-11-07

KingConvert Nokia N97 Video Converter is a video converter. It allows you to convert video files for playback on Nokia N97 phones and other devices that can play MPEG-4 files. Most computers and mobile phones can play that format these days. There is only one conversion profile available in this app.

From running at around Php 19,000 when it first hit store shelves in the Philippines last year, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic - The first Symbian S60 touchscreen phone - now sells for as low as Php 12,100 at some authorized Nokia retail stores in the country (as of January 2010).

One of the best-selling Nokia releases of 2009, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic offers great connectivity features like Wifi, 3G HSDPA and Bluetooth 2.0 support on top of its top-notch music-centric User Interface. Here are the 5800 specs you get at Php 12,100 :

ARM 11 369 MHz Processor 128 MB SDRAM memory 81 MB internal memory via microSD (TransFlash), supports up to 16GB, 8GB included Symbian OS v9.4, Series 60 rel. 5 Operating System 3.2 inches Resistive Touchscreen, 360 x 640 pixels, - Proximity sensor for auto turn-off - Accelerometer sensor for auto-rotate - Handwriting recognition 3.15 MP camera with autofocus, dual LED Flash, ( 2048 x 1536 pixels ) Carl Zeiss Lens GPRS Class 32 HSCSD EDGE Class 32 3G HSDPA, 3.6 Mbps Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g, UPnP technology Bluetooth v2.0 with A2DP microUSB v2.0

"With the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, we set out to connect people through the one thing we all feel a universal connection to - music," shared Jo Harlow, Vice President, Nokia.

"The way in which people enjoy music is different around the world. With that in mind, the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic gives people the freedom to experience music they love in the way they prefer." The Official promo video of Nokia 5800 XpressMusic :

And here's what GSMArena said about the phone:

[With Nokia 5800 XpressMusic], Nokia has done well to eclipse potential touch UI glitches with the best audio quality the house has pulled off to date. Not least, the Comes with Music service does get a boost too.

Anyway, [. ] we still feel Nokia 5800 is a worthy deal. Sure you get an interface that's immature, inconsistent and quite clumsy but the package you get for that kind of cash is a bargain and even Nokia's sworn enemies admit that.

5800Base Theme. tdf for 5800

I have created a Basic theme for 5800 for people to use a template when using Carbide 3.4 theme creator. I have uploaded the 5800base folder including. tdf file and. sis file for you to download which needs to be placed in your Program files/Nokia/carbide3.4/workspace folder.

This theme is intended to simulate the 5800 Soundwaves default theme, with similar straight level indicators, touch input and music player details. I have not used the same colours (otherwise you might as well use the default theme) and there are some differences that i was unable to alter in carbide but its a starting block for you to create some 5800 style themes rather than using Haze or Jingmask or the outdated default Blue Carbide theme. Screenshots below. Download 5800base

One of the New features of the Nokia 5800 and 5th Edition software is the improvement in Full Screen Wallpaper Display. In the past some Nokia phone models allowed for a full screen wallpaper while others including the N95 would only show a 3/4 image as a wallpaper. This created a rather distorted image with bars at the top and bottom. The image left shows an N95 with Theme Image and Wallpaper image.

The 5800 allows you to set a image/photo that will fit the Idle screen exactly as a true full screen image. There is also a resize "wallpaper" feature in the Gallery that allows you to crop any of your photos to a 640x360 screen resolution.

This has reduced the need for creating Themes, because as i see it, most people just want to use a cool photo (of their friends or places) as their wallpaper rather than creating a theme that has different coloured Fonts, Icons and Backgrounds. Nokia have used a background gradient around the on-screen displays which allows a white image to still show the Battery and Signal strength indicators while the indicators themselves are white. The ability to add any image as a true full screen wallpaper means that rather than creating a complicated theme you can just download a cool image from the internet move it to your phone, crop it to 640x360 and "set as Wallpaper" from the Gallery Options.

I have selected 12 images i collected from the Internet and put then in a zip folder. Click on the image left to download

Get more Free wallpapers from the websites below, Click on an image to visit the websites

hi, i just bought a nokia 5800 and im loving it so far. by the way, do you know where can i get the spanish langpack for my 5800. thanks in advance.

Re Anon: First Comment, cool ! Well its early days, i still haven't got a 5800. The good news is there should be a 5800 firmware update out now. The product code for euro1 is apparently: Product Code: 0575378 Model: 5800d-1 Languages: English, French, Deutsch, Italian, Spanish, Portugese. You will need to debrand your phone to get Euro1 code otherwise you could take it to a Nokia service centre and get them to do it. please remember you do this at your own risk and back up your data!! I would try the firmware update and see without debranding to see if they added languages.

hey, I love your blog.

Only problem, I can't load the sound wave blue theme into carbide. ui.

maybe you can help me with a *.tdf file or sth else?

thak you in advance,

Re R'hastus Khal Blue theme: You can't put those folders into Carbide, they go directly into your phone memory card, you could load the wallpapers in carbide. I have started creating a basic. tdf which people could use as an alternative base theme, more similar to the 5800 soundwaves themes. I'm glad you like the new blog:) It's still early days but i feel good about it, lots more to come! All the best sjc

hey i loved your blog. thankx i am having trouble with the phone..i have updated my firmware but after that i am not able to play any preloaded songs. dont know why

Re preloaded songs: Have you checked if they are still there, by using File manager and locating the tracks. If they are still there i would use Tip5 to refresh library. If the tracks are deleted, Were the preloaded songs Boyce Avenue, Joe Bagale, Deviants of Reality, Minipop, B-Team, Winston, Giles, etc. I can email you the tracks if you want them. Hope that helps sjc

There is another website to download Nokia 5800 themes - http://www. asp

hey i am kinda new to the phone and the theme making thing. the only thing i want to know is how to find or change the icons in the menu? for example the message icon? how to change it or most importantly..where to find the icons or templates.

please i have been asking one is telling me how. so would any of you be so kind and help me out? Gracias.

Re Janice Icons: The Carbide Theme Creator does have a few icon packs, which you can use when creating a theme. Once you have opened a theme in Carbide use the Gallery View (usually on the right) to select "Application Grid" then click on any icon to open editing options. If you click on the "Components Store" Tab then you will see the other icons available. You can create your own. svg icons using Inkscape or another. svg creator. I hope this answers your question all the best :)

"I have started creating a basic. tdf which people could use as an alternative base theme, more similar to the 5800 soundwaves themes."

on 23th march youi said this. can you kindly help us sharing this basic tdf theme, so we can use it in carbide. ui? thanks in advance.

Re Anon Basic. tdf: I just haven't had time to finish it off, but i'm on holiday this week, so i'll try and finish it, Thanks for reminding me!

Re Anon. tdf: I finished the. tdf. i'll post it up today

thank you very much, i've just downloaded it. )))) (andrea. italy)

I tried using the 5800Base theme as a base for my own theme, loaded in the Carbide. ui 3.4, packaged it to a. sis file, and when trying to install on my phone I get "Update error" message, any ideas?

Re Anon Update Error. Well it sound like the 5800Base tdf worked ok otherwise it would not have shown up in Carbide. Apparently the 5800 doesn't except a screensaver. So when creating the. sis untick the box for screensaver. Hopefully that will fix it.

Unticking the screen saver actually fixed the update error problem, thanks!

Hola. I downloaded ur base theme for 5800 and opened it with carbide but i have a problem. carbide automaticly puts 3 keys on bottom home screen but 5800 only has 2. How can you change this?

Re Anon 3 keys: Don't worry about the 3 keys shown when using Carbide. They only appear when you are creating a theme and wont show up on the phone :) All the best

Thanks for your help. Going to try it with something simple now. Gracias de nuevo.

Hi, I like nokia phones thats the only main reason i bought n-5800. But iam facing problems like when i take capture videos or phots from my phone, after some time pics get broken n same with the videoz. after some it gets corrupted i loose more then 500 pics n videos n songs as well. Por favor, ayúdame.

Hi, I like nokia phones thats the only main reason i bought n-5800. But iam facing problems like when i take capture videos or phots from my phone, after some time pics get broken n same with the videoz. after some it gets corrupted i loose more then 500 pics n videos n songs as well. Por favor, ayúdame.

--you have to plug to ur phone to ur pc as storage/mass(forgot the term) then go to windows eplorer, right click, properties, go to tools then under the error-checking box click check now, might take some time, try it

I also use Nokia 5800 XM, But My Phone have some problem. I Swift Off Power Bottom & Then reopen Phone. At that time Ph Still Hand NOKIA Logo & cann't continue to enter. What happening i don't know. If you can explain, please send me mail to blackparade85@yahoo. com..Thank a lot

Re anon: Phone restart, i've sent an email.

hello. am using nokia 5800 recently bought it. am having a bit difficulties. wanna use my own photo image that consist my family but the image does not fit the screen. it's large. i tried edit but cannot it says "cannot decrease image"..please help. thank you vm

it's me again. appreciate it if u could email me "how to" my email rafeesya@yahoo. com

my questin ix same as abv did how to resize walpaper?

RE RESIZE PHOTOS for Wallpaper: To edit a photo so that it will fit into the whole screen. Open the image from the Gallery>Options>Edit, the near centre icon is CROP, select it and choose "wallpaper" and this will give you the correct proportions. You can then move the crop area around, after you have cropped the image SAVE it. then open it again and select Option> Use image Set as wallpaper. All the best

Recently I brought a new 5800 and had a firmware update (5.00. ). But now i've lost nearly all my phone memory. Please tell me how can I solve it. Por favor, ayúdame. My email id: itsashis4u@gmail. com. gracias

Re itsashi: firmware updates on the 5800 should retain the personal data. I am a little unsure when u say "Phone memory" but i assume you mean the physical space in the phone memory. I would use the file manager to see if there is anything u can safely delete. Otherwise you could reinstal the firmware and hope that fixes the problem. All the best

i need help now.. anyone can teach me how to edit existing theme with carbide ui?? i still cant find with one menu to edit. because the existing is. sis but the edit must use. tdf or. xml. anyone please teach step by step. ;(

Re SyHafiz: There is more info on creating themes with Carbide on my N95 website and a link to a video tutorial HERE Hope that helps :)

hi where shall i get more icons variety of icon. Please can u post the link kindly.

Re Icons: I assume you mean icons in themes, well they are created by the theme developer and are packed in the theme itself. I would try some more themes and change the home screen to something you like. All the best

i have downloaded carbide theme creator and created a theme. wfter saving i send it to my memory card. on my mobile its extension was. tdf plese suggest me to convert in sis. if u r free give me the correct procedure.

i downloaded carbide and made a theme. but it is in tdf extension and doesnt work in 5800. please tell me the prosedure to make it work in 5800

Re Rajnish1186 Carbide: You have to create a. sis file from the. tdf package that you made. Before you can publish your theme, you should make a Key Pair. Go to Tools->Handle Key Pairs and click on the New Button to create a new Key Pair. In the next dialog box, click New to create a New Key Pair. You have to create Certificate and Key which it can do for you. Once you have made the Key Pairs press SAVE and then a new dialog box should appear "Create New Sis package". Its a little confusing at first after that you'll find it easy. All the best :)

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Nokia 5800 Tips, FAQ’s and How-to tutorials

Review of My Nokia 5800 I got one 5800 last month and then I was deeply fascinated by this smart phone. It is the first Nokia touch screen phone and you may use your finger or stylus to operate it. Also Nokia 5800-XpressMusic provides wonderful devices for users to enjoy music. Taking advantage of touch screen technology, the Nokia 5800-XpressMusic introduces the ‘Media Bar’, a handy drop down menu that provides direct access to music and entertainment, including favourite tracks, videos and photos. The Nokia 5800-XpressMusic offers all the music essentials, including a graphic equalizer, 8GB memory for up to 6000 tracks, a 3.5mm jack, support for main digital video formats 3GP,H.264/AVC,MPEG4, RM. and audio formats MP3, AAC, WMA, WMV. Built-in surround sound stereo speakers offer the industry’s most powerful sound. So it is really wonderful experience of enjoy music and movies with Nokia 5800-XpressMusic.

How to update the firmware of Nokia 5800 to v21 It is good news that firmware update for Nokia 5800 was released already. New firmware v.21 is available. If you also own a 5800, just follow the simple instruction to update your v20 or v10 to the newest v21. Make sure that your battery is full (VERY IMPORTANT) 1. Go to Dial screen and press *#0000# 2. Press Options -> Check for updates 3. Connect to the Internet with any APN (WiFi is recommended, however EDGE is fast enough for this). 4. Wait until the download finished. Phone will launch the dialog asking for update, just press Now. 5. Press Accept and Accept and the phone will be switched to Updating mode. 6. It takes around 10 minutes to update, so be patient. After that, the phone will be rebooted automatically. 7. Check by *#0000# again. Congrats! Your 5800 is now v21! As I can see, there are so many improvements and worth to update for example, better camera functionality and the phone operates faster than previous version.

Best Settings for Video Playback on Nokia 5800 Xpress Music Nokia 5800 as the multimedia phones makes you able to enjoy watching the video and music with it. The question is, how’s to do to convert that videos and what are the best setting used for. I have convert many videos into my phone, I found that most video files can play with this phone such as mp4, 3gp, rmvb and flv files. But of them plays well but some are not. After many tries, I finally got the best results for Nokia video files. My video in 5800 was full screen, high quality and sounds very well. Here are my settings: Video Resolution: 480*320 Video Bitrate: 768 kbps Audio Bitrate: 128 kbps Video Format: MPEG-4 (be sure not to use H264, as it’s not supported in the current firmware) Audio Format: MP3 Audio Channels: 2 Channels You can apply these settings above in whatever application you used when converting videos into 5800. Then I am sure you will get full screen, high quality and flawless video in your phone.

Settings for video playback on Nokia N97, N95, N85 and other Nokia phones. Nokia N97: Video playback formats are 3GP formats, Flash Video, H.264/AVC, MPEG-4; the video resolution is 360*640. Audio formats are AAC, M4A, MP3, WAV, WMA etc. Nokia N96: video playback formats are 3GP, Flash video, H.264/AVC, MPEG-4, RealVideo, WMV 9; the video resolution is 240*320. Audio formats are AAC, MP3, WAV, WMA etc. Nokia N95: video playback formats are MP4, 3GP. Video resolution is up to 640*480, audio format is AAC stereo. Nokia N85: video playback formats are 3GP formats, Flash video, H.264/AVC, MPEG-4, and WMV. The resolution is 240*320. The audio formats are AAC, M4A, MP3, WAV and WMA etc. OK, I will not list all settings of Nokia phones. If you are interested you may get more relative information on Nokia official website.

How to transfer video files into Nokia 5800 I have download some videos from video website such as Youtube, Google video. But I can’t watch these videos in my phone. As these videos were flv files, Nokia 5800 can’t play such videos. I use Internet Tablet Video Converter to convert it, but it shows “Unsupported Video File Type”. Then I got to know Nidesoft Nokia Video Converter that seems professional for Nokia phone, I free download its trial version and tried it, and it works very well. Below are what I do: Download this program from its official website: http://www. nidesoft. com/nokia-video-converter. html and install it. Click Add button to add video files from your computer, set your videos according to the above settings and select Nokia 5800 Video MPEG-4 format for your video. Then just click convert button to start the conversion. After the conversion complete, you may watch these videos with Nokia 5800. Also you may get music from video in this way. But pay attention to the format. As Nokia 5800 support mp3 audio format, you should select “MP3 – MPEG Layer-3 Audio (*.mp3)”.

How to convert DVD files into Nokia 5800 Obviously phones don’t have DVD drives, so to watch DVD on a phone you have to convert it into a video file on your PC then drag it into your phone. I also follow the above settings and convert DVD files into MPEG-4 video with Nidesoft DVD to Nokia Converter; the results are excellent. You may free download its trial version to try to use it to convert DVD:http://www. nidesoft. com/dvd-to-nokia-converter. html After insert your DVD into the DVD Drive click the Open DVD button to upload DVD files on to this program. Click Settings button to set your videos according to the above settings I listed. Click Profile drop list to select “Nokia 5800 Video MPEG-4 (*.mp4)” format for your Nokia video. Then click Convert button to start the conversion. In few minutes the whole process will completed. If you select audio format “MP3 – MPEG Layer-3 Audio (*.mp3)” you may also get music from DVD.

To transfer files into Nokia 5800 In the above tutorial I have explain you how to convert Nokia videos from DVD and other video files. Then you need to transfer these videos into your phone. 1. Make sure your computer and phone are both switched on. Also make sure your 5800 have a memory card in its slot. 2. Plug the small end of the microUSB cable into the phone’s USB socket, which s under a plastic flap in the top left corner. 3. Plug the larger end of the microUSB cable into a USB port on your computer. 4. On your 5800 it should ask which mode you wish to use. Choose “Mass Storage”. 5. Open the memory card window (probably called “Removable Disk E:”), drag your video files into the video folder. 6. After finished transfer files, do not disconnect the cable yet. You should make it safe to disconnect the cable. You may do this by click a small icon in the bottom right corner of the screen that appears when the phone is connected. 7. After you have made the device safe to remove, you can unplug the cable at both ends.

Some useful tips to make the Nokia 5800's battery last as long as possible Sometimes you may have to stop talking with your friend or watching videos with your phone as low power of your battery. It is more inconvenient if you are in travel and have no alternative battery. Here are some tips to make your phone battery last as long as possible when using telephone. Do not switch the phone off. As switching a phone on uses far more battery power than simply leaving the phone on. Shut down unnecessary applications. Turn down the 5800’s screen brightness to the lowest acceptable level. Switch off your 5800’s screen when not in use. Use headphones instead of speakers when listening to music or watching movies. Avoid using the camera flash unnecessarily. Use 2G instead of 3G . Switch off Bluetooth and/or Wi-Fi.

Ok, I have typed out all my thoughts about Nokia 5800 here. Hope my tutorial is helpful to you. And all the other Nokia 5800 tutorials and useful how-to information should come here! It is welcome.

Last edited by kaaamooo; 10-13-2009 at 09:25 PM.

Best Nokia 5800 Apps

As Nokia 5800 has become really popular mobile phone, there is also a lot of cool applications developed for it.

Here is a list of the best Nokia 5800 apps :

OfficeSuite v5.1 from Mobisystems, an award winning office suite for s60 fifth edition devices. The application is a complete office suite for mobile devices.

Strobe is yet another very handy application, delivered by by Offscreen Technologies for the symbian fifth edition platform. If BrightLight bought torch light.

Ani over at the S60 blogs has managed to create a Flickr application / widget for the Nokia N97, Nokia 5800 and the Nokia 5530. You can download the app.

The premise of the Blackboard by OffScreen for the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic phone is very simple. You use your finger or stylus, choose the chalk icon (which is activated by default) and start writing on the blackboard. Nokia 5800 App: Blackboard by OffScreen

Nokia 5800 App: Blackboard by OffScreen. blackboard001 The creative programmers of Off Screen have released this fine example of a simple idea executed well. Take advantage of the onscreen feature, put an easel interface and let the …

Here is a video of Nokia 5800 must have apps

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i need all the info about nokia 5800

Downloaded the new maps, now beats my garmin (and I love that little thing). Voice guided gps preloaded maps. Got the betalab photobrowser too, I have every apps my friend has on his ipone and altough this is less ideal to edit office docs, I still like my 5800 way more. It looks more like a phone not a mirror or makeup kit :). How many apps you need anyhow? Ovi has tons of them for free or for very low prices, I have over a dozen cool themes what I like out of the available 100s, a good camera/video, wifi, 3g, and I don’t have to pay $400 plus on a data plan if I don’t want to. The unlocked (att crap free) phone is $269.00 vs the unlocked $800 iphone prefilled w/att stuff, plus the data plan $$$. It’s more like an EVO10 and an S63. I am happy with my EVO and its speed and abilities, also its price… is almost 3rd of the 63’s.

@Skidrow the one word which describes you is IDIOT. you IDIOT you can’t compare $900 phone with $280 phone. see the difference in price. what do you think that in just $280 bucks you will get a star-wars kind of device. In which world you are living you crap. Get up and wash your face then come here for posting your reply… Next time if i will find you with such kind of posts then i will put your face into the pot and flush it… You Big Big IDIOT…. Beep Beep Beep….

iphone might be better but at least with the 5800 i dont look like a total tool standing in the street rubbing my big pink dildo every time i get an sms

hey skidrow. you are a fool.

I’ve owned the 5800XM for over 1 year. Best apps for me: Fring (w/2 way video calls via Skype), Gravity, Opera Mobile 10, OVI messaging, OVI maps, Smart Settings, Power MP3, Best call recorder, Free SMS, Qik, Autorama, iSearch, Bloomberg, Photo Browser, JBtaskman, Worldmate, Time Machine, AbbyBCR, Scribble, UPCode, Elements, Anglemeter, and some nice free games from PolarBit. I need a smart phone that is reliable, can handle media, multiple e-mail accounts, has a GPS navigator, and allows 2 way calls over wifi. The 5800 can do a lot…and some things the iPhone still cannot do. Yes, the iPhone has some wonderful features, but not all of the ones that matter most for me. I am now using the OVI ecosystem and will keep the 5800XM…until Nokia comes out with a Symbian^3 N8 on firmware revision 2 or 3.

@5800 LOL! bike o a car? xD

Skidrow is right. 5800 /5530 is crap … I just buy one and must say all symbian is totaly madness. user-unfriendly and non-ergonomic system ….

Anyone who just bought the nokia 5800 is late on the bandwagon. The phone is great and all but it is several years old now and I would suggest looking for a newer model that has more features. If you own a Mac I would suggest getting the iphone because they are more compatible. If you own a PC I would do more research about the smartphone you are going to buy if you plan on spending more than $200.

This comments forum is full of uninformed IDIOTS like ELLRIC and SKIDROW.

Symbian is the most widely used smartphone operating system in the world – FACT. Get used to it, you bunch of BRAIN DEAD FUCKWITS.

Great List! Bless you

You are a total looser Skidrow…..U compare a expensive phone with this one…..u r a looser and mind u…u r a crap man

Dude… Do not compare the Iphone with the 5800.

First off, check which one you want based on… well… your WANTS

it all depends on what you WANT from the phone.

Iphone is better if you want to do more than organize your life, play a few games, call and recieve calls and send text messages with a decent touch screen. I am happy with it.

I would not be happy with an Iphone… it’s like it’s too much you know?

I also think the 5800 is crap. Had mine for 8 months and it sucks. Wish I bought a used iphone instead. Even the phone part is crap since it sometimes shows caller id, sometimes not. And there is no fix for that! Lucky that I didnt buy any of the more expensive models like the 9700 like a friend of mine. That sucked as well but pricy like the iphone. Nokia is toast as a company since they neglected the software.

5800 is cool, i must admit i xpected it to be a lot better but mehn over tym the phone has bn impressin me, evertym i update my firmware its like a whole diff fone. better stronger faster lol. i only wanted an i. phone for games so i got an i. touch instead, nd a BB for pple to take me seriously lol. but my 5800 iz a phone i cant let go its unique. its a functional practical fone . its common sense Update ur firmware

i have just bought the 5800.Its really great….so many features…the only bad thing about this is the poor interface.

The 5800 is a cheap a$$ crappy phone, I was in the market looking for a smartphone when my older one died and had to rush and decided to give the 5800 a try, well that was my mistake. This phone is simply crap, I’ve tried millions of apps, popular and not, recognized and not and the phone is just completely sluggish. I do agree however that you can’t compare this to an iphone but I guess you get what you pay for. I think the main prob with this phone is actually the screen maybe the X6 is a lot better. Symbian is not a touchscreen friendly OS and the fact that is the most used in the world doesn’t change that, is just like Windows Mobile, but a good company may be able to modify it as HTC did with WinMo and make it a worthwhile line of phones again. Of course now all of you fan boys can start bashing and yelling and whining and calling me idiot, or stupid or crap and all I care to say is “I don’t give a fvk what you all think”

MADESTRO…Nokia 5800 is a very functional phone for its price dumass.


5800 UI looks like crap, i got the SPB mobile shell 3.5 for my 5800 and all i can say is Nokia should take lessons from them. SPB’s interface is awesome, downside is its quite memory hogging, taking from 15-20mb ram. Using Besttaskman + RAMblow helps quite abit, highest ram i had with spb shell on was 42mb without any running apps. Usually it’ll be around 33mb ram though.

Best browser would be skyfire 1.5. Currently the only s60v5 browser with incorporated flash 10 allowing you to stream videos from websites.

How many of you 5800 supporters have the guts to talk about “certificate error”

@Punk: “certificate error” comes when u use pirated softwares downloaded from diff websites which are actually available in ovi n other sites where u can pay n buy. for removing the error, u can either hack ur fone or “rootsign” ur software before installation. mail me for details if u wanna know… jim_ac2006@yahoo. com

i have both the fones, both are unique n different. what i praise for 5800 is it gives most of the hardware features (xcept processor) like 3g, wifi, memory support …. that iphone gives….that too in quite a cheap price…

n ya. for expired certicifate error, its because the software is programmed to be used within certain time (e. g. 6 months or 1 yr) from its date of creation, its a feature that allows easy creation of try n buy stuffs… after that it will give this error….

u can remove this error by hacking ur fone…. or by changing the date back by a year or so…..

5800 is, or at least was, a fine phone. Lot less expensive than iPhone, but in someways better features like camera for video calls, video recording and multi-tasking. It’s definitely not perfect, sort of buggy even now after the v50 update and it can be laggy as hell time to time.

Still, especially when you factor in price with features and free navigation that works like charm without 3G-connection, there’s little to complain.

I’ve had 5800 and then iPhone 3gs, and while iPhone is better in many ways, especially in software available and quality of that software and it’s never laggy like 5800 can be, 5800 is still bargain for the price and features.

here’s the thing abt 5800.theres a reason why the word ‘xpress music’ is on the phone. the phone is mainly made for music. having popular apps for the 5800 is already a bonus. so u fuckers who say 5800 is crap just for apps, just remember that 5800 is meant for music not apps. u should have done more research before getting a 5800 and then crap abt how the phone has no awesome apps

given a chance i wont be replacing my 5800 for now i need it to post photos on facebok and twitter, i also need it to chat/call with my friends on facebook, yahoo messenger, skype and gtalk. ^____^ and above all those apps are free. and no need to jailbreak/hack my phone….hmmmm i cant imagine using a phone with an i candy ui high memory and processor speed but lacking the basic capabilities that a phone should have…. libertad

ive had my 5800 for well over a year and im still very pleased with it, i installed the garmin sat nav n thats just fantastic, at the end of the day its a phone what has got everything thats needed in day to day life 75% of iphones apps are not necessary anyway, and i dont know about anyone else but i work on a building site and would not be happy taking a iphone with me knowing if it breaks im in serious trouble, i dont doubt the iphone is a good phone but the price of the iphone is absolutely crazzzzy

Had the 5800 for a year or so now and was getting bored with it until I installed the SPB user interface….ITS NOW LIKE A NEW PHONE. Totally awesome. You can still run the aps and the title screen alone is far better than the OVER priced iphone. I know this sounds like an ad but trust me ….try it.

i have 3 mobiles nokia n900,iphone 3gs and nokia 5800 and i love them.

Subject line saz APPS hint hint to you price dogs! It has few really useful apps, I admit. Where are you NOKIA, are you gonna challenge the iphone? Devoted Nokia fan-with failing devotion…..

5800 is a cheap smartphone and you can have lot’s of themes, games, aps. It doesn’t have graphic’s acceletor but some of games like polarbit’s are really good and pretty fast. I have Nokia 5800 and i like it. U can’t compare it to the iphone so shut the fuck up who ‘hates’ this phone. (sorry of my English im from Finland) 😀

6gb of my memory card was full of about (600 photos) (800 mp3) (45apps) and lots of other thing. but all of these gone crashed with this 5800xm, not one time many times it crashed and i lost everything i had. i have frimware (V51.0.006). I don’t know iphone good or not but this true that it is …..because I in afghanistan

though ver 52 has improved speed and the hardware is robust still the software part is laggy, I lost data at least 5 times and had formatted phone 10 times in last 1.5 yrs

so what is the sloution?

nokia 5800 is very cool for its price range, even for the ‘next’. you cannot compare nokia 5800 with iphones because its waaaaay costs too much.


Well my friend has this Nokia 5800 and I must say it is not that bad… I think it is a cool. As to preference, well we all cellphone models differ in so many ways but the best part is we are getting something and we are satisfied it’s just that technology move to fast. Every now and then there are other models to be released again.

all of you who have nokia 5800 it is a good phone at lowest price ….

n all of you who are praising i phone u all are idiot if you think that i phone is a cool smart phone …

if you guys are really want all the applications and nice phone than go for htc desire hd u dumbasses

i love the nokia 5800

it is so good there is so many apps

nokia 5800 is rocking

iPhone is obviously better no matter what you say, yes iPhone is alot more expensive but it is better, its a fact. Nokia 5800 is fairly shit tbh

Here’s what i love on 5800xm with firmware v.52.0.007 – SOUND 5800xm beats every ipod/iphone – connectivity (apps: web server, ftp server, wifi router….) owners try those apps – video VGA @30fps considering the price of the phone – tones of apps, themes – battery life

Don’t like: – UI and touch screen are a bit laggy sometimes – nokia should clock ARM1136J(F)-S a bit higher, say to 600Mhz (max for this CPU is 665Mhz and nokia clocked it to 434Mhz) – default shell is outdated i’m using SPB shell – CAMERA SW needs further improvements

This phone is a keeper for me. Aclamaciones

GeoSMS – become SUPER DETECTIVE – Nokia Ovi Store http://store. ovi. com/content/98851

i like nokia 5800 mobile is the of best phone

fu*k anybody thay says 5800 is a crap or rubbish… i’m currently using it and its fanta pepsi tic….i know i may get a two match ban from the english FA BUT ONCE AGAIN F*ck the critics

fu*k anybody thay says 5800 is a crap or rubbish… i’m currently using it and its fanta pepsi tic….i know i may get a two match ban from the english FA BUT ONCE AGAIN F*ck the critics…………………….F

fu*k anybody thay says 5800 is a crap or rubbish… i’m currently using it and its fanta pepsi tic….i know i may get a two match ban from the english FA BUT ONCE AGAIN F*ck the critics…………………….Fuc*

just iphone 4gs and galaxy tab .5800 is old in iran

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%first_paragraphWith Lethbridge equipment rentals, count all your equipment needs catered for. Luckily, Lethbridge equipment rentals are there for you. It makes completely no sense if you decide to purchase equipment that would cost the same value of your home just to use it twice.

Another important nutrient is lutein, a kind of carotenoid that is plentiful in fruits and vegetables. Make this exercise a habit every time you watch TV or play computer games to promote visual acuity. Eat your veggies: Vitamin A and beta carotene are two important nutrients that promote healthy eyes and clear vision. Usually found in yellow vegetables, other varieties of veggies possess a fair amount of these nutrients as well.

Centre must be affiliated with related academic departments, and with mainstream of university/college/technical school. Social support or reinforcement from counsellors or workshop members increases the efficiency of the entire system. It also gives a better and wide exposure to occupational information which prepares students for cognitive rehearsal of vocational aspirations. Benefits of having a career counselling centre at an educational place will facilitate in making better communication between students and the institutional departments. Student population and their specific needs is an important factor keep in mind while establishing centre.

Try this: Rather than ask if a patient’s vision is blurry, ask if there’s anything she cannot see well enough to do anymore. Older patients sometimes anticipate a loss of vision and will not report something they think is normal. The case history doesn’t end until the patient leaves the office; as such sometimes, the true reason for the exam today is determined after the exam is done.

Today, this forest centre also play the important role in the supplying of gravity water to the local people who live within the proximity of the forest center. Thus, it can be seen that the forest centre is an important place for the local people in terms of the preservation of the precious habitats, as well as in helping the local people to lead a better lifestyle through the contribution provided by the forest centre. The Kawang Forest Centre is unique in its own way, being the place to preserve and to protect the precious flora and fauna residing in the forest.

If a nature lover like you are to visit Sabah this holiday, be sure not to miss out the Kawang Forest Centre located in Papar. For nature lover, Malaysia would definitely be one of the must-go destinations during vacations. Being a developing country, Malaysia is very passionate in preserving the unique elements in the country such as the local peoples cultural backgrounds, as well as the nature beauty that had been existing in the country ever since hundreds and thousands of years ago.

The Toronto Physiotherapy Clinic is designed to help people with a wide variety of needs. They can also start to heal faster and that means more challenging forms of physical therapy can be implemented into the treatment plan. For some people the focus will be on them strengthening the core of their body.

Among the various Components of a career counselling centre People, tools and process plays a major importance. The various resources that can be made available to students, and the procedure of career counselling. The various aspects to be considered while setting up a counselling centre, includes people work there. The variation in establishment comes when the centre is in a university, in a college, in a technical school, or in any other higher education facility.

The practitioners of optometry are also known as Optometrists, which is the main source of eyesight care these days. This process involves testing eyesight problems such as focus and eye coordination, depth and colour perception, farsightedness, and nearsightedness. The practitioner of optometry ce also tests for eye problem like glaucoma and other. The treatment includes contact lenses, set down eyeglasses, vision therapy, and even low-vision rehabilitation.

Applicants ought to choose courses in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, English before applying to the school. That is why most of the students pick to finish science bachelor’s degree owing to the strong science practice given. Education materials are also offered which include therapies and treatment for a condition, research studies to encourage understanding of diagnosis. To take part in the online Optometry CE programs, one can simply choose the course and apply online only. Other courses like sociology, psychology, history and speech are required also. Continuing the programs is well defined to inform the people around about the new possibilities in their area of interest.

In this whoever customers visit to website and is interested in getting services by company, fills the inquiry form, a database is maintained and from that leads are generated which is main preliminary services offered by them. Lead generation by call centres is one of the most money making process .%

%first_paragraphIn fact there are many different specialists who deal with these incredibly complex and fascinating organs. The other type that often gets overlooked is called an ophthalmologist. First of all most of us are familiar with the optometrist. We know these as the people who we see when we think we may need glasses or if we are not sure why it is that it is getting harder to read the newspaper. While both of these medical professionals deal with the same part of the body they are not the same thing. Many people think that when they go to the doctor for their eyes there is just one type of physician.

Even if you do not make use of eye glasses or contact lenses, you still need to go to one of the eye doctors in Miami as we all need to have our eyes checked on a regular basis immaterial of any past medical history. For those people who can see fairly well, the penalty that one has to pay for poor eye health may not cross their minds. But the fact that you can see well today does not ascertain that you will be able to see well tomorrow. Accidents can happen any time and we can also lose vision as a part of the aging process. A good optometrist in Miami can assist you in addressing many an eye problem fast and effectively and if you already have a history with one then it is time critical.

When you schedule an eye examination there you will need to give yourself approximately thirty five minutes for the vision screening. They remain open from nine to five thirty each weekday and they open up until noon on Saturdays. The Blizzard Optometrist Stawell office is only open on Wednesdays each week, but the Ararat location is open six days a week. They remain open until five thirty in the afternoon. They open on Monday through Friday each week at nine in the morning. The Blizzard Optometrist St Arnaud offices are open for the convenience of their customers five days a week.

There are times when a child is diagnosed with having learning difficulties, only to learn later that they had a vision problem. If the doctor detects a problem with your vision early enough, it increases your chances of successfully treating the problem. One of the best ways you can take care of your eyesight is to make regular visits to an eye doctor for an examination. Some eye care professionals recommend that you visit an eye doctor at least once annually. It is important that parents take their children to the eye doctor early and often for eye exams. A vision problem that goes undiagnosed can have an enormous effect on your entire future because it can cause your vision to deteriorate overtime.

What can happen is that the problem might get worse when you age and then treatment might be too late or else not as responsive to it compared to when you were younger. Your Austin optometrist will tell you that while you dont have any sign of eye problems you still need to have regular eye exams and as you get older you just need to do this at shorter intervals. This is because some eye problems can occur at very young age and a lot of then are treatable or respond quite well to treatment if you are still young providing that the condition is diagnosed early on. If there are eye problems that develop however while you are still young and produces no outward sings and symptoms then you will never know about it if you do not have frequent eye examination.

No one ever thinks of the possibility of becoming blind. Your eyes are after all your window to the world and if for some reason you lose your sight, then that window will be closed forever. Eye doctors in Miami are very important to us since they assist us in maintaining healthy vision all through our lives. So if you have been scouring the Net for doctor for my eyes or check my eyes, read on to learn more. Selecting the right optometrist in Miami will make all the difference between poor vision and healthy vision. But it could happen because of old age, sudden eye trauma or development of particular eye diseases. Hence, choosing a good optometrist is very important.

The day they are open they are all about eyes, and all about getting their patients the proper glasses and frames to make them see well. The Blizzard Optometrist Stawell simply does not at this time have adequate numbers of patients to support their remaining open every day. It is true that the Blizzard Optometrist St Arnaud is open each weekday while the Blizzard Optometrist Stawell is open only once each week, but that does not reflect on the quality of care and dedication you will receive at either of these locations.

Now I know there are a few readers out there who are thinking “These eyes are mine! Glasses and/or contact lenses are the norm for perscriptions by doctors in the field of optometry. I’m not trusting them to some ‘doctor’ who can harass me with medical jargon” Luckily, I have your solution.

An ophthalmologist is an eyeball doctor that is licensed to carry out eye test, give diagnosis & performs typical eye surgeries & procedures. Further, let us describe each to understand further of what each can do to your eye trouble. On the other hand, all optometrists are also an eye doctors who had graduated a 5-year optometry course but didnt attend a medical college. This kind of eye doctor had finished pre-medical studies, job, with extensive 4-5 years of training & medical service.%

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Nokia 5800 User Manual

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic User Guide.

Nokia Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or tradenames of their respective owners. Reproduction, transfer, distribution, or storage of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without the prior written permission of Nokia is prohibited.

Reverse engineering of any software in the Nokia device is prohibited to the extent permitted by applicable law. Insofar as this user guide contains any limitations on Nokia's representations, warranties, damages and liabilities, such limitations shall likewise limit any representations, warranties, damages and liabilities of Nokia's licensors.

Switch the device on. 14 Stylus. 14 Lock the keys and touch screen. 14 Home screen. 14 Access the menu. 15 Touch screen actions. 15 Media key. 16 Change the ringing tone. 16 Nokia support. 17 2. Find help. 18 In-device help. 18 Software updates. 18 Settings. 19 Access codes. 19 Prolong battery life. 19 Free memory. 20 3.

Share live video or video clips. 33 Accept an invitation. 33 Log. 34 Recent calls. 34 Recent calls toolbar. 34 Call duration. 34 Packet data. 35 Monitor all communication events. 35 5. Write text. 36 On-screen keyboard. 36 Handwriting. 37 Alphanumeric keypad. 37 Icons and functions. 37 Traditional text input. 38 Predictive text input. 38 Switch between text modes. 38 Touch input settings. 39 6.

Display indicators. 66 Find locations. 66 Plan a route. 66 Save and send locations. 67 View your saved items. 67 Navigate to the destination. 68 Update maps. 68 Nokia Map Loader. 68 14. Connectivity. 69 Data connections and access points. 69 Network settings. 69 Wireless LAN. 70 About WLAN. 70 WLAN connections. 70 WLAN wizard. 70.

15. Share online. 80 Share online. 80 Subscribe to services. 80 Manage your accounts. 80 Create a post. 80 Post files from Gallery. 81 16. Nokia Video Centre. 82 Video feeds. 83 My videos. 83 Transfer videos from your PC. 83 Video centre settings. 84 17. Web browser. 85 Browse the web. 85 Browser toolbar. 86.

Call settings. 102 Call settings. 102 Call divert. 102 Call barring. 103 22. Troubleshooting. 104 Accessories. 107 Battery. 108 Battery and charger information. 108 Nokia battery authentication guidelines. 109 Authenticate hologram. 109 What if your battery is not authentic. 109 Care and maintenance. 110 Recycle. 110 Additional safety information. 111 Small children. 111 Operating environment. 111 Medical devices. 111.

Certification information (SAR). 113 Index. 114.

ACCESSORIES AND BATTERIES Use only approved accessories and batteries. Do not connect incompatible products. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. WATER-RESISTANCE Your device is not water-resistant. Keep it dry. About your device The wireless device described in this guide is approved for use on the GSM 850, 900, 1800, 1900 and UMTS 900, 2100 networks.

Nokia, and Nokia does not endorse or assume liability for them. If you choose to access such sites, you should take precautions for security or content. Warning: To use any features in this device, other than the alarm clock, the device must be switched on. Do not switch the device on when wireless device use may cause interference or danger.

1. Get started Keys and parts 1 — Micro USB connector to connect to a compatible PC 2 — Nokia AV Connector (3.5 mm) for compatible headsets, headphones, and TV-out connectors 3 — Charger connector 4 — Power key 5 — Earpiece 6 —.

Insert battery Always switch the device off and disconnect the charger before removing the battery. 1. Remove the back cover by lifting it from the bottom end of the device. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

2. Connect the power cord to the device. If the battery is completely discharged, it may take a while before the charging indicator starts scrolling. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. 3. When the battery is fully charged, the charging indicator stops scrolling. Disconnect the charger from the device, then from the wall outlet.

Important: Use only a stylus approved by Nokia for use with this device. Using any other stylus may invalidate any warranty applying to the device and may damage the touch screen. Avoid scratching the touch screen.

Add contact to Home > the instructions. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. To change the home screen theme or the shortcuts, select Menu Settings > Access the menu To access the menu, press the menu key.

Descriptions are not available for all icons and buttons. ) to open the media Tip: Hold your finger or the stylus on the icon to see the name of the application. Menu Settings Personal > © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. & Gt; Profiles.

Nokia Care services If you need to contact Nokia Care services, check the list of local Nokia Care contact centres at www. nokia-asia. com/ contactus. Maintenance For maintenance services, find your nearest Nokia Care point at www. nokia-asia. com/repair. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

Updater PC application. Software updates may not be available for all products or their variants. Not all operators may endorse the latest software versions available. To update the device software, you need the Nokia Software Updater application and a compatible PC with the Microsoft Menu Windows 2000, XP, or Vista operating system, broadband >.

WLAN on your Nokia device switches off when you are not trying to connect, not connected to an access point, or not scanning for available networks. To further reduce battery.

● Installation files (.sis or. sisx) of applications you have Settings installed. Transfer the installation files to a compatible > & Gt; GSM. computer. ● Images and video clips in Gallery. Back up the files to a compatible computer using Nokia PC Suite. Menu > Light time-out > Menu Applications File mgr..

(1-16 digits), and select OK. Enter the same code on the other device, and select OK. The devices are now paired. Some earlier Nokia devices may not have the Switch application. In this case, the Switch application is sent to the other device as a message.

Data is being transmitted using Bluetooth connectivity. When the indicator is blinking, your device is trying to connect with another device. A USB connection is active. Synchronisation is in progress. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. that a indicates that the that a.

Use only compatible microSD and microSDHC cards approved by Nokia for use with this device. Nokia uses approved industry standards for memory cards, but some brands may not be fully compatible with this device. Incompatible cards may damage the card and the device and corrupt data stored on the card.

Activate at a higher power level than otherwise needed and may reduce the battery life. Activate handset. Cellular antenna Bluetooth and GPS antenna WLAN antenna © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

All wireless RF signals to and from the device are prevented. If © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. to be sent later. When the Offline profile is active, you can use your device without a SIM card.

To use the headphones with a remote control unit, connect the unit to the Nokia AV Connector in the device, then connect the headphones to the unit.

To unlock your device, you need the lock code. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. content to be used, select Menu > Settingsand Phone mgmt.

Tip: When you have only one active voice call, to put the call on hold, press the call key. To activate the call, press the call key again. Send DTMF. Enter the DTMF string or search for > Options > Replace. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Activate BT.

& Gt; Reject call with message, and Message © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Your device supports conference calls between a maximum of six participants, including yourself. 1. Make a call to the first participant. 2. To make a call to another participant, select 3.

Voice tag details. Scroll to a contact detail, > Options Play voice tag. & Gt; Note: Using voice tags may be difficult in a noisy Speak now © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. is displayed. Say.

(for example, video calls are not supported by the network, or the receiving device is not © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. or send a message instead. The video call is active when you see two video images, and hear the sound through the loudspeaker.

Your service provider may send you the settings or give you a list of the needed parameters. To add a SIP address to a contact: 1. Select Menu > Contactos. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

If your device notifies you that the video clip must be converted, select OK. Your device must have a video editor for the conversion to work. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Share video. >.

— Call the desired contact. Create message — Send a message to the desired — Open the contacts list. Call duration. Note: The actual invoice for calls and services from © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Clear recent > numbers.

& Gt; To open the contacts list, select Options Open Contacts. & Gt; To set the log duration, select Options Settings > & Gt; duration. If you select log, no communication information is saved in the log. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

8 — Enter - Moves the cursor to the next row or text input field. Additional functions are based on the current context (for example, in the web address field of the web browser, it acts as a Go button). © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. language.

To delete characters or move the cursor back, swipe backwards (see Figure 1). To insert a space, swipe forwards (see Figure 2). © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Alphanumeric keypad Icons and functions Use the on-screen keypad characters like you would with a traditional phone keypad with numbers on the keys.

2. To write the desired word, tap the keys 2-9. Tap each key only once for one letter. For example, to write "Nokia" when the English dictionary is selected, tap 6 for N, 6 for o, 5 for k, 4 for i, and 2 for a.

Pen trail width — Change the thickness of the text ● written with the stylus. Writing colour — Change the colour of the text written ● with the stylus. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Touch input. >.

The default number or address is underlined in the contact view. Send business card. to mark the desired contacts, and to delete, > Borrar. Options Voice tag details > etiqueta. Options > Defaults. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options > Options > >.

SIM card to your device. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. If you do not want to copy the contacts from the SIM card to your device, select Cancel. The device asks if you want to view the SIM card contacts in the contacts directory.

For this, the message centre number and the recipient’s phone number must be included on the fixed dialling list. Options > dialling, and Options Add from > © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

— Messages waiting to be sent are temporarily ● stored in the outbox, for example, when your device is outside network coverage. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Delivery reports ● send you a delivery report of the text messages and multimedia messages you have sent (network service).

Bluetooth 1 new message Important: Exercise caution when opening messages. & Gt; Retrieve. is shown if sound is included, or Options > Objects. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options > ), you may see an.

To start creating the e-mail settings with the mailbox guide, select Start. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. mailbox replaces Mailbox in the Messaging main view. You can have up to six mailboxes.

& Gt; Restore. Options > Disconnect. Menu Messaging Options > Options Mark/Unmark > & Gt; Options > Copy. A list of folders opens. Menu Messaging Options > © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. server. messages. & Gt; Mark Mark all Cell broadcast. >.

Select from the following: Message centres — View a list of all text message centres ● that have been defined. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. to use to deliver text messages. Character encoding ● another encoding system when available, select support.

IM service. You can also enter the settings manually. Settings > & Gt; Mailbox in use and a mailbox. Options > Borrar. Mailboxes Options > and a mailbox to change the connection Applications > IM. & Gt; © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. >.

You can use profiles to set and customise the ringing tones, message alert tones, and other tones for different events, © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. environments, or caller groups. The name of the selected profile is displayed at the top of the home screen. If the General profile is in use, only the date is displayed.

To modify the tone of the music playback, select Equaliser. ; to resume, tap. A. To skip to the again ) on or Options Shuffle > ), or to turn repeat Options > Repeat. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options >.

& Gt; To add songs, albums, artists, genres, and composers to a playlist from the different views of the music menu, select an © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. playlist. To remove a song from a playlist, select Remove. This does not delete the song from the device; it only removes it from the playlist.

You may be asked to select the access point to use when connecting to the Nokia Music Store. Select access point. In the Nokia Music Store, you may be able to edit the settings by selecting Options > Configuración.

Nokia Podcasting is running. If Nokia Podcasting is not running, the automatic updates are not activated. Download limit (%) — Define the percentage of memory ● that is reserved for podcast downloads. If limit exceeds — Define what to do if the downloads ●.

To remove or rename a station, select Options Stations > & Gt; Options Delete or Rename. & Gt; To set the desired frequency manually, select Options > Tune stations Options Manual tuning. & Gt; & Gt; © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

To copy or move files to the memory card (if inserted) or device memory, select a file, Options or Move, and from the available options. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. View images and videos > Gallery. Select The images, video clips, and folders are displayed in a loop and ordered by date and time.

In TV-out mode, you cannot use the TV as the camera viewfinder. To watch images and video clips on TV, do the following: 1. Connect a Nokia Video-Out Cable to the video input of a compatible TV. 2. Connect the other end of the Nokia Video-Out Cable to the Nokia AV Connector of your device.

11. Camera Your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic has two cameras, a high resolution camera on the back of the device, and a lower resolution camera on the front. You can use both cameras to capture images and record videos. Your device supports an image capture resolution of 2048x1536 pixels.

3. To capture an image, press the capture key. Do not move the device before the image is saved and the final image displayed. To zoom in or out when capturing an image, use the zoom key in your device. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

Keep a safe distance when using the flash. Do not use the flash on people or animals at close range. Do not cover the flash while taking a picture. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Condiciones. To select the desired flash mode, tap the current flash mode.

Record videos > & Gt; 1. To switch from image mode to video mode, if necessary, select Applications > Camera. & Gt; Camera > Sequence. To close the > Sequence > and the video mode © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Menu >.

2 — Audio mute on indicator 3 — Capture icon. Tap to record video. 4 — Video light on/off. 5 — Recording settings. Tap to change settings. 6 — Battery charge level indicator © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options Settings Video quality.

With the help of assisted data, your device can obtain the GPS position faster. Your device is preconfigured to use the Nokia A-GPS service, if no service provider-specific A-GPS settings are available. The assistance data is retrieved from the Nokia A-GPS service server only when needed.

Initially your device must receive signals from at least four satellites to be able to calculate the coordinates of your © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. be possible to continue calculating the coordinates of your location with three satellites. However, the accuracy is generally better when more satellites are found.

— Use the integrated GPS receiver of your — Use Assisted GPS (A-GPS) to receive — Use a compatible external GPS receiver — Use information from the cellular server. The positioning server may be Measurement system Coordinate format, and the © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. >.

Some maps may be available in your device or memory card. You can also use the Nokia Map Loader PC software to download maps. To install Nokia Map Loader to a compatible PC, see www. nokia. com/maps.

& Gt; & Gt; Options Search > Options Search Places Eat & Drink > & Gt; & Gt; Places > Accommodation. Enter the name > & Gt; Maps. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Select > Places > & Gt; Options > Search all. Add to.

View your saved items To view the items you have saved to your device, select Options > Favourites. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options > To view the locations you have saved to your device, select places.

Nokia Map Loader, as Nokia Map Loader uses the Maps Extras Drive & Walk. information to check which version of the maps to download. & Gt; To install Nokia Map Loader to a compatible PC or Mac, go to http://maps. nokia. com, and follow the instructions on the screen. Tools Settings >.

Check the type of access point you need with your service provider for the service you want to access. For availability and subscription to packet data connection services, contact your service provider. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Network settings Select Menu.

If you select a secured WLAN, you are asked to enter the relevant password. To connect to a hidden network, you must enter the correct network name (service set identifier, SSID). © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Wireless > browsing.

LAN through a WLAN access point device. In the ad hoc operating mode, devices can send and receive data directly with each other. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Wireless LAN settings Select Menu Options >.

Options New access point. To copy an existing > Organise Copy to other > & Gt; Organise Change priority. & Gt; & Gt; Settings Connectivity > Access point, and follow the instructions > © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. & Gt; & Gt; dest. >.

— Select the internet protocol type to ● transfer data to and from your device. The other settings depend on the selected network type. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. of your device. DNS addresses ● and secondary DNS servers, if required by your service provider.

(only for Ad-hoc) — To enter a channel User — Enter the address for the proxy — Enter the proxy port number. Menu Settings Connectivity > packet data connections © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. and from the defined. Connection >.

SIM access. To ensure interoperability between other devices supporting Bluetooth technology, use Nokia approved accessories for this model. Check with the manufacturers of other devices to determine their compatibility with this device.

Tip: When searching for devices, some devices may show only the unique address (device address). To find the unique address of your device, enter *#2820#. Gallery Images & videos. & Gt; Options Send > & Gt; Sending data © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

To cancel a pairing with a device, select To cancel all pairings, select Options © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Receive data using Bluetooth connectivity > Bluetooth. When you receive data through Bluetooth connectivity, a tone sounds, and you are asked if you want to accept the message.

You can use your mobile device with a variety of compatible PC connectivity and data communications applications. With Nokia Ovi Suite you can, for example, transfer files and images between your device and a compatible computer. To use Ovi Suite with USB connection mode, select mode.

Nokia website, see www. ovi. nokia. com. Administrative settings Select Menu Settings Connectivity > Configuración. To set the online time for the data call connection, select call. The data call settings affect all access points that use a GSM data call.

3. Sign in to your account as instructed on the service provider’s website. Nokia's services in the online sharing service are free of charge. Any data transferred over the network may incur online. charges from your service provider. For the availability and cost of the third party services and data transfer costs, contact your service provider or the relevant third party.

1. Open Gallery, and select the files you want to post. 2. Select Options Send Upload > & Gt; cuenta. 3. Edit your post as required. 4. Select Options Post to web. & Gt; © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options > Upload. and the desired.

16. Nokia Video Centre With Nokia Video Centre (network service), you can download and stream video clips over the air from compatible internet video services using a packet data or WLAN connection. You can also transfer video clips from a compatible PC to your device and view them in Video centre.

1. To open a folder and view video clips, select the folder. When a video clip is playing, to use the control keys for controlling the player, tap the screen. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Select Options and from the following.

Thumbnails — Select whether to download and view ● thumbnail images in video feeds. Options Settings > Confirm GPRS Confirm roaming. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

Symbian Signed or have passed the Java Verified™ testing. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. To browse a web page, in the bookmarks view, select a bookmark, or enter the address in the field ( Some web pages may contain material, such as graphics and sounds, that requires a large amount of memory to view.

Your device supports widgets. Widgets are small, downloadable web applications that deliver multimedia, news feeds, and other information, such as weather reports, — Search on the current web page. & Gt; feeds. Options feeds. & Gt; © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options > & Gt; Options >.

You can download items such as ringing tones, images, operator logos, themes, and video clips. These items can be © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Downloaded items are handled by the respective applications in your device, for example, a downloaded photo can be saved in Gallery.

Before changing any certificate settings, you must make sure that you really trust the owner of the certificate and that the certificate really belongs to the listed owner. Clear privacy data > & Gt; Important: Even if the use of certificates makes the © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

To change the default service provider, select Select service. To change the country or region setting to find more search providers, select Options Settings > región. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Search the to use another search Options > Country or >.

& Gt; Comprar. A submenu opens where you can select the version of the item and view price information. The available options depend on the service provider. To download an item that is free of charge, select Get. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options >.

(network service), select Automatic time update > En. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. World clock To view the current time in different locations, select clock. To add locations to the list, select location.

You can transfer installation files to your device from a compatible computer, download them during browsing, or — Password protect a memory — Unlock a memory card. Menu Applications File mgr. & Gt; & Gt; Options Back up > © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. ahora. Ensure that.

Bluetooth connectivity. You can use Nokia Application Installer in Nokia Ovi Suite to install an application to your device. Icons in Application manager indicate the following: SIS or SISX application Java application.

In the Video clips, Streaming links, and Recently played views, the following toolbar icons may be available: Menu Applications App. update. & Gt; & Gt; Options > Configuración. Menu Applications > RealPlayer. & Gt; © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Options Start > Options View >.

Before live content © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. loading the content. The content is not saved in your device. Recorder.

English language from the dictionary. You can have two additional languages installed, besides English. Speech — Edit the voice feature settings. You can adjust ● the speed and volume of the voice. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

Language settings Select Menu Settings Phone > © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. To change the device language, select To change the writing language, select To turn predictive text input on or off, select text. Display settings Date and time.

The available settings depend on the type of accessory. TV-out settings To change the settings for a TV-out connection, select and from the following: Default profile ● each time you connect a Nokia Video Connectivity Cable to your device. TV screen size ● Normal TV system ●.

If you forget the PIN or PIN2 code, contact your service provider. If you forget the lock code, contact a Nokia Care point or your service provider. Lock code ●.

Options details. The validity of the certificate is checked, — You have not set any — The certificate validity period has — The certificate validity period — The certificate cannot be used. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. >.

You can reset some of the settings to their original values. To do this, you need the lock code. After resetting, the device may take a longer time to power on. Documents and files are unaffected. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. Protected content To manage digital rights licences, select Phone content.

— This setting (network service) is shown only Line 2 and have not subscribed to this network is shown in the home screen. — Select to prevent line selection (network Settings Calling Call divert. > > Check © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. status.

When calls are barred, calls may be possible to certain official emergency numbers. Voice call barring Select the desired barring option and Activate, Deactivate, Check status. Call barring affects all calls, including data calls. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

A: The WLAN access point may use a hidden service set identifier (SSID). You can only access networks that use a hidden SSID if you know the correct SSID, and have created a WLAN internet access point for the network on your Nokia device. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

Nokia device? A: The WLAN on your Nokia device turns off when you are not connected or trying to connect to another access point, or not scanning for available networks. To further reduce battery consumption, you can specify that your Nokia device does not scan, or scans less often, for available networks in the background.

To resolve this, select Menu Settings Phone Phone mgmt. & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Factory settings. Restore the factory settings, and when the device restarts, set the correct date and time. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

Accessories Warning: Use only batteries, chargers, and accessories approved by Nokia for use with this particular model. The use of any other types may invalidate any approval or warranty, and may be dangerous. For availability of approved accessories, please check with your dealer.

Battery and charger information Your device is powered by a rechargeable battery. The battery intended for use with this device is BL-5J. Nokia may make additional battery models available for this device. This device is intended for use when supplied with power from the following chargers: AC-8, AC-5.

Nokia battery authentication guidelines Always use original Nokia batteries for your safety. To check that you are getting an original Nokia battery, purchase it from a Nokia authorised service centre or dealer, and inspect the hologram label using the following steps: Successful completion of the steps is not a total assurance of the authenticity of the battery.

More detailed information is available from the product retailer, local waste authorities, national producer responsibility organisations, or your local Nokia representative. Check how to recycle your Nokia products at www. nokia. com/werecycle, or if browsing on a mobile device, www. nokia. mobi/werecycle.

Consult a physician or the manufacturer of the medical device to determine if © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. they are adequately shielded from external RF energy or if you have any questions. Switch off your device in health care facilities when any regulations posted in these areas instruct you to do so.

(internet calls), activate both the internet calls and the cellular phone. The device will attempt to make emergency calls over both the cellular networks and through your internet call provider if both are activated. Connections in all © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

Certification information (SAR) This mobile device meets guidelines for exposure to radio waves. © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves recommended by international guidelines. These guidelines were developed by the independent scientific organisation ICNIRP and include safety margins designed to assure the protection of all persons, regardless of age and health.

100 clock 91 computer connections 78 data connections See also conference calls 29 contacts copying 41 default information 40 deleting 40 editing 40 images in 40 names and numbers 40 ringing tones 41 © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

90 downloads 87 drag 15 DRM (digital rights management) 101 duration of calls 34 © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. e-mail messages 45 end all calls option 30 factory settings restoring 101 feeds, news 86 file manager 92.

57 recording video clips 60 rejecting calls 29 remote lock locking device with SMS remote mailbox 45 remote SIM mode 77 removing applications 94 removing SIM card 26 roaming 69 © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

102 certificates 100 date and time 97 display 97 language 97 network 69 packet data 79 © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados. podcasting 52 positioning 64 SIP 79 tv-out 98 video centre 84 video sharing 32 WLAN 71, 74.

49 web connection 85 web logs 86 week settings calendar alarm 91 Welcome 21 WEP 74 widgets 86 wireless LAN (WLAN) 70 wireless LAN settings 71 WPA 74 wrist strap 27 zooming 58, 61 © 2009 Nokia. Todos los derechos reservados.

SOFTWARE Make the most of your phone with software for your phone and PC. Nokia PC Suite connects your phone and PC so you can manage your calendar, contacts, music and images, while other applications complement its use.

HOW DO I USE MY PHONE? The Set Up section, at www. nokia-asia. com/setup, helps you prepare your phone for use. Familiarise yourself with phone functions and features by referring to the Guides and Demos section at www. nokia-asia. com/guides. HOW DO I SYNCHRONISE MY PHONE AND PC? Connecting your phone to a compatible PC with the requisite Nokia PC Suite version from synchronise your calendar and contacts.

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Nokia 5800 Xpress Music

Vopium on Nokia 5800 Xpress Music:

Nokia 5800 Xpress Music

You have successfully selected your phone as Nokia 5800 Xpress Music. See the video on your right side displaying the installation, working and payment process of Vopium. The free software of Vopium can be easily downloaded on your phone for making cheap VoIP calls, on the go. You will be delighted to know that your phone's OS is compatible with Vopium. This free mobile VoIP application works on almost 900 handsets providing users with the facility to make discounted international calls and international SMS, without changing their operator or SIM card. Discover more about Vopium by reading about its innovative features.

What is Vopium?

Vopium is a Denmark based company that provides an ideal solution for people who are looking for high quality, low cost international calls and SMS. Available in almost 52 countries now, the service has the capability to recognize international numbers where it automatically reroutes the call as a local call to Vopium gateway and then via premium global traffic carriers to the desired number, ensuring excellent voice quality. When making a national call, the call is rerouted through your subscribed mobile operator and if you are roaming outside your country, Vopium offers the cheapest call rates, benefiting the user in every way.

Download Vopium on your Nokia 5800 Xpress Music

Follow this below process to download Vopium on Nokia 5800 Xpress Music.

Step 1 - Register your Nokia 5800 Xpress Music by clicking here or send SMS by typing "Get" to +447781480717 or visit get. vopium. com on your Nokia 5800 Xpress Music mobile browser.

Step 2 - You will receive a SMS with a link to the application. Download the software by clicking on the link or opening it via options. The download typically takes less than a minute.

Step 3 – Call your friends by using free international minutes offer by Vopium. After that you can top up your Vopium account whenever you like.

Stay connected with Vopium SMS

The VoIP application of Vopium is the best way to reach your relatives wherever they are at extremely low rates by using Vopium SMS service on your Nokia 5800 Xpress Music. This intelligent solution automatically detects when an international SMS is sent, providing users with cheap SMS rates to deliver your message. For the first time, you can enjoy 5 free international SMS, and after you are finished with that EUR 0.08 will be charged per SMS. Also you can use the Vopium’s easy to use web-to-sms, where you just login to your account on http://vopium. com and send absolutely free international SMS. You can also try the two new Vopium SMS packages that offer international SMS facility at highly affordable rates.

Enjoy Call Back facility on Nokia 5800 Xpress Music

International calls can be very expensive sometimes. In order to save money try our Vopium Call Back feature for your Nokia 5800 Xpress Music . This feature splits your calls into two inexpensive calls, and provides the user with the facility to call at low rate. El proceso es simple. Enter the two numbers on our website (your own number and the one you want to call) and when you pick up you'll be connected to your friend or family living abroad. Try mobile-to-mobile call back or mobile-to-landline call back on Nokia 5800 Xpress Music and save money on international calls while worldwide roaming.

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There are times when you have moved to another place and you need to make low priced long distance call. Just Dial is an ideal option for such situations where you can make cheap VoIP calls without using the software. To make an international call, simply dial your local Vopium access number. add the number in your Vopium profile in "account settings", and you are ready to use Vopium Just Dial anywhere you want.

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If your phone is Wi-Fi enabled, you can call other Vopium Wi-Fi users with absolutely free calls. However there are situations when you are not connected to Wi-Fi, in that case Vopium routes your calls as a local call to Vopium owned gateway and via premium global carriers to the dialed number, providing users with lowest possible rates as always. The innovative Vopium Wi-Fi technology uses Wi-Fi service to make free calls possible on all latest Wi-Fi enabled handsets.

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13 best Java games collection for Nokia 5800 free download

13 best and most wanted games pack for Nokia 5800. All available for free and full version. This pack includes Assassins Creed, Far cry 2, Fifa Street 3, Gangstar 2, Mafia Wars New York, Night At The Museum Battle Of The Smithsonian, Prince Of Persia Zero, ProGolf 2010, Soul Of Darkness, Terminator Salvation, Tom Clancy s H. A.W. X, Top Gear The Mobile Game and World Snooker Championship 200.

Assassin’s Creed 2

Action-adventure game works in full screen landscape mode. The game is complete touch based with on-screen game keyboard. This game is developed by Ubisoft Entertainment and published by Gameloft. Assassin’s Creed 2 game has scored 9/10 in a review by OXM. Master new weapons, learn new secrets, and own an entire town. Prepare to be overwhelmed. Download Assassins Creed

Far Cry 2

The official mobile version of the new Next Generation console game from Ubisoft. & # 8211; 10 missions that combine action on foot and on motorcycle. & # 8211; An explosive arsenal: Grenades, Flame Throwers, Mine Detectors, Sniper Rifles, and more! & # 8211; New ultra-realistic gun firing system. & # 8211; New Artificial Intelligence renders enemies more dangerous than ever. Download Farcry 2

Fifa Street 3

FIFA Street 3 brings to life football superstars from around the world as stylized action heroes in the ultimate arcade football experience for mobile. Hit the streets with some of the best Pro Players and experience all the style and attitude of street football. Decked out in authentic training kits and street wear, every player boasts their own, distinctive style of play with unique abilities to match. Take instant control of your heroes with a new, responsive and intuitive control system. Set in exotic locales around the world with an eclectic selection of music seamlessly infused into the world around you. FIFA Street 3 game is developed by Electronic Arts Inc. Take your football heroes to the streets and experience the revolution in street football. Download Fifa Street 3

Gangstar 2

Gangstar 2 Kings of L. A. is a fighting game developed by Gameloft. Break through the Mexican border and cruise into L. A. where two-bit thugs get wasted every day, but real gangstas can live like stars. To make it here, you gotta be able to handle a variety of weapons from handguns to Bazookas. Steal cars, rob sukkas on the street, infiltrate rival gangs and more in 75 different missions across 6 different hoods. Prove yourself and you’ll run your own gang, maybe even become a big-shot Hollywood producer. Welcome to stardom, gangster-style. Some of the cool features of this game are - Explore the world full of bustling streets, hip-hop music and colorful characters with an intriguing story. Enhanced playability: auto-aiming, intuitive car controls, GPS map and much more. Survive 75 varied missions. Open gameplay: fight, rob, explore, start businesses. This game works in full screen landscape mode and its complete touch supported. The game has excellent graphics and you will enjoy this game on your mobile. Download Gangstar 2

Mafia Wars New York

Mafia Wars NewYork game is developed by Sumea and published by Digital Chocolate Inc. Go undercover to infiltrate the Spinelli crime family for the FBI in up to 30 levels of intense mob action in Mafia Wars New York. Whack rivals, pull off heists and eliminate opponent mobsters without blowing your cover. Wreak mayhem in the city as you flee cops and outrun your enemies in adrenaline-packed car chases. Will you take down the family or be seduced by the gangster life? A young FBI agent, Vincent Paladino takes on an undercover mission to advance in the ranks of the Spinelli mafia family. He must maintain his cover while navigating a maze of moral choices in the voilent world of modern New York mafia. In order to infiltrate the spinelli family. You must complete missions cover while navigating a maze of moral choices in the voilent world of modern New York mafia. In order to infiltrate the Spinelly family, you must complete mission for them. All your actions and decisions affect your moral sense. Can you maintain your standards wading knee-deep in the crime? The following video will explain better about the game and how to play it. The game works in full screen mode with virtual on-screen keyboard provided by the game itself. Download Mafia Wars New York

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian

Is another cool Java game for Symbian S60 V5 based devices like Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, N97, N97 Mini and 5530 XpressMusic. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian is one of the best simulation game developed by Gameloft. This game is based on a 2009 American comedy film and the sequel to the 2006 adventure comedy film Night at the Museum. Museums boring? Not when their exhibits come to life at night! Play the official, action-packed mobile game of Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian! Avoid dinosaur fossils, escape from a giant octopus, chat with the world’s greatest statues, hitch a ride in an antique airplane, ride in a motorcycle side-car and face off against the most dangerous armies in human history! At the Smithsonian Institution, when the lights go off, the battle is on. This game works in full screen landscape mode. The features of this game are - Your chance to meet history’s greatest figures: Napoleon, Ivan the Terrible, General Custer and more. Scenario of the game is inspired by the movie, full of action, adventure and humor. Five locations to visit from the Air & Space Museum to the National Archives! 2 playable characters: Play as the night guard Larry Daley and Dexter the monkey! Gameplay includes Platforming, Action, Adventure, Racing and Flying! Download Night At The Museum – Battle Of The Smithsonian

Prince Of Persia: Zero

The mobile version of the most awaited end 2008 next gen action game after a 3 years gap: already huge, the buzz keeps growing fast on the web & press! A legendary, world famous brand that sold more 6 million units on mobile and 6.2* million on next gen consoles since 2003. Game includes 2 major innovations, bringing the platformer genre on mobile to a new level of action: 3D boss fights & Dual parallax playable levels (see game features). Features: Play Coop style with Elika: A new mysterious character to control or play in cooperation with, totally indispensable for the Prince to go through huge levels & fight biggest enemies. Forget the classic 2D horizontal boss fights: the Prince will now be able to face the 3D bosses & turn around them* for never before experienced fight sequences on mobile. New dual parallax playable levels: when blocked by an impassable obstacle, the prince will be able to get out of his usual 2D perspective to find a new path to skirt it around. Closer than ever to the next gen console version: characters renders are based on High Definition 3D models and animations from the X360 and PS3. Download Prince Of Persia Zero

ProGolf 2010

Play pro golfers like Sergio Garcia, Vijay Singh, Jim Furyk, Camilo Villegas and Justin Rose in 3 varied locations around the world: Fiji Island, American Mountains and English countryside! Pro Golf World Tour 2010 game is developed by Gameloft. The beautiful 3D-like environments of this game gives an exceptional visual appeal with real attention to detail. Customize your golfer with equipment you buy in the golf shop and manage his progression. It s the closest thing to real golf now available on your Symbian S60 mobiles . Some of the cool features of this game are - You have a choice to play with 5 best players in the world: Sergio Garcia, Vijay Singh, Camilo Villegas, Jim Furyk or Justin Rose Extraordinary 3D-like representations of players and animated environments, displayed with 3D techniques. A bonus career mode giving you the chance to participate in tournaments all around the world. Download ProGolf 2010

Soul of Darkness

In this game you have to save your beloved’s life and soul and free her from an evil vampire’s clutches. The game has mind blowing graphics and impressive music. The game is developed by Gameloft. The feature includes: Challenging gameplay: use your transformation ability to reach hidden inaccessible spots. Upgrade your fire sword and ice spear to perform more powerful attacks and magic. 11 levels to explore, from huge castles and cathedrals to dark woods and caves. Great replay value: play through levels you’ve already finished to discover additional. Download Soul Of Darkness

Terminator Salvation

Terminator Salvation game for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is based on a 2009 American science fiction film written by John Brancato and Michael Ferris and directed by McG, the fourth film in the Terminator series. Terminator Salvation is a java game by Gameloft for Symbian S60 5th edition devices. Assume the role of John Connor, leader of the Resistance, in post-apocalyptic 2018 Los Angeles. Alongside Marcus Wright, Kyle Reese and other fighters, battle for survival against the forces of Skynet in a third-person shooting game inspired by the movie. Counter hordes of enemies in concentrated armed combat, destroy specific targets, hack computers. drive futuristic vehicles, defend areas and more. The high variety of missions and game play, plus the faithful rendering of the movie universe, will definitely delight gamers and fans of the Terminator universe alike! Download Terminator Salvation

Tom Clancy s H. A.W. X

You are David Crenshaw and you work with ARTEMIS, a private military company. You are in charge of providing all necessary fire support to the elite Ghost Recon combat units. Your objective is to rid the world of dangerous terrorists who threaten global stability. The assault has begun! In a storyline adapted from Tom Clancy novels replete with plot twists, pilot one of the most powerful jet fighters in production to complete your mission. Dodge your enemies or destroy them with your missiles and discover levels where your flying skills are put to the test. H. A.W. X is a very attractive game that offers some really nice high quality graphics. The features of this game are - New shooters. Thrilling Story inspired by the novels of Tom Clancy. 5 jet fighters. 9 breath taking missions. 5 environments. Many enemies to fight. H. A.W. X. is a next generation game about combat in the sky. Download Tom Clancy’s H. A.W. X

Top Gear The Mobile Game

Top Gear V1.0.5 works with Symbian S60 5th edition devices such as Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and N97. Download this game from here and play it on your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. After installing this application, turn off the gaming and navigation keys because game is touch supported. Features: 6 stages, each divided into 5 different challenges: from Car Football to Beat the Granny. 5 locations with different tracks: Africa, Iceland, Wales and of course the Top Gear Test Track. Jeremy Clarkson quotes while you play 8 prestigious licensed cars: including the Audi R8, the Aston Martin DBS and of course the Chevrolet Lacetti. Download Top Gear

World Snooker Championship

World Snooker Championship is the most complete snooker game on your mobile, pitting you against the best names in the world of Snooker, Ronnie O’Sullivan, Stephen Hendry, Ding Junhui and more! Featuring real ball physics, clinical AI, accurately rendered table and tournament arena, pick-up-and-play controls, Tournament, Quick Game, Fastest Break and Multiplayer game modes. Download World Snooker Championship 2009

Video call for MSN? ¡Sí! Free video calls and voice calls to your MSN friends if both of you set up this app! Note: This app requires internet connection. Author: FreeDragon Date: 16 October, 2012 OS Support: iPhone 3GS. iPhone 4. iPhone 4S. iPod touch (3rd generation). iPod touch (4th generation)iPad

Hub80 Communicator 2.0.1 License: Freeware

Hub80 is a free service for Web-based audio/video call and local file sharing. Hub80 turns your computer into a virtual website with a permanent URL at http://www. This website works as a personal communication center. Author: SmileTiger Software Corporation Date: 05 December, 2011 OS Support: Windows. Yo. Windows Vista

MacVideoFilter for Mac OS 1.1 License: Freeware

A utility that allows you to change the way you appear in your video call . Broadcast your video through a virtual fish-eye lens, or appear as a classic sepia picture. Author: Tristero Consulting Date: 27 October, 2012 OS Support: Mac OS X 10.6.4 or later

Venux Connect 1.0.14 License: Freeware

Venux Connect is a communication tool that provides secure communication for you and your contacts through video call . audio call . and chat. The application simplifies the process of sharing files and screen sharing. Author: Venux Date: 29 June, 2015 OS Support: Windows. Windows 8. WinXP

Adore Communicator:Voice, Video & IM The Adoresoftphone offers fully integrated features to accelerate and enhance the usage of the SIP communicator for iPhone 4. Apart from Audio Call . we have added more features, i. e. Author: Adore Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Date: 05 October, 2011 OS Support: iPad. iPhone. iPod Touch

IVE (Instant Video Everywhere) 4.4.2 License: Freeware

IVE users receive a host of cool features and unique services. IVE makes video and voice calling from you PC as easy as placing a telephone call - but with the added power of face-to-face communications. Author: instantvideoeverywhere Date: 05 December, 2011 OS Support: Windows. Windows XP

Vichat for Facebook video chat Pro? ¡Sí! Free video calls and voice calls to your Facebook friends if both of you set up this app! Note: This app requires internet connection. Features: 1.Chat for Facebook 2. Author: Timeslark Inc Date: 14 October, 2011 OS Support: iPhone 3GS. iPhone 4. iPhone 4S. iPod touch (3rd generation). iPod touch (4th generation)iPad

I stumbled upon the secret key to format or hard reset Nokia 5800 after the touchscreen keypad failed to work. To be precise, the software keypad appeared and closed in a second.

I do not know what exactly caused the keypad failure. By guessing, it could be the side effect of corrupted memory card.

But, the main point here is to record down the trick to hard reset or format Nokia touchscreen phone or smart phone powered by Symbian OS S60 5th Edition UI (e. g. Nokia 5800).

The hard-reset or better known as format Nokia phone is simply to perform a factory restore, i. e. a process to restore the phone to factory default settings.

For my case, hard-reset did successfully fix the keypad problem (where the software keypad appears and closes immediately).

Although this “secret key” does format Nokia 5800, it COULD NOT reset the Nokia 5800 lock code or security code back to the default 12345!

That’s why I knew it won’t reset my Nokia 5800 lock code, after found out the v21 firmware is no longer presents an alpha-numeric keypad for entering my valid lock code that made up of alphabets only :-(.

So, what is the secret key to format or hard reset Nokia 5800?

For non-touchscreen Nokia phone, like my earlier N73 that running on S60 3rd Edition UI, the so-called secret key to format or hard reset is by pressing call key, asterisk key, and the numeric key 3 while power on the device, until the Nokia logo appears.

For Nokia touchscreen phone, like Nokia 5800 and probably valid for next smart phones running on S60 5th Edition UI too, press the call key (green), cancel call key (red) and the camera shutter button while power on the device, until the Nokia logo appears. This 3-key to format or hard reset Nokia 5800 is tested and working on firmware v20.0.012 and the latest v21.0.025. The first symptom of successful format / hard reset is the touchscreen vibration turning on (if you’ve turned it off before hard reset).

Next, depend on your phone settings before hard reset / format, you’re prompted to enter PIN code followed by lock code (remember, the lock code remains same as what you’ve set for it).

Then, the interface request you to choose your country followed by setting the date and time for the phone.

What do you do if you can’t even turn off the damned phone?

Mine is stuck on the ‘whitescreen’ & # 8211; a white background, with the word NOKIA on it. No going forward, no going backward, just sits there, chewing its battery.

The whole phone is under TWO WEEKS OLD, so if anyone’s reading this and considering buying this phone, DON’T!

Hey mathew, I had the same problem with my nokia 5800 a few days back, its simple what you have to do, remove the battery from your phone then, when the phone is off remove the memory card, then turn on the phone and thats it, its working again, then on the standby screen introduce the memory card once again

Thanks Eduardo, your procedure worked like a charm :)

hey guys i have a problem, after i update my n5800 it won’t turn on anymore. please help me what to do. Gracias

hi. i have a problem with my new NOKIA 5800. I changed the security code and my new code starts with the letter ‘z’. I didn’t know that if i will tap the touchscreen 4 times [the number 9, since this comes with the letter ‘z’] the emergency number 999 will appear. The phone recognizes that I am attempting to call the emergency number. I can’t open my phone now. Do you have any idea as to how can I reset the phone again?

thanks to advise.

To enter the alphabet character, press the # key for few seconds until touch screen keypad changes mode.

Mohammed Ali 21-07-09@13:42

is there a way to find my lock code if i dont remember it.

Damn. I tried to update with Nokia UPdate Manager, update failed, screen went blank, then I followed instructions on screen, but did nothing, should I throw it away? I was trying to upgrade to the newest realease. If someone can help me, I’d appreciate it.

Thanks there it worked out well for my cell… Guys check out for the 30th version firmware it there avilable OTA cheers

hello guys im anis i just wana know that which software version comes by default in nokia 5800 20.1.0 something? pls respond thanks

v good ….my problem solved …my phone stuck after i install fonts software from NOKIA OVI

hi guys, will hard resetting my phone turns back the firmware to the earlier version? like now my firmware is v30 and after hard reset will it go back to v20 which was the firmware when I bought my phone…. thanks in advance….

Hard reset will not downgrade the firmware version.

mohit negi 23-09-09@18:35

it not work on my nokia 5800 my firmware version was

Hola. i updated the nokia maps on nokia 5800 to the latest version by nokia map updater, the problem is when i turn maps on it keep sking me if i want to turn on the bluetooth on, even if i press yes and turnt it on it keeps asking me and fast time asking and while this happening i can’t press on any thing els, really got crazy, so any help guys.

hi again, i have a big problem now in my memory card on nokia 5800, i formated the phone by using the 3 secret keys as i read above up, after i finished it asked me the pin & lock codes i entered them and till here every ting is fine, the problem is it locked my memory card and asked me to enter the password, but i didnt put any password on the memory card and now its locked, what i have to do, how i can access my files in it :( any help please people.

This is second complaints of memory card locked I have heard. Frankly speaking, I am not sure how could this happen to you.

Could you able to access the card contents by using a USB card reader?

dear walker. i installed some of the software appliaction in nokia 5800xm suddenly the phone stopped working touch screen vibiration. i totaly upset wow u r grt man u finded or u done at ur phone i dont know but ur work is very good walker now i reset as u what u explain here good realy good its working now, thank u walker, frm now iam ur fan walker thank u very much once again

hi, i. am facing a problem with my 5800..the internet browser and certain software like ovi store wich require internet connections automatically close when we try to open it…can anybody help me please..i am fed with it..pleazzzzz…

hi guys can anyone help my 5800 will not switch on after updating something from ovi can i still do a hard reset if it won’t switch on or is there another way. i am not by my phone at the mo so can’t check the hard reset cheers Morf

hi have forgotten my lock code m tried a hard reset back to factory code but no go. can any body help me please. now i am locked out HELP

hi, it’s me again. Finally, I found that 4 keys combination worked on my firmware v31.0.101 and thank to you guys. And but another problem still persists. That is whenever I boot my phone, it asks the code which I type in 12345 and it says wrong code but then disappears and I can use my phone like normal.. So, what does this mean? Is there a way to solve this? thank to you guys.

Hi, I also have a problem with my 5800 phone. It’s not receiving any text messages. It can send out just fine but for me to be able to receive my messages I have to shut my phone off and turn it on again. It’s very frustrating. Is it maybe because of a virus? Will a hard reset solve the problem? Thanks..

my keygaurd locked out after starting the phone and didnt turn up with the keygaurd. thanks to the clear instructions here. hard reset worked like a charm.

thanks to all the magicians here…

tanx a lot. my nokia had a message prob … now solved by reseting it. love u loads :)

hi there how are u all this is code for format nokia 5800 and u can applay when nokia has big problems . u have notes that u will lose every things when u applay this so u have to keep every things on u computer *#7370# if the mobile want key …u can add this ( 12345) and now ur mobile is new baybay

hello there, i have a problem with my 5800. i’ve installed one application ie the themes & screen saver which some of it do not compatible with the phone. after a while my dialler, contact button, call key(green) did not work. it did not even show the shorcut bar on the screen. what shuld i do? does anyone know how to fix the probs..please

I was recently upgrading software on my nokia5800 xpress music to v31.0.101 but it disconnected and the screen went blank. when i press the start button it started vibrating and the screen is blank. the only way to stop this is when i removed the battery. please help me out

I am afraid you have to send it to Nokia service center. The firmware most likely corrupted.

¡Muchas gracias! You just made my day! De Verdad. hahaha :) Im SO happy! Thank you thank you thank you. ) :)


I am having the problem with the key guard as explained. but i tried hard reset but it is not working. the key combination is not working on my phone. I have recently updated the firmware but not aware of he version…

hi. i have a problem with my 5800. my dialler, contact button, call key(green) did not work. it did not even show the shorcut bar on the screen. what shuld i do? does anyone know how to fix the probs..please

hi, have the same problem as himeshan. will hard reset help?

I am not sure will that help.

If the touchscreen is physically faulty, then certainly you need to replace it.

If it is just a touchscreen calibration issue, then likely you can fix it by using the touchscreen calibration function.

hi. i have a problem with my 5800. my dialler, contact button, call key(green) did not work. it did not even show the shorcut bar on the screen. what shuld i do? does anyone know how to fix the probs..please HELP…………… PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

I tried this method for the 5800 Express Music and it works. ¡Gracias!

whenever i receive a call with nokia xpress 5800 the touch screen deactivates or when i am even making it deactivates. u can only use the red and green buttoms to receive calls. i need help please.

to milkie: i had the same problems with the shortcuts, contacts and dial-pad not working. just use the hard reset settings. the green, red and camera button at the same time, hold them all and press the power button last. hold them until the”Nokia” logo appears. do this while the phone is off or else it wont work. but remember to backup all contacts and the stuff you want on your memory card. it works like a charm now!

Good luck from your Norwegian friend

hey guyz...i just want to ask what would i do if the icons on my home screen won’t work? i’m using the shortcut bar theme right now, but the icons are blank and the contact and dial button doesn’t work either. can someone help me pls. ^o^

oh, one more thing..the web browser doesn’t work either even if i click it several times again and again..pls help me. this is very important to me.

@taylana: i had exactly the same problem as you. took a hard reset. worked for me. ymmv.

may i know, what is da prblm when i just update my 5800 new version, da contact bar at da homescreen not function. how 2 settle dia problm.

Paul Echevarria 27-02-10@13:40

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It worked for me…..I had the same problem..I downloaded a lot of apps at the OVI and next thing I know, The Application menu won’t open (it keeps on saying that the memory is full) then whenever I turn off my phone, it won’t open!!…the the shortcut menu disappeared…it was horrible. But thank God I opened this website…

I reset my Nokia 5800 by pressing green red and camera button for my reset, after it shows select current region. i was not able to select the option. how to over come this problem.

Olu what happened with your phone? I have the same problem and I was wondering if nokia service center were able to fix it?

Keypad of my Nokia 5800 is not working after I update my phone. Icons in the home screen are not working for any homescreen theme… can’t open the dialer and the contact from the homescreen. Can somebody help me please… This drives me crazy. ^o^

My Nokia 5800 not working properly. Its contact bar, dialler and short cut bar not working. What I cam do?

hi guys! i have a nokia 5800 and the touch screen is no longer woring o it, and i have reset i when you press the green, red & camera buttons but now i cant select the current region please could somebody help?

Hola. I have a one year old Nokia 5800 with the lates firmware, but the issues are that I can’t use my call button nor can I open the keypad or the contacts from the home screen, your menthod didn’t work because of the green key failure.

Please help, it quite bothers me to have these not working since they’re used very often.

Gracias por tu tiempo.

SEEKING HELP 12-04-10@00:19

i forgot my phone lock for nokia 5800 i did a hard reset, yet still not able to enter the initial code (12345)

hi and thanks for the tips.

This is how I’ve done my HARD RESET when my keypad and contact icon stop working with all shortcut icon when missing (on N5800). 1. Back-up all data using Nokia PC Suite. (because all inputted data, installed applications and settings will be erase, only factory data, applications and settings will remain.) 2. Remove memory card. 3. Press on the menu (white) button for few seconds until “Open applications” shortcuts with 2 icons appear 4. Press the call (green) button – the numeric keypad appear 5. Type this code *#7370#, then press “Yes” 6. Type your phone security lock code, then phone will restart 7. Enter all the settings for region, date, time, language. 8. Now your phone is reset to factory settings.

>Paul Echevarria February 27th, 2010 1:40 PM how u set ur full memory to normal..plz help

louis mbawuike 06-05-10@22:04

I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me if hard reset would restore the original phone memory capacity of the nokia 5800,i presently have the version v31.0.101…i cannot upgrade my firmware anymore because all i have on my phone memory is 4.1MB, i really need help…someone please tell me if hard reset would do just that for me..

One more thing, my music player normally crashes once in a while, i have to refresh the library severally before i get my songs back or completely restore my backed up files to the phone, some songs dont start from the begining, some do not even play at all while some do not even finish, i am really tired of this, backing up and restoring stresss..all these songs that seeem like they are corrupt play well on my laptop, the phone even jamms when some songs are playing,,


I suggest you backup you data files (songs, photos, etc) to computer and then delete them from phone memory.

In addition, uninstall programs that you don’t really use – if you only use it once in a blue moon, very likely you don’t need it at all!

If you don’t bother to keep the installed software and the data files, just give hard reset a try as you wish.

Aya Arabe 15-05-10@22:05

hi..i have the same problem as collin’s..the touchscreen of my nokia 5800 deactivates whenever i make calls..please help..i had it fixed in a local shop and they had me pay a large amount but to no avail..please help..

Aya Arabe 15-05-10@23:44

about my problem..i tried updating the software and it fixed my problem, though i don’t know how..just remember to make a back-up of all your data and contacts because i forgot and i lost tons of contacts and messages..XD

I am having problems with my Phone…when I Call some One? The Number will not Register and it will Tell me That No Dialled Numbers and when UI have a Missed Call or Received Call it will also Tell me The same to…when I receive a message I will have to switch Off and switch On The Phone again Before I Can see The message….Can you Help me Find Out what is wrong with it ?

Hi guys. I have a problem with my Nokia 5800 too. I can NOT send out text msgs. I recieve them, but unable to send. I want to restart the entire phone using factory settings but I have NO idea what my lock code is. I would truly appreciate your help, thank you. ]]

Colin Ryan 28-05-10@21:39

Nokia 5800 XPress Music Software Version 40.0.005

Wont accept my personal lock code, Have updated 2 previous Software Versions since I first set my personal lock code. Now it won’t accept it. I have tried the hard reset. HELP! PLEASE!

Please help. The internet on my Nokia 5800 won’t load and neither will the Ovi Store. When I press these buttons they come up for about 2 seconds and then cut off again. My ‘You Tube’ App is working and I am still receiving and sending e-mails via hotmail and so know that I have a connection. Any suggestions. Thanx.

hi there, thanks for the article, I have a problem that touch screen does not respond. so, I tried hard reset, my question is: does this hard reset delete contacts, messages, ect … from the phone memory (internal memory) OR it only reset factory settings without deleting the data?

If I recall correctly, this process will delete contents from phone memory. To be safe, always make a backup whenever possible.

Bhanu Shankar 22-06-10@05:56

You seem to solve all problem. I am unable to backup data on my memory card. It says ” Close other running programs and try again” and also says “Memory Full and couldn’t backup”. My MC is fresh and unused. Gracias

Is the Hard Reset working on Nokia 5800 Firmware V 50.5.

Hi there My keypad dialler icon & contacts icon not working – did a factory reset but still non responsive – PLEASE HELP

@Syler, maybe the touchscreen calibration could help.

Hi there, I have problem with my touchscreen icon which is not working. Already do hard reset (*#7370#) and calibrate. seem be working fine but after i connect with usb to my computer and tranfers data this problem happen again when i disconnect from my computer. Now i need to do hard reset again. Is it I need to do hard reset when i need to plug and unplug to my computer?

Eduardo Thanks man u suggetion help me a lot my phone is working now…..switch off phone. remove memory card, switch on again without memory card….then insert memory card

Hi, I am facing the same problem. The shortcuts are not visible and Dailer and Contact button on Home screen is not working.

I have done the Hard Reset many times but it is not asking me for Date & Time settings….

Can anyone please help…

my software version in 31.0.101

Guys when i insert ma memory card, it shows that, no memory card inserted….i dont whatz the problm….plz is there any method to solve this….

hi thanks for hard reset Nokia 5800 :)

my touchscreen is nt working…

i mean wen i click on left side..right side items get selected nd right side doenst work…nd my dialler nd cntact button on home scren do nt work..

so shall i replace my display or hard reset wil do….

my firmware version is V 50….plzzz help…my cell is NEW…

My phone is seriously messed up it seems. The thouch screen works for about 1 sec and then the phone starts vibrating as if i was pressing on the touch screen although I’m not. I’ve done the hard resetting and all that stuff but nothing seems to work ;( Is it just to go to the nokia center?

Thanks in advance!

i did the hard reset on my n5800 and it did restore to the factory setting as explained, however i never got the chance to back up my files, music, pictures, videos and phonebook…and they are all gone.

while the phone works well now, i have to reconstruct everything from scratch but sadly picture memories lost forever. but thanks for the tip, at least it saved me the trouble of bringing it to a nokia service center which may take days before it gets fixed or i didnt have to buy a new phone. lesson learned though…..BACK UP EVERYTHING.

hey guys, i got nokia 5233 but i forget my phone lock code now what should i do i even hard rest it but still code remains the same plzzz help guys

Hello I need help with my 5800, two problems I’ve got 1) I need an unlock code as I forgot d one I used…now I can’t reset cos it keeps asking for security code which I don’t av…any default code I can use. 2) My files keep getting corrupted…my songs, videos & pix keeps getting deleted by itself, I’ve lost so many precious items. I can’t refresh my songs cos it’s not showing in d gallery, same with my pix and videos. any help!

My touchscreen is not working at all. I did a hard reset and I can’t even select the country. What shall I do now? please help.

i formet my nokia 5800 from u r trick….but i forget my seurity code….if i enter default code’s says wrong how can i get my seaurity code..plzz tell me esay trick

hey there, my music library doznt refresh, i cant add songs 2 my music player, plz help

Ziad HD 13-09-10@13:09

i have nokia 5800 i tried several times the hard format by using the combination key format as in the above but it did not work with my phone at all. OS Version: V 11.0.009 thanks

Kristal Cielo Buemio 30-09-10@23:06

will i lose all the messages in my inbox. I need some information there

Yes, the format will delete all user data in phone memory, including those sms in message inbox.

hi, i have a problem with my nokia 5800. i had changed the code 12345 and forgot the new code. i tried the recovery code using imei code but still the code is not changing. will some1 help me i wanted to reset the phone using the green button+red button+camera button, it doesnt happen

thank you so much for this…wow we are ignorant…i nearly paid someone to fix…thank you..and now i can rebuild my phone just as i want it..

hi i am facing the problem in my 5800 XM as screen is not accepting the tapping on icons. even i hv formatted the cell. problem still exsits, can i get the help to fix this problem ,

i unable to open phone lock, i try 12345 still can not to open. pls advise me.

HELP. i think my phone has a virus (from my office PC). Can’t get into memory card..all contents have. lnk or. LNK, and phone says cannot read these files. lost all my songs (over 1000). downloaded some songs last night n wen i tried to refresh it all vanished…downloaded some more and wen i checked, the previous ones also showed up. wat’s happening? thanx in advance

my n5800xm usually restarts after i make any settings. is that how it is? someone help me please.

thank you so help me a lot reformatting my N 5800..thnx for sharing..

Hi, i bought a Nokia 5800 mx fone last december and it worked fine. then one morning i checked my fone and it was just black screen, it would turn on but nothing else. so i asked a friend who had a similar problem and he said to buy a new screen, so i did that, but now it only shows half the screen with lines running through it and the other half of the screen is just a static color… what should i do?

You should sent it to Nokia Care Centre for repair instead of simply paying for the screen replacement…sorry to hear that.

Graham M 23-12-10@20:56

Hi, please could you help, I drove over my 5800, it fell out of the car and I drove off before I noticed! I fitted a new LCD and digitiser panel, but now it appears something else is wrong, when I switch it on, the lower 40% of the screen is grayed out, the upper 60% shows what should be shown, but is offset to the right, so the last centimeter of the right hand side of what is displayed appears on the left of the screen! I did a hard reset, but its not helped, now I can’t even set the region, I can scroll through them, so I know the digitiser is working, but unable to make a selection as I cant see what is displayed in the grayed out part, but even if I could, it does not explain why the display is offset. Also, there a scrolling bar going through the visible part of the display at a 45 degree angle.

Amazing experience! Am sorry for can’t help. Please send it to certified service center for checking.

my camera is not working, when im pressing the camera button there no response, but when i look at application manager it’s only reading and when i open it, i cannot open it. i tried the soft reset and hard reset, but it did not work..everyone help me with my problem with my phone nokia 5800 xpressmusic.

thks a lot..its work on my 5800 xpress music. i’ve format my phone because it wont turn on perfectly. it only shown NOKIA word. I just followed the step. i press GREEN, RED and CAMERA BUTTON TOGETHER then press the ON OFF button (this one my sister help me. its hard to do it alone: )..thnks again..

hi ive got a china make nokia 5900 xpressmusic copy of the nokia 5800 xpressmusic i cant get the gprs n wap setting in south africa can anyone help i tried the reset code *#7370# nothing works

I have a Nokia Xpress Music 5800. If i connect to the net via vlive and then go to google and type in a search, the phone hangs or freezes and i have to end the packet data and try again. I have been using the net on my phone succesfully for months and now all of a sudden this is happening. My service provider says there is nothing wrong with vlive and that it must either be google or the software, but as i have stated i have used the net from my phone for months with no problems until now. Any ideas?

Hey there, i have a problem with my Nokia Xpress Music 5800,whenever i turn on my phone it’ll always auto connect to the internet without asking me first whether i want to connect it or not. Although i’ve try to disconnect it many times, also search for any solution in the internet then apply it to my phone. But still auto connect to internet..

I’m very frustrated with it. I have wasted a lot of my money having to fill out my phone prepaid so many times and i almost fed up to find the solution of this prob..Should i js threw my phone away and buy a new one or what ?

This is my last hope..I am very pleased if this walker@magician team or anyone here can help me with my prob. help me plss. Nadie. I can’t take this anymore :-(((

@Kim, you need to check the settings of apps installed on phone – prevent them from automatically connecting to Internet.

Ovi Maps, for example, might automatically connect to Internet (i. e. Settings > Internet > Connection)

I have some news widget installed, which periodically connect to Internet too.

If there is virus, you might able to fix it by formatting the phone and wipe off the memory (backup important data first before doing so!).

Ok, i’ll try it..thanks very much dude..u’re my savior, lol .

sohail soomro 02-02-11@01:24

hi guys….recently i tried to update my phone to the latest firmware….but suddenly during the update a error message showed up stating that “Connection is lost”…after that i disconnected the phone usb and had to remove the battery(as the white screen would not go)… my phone does not start…on pressing the switch on button it simply vibrates for a few seconds and does nothing else…pls help me

The firmware is likely corrupted during the update. Please send it to authorized Nokia center for repair.

IRFAN AKHTAR 08-02-11@17:11

Hey there, i have a problem with my Nokia Xpress Music night picture quality are not good compare then n70 & n72.Plz help me

It is known issue and am afraid only Nokia can fix if they willing to give a hand.

The picture quality of N73 is much better than 5800.

Hello there, I need your help !

So, I have a nokia 5800 expressmusic and the software version is the latest by far, v 52.0.007. The problem with my phone is that, the memory card keeps on getting corrupted so I have to format it over and over again. My music library won’t show any songs I have lately (as in, ‘no songs’) though I can play them through the file manager. And the most annoying one is, I can’t change the theme. Whenever I went to settings – personal – themes, the screen faded and then went blank to restart itself. Is it because I installed too many themes. I have like, 20 or so. It also does that everytime I watch videos on youtube for too long.

How can I fix these problems.

Oh, and does the hard reset will erase phone memory too ?

I am not sure why your memory card corrupted so frequently and easily. It could be a bugs in one of the installed apps?

Yes, hard reset does erase phone memory.

My problem is that my Nokia 5800 won’t turn on. it will only vibrate when I press the ON button and I’ve tried to restore the factory setting but it’s still the same. It will only vibrate. *sigh*

Is there any site which offers flash lite 4 for nokia 5800?

it worked out pretty well 4 me tooo…thanx a lot dude………….phone was completely formatted wid all data gone …..

It should be updated during firmware upgrade.

Kiran kumar 03-04-11@23:52

Hai bro, i am having many complaints with my nokia 5800. My files in the memory card become unable to open. Is this because of too many softwares. mostly, The download folder of uc browser become automatically deleted after downloading above 50 files more or less. And the problem starts…

mike perry 04-04-11@19:28

Hi all i have a problem with my nokia 5800 xpress it turns on and i can see the back light is on but my screen is totally black as if it is still turned off you can still receive calls and take pictures and all that but can see nothing.

vincent sauteur 29-05-11@16:49

thx for the help. it helps me a lot… thank you very much. )

i was very worried when my nokia 5800 suddenly hang and could not be log in. though i restarted so many times (by pulling of the batry). dont know due to virus or due to lack of memory or corrupted memory. but the red+green+camera buttun sure solved my problem. (saved a couple of dollars if to format at a hp shop). Thanx a million…

HI. I’m am trying to follow the process of reformatting my 5800d but still nothing happened. All I see is my keypad and a grayed out asterisk key. May you please provide me some other possible solutions? I’m deeply frustrated with this problem. Gracias por adelantado.

hi i’m april… i have a problem in my phone 5800… i just want to know if why i can’t turn on my phone but it’s vibrating when i’m trying to turn it on…i hope you can help me… Por favor. gracias

Hi all i have a problem with my nokia 5800 xpress. The turn on key is somehow broken – and i have no clue how to power on my mobile. Can someone please help? I need a back back of my phone contacts!!

i left my 5800 updating last night and when i woke up the phone was off i switched it on but got a screen problem the bottom half is like fuzzy and the top half looks like the right hand part of the screen is now on the left and vice vurser but only small part of screen was working and i have zig zag lines moving on the right part of the screen could you plz help me hard reset does`nt work

hi, my 5800 dont update anymore, suspecting something wrong when i last time i tried… Everytime i try to connect to internet my phone prompts saying invalid server so tried to hard reset again using above and asked for configuration setting to open up. But reply to me tells me that my imei was invalid, anyone pls tell me what to do.?pls help me

hey walker does the hard reset work for the firmware version v52.0.007?

I haven’t tested that myself but I think no harm if you want to try it.

E. K. Prem 19-09-11@01:10

Nokia Xpressmusic 5800, forgot lock codes, did hard reset, it worked, then I upgraded to V.52.0.007. It got locked and cant open. After power on it is asking for lock code. Please help

my touch screen is not showing pictures properly, lines are coming. after locking and unlocking several times all gets right but again wrong when i lock my phone

my 5800 won’t play music from the memory card. if i try to refresh the library it stops automatically w/out refreshed songs. now my music player won’t open anymore…please help. tnx

hy there my 5800 won’t open after i do the hard reset (*#7370# n 12345) it appear all black and can not do anything even i try u suggestion (green, red n camera)it wont open or any logo not appear, plz help me i love my 5800xm very the much. tnx

hi. i m lisan..i tried that three security code(green, red and camera shutter)but no Nokia appears….now pls give me a suggestion,,how to hard reset 5800xpm in another way?…pls need help….

hi guys i am havin problems with my express music. i changed the lock code from the original and then decided i didnt want a lock code soi removed it. now i cant enter a new lock code as it keeps saying error code. por favor, ayúdame

i need help, my 5800 is not showing the images i have on my memory card in the gallery. this happened as a result of me updating my firmware to the v60.

the format didn’t work with my nokia 59800 :s i don’t know why:(. also i’ve tried to download latest version of nokia store and what’s application it said that the expired certificate. plllz help

hi. i m Imran..i tried that three security code(green, red and camera shutter)but no Nokia appears….now pls give me a suggestion,,how to hard reset 5800xpm custom version 11.0.009 in another way?…pls need help….

I downloaded the latest music player version in my N5800 Xpress music but i am not able to find where it got downloaded. As a result, am not able to play any music file as i am getting the error msg “File type not supported”.Will hard reset cure this problem?)(ie)will my music player be again in old version after hard reset?

I downloaded the latest music player version in my N5800 Xpress music but i am not able to find where it got downloaded. As a result, am not able to play any music file as i am getting the error msg “File type not supported”.Will hard reset cure this problem?)(ie)will my music player be again in old version after hard reset?

Hard reset wipes off user data and settings, effectively resetting the phone to factory default state.

Repair guides » Nokia 5800 Xpress Music disassembly

If you want to buy a replacement screen, screwdrivers and other parts, you can order from us here - Nokia 5800 Xpress Music screen

Tools required for disassembly: Torx 5 screwdriver. plastic tool such as a guitar plectrum or credit card.

Remove your back cover, battery, sim, stylus and memory card. Remove the four screws you can see then pull the coloured outer band at various points in the direction shown by the arrows below. This will release the clips holding the band in place. Your phone should now look like below. The key lock sliding button will also come away with the coloured band. Release the front cover in the same way you released the coloured band, pulling at various points around its outer edge. Start near the bottom as there is a ribbon cable at the top of the phone which can be damaged if too much force is applied to it. Lift the cover up and back so that it looks like the photo below. Note that it is still attached by a ribbon cable at the top of the phone so don't try and separate it from the rest of the phone just yet. Lever the keypad off. Just slide your plastic tool underneath the keypad to release it. Now slide your plastic tool under the LCD screen. It should come away with little force. Then lift the LCD up and over so it sits on top of the front cover. Again, it is still attached by ribbons so it can't be removed completely yet. With the LCD slipped over, your phone should now look like below. Remove the two screws you can see and the battery compartment will come loose. Below you see the battery compartment removed. I have also flipped the front cover and LCD back over to cause less stress on the ribbons whilst performing the next action (and taking the photo). A ribbon connector is circled below. It attaches like a plug and socket. Just lever it away from the circuit board to disconnect it. Note that the connector, circled at the bottom of the picture is the one you disconnected in the stage above. Now lift the circuit board up to access some more ribbon connectors. Again it attaches like a plug and socket. Just lever it away from the circuit board to disconnect it. The connector circled below, left, again attaches like a plug and socket. Just lever it away from the circuit board to disconnect it. The other connector is slightly different. The brown part at the top of the connector is a latch. Pull this up, towards you then pull the circuit board away from the rest of the phone and the ribbon will slide out. Your phone should now look like below. The front cover, screen and main body of the phone will now be loose and can be separated. Your phone should now look like below. You can now replace the LCD screen. Reverse the whole procedure for reassembly. If you've found this disassembly guide useful, please support formymobile. co. uk and order the tools and parts you need from our site. We ship worldwide! If you have any questions about how to take apart and repair your broken Nokia 5800 Xpress Music, email rob. lee@formymobile. co. uk. Or post a comment below for further help with Nokia 5800 Xpress Music disassembly.

If you want to buy a replacement screen, screwdrivers and other parts, you can order from us here - Nokia 5800 Xpress Music screen

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The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic . the first touchscreen phone powered by Symbian Series 60 5th Edition was introduced in October 2008 and hit the markets during November 2008 . Since it’s release, Nokia has had great success with the phone selling millions of units worldwide.

Initially the 5800 was available in Blue and Red variants which were, in time followed by a Black/Silver variant. A 5800 Navigation Edition was announced recently to celebrate the success of the 5800 .

The Nokia 5530 XpressMusic was announced as a variant to the 5800 XpressMusic in June 2009 and is set to release worldwide in August 2009. The Indian release is scheduled for 25th August 2009 .

At first glance, both the handsets appear to be the same feature wise. However, these handsets are quite different despite them sharing a lot of similarities.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each compared to the other? Well thats what will be explained below.

Since the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic was the first handset, let’s have look at it’s features first.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Features :

111 x 51.7 x 15.5 mm, 109 grams

3.2 inch Resistive Touchscreen, 360*640 Resolution

81MB Memory, 128MB RAM, micro-SD Card Slot (8GB Card Included)

GPRS, HSCSD, EDGE, 3G, HSDPA, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, micro-USB

3.15 Megapixel Camera, Autofocus, LED Flash, Carl Zeiss Optics

VGA Video Recording at 30Fps, Secondary Video Call Camera

S60 5th Edition, 434mhZ Processor

GPS with A-GPS support

1320 mAH Battery, 3.5mm Audio Jack

Nokia 5530 XpressMusic Features :

104 x 49 x 13 mm, 107 grams

2.9 inch Resistive Touchscreen, 360*640 Resolution

70MB Memory, 128MB RAM, micro-SD Card Slot (4GB Card Included)

GPRS, HSCSD, EDGE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, micro-USB

3.15 Megapixel Camera, Autofocus, LED Flash

VGA Video Recording at 30Fps

S60 5th Edition, 434mhZ Processor

1000 mAH Battery, 3.5 mm Audio Jack

By looking at the specifications, we can realise that the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is more feature packed than the Nokia 5530 XpressMusic.

Things that the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic has but the Nokia 5530 XpressMusic lacks:


3G and HSDPA

Carl Zeiss Optics

Video Call Camera

The 5800 XpressMusic also has a bigger screen and a bigger capacity battery.

The 5530 XpressMusic also has some advantages such as being smaller in size and having a more attractive design.

But the main point of introducing a handset with lesser features is to create a cheaper version of the 5800 for the people who can’t afford to purchase the 5800 or even for the people who do not use all the 5800 features. Thus the touchscreen mania helps to reach a wider audience.

Nokia 5800 Firmware v31.0.0.15 update inbound

Nokia 5800 Firmware v31.0.0.15 update inbound

Is this the biggest Nokia/Lumia fan in the UK?

Best Nokia Lumia Windows Phone price deals for August 2014

Celebrate Nokia Devices and Services and Microsoft Rube Goldberg style

The Nokia 5800 is about to get a firmware update to v31.0.0.15 . taking it from the current firmware v21.0.0.25 in the process. There are no firm details of what the Nokia 5800 v31.0.0.15 update will consist of but we’ve video proof that it’s on the way. To find out more about the Nokia 5800 firmware update, join us after the jump….

The Nokia 5800 firmware currently stands at v21.0.0.25 and brought with it a whole host of fixes for stability and even allowed for easier use of the secondary camera. Now it seems we’re about to get a similar jump in terms of functionality and user benefits.

No official word has come out of Nokia about the Nokia 5800 Firmware v31.0.0.15 update but a rather eagle eyed user over at Fone Arena spotted the update in the new Ovi Suite 2.0 video being shown over at Nokia Conversations . Play the video to 0.57 seconds and you’ll clearly see the Nokia 5800 Firmware v31.0.0.15 update installing.

With no word of when the update will hit or what it will entail, we can only guess to its full contents but will it have a new Homescreen in keeping with the announced Nokia 5530 XpressMusic or will it take advantage of Widgets on the Homescreen, as we’ve seen on the Nokia N97 ?

Check out our Nokia N97 Homescreen review for more details

As soon as we know details of what the Nokia 5800 Firmware v31.0.0.15 update will consist of, we’ll let you know. In the mean time, check out the Nokia Ovi Suite 2.0 video :

Is this the biggest Nokia/Lumia fan in the UK?

Best Nokia Lumia Windows Phone price deals for August 2014

Celebrate Nokia Devices and Services and Microsoft Rube Goldberg style

Is this the biggest Nokia/Lumia fan in the UK?

Best Nokia Lumia Windows Phone price deals for August 2014

Celebrate Nokia Devices and Services and Microsoft Rube Goldberg style

google play store for nokia 5800

Free application for Nokia phones that lets you edit, synchronize and back up many of your phone's files Nokia PC Suite is a package of Windows-based PC applications developed especially for use with Nokia phones. Depending on your phone model, Nokia PC Suite lets you edit, synchronize and back up.

Size:31.73 MB | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

With PC Suite for Nokia 3650, you can share information between a compatible PC and your phone, install software on the phone, configure phone settings, and make backups of phone files. You can also synchronise your calendar, contacts and tasks with Microsoft and Lotus applications, copy and move im.

Size:31.81 MB | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Nokia PCsuite is a program that helps connect a Nokia mobile phone with a computer. It has a set of features available in it that allows a user to Backup files (on the phone) and synchronize the calendar, contacts, etc. with the computer. The Backup Manager, called Nokia Content Copier, can.

Size:40.9 MB | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Tags Realated to google play store for nokia 5800 :

Additional Files, related to google play store for nokia 5800 :

Size:46.2 MB | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

With PC Suite for Nokia 6600, you can share information between a compatible PC and your phone, install software on the phone, configure phone settings, and make backups of phone files. You can also synchronise your calendar, contacts and tasks with Microsoft and Lotus applications, copy and move im.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

GoogleTranslator for Skype is a fast and easy-to-use translation add-on for Skype. It allows you to communicate with a friend who doesn’t know your language. Using this program you can make new friends from all over the world and chat with them in your native language. GoogleTranslator for Sky.

Size:555.32 KB | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Note that this is not the same as translation -- it is the sound of the words that is converted from one alphabet to the other, not their meaning. Converted content will always be in Unicode. Google Transliteration IME is currently available for 22 different languages - Amharic, Arabic, Bengali, Fa.

Size:554 KB | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Note that this is not the same as translation -- it is the sound of the words that is converted from one alphabet to the other, not their meaning. Converted content will always be in Unicode. If you want to use IME with any application like notepad, you must first open the application and then open.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Modem drivers Use your phone as a data modem for a compatible Windows-based PC. Unless otherwise noted, modem drivers require Windows XP or 2000. Please note: PC Suite includes all of the drivers and management features you need to use your phone as a modem. For easiest modem installation, Nokia re.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Bonrix SMS Server 4 Nokia CDMA 1.0 - Group SMS Software Bonrix SMS Server 4 Nokia CDMA is group SMS software for various purposes such as marketing through SMS and election campaign. It is compatible with latest Nokia CDMA mobile phones. It can be used to develop SMS system such as Bulk/Group SMS s.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Nokia Multimedia Factory 1.3 is a special add-on for your Nokia phone. With this tool it is possible to use your system for creating multimedia messages to be sent via your mobile. The tool allows you to easily get through with creating and handling of messages with images, video and audio clips. Wi.

Tamaño: | Licencia: Shareware | Date:2011-11-07

Nokia Video Converter Factory Pro is a powerful video converter and editor that can help you to adapt videos in almost any popular format to your Nokia multimedia phone or any other multimedia player supporting the 3GP or MP4 format. The program has a user-friendly interface that lets you convert an.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Free Nokia Video Converter Factory is an all-in-one video converter for your Nokia phone. It’s capable of converting videos of all pop formats, like AVI, MPEG, WMV, FLV, RM, MDV, 3GP, MP4, etc. It also can convert all formats of audio like MP3, AAC, WMA, WAV, AC3, MP2, etc. Free Nokia Video.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Nokia Video Converter Factory is a free video converter. It is an application that was designed for one task: conversion of video files for playback on Nokia mobile phones. Thus, all the conversion profiles available are optimized for a number of Nokia handsets. The list of profiles is neatly organi.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Nokia Map Loader downloads maps of over 200 countries to your PC which can be transferred to Nokia Maps on a mobile device (both available for free on the the download page). Once the map is transferred to a mobile device, it can be used any place at any time saving on mobile data service costs. T.

Tamaño: | Licencia: Shareware | Date:2011-11-07

Nokia Video Converter Factory Pro is a professional video program for you to enjoy the multimedia on all of Nokia cell phones. It supports convert all video formats to MP4, 3GP, FLV, WMV, AVI video formats and AAC, MP3, WMA, WAV audio formats. It also allow you merge, cut, crop video/audio files and.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Wallpaperio Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Maker is a free wallpaper maker that creates wallpapers from pictures and photos so you can personalize your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. The software can read many types of picture files (jpg, gif, png) and lets you into resize them into the proper size of your Nokia 5.

Tamaño: | License:Freeware | Date:2011-11-07

Videora Nokia Converter is a free multi-format video converter. Videora converters have great format support. They can open pretty much every standard video format. I generally test these applications with MKV and AVI files, and Videora Nokia Converter had no problems with those formats. The applica.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Review - Part 1


The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is Nokia's first current generation touchscreen phone, featuring a 3.2" display, 3.5G data, WiFi, GPS, a TV out port and a built-in accelerometer.

It's a little on the expensive side in the UK at the moment, retailing at around £350 for a SIM-free version, but prices should soon head down to European levels of about €330 (£260), and the 5800 XpressMusic is free on most decent contracts.

Is it any good? Well, yes. There's a lot to like about the 5800, but it does have a few flaws.

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic: Out of the box

The first thing that you will notice with the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is just how much is fitted into the relatively small box. If you're interesting in unboxing pictures, then we have a full set here: Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Unboxing .

Unlike some cheaper phones in the Nokia lineup, the 5800 XpressMusic includes everything you might need, including a carry case, 8 GB memory card, spare stylus, USB cable, TV out cable, wired headset and a lanyard. There's a small stand in the carry case bag, which enables the 5800 to be used easily on a desk.

It's a fairly plain looking device, despite some attempts at styling. It doesn't look as sexy as the iPhone, but on the other hand it does look like a Nokia and it's quite a pleasant, understated design.

The 3.2" 640 x 360 pixel screen is very crisp and clear when used indoors. Outside it does struggle a little with daylight conditions. It's a touch-sensitive panel which can be used either with the supplied stylus (which slides neatly into the back of the phone), or by using a finger.

Haptic feedback is used in the display - so when you click something, the phone vibrates. This seems like a good idea on paper, but in practice it is a bit annoying. Strangely, the screen vibrates slightly when you drag the stylus across it. Initially, we thought that there was grit or dirt on the display until we realised that it was just the screen vibrating slightly.

It's a remarkably compact device - the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is almost the same size as a normal mobile phone, we have compared it here with the Nokia N73.

The 5800 is about 20% lighter than the iPhone and it has a 20% smaller "footprint" también. Because it's no larger than a typical N-series phone, the Nokia 5800 should fit easily into a pocket or bag. The 3.2" display on the 5800 is smaller than the 3.5" panel on the Apple iPhone, but the 5800 has a much higher resolution.

While it lacks the "wow factor" of some other rival handsets, our first impressions of the 5800 were favourable.

Keypad Codes 1. *#0000# - Checking version of firmware. 2. *#7780# - Restore factory settings. 3. *#7370# - Soft reset (possible fix for 'Certificate Expired error' and 'System error' upon Search). 4. *#06# - Show IMEI. 5. *#2820# - Show address of bluetooth device. 6. pressing the [#] key alternately will toggle the General and Silent profiles. 7. long press on zero [0] will bring out bookmarks for the web. 8. long press on one [1] will bring out voice mailbox.

Here are few shortcut keys that might be helpful for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic owners.

* *#0000# Device(Firmware) and factory information.

* *#06# International Mobile Equipment Identity(IMEI) Number.

* *#7370# Soft reset your mobile with default password 12345

* *#2820# BlueTooth device address

* *#7380# Factory settings restore with default passwos 12345

* *#92702689# Go to Nokia's Life Timer.

* *#62209526# Mac address of Wi-Fi

* Turn off your mobile. Hold Red, Green and Camera button together and turn on the mobile to hard reset your mobile.

This Codes Are For Nokia Phones Only

- Show IMEI Code If you want to know what's the IMEI code of your phone, press: *#06#

- Sim Lock Information To check if the Sim-Clock can be stopped type: *#746025625#

- Software Version This code shows you software version, date of manufacture and hardware model number of your phone. * # 0000 #

- Show Service Menu To get additional information from your phone you can use the so called "warranty codes", try typing: *#92702689#

You'll get the following serial number manufactured date date of purchase (if entered) date of the last repair transfer user data (It may wok and it may not)

- Service Provider Lock The Service provider (SP) lock is used to lock the cell phone to the SP's SIM card. Once the cell phone is locked to a specific operator, if one inserts a SI M card from a different operator the phone will refuse to accept it! The cell phone will however accept another SIM card from the same operator. All Nokia phones (2110 and newer) have four different SIM locks which can be used to lock the phone for upto 4 different providers. But most phones with restriction only have one lock activated. ( lock 1)

The main code used in Nokia phones is: #pw+(master code)+Y# This code is able to check, activate or remove Sim card restriction (SP-lock). Use the * key to get the p, + and w characters. 'Y' has to be 1,2,3 or 4 - depending of what lock you what to deal with #pw+1234567890+1# for Provider-Lock status #pw+1234567890+2# for Network-Lock status #pw+1234567890+3# for Provider(. )-Lock status #pw+1234567890+4# for SimCard-Lock status (master code) is a 10 digit code, based on the phones IMEI number. (I can NOT give you the master c ode - SO DON'T ASK US FOR IT. ) e. g. To remove restriction on lock 1 type following code: #pw+(master code)+1 If you just want to check your phone use 10 random numbers Eg. 1234567890 as the (master code) eg. To check if phone if restricted on lock 1 type the following code: #pw+1234567890+1# To get "p" - Press "*" three times To get "w" - Press "*" four times To get "+" - Press "*" two times

Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR): On: Enter *3370# and EFR will be activated after a reboot of the phone ( consumes more power ) Off: Enter #3370# and EFR will be switched off after a reboot of the phone. Half Rate Codec: This function is NOT available on 8810 Enhanced Full Rate will give you much better sound quality when you enable it. The new Enhanced Full Rate CODEC adopted by GSM uses the ASELP (AlgebraicCode Excitati on Linear Prediction) compression technology. This technology allows for much great voice quality in the same number of bits as the older Full Rate CODEC. The older technology was called LPC-RPE (Linear Prediction Coding with Regular Pulse Excitation). Both operate at 13 kilobits. (but you take up more space on thenetwork, so they can charge you more) - Talk-time is reduced with about 5% Half Rate will give you bad soundquality, which gives the serviceprovider the to have more calls on the network, and you might get a lower charge from them. - Will give you 30% longer talk-time.

Phone Reset 1. Soft reset: *#7370# 2. Hard reset (aka. 3-finger salute; will only work with firmware v20.0.012): Note: This reset will delete all data from the phone memory. 2.1 Switch off the phone 2.2 Hold down the following three buttons: Green button, Red button, and the camera button. 2.3 While holding these buttons, hold the power button for a second to switch on the phone. 2.4 Release when the phone shows the Nokia hands logo or shows other signs of life like the language selection screen. 2.5. The Default code is still 12345.

Changing font You can use any Open Type Font (.OTF) from your PC usually found in C:\Windows\Fonts. True Type fonts (.TTF) do not work correctly and should be avoided they can cause errors. 1. Creating a folder called "Fonts" 2. Place font files into the folder. 3. Connect the phone in "Mass Storage" mode to your PC. 4. Copy the "Fonts" folder into the Resource folder. 5. Restart your phone and you should see the new fonts. 6. To reset phone to the original default font, simply delete the Fonts folder and restart phone.

Short cut Main menu->Settings->Personal->Home Screen->Shortcuts bar

Organize Main menu Main menu->Applications->Options->Organise and move various applications using the drag and drop feature.

Green, and Menu buttons 1. A long press on the Green button will activate the Voice command function. If you ask the phone 'What time is it?' it will respond by telling you the time. If you ask phone 'Device Manager', it will. 2. A long press on the Menu button that opens up the Main menu will make the handset display the Task manager, which will show what applications you have opened.

Organize your sms by grouping them like outlook: Messaging->Option->Setting->Text message->Other->Show messages in groups->Yes

shortcut to exit application Press and hold the middle white button then press and hold the program that you wish to quit, an open/exit option will pop out (useful for those haven't install handy taskman yet)

handwriting input - slide from left to right is Spacebar - slide from right to left is Backspace

1. Always turn off wireless scanning, Bluetooth when not in use 2. For those not using 3G, choose your network mode to “GSM” instead of “Dual mode” which will consume more battery. Settings -> Connectivity -> Network mode -> GSM 3. Less Display Light a. Setting -> Phone -> Display -> light sensor (move the slider to the left) b. Setting -> Phone -> Display -> Light Time-Out (lesser time to save battery but annoying if too short while you are playing games) 4. Always terminate the application properly that is not using by using Option ->Exit. It might be running background and consuming battery which you don’t know.

Camera & Picture tips ================ 1. Some noise could be reduced if set the ISO sensitivity to low instead of auto.

2. When viewing pictures, you could use your stylus to view for previous (slide left) or next (slide right) picture like iphone feature.

Video ==== For converting video that is high quality to play at 5800, should use the mp4 format as below (All is 16:9 widescreen): a) Xvid @ 678kbps resolution 480×272 b) Xvid @794kpbs resolution 640×352 c) H.264 @ 512kbps resolution 400×224 d) H.264 @ 550kbps resolution 400×224 (Recommended)

Reset nokia 5800 xpressmusic

How to reset Nokia 5800 xpressMusic mobile phone

How to perfom a hard reset Nokia 5800 xpressMusic

To complete a hard reset Nokia 5800 xpressMusic . press *#7370# and press Dial. Your cellphone will probably ask for the security code that is 12345 by default. Considering that the hard reset will certainly remove all data in your telephone, you need to back up crucial data just before executing a hard reset.

How to perfom a soft reset Nokia 5800 xpressMusic

When you need to soft reset Nokia 5800 xpressMusic . you need to press *#7780# and then press Dial. The standard security code is 12345. When you do this, your cellular phone may come back again to original factory status, however you will not necessarily loose personal data. It is better to generate a backup previous to executing any kind of reset.

Or Turn the device off Press and hold Answer + Reject + Camera keys Turn on the devide by pressing the ON button. Wait until the Nokia logo appear.

Nokia 5800 xpressMusic specifications

Software platform S60 5th edition, Symbian OS version 9.4 Form: Classic with full touch user interface Dimensions: 111 x 51.7 x 15.5 mm Weight: 109 g Volume: 83 cc Touch user interface optimised for one-hand use with tactile feedback Main display Size: 3.2″ Resolution: 640 x 360 pixels (nHD) Operating frequency WCDMA 900/2100, GSM/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900, WCDMA 850/1900 Data network CSD, HSCSD, GPRS/EDGE class B, multislot class 32, maximum speed 296/177 kbps (DL/UL), WCDMA 2100/900 with simultanous voice and packet data, maximum speed PS 384/384 kbps (UL/DL), CS maximum speed 64 kbps, HSDPA cat 6, maximum speed 3.6 Mbps (DL), WLAN IEEE 802.11 b/g (3G version only) TCP/IP support Camera 3.2 megapixel camera (2048 x 1536 pixels) Image formats: JPEG Carl Zeiss optics 3x digital zoom Autofocus Dual LED flash Flash modes: On, off, automatic, red-eye reduction White balance modes: automatic, sunny, cloudy, incandescent, fluorescent Centre weighted auto exposure; exposure compensation: +2

-2EV at 0.5 step Normal, Sepia, Black&White, Vivid, Negative Dedicated camera key Landscape (horizontal) orientation Photo editor on device Direct printing to compatible picture printers Video Main camera Video recording at up to 640 x 480 pixels and up to 30 fps (TV high quality), up to 640 x 352 pixels and up to 30 fps (widescreen quality), up to 320 x 240 pixels and up to 30 fps/15 fps (email high/normal quality), up to 176 x 144 and up to 15 fps (sharing quality) Front camera for video calling

If you have question about reset nokia 5800 xpressmusic classic leave a message

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(Light) Обзор Nokia 5230, Nokia 5530 и Nokia 5800

Дмитрий Авраменко: у кого не встанет?

Тимур Мурзалиев: пожалуйста подскажите я собираюсь телефон купить и не знаю какую выбирить нокиа5230 или нокиа5800 или нокиа 5530

drums122: 5530 ра3ве стерео? везде писалось что моно

Vlademi Googl: ты прав но уже это не актуально=)

luntyks96: У меня был 5530 и 5800 я так скажу, что 5530 работал намного быстрее и грузил музыку(весом в 500мб) быстро очень

Ilya2d: там одинаковые пршивки

theKuzAn21: Сейчас это лучше вообще не брать!

Alexandr Bradich: берите 5530!туда всё равно можно будет карты бесплатно закачать!5800 быстро украдут, да и за эти деньги можно купить 700.5230 средняя её тоже можно купить. Главное мнение за вами!

Valera IiI: как по мне лутше всего 5800!5530 тож норм. но очень уж маленький екран((( а 5230 вообще говно из говна ошипка природи. тока дибил может купить 5230 вместо 5800!!

Olezka100: Отличное видео, я тоже видел по моему в евросети чтоли можно так подходить и смотреть :)

METALDEMON100: Pinches arabes..

TheVilniusNews: Nokia 5800 хуйня с меню выгледит страшно у меня все красиво

Rayvideot: i have got nokia 5230 phone.

BekaRonaldo9: 5530 просто суппппер. Он у меня уже больше года и все у него супер.

Ilyas97kz: mne kazhetsya wto 5530 i 5230 luchwe chem nokia 5800!

Dimarik2311: норм тел 5230 уже как 9 месяцев пользуюсь и не разу не подвел только высат что белый но тема черная меня устраивает

artyom Fedorov: Как думаете 5230 норм выбор. не глючит =) =\ могу даже карту не вставлять

artyom Fedorov: я думаю 5530 и 5230 лучше чем пафос 5800 сделаный из пластмасса

MysteryAlfa: 5230 имхо лучшее из этих, не дорого и самое нужное есть, а вай-фай мне не нужен, есть коммуникатор, так и не пользовался вафлей ниразу, зато ЖПС в машину не помешает. Камера в телефонах всё равно не заменит даже самый простой фотик, а для случайных снимков и расписания и т. п.- 2 мегапикселя хватит.

Ascent1989: @neyman4ik Сам ты бред я выложил видео посмотри и всё поймёшь у меня в моих видео оно есть называется реальная разница. Подписка конечно не спорю говно и она нахрен не нужна а сам аппарат отличный.

(Light) Обзор Nokia 5230, Nokia 5530 и Nokia 5800 5 out of 5

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Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is Nokia's first touchscreen mobile phone. Featuring a 3.2 inch TFT touch screen with hand writing recognition, the 5800 is the perfect music phone thanks to support for a wealth of file formats including MP3 and AAC, a 3.5mm headphone jack and expandable memory up to 16GB. The Clearance 5800 is a Symbian smart phone meaning you can download and install new applications, has a 3.2 Megapixel camera, HSDPA and Wi-Fi connectivity and GPS.



2G: Europe & USA ( GSM 850Mhz/ GSM 900Mhz/ GSM 1800Mhz/ GSM 1900Mhz )

3G: Europe ( UMTS 2100Mhz )

Type: Music-phone

Form: Monoblock

Announced: 01/10/2008

Dimension: 111x52x16 mm

Weight: 109 g

Primary display

Type: TFT

Resolution: 360 x 640

Colors: 16M

Touchscreen: Yes

Size: 3.2'


Type: Li-Ion

Capacity: 1420 mAh

Stand by time: 406 h

Talk time: 8.75 h


Phone Internal Memory: 81 MB

Card Slot: microSD

Primary camera

Matrix: 3.15 Mpx

Video resolution: VGA (640x480)



GPRS: 32 GPRS class, 107.2/64.2 kbps

EDGE: 32 EDGE (296kbps)

3G(UMTS): Yes

3.5G(HSDPA): Yes

3.5G(HSUPA): No



Messaging and mail


Operating system: Symbian OS 9.4

Games: Yes

Calendar: Yes

Alarm Clock: Yes

Calculator: Yes

Browser: v2.0


Audio and video

FM Radio: Yes

Audio playback: MP3, AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, AMR, MIDI, RealAudio, WMA, WAV

Video playback: 3GPP, MP4

Latest 3 reviews out of 13

i want to buy nokia 5800 in gud contition so if any one wants to sell this plz contect with me 03313425546. iam from larkana and hydrabad.

8 of 12 people found this comment helpful. Do you find this comment useful: Yes No

awesome easy to use manipulable too cool admirable

2 of 4 people found this comment helpful. Do you find this comment useful: Yes No

You may get it for £229.95 without any contract from Affordable Mobiles or Tesco Mobiles.

4 of 6 people found this comment helpful. Do you find this comment useful: Yes No

Also known as

5800 XM, 5800 Xpress, 5800, 5800 Express Music, 5800 xpress music tube, 5800 tube light xpress, 5800 tube light xpress music, 5800 and. 5800 comes music, CLENOK5800, 5800 touchscreen, 5800 xpressmusic on t-mobile pay monthly, 5800 comes music on t-mobile pay monthly, as - 5800, 5800 xpressmusic pay as you go, 5800 sim. 5800 tube, 5800 reconditioned, nokia 5800 xpressmusic, nokia 5800 pay as you go, 5800 pay as you go, 5800 sim free

The 5800 has a compatibility mode for Java applications that are not touchscreen-aware. It works by using part of the screen for displaying the essential buttons required by the program. However it is based on the world’s most powerful OS Symbian S60v5 . Recently C6 ported to 5800 v60.0.003

Hey Nokia 5800 lovers download latest and useful Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Software for Free.

Note: Check Last Number For Latest Software:

Auto Installer :- The Auto Installer automatically installs over 50 applications in seconds with no human intraction!

FingerPrint Scanner :-FingerPrint Scanner for 5800 & N97 :-) Using your fingerprint to unlock your phone, this is just a simulation for fun. How To Use: When the FingerPrint screen pops up, you need to touch your finger to the screen to be "scanned" for your identity.

Dudu Caller :- DuDu is a Call Recorder for Symbian S60 phones. This application is easy to use, while retaining all of the features you'll ever need. DuDu uses super memory light AMR format, so you can literally record thousands of hours of calls on memory cards. You can browse, sort, delete and transfer all the phone calls with ease.

Facebook :- Facebook ® for Nokia S60 Touch lets you keep up with your friends right at your fingertips. Update your status, see what your friends are up to, upload photos, check messages and look up phone numbers when you need them, anytime and anywhere.

Nokia Battery Monitor :- Nokia Battery Monitor shows you the battery charge level with estimates of remaining usage time and charging time. It also provides statistics of your recent energy usage. Information can be viewed in full screen application or homescreen widget.

Nokia Notification :- Nokia Notifications gathers missed calls, voicemails, messages, and missed calendar alarms and presents them in one list for you to manage at your convenience. Installed as a widget in your device's homescreen, Nokia Notifications removes the need to acknowledge individual notifications that may otherwise get in the way of doing other actions on your device.

Quick Info :- Quick (phone) Info is a simple utility for listing all informations about your phone.

WalkieTooth :- The aim of the app is to allow the communication between two smart-phones almost as if you had two walkie talkies!

SPB Shell 3.07 :-SPB Mobile Shell introduces the next generation user interface while keeping all advantages of your mobile device. Enjoy your phone!

ThreadSMS :- ThreadSMS is a chat-style(threaded) texting(SMS) tools on Symbian S60. You can read and write SMS in a cool user interface like Msn, Yahoo, ICO Messager. It gives users a handy follow up screen to track the sent and received sms messages to and from one particular contact.

XpressAlarm 0.25 :- XpressAlarm is an application which helps to protect your phone against theft.

Ovi Maps 3.06 :- Nokia has updated its popular mapping and navigation client - Ovi Maps. Version 3.06 packs tons improvements.

SMS Timer :- SMSTimer is an advanced SMS Scheduler application that can handle an individual SMS for 1,600 characters and upto 1,000 SMS at any one point. SMSTimer enables you to send scheduled SMS to one or multiple recipients. This application is tightly integrated with your contact book and native messaging user interface. You have detailed reports from the Sent Items and "real" delivery reports as sent by the network provider.

TTPod 3.70 / TTPod 4.2 :- TTPod Mobile Music Player is one of the most feature packed Nokia software for music playback is called TTPod Music Player for Nokia. TTPod is built with quality in mind and offers some extra features that really makes it a fine app for your mobile music library to have.

Gmail-Launcher-v.1.0 :- This is a simple WRT Widget to launch Gmail iPhone web interface on Nokia/Symbian built-in Web browser, without the need to enter the long URL. Just click on the icon and the page will be opened.

RamStat :-RamStat v1.07 Shows Ram State on your Homescreen + New. Description: RamStat is a widget, which simply shows Ram States.

Sticky Notes :- Sticky Notes Touch lets you create, organize and share sticky notes.

Photo Browse r :- Nokia Photo Browser is an experimental photo browser that makes viewing your photos quick and fun.

Almanac :- Almanac for Nokia 5800 is a desktop calendar application. It simply shows the current date in a stylish fashion. There are three touch control buttons: info, keep backlight on/off and exit. Big numbers, months and weekdays are PNG images.

Easy Reject :- Always wanted to keep those unwanted calls and messages at bay? 'Easy Reject', the smart auto-reject tool is at your rescue. Reject calls with a busy tone. Get messages filtered silently to view and restore them later. Following are some situations where 'Easy Reject' will prove handy: Not get disturbed by low priority calls when you don't want to attend to theme Avoid calls from unknown numbers Protect from call & SMS SPAM Keep your SMS communication private in a separate message box Easy Reject comes with the following unique features: Indicator on your phone's status bar which shows when ER is active Auto-start mode Various contact import options - import from phone log, phonebook or manually

Fake Messages :- Fake Messages is a free fake message sending application that allows timed "sending" of fake SMS messages. SMS messages are handled inside the device, so no network connection is needed, thus sending fake SMS messages are completely free of charge.

GTx :- GTx measures vehicle’s top speed and acceleration (0-100 km/h and 0-400 m, or 0-60 mph and quarter mile, or any given speed range and distance). The new version adds support for Nokia 5800 and other S60 5th edition phones equipped with a touchscreen. GTx has been applied to measure the acceleration and top speed of all kinds of vehicles, from cars to motorcycles and from ATVs to snowmobiles. With GTx everyone can easily and economically measure the performance of his vehicle and the effects of tuning the engine. Tempes GTx V3.1 runs on S60 3rd and 5th edition smartphones and uses the phone’s integrated GPS receiver or an external Bluetooth GPS receiver. Performance measurements are fully automatic and the software is extremely easy to use. GTx is also useful for basic navigation, as it gives direction and distance to any set destination. GPS data such as coordinates, altitude and compass can be displayed as well. Features - * Hows current speed, maximum speed of session and peak speed of acceleration run. * Shows acceleration 0-100 km/h and 0-400 m, or 0-60 mph and 0-1/4 mile, or any given speed range and distance. * Detailed results are saved to files which can be sent to your PC via e. g. email or Bluetooth, or to other phones via e. g. text messages. * Shows destination name, distance, direction arrow and speed. * Current location can be set as a destination by pressing a single key. Destination coordinates can also be typed in.

Inclinometer :- The basic functionality of this simple application is to show your vehicle angles while off-roading using the Nokia 5800 accelerometer. Just Fix your mobile phone in a secure cradle and then launch the app!.

Mail For Exchange :- With Mail for Exchange, fast accessing to your email anywhere, anytime; opening attachments on your handset is as simple as doing it on your PC! You can also synchronize your contacts, tasks and calendar to easily manage your work day and make the best of every precious minute!

MyRingtone :- Bored of using ringtones created by someone else? Let the composer in you lay hands on this new 'My Ringtone' application and create your own ringtones. Choose a favourite portion of a song and convert it into a Ringtone. You can even create a Ringtone fusion by merging 3 songs or parts thereof at a time. The fusion can even be saved as a song for your listening pleasure.

Nokia 5800 Talking Dictionary :- Download talking dictionary for Nokia 5800 xpress music, Nokia N97, S60 5th Edition phones from Nokia.

Nokia Email :- Nokia Messaging makes mobile email easy and mobilizes consumer email across a range of Nokia devices. Nokia Messaging enables users to quickly set up, access, and use their email on their Nokia devices through a service that is optimized for mobile email.

Office Suite 4.60 :- OfficeSuite is a complete mobile office solution, allowing you to create, view and edit Word, Excel and PowerPoint files away from your office. The program utilizes the most commonly used desktop document formats and allows you to easily acquire your sensitive documents on your handset. With the advanced editing features you can modify documents on the fly and save them in their original format, just ready to be used back on your desktop PC.

SmartGuard 3.1 :- Smart Guard protects all your private information (e. g. Messages, Contacts, Videos, Pictures etc.) both on the phone's internal memory and on the memory card. Thus it is visible only to the one who holds the passcode.

TagReader :- What is MobileTagging? Instant information and entertainment. Microsoft Tag creates unlimited possibilities for making interactive communications an instant, entertaining part of life. They transform physical media (print advertising, billboards, product packages, information signs, in-store merchandising, or even video images) into live links for accessing information and entertainment online. With the Microsoft Tag application, just aim your camera phone at a Tag and instantly access mobile content, videos, music, contact information, maps, social networks, promotions, and more. Nothing to type, no browsers to launch! Conveniently connect consumers with online information and experiences. Interact with almost anything! Makes offline media (print ads, billboards, posters, television) and physical objects (product packages, store fronts, T-shirts, museum exhibits) interactive. Dream up your scenario; engage with your audience in real time, in the real world; and know how successful you were. Remember what you saw, and share it with friends

Talkonaut :- Talkonaut™ is free mobile calling, VoIP enabled, Google Talk™ like application for your mobile phone. Talkonaut is available for three different mobile platforms: Symbian S60, Windows Mobile 5/6 and J2ME with MIDP-2.0. Talkonaut is known to be working on more than 500 different mobile handsets. Talkonaut™ supports Jabber, Google Talk, ICQ, MSN, AIM and Yahoo networks both for chatting and voice calling. Talkonaut™ allows to make free VoIP over GPRS/EDGE calls, as well as calls over 3G, or WIFI.

Profile Scheduler :- With Profile scheduler you can automate your profile changing with timer, so you can enjoy your good night sleep being off-line without disturbing phone calls, and be back on-line automatically even before you actually wake up.

Theme Scheduler :- Personalization with Theme Changer AutoThemes will add totally new experience to your mobile usage.

Wave Secure :-The ultimate security application for your phone. It not only helps you track the lost phone but also ensures full security of the data on the device. Secure and how: Track the lost/stolen device via Buddy Notification or over the Internet Remotely Lock the lost/stolen device, so that nobody can misuse the device & data Take a Backup of your data including Contacts, SMSs, Calendar Entries & Call Logs Erase the data on the stolen device to avoid misuse Restore the data back onto your device once you find it or even restore it on a new device which has WaveSecure installed.

Light Notepad :-This is small text editor for Symbian S60 5th Edition phones.

Fring :- Make free mobile calls with fring, IM with MSN Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk, SIP and Twitter Contacts.

eBuddy Nokia 5800 :-Chat on your mobile phone with all your friends on MSN, Yahoo. AIM, Gtalk, ICQ and Facebook.

Shotgun is a shooting application for Symbian S60 v5 based touch screen mobiles such as Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, N97, C6, N8, X6 and 5530 XpressMusic. The application as it says offers superior sound quality, Motion controlled cocking and shooting, Vibration and Visual effects for the ultimate touch and feel.

Unfortunately the motion did not work for me. I had to touch the screen to load the bullets in gun. Once loaded, you can touch on trigger to fire. The Shotgun application is developed by Pico Brothers. The sound quality is good. It is recommended to install the application in memory card.

A mobile side sis / sisx files unpacked and packaged software, are quite large gong! The biggest feature is support for sis / sisx packages editing, even if packaged very complicated way of sis / sisx packages can also be easily edited and intact!

1, support editing sis / sisx file basic information, such as program name, uid, created, program version, provider name, language, target device, the type of installation and so on. 2, support editing sis / sisx file list, including the program components can also be edited. 3, support the new sis / sisx packages. This feature is still at a basic level, the future will be perfect. 4, can be sis / sisx package inside the file the following: add, delete, replace, extract, property editing (can be four kinds of operation), moved up and down, etc. 5, support cross-screen operation, you can better see the specific path of the file. 6, the program language support, added 100. Goal-setting support for all third and fifth edition of the model selection. Support 5 kinds of the type of installation. 7, support the sis / sisx file unpack the theme and packaging

Note: The edit and save the sis / sisx packages, need to sign to install.

One of the very popular mobile browser Skyfire is now available for Symbian S60 5th edition touch screen mobile devices (Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, N97, N97 Mini, X6, N8, C6, 5250, 5230 and 5530 XpressMusic). Skyfire beta V1.5.0.15495 for Symbian S60 5th edition brings the fastest mobile browsing experience on your mobile.

Skyfire mobile browser provides you the best browsing experience for free. With Skyfire you are able to watch any video, connect with your friends, listen to favourite music, do shopping, and browse the web using the full-featured PC versions of your favorite websites right on your mobile. Skyfire browser speeds up page loading, full videos, audios and images to provide you fastest browsing experience.

Skyfire is best for enjoying videos on your mobile because it is the only mobile browser that supports full Flash and Windows Media videos, including Flash 10 and Silverlight 2.0. It means you can even watch TV on your phone! That's amazing. The support of rich media makes this browser a must have application on your smartphone.

The interface of Skyfire is simply superb and provides you everything that you get in a pc browser. According to data posted on laptopmag. com blog, Skyfire is the fastest browser among Opera 9.5.1 Beta and iPhone's Safari. Here is a table showing that data-

SkYpE for Nokia 5800, N97

Thats a cool background there, I must say. This app works only on 3 networks in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Australia and Hong-Kong. Now, thats one more reason for us to consider shifting our base to the UK. )

From what we make out of this application, our friends at Skype seem to have defined the access points only for 3G networks of 3 in Europe and elsewhere. While we are glad to finally see an official client of Skype on 5800s, we are (or rather forced ) to rely on 3rd Party IM Apps for all our Skype needs for the time being. Do let me know how this client fares on your 5800 (if you are one of the ones! kno wat I mean).

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it Doesnt work on 5800. shows Error

Sí. it works only in certain countries…..

it works only in certain countries….


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Nokia5800 XM Buzz

Here are some of the FAQ, I collected from the internet about Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. I am trying to give answers of these questions here.

Do iPhone games work on nokia 5800 ExpressMusic?

The answer is No because both have different Operating System. You can get similar kind of game for Nokia 5800.

Should I buy Nokia 5800 XpressMusic?

The answer depends on you. What kind of device you are looking for? What are your expectations with the device? What is the price range you are looking for? Nokia 5800 XpessMusic is a nice phone with many features and yet at lower price than other devices. Read the specifications and decide if you should buy it or not.

Nokia E71 or Nokia 5800 XpressMusic?

Both the devices are excellent. Again it depends on your need. Nokia E71 is a business phone loaded with business features and comes with hard Qwerty keyboard and Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is a music phone comes with touch screen and soft Qwerty keyboard.

Does Yahoo! Messenger works with default IM application in Nokia 5800 XpressMusic?

Yes . The default IM application on Nokia 5800 XpressMusic has Yahoo! Messenger settings. You can read here to make it running for your Nokia 5800.

Is the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic a male or female phone?

Now that's really a funny question someone asked on Yahoo! Answers. If it was a pink color device then it might be only female phone. Go ahead and buy it, no matter if you are a male or female. This device just looks great.

How to hard reset Nokia 5800 XpressMusic?

Turn off your mobile. Hold Red, Green and Camera button together and turn on the mobile to hard reset your mobile. For more shortcuts such as 'soft reset', 'factory settings restore', 'Firmware Update', etc. check this post .

Which one is better iPhone or Nokia 5800 XpressMusic?

Both the devices have pros and cons. iPhone has decent graphics and nice user interface. Nokia 5800 XpressMusic has many features those are missing in iPhone. Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is cheaper compare to iPhone. For a full comparison between these two devices, follow this post .

Is DivX Mobile player is supported in Nokia 5800 XpressMusic?

No . Nokia 5800 XpressMusic does not have built-in support for divX mobile player. Hope in near future, Nokia will add DivX compatiblity to this device.

How to unlock my preloaded songs after a device update?

most of us have faced the same problem. Preloaded songs get lock when we do a device update. For this, you need to go to Nokia care. It will take 10 minute time there. They will copy the keys for those songs on to your mobile and songs will get unlock after this.

Is there any alternate of Nokia Maps on Nokia 5800 XpressMusic?

Yes . Google Maps is the alternate of Nokia Maps. You can download it free from the Google .

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic or Nokia N97?

Nokia N97 is the latest touch screen device from Nokia. N97 comes with touch screen and hard Qwerty keyboard support. Nokia N97 is no doubt a better option compare to Nokia 5800 XpressMusic but mind the gap in cost. N97 is very expensive compare to Nokia 5800 XpressMusic.

Is Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is a buggy device?

Well, Like other devices, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic also has some bugs. Those bugs will be fixed with time. Many of them already have been fixed in the series of firmware updates, Nokia released after the launch of this device. Overall Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is a nice device to have.

I installed one useless application. How to get rid of it?

You can always uninstall any application from your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. The complete process of removing any application from the device is here .

Can I turn my Nokia 5800 XpressMusic into iPhone?

There is an application called MyPhone that makes your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic looks like an iPhone. You can read more about this application from here .

How can i install a new theme on my Nokia 5800 XpressMusic?

I have already made a detailed post on this topic. With the help of this post, You can install and set a new theme on Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. You can read it here .

I have tried to cover as many questions as possible. You can also suggest some, if i missed something here.

FAQ on Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Here is a small image based post to explain the way of assigning ringtone to any contact in your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. I have seen in Google, people asking this question that how to assign a ringtone to a contact. This post will help them or any new Nokia 5800 XpressMusic owner to understand the way to do that.

Here I am explaining two ways to assign ringtone to a contact.

First using Music Library

Step 1: Go to Music Library-->All Songs either through Menu or from the HomeScreen as shown in the following images.

Step 2: Select any song and click on Options-->Use tone-->Assign to contact. See the following image for help.

Step 3: Select the contact you want to assign this ringtone and press Ok. It will display a message that "Details Added". If ringtone is already added for the selected contact. It will prompt to replace the exisiting tone as shown in the following images.

This was one of the way of assigning a ringtone to a contact. Continue for second way.

Second using Contacts

Step 1: Go to Menu-->Contacts as shown in the following image.

Step 2: Click on Options-->Open and a screen will appear as shown in the following image. If ringtone is already assigned to this contact. It will be shown there else not.

Step 3: Now click on Options-->Ringing Tone. A 'Select tone:' screen will appear to select a perticular tone for that contact. Select the tone and it will appear in that contact. See the following images for help.

Hope after reading this post, you are able to assign a ringtone to any of your contact.

Nokia 5800 review

Whenever a new touch-screen phone comes along, a comparison is made with Apple's excellent iPhone.

Nokia's 5800 is nowhere near as pretty, though. It's brick-shaped, with the sides and bottom slightly tapered towards the rear. The front has a rim around the edge that protects the screen if you place it face-down, and the rear, where the camera lens is located, has a subtle pin-stripe design. It won't win any design awards, but it fits snugly in the hand. More importantly, it's thinner and lighter than recent Nokia smartphones, such as the N96.

The touch screen has problems, and certainly doesn't come up to the iPhone's standard. The Symbian operating system isn't fully optimised for touch input, as shown by various text entry boxes that assume you have a keypad. Input requires more brute force compared with the iPhone's feathery sensitivity, and the software QWERTY keyboard is prone to miss-hits. When a stylus is included with a phone, as with the 5800, it immediately calls into question the interface's suitability for touch-sensitive control.

There's haptic feedback in the form of a light buzz when you press a button, and there's also an accelerometer, which changes the orientation of the display from portrait to landscape depending on how you hold the phone. Apart from the screen, the only controls are the three buttons underneath it: a volume rocker, camera button and screen lock switch. The latter is great as it essentially puts the phone to sleep, but the downside is that Nokia hasn't implemented a screensaver - not even a simple clock.

The 5800 has all the features you've come to expect from a modern smartphone: 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, email, web browsing, FM radio and a 3.2-megapixel camera. It also has features you won't find on rival phones, such as a dedicated BBC iPlayer application, a standard 3.5mm headphone jack (via Nokia's remote control) and connection to Nokia's excellent music service. Unlike the N96 phone, our review sample had no support for iPlayer programme downloads, which are great for watching on the move, although this feature may be added later via a firmware update.

The 3.2in screen may not be as large as the iPhone's but it has a higher resolution at 320x640 pixels. The detailed display makes watching video content a pleasure. A MicroSD card slot is provided for storage, and an 8GB card is supplied.

The 5800 is a decent multimedia phone that also handles web browsing and email. Considering its low price, the 5800 is excellent value. The touch screen makes it frustrating to use for writing documents or emails, but in all other respects it's pretty good. It's not as slick as the iPhone, but it's a better choice for watching video on the move.

Review: Casing the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

And so to my latest roundup of smartphone cases, here for the Nokia 5800. Interestingly, because the device's dimensions are almost identical to that of the Nokia N82 and N78, some pouch-style designs for these devices will also be suitable for the 5800. What follows is an illustrated roundup of some of the obvious contenders for casing your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic.

First up, the incumbent, the hard silicone and plastic sleeve that is shipped in the 5800's box. In terms of protection, it's hard to fault this, and of course it is free, but you can't do anything at all while the 5800 is sheathed, you can't belt mount or lanyard mount it, plus some people have reported phone scratching because of the tightness with which the phone is gripped while being slid in and out:

Protection: 7/10, Style: 8/10, Usability: 5/10, Total: 20/30

Next up, the other incumbent, from my point of view at least. This is the case I've been using for the Nokia N82 for ages and it fits the 5800 very well too. Case and Pouch. in case you hadn't heard of them, are a reputable eBay seller - here's their product: 'Leather Phone Case for Nokia 5800, N82, N78 and N79'. It's perhaps the ultimate belt case, with minimal extrusion from the hip, a magnetic closure and terrifically strong clip. It's easy to extract the 5800 one-handed and to holster it again.

Protection: 9/10, Style: 8/10, Usability: 10/10, Total: 27/30

Krusell sent over three of their 5800-compatible designs. The first is this 'Classic ', in typical Krusell wrap-around style, the idea being that you use the phone in-situ and never remove it. Here's hoping you don't have to swap memory cards too often then, or to remove the SIM or battery. The Classic fits better than many of Krusell's other all-encompassing designs, though you can see mismatches in the cutout at the top of the case. The belt clip is strong but the lip on the clip's bottom does its job a little too well and the case can be hard to remove from the belt one-handed. There's also the hassle of having to un-press-stud the rear flap whenever you stop to take a photo. But the biggest drawback of all is of course the way you have to press the 5800's touchscreen through the Krusell plastic. This isn't too bad in the centre, but feels unnerving and ends up innaccurate when straying towards the screen's edges.

Protection: 10/10, Style: 8/10, Usability: 4/10, Total: 22/30

The second Krusell design was a little more practical. Their Orbit case wraps around from the top, with a press stud fastening. As with many Krusell cases, the Multidapt system on the back in theory means that you can slide on other, less bulky clips, but the placing of the press stud unfortunately blocks the belt clip shown above on the Classic, which would have worked well here. So you're stuck with the voluminous clip shown. Clip aside, the 5800 is held securely and yet with all the buttons and most of the ports accessible (though not the microSD slot). OK, you have to reach into the leather casing to get at the buttons, but at least it's possible. Most importantly, the touchscreen is fully accessible and sits nicely within the leather frame. The camera aperture is also free and the main oddities are the storage slots in the case's top flap: one for a SD card (who uses them these days?), one for a microSD card (though I'd worry about it falling out) and a long slot presumably for business cards but too narrow to take any that I tried. A waste of leather and bulk, but at least it all forms more protection for the 5800's screen.

Protection: 9/10, Style: 6/10, Usability: 9/10, Total: 24/30

Krusell also sent over their Luna Pouch case (Large). Obviously rather generic, this is beautifully made and would work well in a handbag or briefcase, with the 5800 snug and secure and unlikely to fall out. There's a stylish metal logo on the front and a lanyard hook on the back, another mounting option.

Protection: 9/10, Style: 8/10, Usability: 8/10, Total: 25/30

And on to AX-ALEX. Ah yes, there's no mistaking a 'handmade' AX-ALEX case, with rounded rectangular lines and dovetail top flap. As you'd expect for the price, the finish and materials are superb, helped to stand out by the packaging - each case arrived in a velvet bag inside a de luxe box. There's a superbly low-line belt loop on the back of the case, for ultra-secure belt mounting. Although AX-ALEX don't actually make a Nokia 5800 case, I badgered them to send over their N82 design - the 5800 does rattle around a little inside this, but it's still practical. As with the other pouch style cases here, it does help to lock the screen and buttons with the keyguard before inserting the phone. The AX-ALEX's only real downside is the increased bulk over the svelte Case and Pouch design above - I'd have no compunctions about proudly showing off the AX-ALEX in a geek gathering, but might want to think twice about sporting it in wider circles.

Protection: 10/10, Style: 7/10, Usability: 8/10, Total: 25/30

Proporta were next up to bat, sending over their main Alu-Leather case for the 5800 and a pouch, shown below. The Alu-Leather works better than for many others in this series, thankfully, though it too is let down by the incredibly bulky swivelling clip system. Their standard twin-armed clamp works brilliantly here in terms of holding the 5800 securely without ever getting the way and you have access to all the ports and buttons. As with the Krusell equivalent, there are flaps in the case top which don't really serve a purpose, the bottom one is open but isn't wide enough for a standard business card. Leave off the belt clip and stub and you've got yourself a great standalone case.

Protection: 8/10, Style: 7/10, Usability: 9/10, Total: 24/30

The Proporta pouch is almost identical to the Krusell one, save that the leather and padding is a bit thinner. The pouch is nominally for the iPhone but also worth a mention here because it's also a good fit for just about any other smartphone, including the 5800.

Protection: 8/10, Style: 7/10, Usability: 8/10, Total: 23/30


Quite a close-fought roundup, then, but even though there was a good candidate from each of the AX-ALEX, Krusell and Proporta stables, nothing managed to displace the Case and Pouch design from my affections. With the others costing from £25 upwards, the fact that the Case and Pouch product is only £5 plus postage is also a huge plus point.

If you have a favourite case for the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, please comment here - maybe I can add it to this review round-up.

Steve Litchfield, All About Symbian, 23 March 2009

Published by Steve Litchfield at 8:44 UTC, March 21st

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Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition

$212 - Price in US Dollars

Disclaimer: Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition price in Pakistan is updated daily from price list provided by local shops but we cannot guarantee that the above information / price of Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition is 100% accurate (Human error is possible). For accurate rate of Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition in Pakistan visit your local shop.

Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition reviews Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition Reviews & User Opinions Get a Free Mobile by posting Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition review

Total user opinions: 74

it is very nice set especially its battery timing and camera is good

new to aata hi nhn ha used ma kitne ka mile ga.

my czn got ths phone bohat hi acha hai.

i want to buy nokia 5800 in original condition if anyone have this please contact me on this number 0345-4797118, especially Lahore & Fasialabad cities related persons. kashif

this phone with have a special softwere of free navgation enjoy and buy it

i want to sell NOKIA 5800 eXpress mUsic just rupees 9000 magar aik baat. set origional condition 9 out of 10 with 4 gb card and origional hands free and charger . contact me soon i want to sell it earlier

i want to sell my Nokia 5800 with 4 gb card only set charger and handsfree, only rupees 9000 if any 1 interested kindly contact via email i m in hurry


Hello If any one having Nokia 5800 in Multan in good condition and have warrenty then contact with me. Khurram Bukhari.03156032292

If any one sale nokia 5800 in Multan In excellent condition then contact with me. Khurram Bukhari.

salam i want to sale this set. i have this in spotless condition, 100% perfect set, with no scratches on back or screen. touch is perfect. never opened, never repaired, original battery. good battery time, 3 days usage with light use. all original accessories. nokia original headset, charger, car stand and plectrum, with box too. reason for selling is that i want Android phone. demand is 15,000, price is negotiable. serious buyers contact by mail or sms. 03004367001

Is this mobile available in Karachi in Mobile Market? If so, how much? Thnx!

salam i want to sale my nokia 5800 xpress music in very good condition like 9.5/10 with all genuine accessories like data cable, charger, handfree, tv out cable, cd, Stylus plectrum in wrist strap, 2gb memory card and box. awsum mobile and condition, never open never repaired, 100% faultless set, 100% sealed set in black colour, recently expire warnty, smooth touch 3.2MP camera with flash only serious buyers can contact. demand 14000 contact 03134447576 from lahore

i want to sale my nokia 5800 xm with 2gb card and original charger if any one want to purchase it so contact me on this number 03154200099 and price is 8500.

Whao nokia 5800 set buhat hi piyara ha mujy lye howe abi 3 mahine howe han ager kisi friend ko zarorat ho to contect me my cel no 03084565220

i like this site because this is my first time to view this i can really impress.

mere paas 5800 set hai without warentty compelete asseccories with box 15000/= r u like? CONTECT by mail,

yar wa tho 5233 ke sath rplace kerlo kuch de le ker ya pher i want to sale nokia 5233 with 6 moths waranty demand 9000 litle discouot posible

it is very nice set especially its battery timing and camera is aaaalah

hi bro i wrna buy dz est please if any one sale den plz, plz contect me my self Noman khan my num:03333574926


mujy nokia 5800 chahiye, is k badly me chahy tu muj sy payment ly lo ya phr set to set change kr lo plz agr kisi k pass ha tu kindly mujy lazmi dy do

mujy nokia 5800 chahiye, is k badly me chahy tu muj sy payment ly lo ya phr set to set change kr lo plz agr kisi k pass ha tu kindly mujy lazmi dy do

i want to sale my cell 5800 expressmusic

muje nokia 5800 cheye 8000 tak agr koi sale karny wala ho to muj se contect kary thnx

i will sale my nokia 5800 in 9000 very argent only set charger

Salam 2 All. Main apna Nokia 5800 mobile sale karna chahta hn, agar koi laina chaey tu contact me. Condition bohat achi hai, 2GB CARD, And ful accessories like charger, handfree, data cable, CD, sub saath hai, in Rs.12000. 0300 9047318

Hi n Asalam-0-Alikum, I'm selling up my Nokia 5800 Xpress Music (Red), Complete Accessories (Box, Charger, Hands ree,8GB Memory Card, Manuals and etc.) The current condition is 9/10. Screen Protector is on it from the first day I bought it.

No Problem in set, its working awesome and its sealed not repaired. And firmware updated to v52.0.007 (It means awesome performance, good quality camera and kinetic scrolling).

Demanding Rs.15,000/= (Slightly Negotiable)

Karachi. Maaz Azad.

Just out standing in its class. . Doesn't matter if I lose or win, I'll buy, one this month for sure, keep telling friends to give it thumb's up, Pocket one and treat self for coming EID, worthy to keep on and be flashy & proud. .

Aoa main apna N73 music edition with 2gb card Nokia 5800 se exchange karna chahta hon one hand used with all accessories also box. Any 1 interested contact me. Faisalabad

give me this phone for free =( choose me for the luky draw

Very, very goood set i like this. saaf hai 2.32GB ka mamory card

5800 set please me hydrabad pakistan hydrabad 5800 call 11000 ka kise ko sele kar na ho to call kara na ok please call free ya sms per day do set pak ho bas ameen. electrónica

10,000/= is possible

i want 5800 what is ur demand

i wanna sell my nokia 5800xm for 13000..from Canada..its in red colour..good touch..condition 8.5/10. with box having charger, data cable, cd..and 2gb memory card. if u are interested in buying then contact me or txt me. Thank U. =)

Assalam-u-Alaikum. I wanna sale my Nokia 5800 XpressMusic in a good condition 10/10, With all original accessories and box, Original charger hands free data cuble, micro card 4gb and gps software is install warranty 11 month. My demand is 18,000.

Hi dear i wana buy ur nokia 5800 give me ur cell no. And tel me how much price u demanding. thanx

hi der i want to sell my nokia 5800 navigation in excellent condition just like new with 6 months warranty with all accessories 8 gb card box etc

Hello every body i want to buy this set with complete genuine accessories warranty doesn't matter but set having good condition my range is 9000 if any one want to sale contact me at (lahore)

i want to buy nokia 5800, 6700 r E72.any one want to sell on reasonable price

i want to buy 5800,

i got n82 mint condition with an extra casing to i have data cable and orig charger to if you want to negotiate with me with extra money from me with 5800 do mail me em form islamabad

cell, original handsfree non genuine charger. Cell in well in opertiцn. 9/10 cond. sealed 100% guaranty. Nd 100 % guaranty dat cell iz ok. Final 13000. Only seriouse buyrz can call.

hey i want that mobile of your, s tellme your mobile number or call me

I want to sell my Nokia 5800 Xpress Music in excellent condition with all accesseries, box and even reciept orignal stylus Demand Rs.15,000/= a little bit negotiable

If any want 5800 in a good condition, set, charger, handfree, sealed peace. 8/10. price: 14000 then contact:

I want to buy this set with warranty built in memory card and accessories, at an affordable price.

hi i want 2 sale my nokia 5800 9/10 set charger my demand is 13000(negotiable) only set cahger if any1 interested call me.

my set is in a1 condtion with all acessries nd unscrashed demand iz 15000

i wanna purchase this set any body interested in selling this phone having good condition then contact me. its urgent need. *923457215121

selling nokia 5800 xpress music very good condition scratchless set with all accesories accesories include handfree, charger, datacable, pouch, stand books, box set is 100% ok my demand is 14000 islamabad /rawalpindi buyers contact


I wana buy your cell phone kindly contact on my cell no which have given. Gracias

slam. if sm1 've navigati0n 5800 n wana sale. plz cntct me.

Hola. Amigos. I have nokia 5800xm with good condition complete accessorries.2 gb card, Handfree, Charger, TV out, CD, Box. My demand is 12000/- If anyone interested contact me on Islamabad/Rawalpindi/Peshawar

i wanna purchase nokia 5800 nevigation in warrenty. any 1 who want to sale. plz cntct with me seriously. unless dnt distrb plzzzzzz.

To Sehrash: aap ne yeh set kahan se lia? mujhy mil nahi rha and 5800 XM aur 5800 Navi. main kia khaas farak hay

this mobil is so osome i have the first copy of this set now i need oragnal.

its a very cool set. Having very good sound and camera result.

it is nice looking with all features which is suitable to all those who want to see movie on tv screen and many more.

I m seriously interested in ths fone. any user if interested in xchange with my HTC TyTN II Os 6.1. best condition along wth all accessories. do text me

wanna buy slightly use 5800 so reply on email

It's a mobile that fit for everyone. We can not only hear the voice of our friends and family but we can see them live due to video call. It has big scratch resistance touch screen.

do u want 2 chat about 5800?

who is the best set plz any body help me

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Touch screen mobile phones are all the rage at the moment and Nokia has finally jumped aboard with the 5800 XpressMusic, its first ever full touch screen handset. This device brings a reasonable set of features, and the 5800 XpressMusic is a fair effort, but it has a couple of interface quirks that prevent it from seriously competing against Apple's iPhone 3G .

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic has a fairly standard design for a touch screen device, with the display consuming most of the phones' front screen. The build is largely plastic, and our review unit had a dark brown and red finish. The handset is reasonably solid, although it doesn't feel as well built as the Apple iPhone 3G. In particular, the plastic flaps covering the SIM card and microSD slots are rather flimsy, while the slider button — which activates the keypad lock — sways from side to side when pressed.

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic has three physical buttons below the display (the answer, menu and end keys), as well as dedicated volume and camera buttons, the aforementioned unlock slider and a power key. Holding down the menu button brings up a the application manager, which allows you to close currently running programs. There is also a touch-sensitive button just above the display that drops down the Media Bar, providing quick access to the music player, gallery, share, video centre, and the Web browser. Pressing this button will drop down the media bar no matter what menu or application you are in — a handy feature. The display produces excellent colour and clarity and it looks superb for videos and photos. Unfortunately, it doesn’t fare so well when viewed outdoors, with poor visibility in direct sunlight situations.

The user interface on the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is a mixed bag in terms of features and responsiveness. The interface looks impressive, the icons are well laid out and scrolling is smooth. You can customise the home screen theme to display a shortcuts bar, contacts bar or a basic screen. A contacts bar allows you to add four contacts (including a picture) onto the home screen, while the shortcuts bar provides instant access to four applications. Icons to quickly access dialler and contacts are loacted at the bottom of the screen. The built-in accelerometer rotates the screen orientation in most applications and does so without much delay or lag.

The biggest interface issue is in regard to the touch screen itself — the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic uses a resistive touch screen and not a capacitive touch screen found in devices like the Apple's iPhone 3G and HTC's Dream. This means you have to press rather firmly to make a selection, although Nokia has included a stylus to assist in use. There is also adjustable haptic feedback, with three intensity settings available. In our tests, the interface overall was responsive, but the selection of buttons is not consistent. For example, accessing shortcuts on the home screen requires just one press, but selecting the inbox in the messaging menu requires a tedious double tap.

The messaging feature is certainly usable, but it's not as efficient or effective as the iPhone 3G's on-screen keyboard. Creating a new message gives you a similar screen to many non touch-screen Nokia handsets. Pressing on the text entry section of the page takes you to a different screen, where you can choose from four text input methods — handwriting with the stylus, a mini QWERTY keyboard, a full screen QWERTY keyboard and an alphanumeric keypad with T9 support. In our tests we found a combination of the last two methods the best messaging technique, although the full QWERTY keyboard requires you to have the phone in landscape mode. Once you've entered the text on this dedicated page, tapping the tick button will take you back to the regular compose message screen. It’s a slightly unorthodox message composition method overall and does take quite some time to grasp this technique.

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic features Wi-Fi, Bluetooth with A2DP, USB with a standard micro-USB interface and HSDPA capabilities. A built-in GPS receiver with assisted-GPS is also included and the Nokia Maps application is preinstalled, enabling you to search for addresses and locate points of interest. The included Web browser is reasonable but it doesnt render pages or scroll as well as the the browsers seen on Apple's iPhone and HTC's Dream. The 3.2-megapixel camera has a Carl Zeiss lens, but it lacks a Xenon flash, with Nokia opting for a dual LED flash instead.

Multimedia functionality is excellent, and it is aided by the inclusion of a 3.5mm headphone jack and an FM radio. The media player is similar to the one seen in most Nokia's N-Series handsets, displaying album art and allowing the adjustment of multiple settings including bass boost, stereo widening and a five-preset equaliser. For media storage, Nokia includes an 8GB microSD card in the sales package, but the slot is expandable with cards up to 16GB.

The RRP of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is $979 with a 12 month subscription to Comes With Music or $1109 with an 18 month subscription.


Responsive software, intuitive user interface, HSDPA-capable, Wi-Fi and GPS, included 8GB microSD card, 3.5mm headphone jack


Touch input is not consistent, resistive touch screen requires a firm press, text messaging takes some time to grasp, display is poor in sunlit environments

Línea de fondo

Nokia's first touch-screen mobile phone, the 5800 XpressMusic is not an iPhone killer but it’s provides a solid building block as Nokia moves into this space. This smartphone packs in plenty of features, but it falls short in terms of usability due to the resistive touch screen and an unorthodox text input method.


Thumbwheel SWF Homescreen for Nokia 5800

A super looking Homescreen called Thumbwheel now out for Nokia 5800 – Creator waspbloke. The concept is simple just drag to rotate (rotary phone dialer type), tap icons to launch apps. Note this might work only on a hacked phone.

Credits and grats: PNHT, andrecavallari, and others…

v1.0.1 – Tested and working on i8910HD

& # 8211; A few of you seemed to be having problems with the vibrate getting stuck. This should be fixed but if you still have problems try increasing the nHoldTime interval to 2 seconds in ‘config. xml’ and see if it cures it.

& # 8211; Display shows on start-up now. & # 8211; Switch off display toggle feature in ‘config. xml’. & # 8211; Switch off vibrate in ‘config. xml’. & # 8211; Minor improvement to date display. & # 8211; Battery charge animation slowed down.

Extract ‘gadget. swf’ to ‘E:\’ Extract folder ‘ThumbWheel_HS’ to ‘E:\’

-10 editable shortcuts in ‘ThumbWheel_HS\shortcuts. xml’. Use any JPG or PNG images you like but must be 40×40 pixels. Place icons in ‘ThumbWheel_HS’ folder. Use PNG files for transparent background. Change ‘icon’ attribute to ‘whatever. png’. Change ‘uid’ attribute to uid of preferred apps.

-Three options in ‘ThumbWheel_HS\config. xml’.

Set vibrate off or on (0/1) Display always on or toggle display (0/1) Set click-hold time in seconds.

* No dialer yet – use your usual method for invoking built in dialer *

Tap and hold for 1 second on screen to show/hide display.

Clock – tap once to toggle between time and date, tap and hold (and release) launches clock or calendar depending on whether time or date displayed. Signal strength – just that. Battery level – animates on charge.

Ariel – tap for active connections, tap and hold for profiles. Wifi – tap for WLAN wizard. Bluetooth – tap for BTSwitch on/off, tap and hold for bluetooth settings.

ThumbWheel – drag to rotate, tap icons to launch apps.

Share and Enjoy

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Repair

It's time to speak out for your right to repair

Dear New Yorkers,

Right now, New York has a chance to pass the first Fair Repair bill in the nation. We have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronics—like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. We have a chance to help the environment and stand up for local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers.

The Fair Repair Bill, known as S3998 in the State Senate and A6068 in the State Assembly. requires manufacturers to provide owners and independent repair businesses with fair access to service information, security updates, and replacement parts.

If you agree with us, tell your representatives that you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible. Stand up for the right to repair in New York.

It's time to speak out for your right to repair


The people of Massachusetts have always stood up for their right to repair. In 2012, voters passed a law that ensured residents' right to repair their car wherever they wanted. Now, it's time to do the same for electronics.

With the Digital Right to Repair Bill, H.3383. we have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronics — like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. We have a chance to help the environment and stand up for local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers.

The Digital Right to Repair Bill requires manufacturers to provide owners and independent repair businesses with fair access to service information, security updates, and replacement parts.

If you agree with us, find out who represents you in the Massachusetts legislature. Tell them you support the bipartisan Digital Right to Repair Bill. Tell them that you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible. Stand up for the right to repair in Massachusetts.

It's time to speak out for your right to repair

Dear Nebraskans,

Right now, Nebraska has a chance to pass the first Fair Repair Bill.

We have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronics — like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. We have a chance to help the environment and stand up for local repair jobs — the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers.

We've been working with local farmers, repair companies, non-profit refurbishers, and tech-savvy politicians to come up with a solution.

If you agree with us, find out who represents you in the Nebraska House of Representatives. Tell them that you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible.

It's time to speak out for your right to repair

Dear Minnesotans,

Right now, Minnesota has a chance to pass the first Fair Repair bill in the nation. We have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronics—like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. We have a chance to help the environment and stand up for local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers.

We've been working with local repair companies, non-profit refurbishers, and tech-savvy politicians to come up with a solution. And they've done just that — Minnesota is the first state to consider a Fair Repair Bill.

If you agree with us, find out who represents you in the Minnesota House of Representatives. Tell them you support the bipartisan Fair Repair Bill, HF 1048 . Tell them that you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible.

Thanks a bunch for the plugin!

Works on my Aluminum MacBook perfectly, but not on my G5 iSight iMac for some reason, both at 10.5.6; who knows?

FYI since you have a QR Code, I just loaded Nokia’s “Nokia Barcode Reader” app on my 5800, says it wasn’t compatible during installation, continued with installation anyway, turns out it works fine, even decoding a big messy business/V-card QR code.

Simply Perfect! Million Thanx

Con el 5800 en castellano y un IMac con 10.5.5 Creando la carpeta como nos dices con ese nombre en la carpeta LIBRERIA Copiar allí la carpeta que sale de descomprimir el ZIP (OJO, la carpeta en sí, no solo el contenido) ….Y nada mas activar ISYNC ya sale el Phone completamente reconocible.

Lo dicho MIL GRACIAS, John

hey man, who ever u r, ure a genious, im an IT guy but networking not developer, but i know i tried copy paste alot of things didnt work for me. YOUR PLUGIN is Excellent SMOOTH AND SYNCS PERFECT, NO PROBLEMS AT ALL, i have mac osx the latest, 10.5.6

Anyone know if this clearly marvelous piece of code will work on 10.4.?

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Reviews, Nokia 5800 Price India

Han Dingchao October 28, 2008 30 comments

These days I always hear people talking about Nokia 5800 XpressMusic . seems more and more people like it, of course include me. Okay, now let’s talk more about Nokia 5800.

If you haven’t known much about Nokia 5800, here you will learn about it.

As you may know, Noia 5800 targeted for Music lovers. But Nokia 5800 also offers latest technologies like 3G, GPS big touchscreen etc. Here are Nokia 5800 Features and Specs:

8GB Micro SD Card you can Extend upto 16GB for all your music collection

Store upto 6000 tracks in your nokia 5800

3.2 inch (640×360 and 16:9 aspect ratio) touchscreen little smaller to iphone 3.5 inch

3.2 MP Camera - Carl Zeiss Optics with 3x Digital Zoom

Symbian S60 5th Edition

3.5mm jack

You Can record DVD quality Videos 30fps





Stereo FM with RDS

Seems quite perfect, isn’t it? I do like it. Okay, here is a screenshot for Nokia 5800 Music:

Nokia 5800 Music

Now let’s take a look at what kinds of Nokia 5800 Supported Accessories:

Nokia 5800 Supported Accessories

Of course the most part you are concerning is Nokia 5800 price . here they are: The suggested retail price for the Nokia Touch Screen 5800 XpressMusic is €279 or equivalent to US$393 without subsidies or taxes. Nokia 5800 Price in India – Rs.20,000 Indian Rupee (INR)

So what do you think about it? Is it exactly what you are searching for these months? For me, it is! I’m sure it will be my favorite phone this year.

Want to learn more about Nokia 5800 XpressMusic . You can find it on Amazon .

Related Readings

Nokia 5800 - XpressMusic Smartphone - WCDMA driver and firmware

Related Nokia 5800 Manual Pages

Download the free PDF manual for Nokia 5800 and other Nokia manuals at ManualOwl. com

User Guide - Page 6 . connections and access points. 68 Network settings . 68 Wireless LAN . 69 Access points. 71 Active data connections. 73 Synchronisation. 84 Widgets. 85 Content search. 85 Download and purchase items. 85 Bookmarks. 86. 87 19. Ovi Store. 87 20. Download . 88 21. Other applications. 89 About. Gallery. 80 16. Nokia Video Centre. 80 View and download video clips. 80.

User Guide - Page 7 Application manager. 91 Software updates over the air. 93 RealPlayer. 93 Recorder. 94 Write notes. 95 Make calculations. 95. environments. 111 Emergency calls. 112 Certification information (SAR). 112 Contents 22. Settings . 95 Index. 114 Phone settings . 96 Call settings . 101 23. Troubleshooting. 103 24. Green tips. 105 Save energy. 105 Recycle.

User Guide - Page 8 . content. Exercise caution with messages, connectivity requests, browsing, and downloads . Only install and use services and other software from trustworthy sources that offer adequate security and protection. or have passed the Java Verified™ testing. Consider installing antivirus and other security software on your device and any connected computer .

User Guide - Page 16 . see the support pages at www. nokia. com/ support or your local Nokia website, www. nokia. mobi/ support (with a mobile device), the Help application in the device, or the user. Your documents and files will be deleted in the reset, so back up your data first. ● Update your device software regularly for optimum performance and possible new features, as explained in the user guide. If your.

User Guide - Page 44 . caution when opening messages. Messages may contain malicious software or otherwise be harmful to your device or PC. 1. When. of large amounts of data through your service provider's network . Contact your service provider for information about data transmission. when you make a connection from your device to the remote mailbox again to update the status. 44 © 2009 Nokia . Todos los derechos reservados.

User Guide - Page 50 . a computer You can use the following methods to transfer music: ● To install Nokia Music to manage and organise your music files, download the PC software from www. music. nokia. com/ download . and follow the instructions. ● To view your device on a computer as a mass memory device where you can transfer any data files, make the.

User Guide - Page 51 . Music folder Nokia Music Store settings Nokia Music With the Nokia Music PC software . you can transfer music to. to the PC with a compatible USB data cable . Do not disconnect the cable until the installation of the software has finished. 3. To select the connection mode on. using Nokia Podcasting, define your connection and download settings . 51 Nokia Music Store Podcasting settings Select.

User Guide - Page 65 . maps that have already been downloaded . You can also use the Nokia Map Loader PC software to download maps. To install Nokia Map Loader to a compatible PC, visit www. nokia. com/maps (in English). Tip: To. Never rely solely on the cartography that you download for use in this device. GPS connection is ready, GPS replaces mobile network as the positioning method. Maps.

User Guide - Page 67 . must purchase a licence for the navigation service. To update the maps and voice guidance files in your compatible device, download Nokia Maps Updater to your computer from www. as Nokia Map Loader uses the Maps information to check which version of the maps to download . To install Nokia Map Loader to a compatible computer . go to www. nokia. com/maps, and follow the instructions on the display .

User Guide - Page 77 . from the following: ● PC Suite - Use Nokia PC applications such as Nokia Ovi Suite, and Nokia Software Updater . ● Mass storage - Transfer data between your device and a compatible PC. ● Image. ● Media transfer - Synchronise music with Nokia Music or Windows Media Player . PC connections USB Select Menu > Settings and Connectivity > USB . Usted puede.

User Guide - Page 83 . higher age limit than you have set . are hidden. ● Preferred memory - Select whether downloaded videos are saved in the device memory or on a compatible memory card. ● Thumbnails - Select whether to download and view thumbnail images in. bar, and select. Important: Only install and use applications and other software from trusted sources, such as applications.

User Guide - Page 85 . to your device. Installed widgets appear as separate applications in the Applications folder. To find and download widgets, visit the Ovi Store at store. ovi. com. You can also install widgets. your service provider's network . & # 169; 2009 Nokia . Todos los derechos reservados. Download and purchase. in your device, for example, a downloaded photo can be saved in Gallery. Important: Only install and use.

User Guide - Page 88 . Select Menu > Download . With Download . you can discover, preview, buy, download . and upgrade content, services, and applications. Games, ringing tones, wallpapers, applications. For more information about the charges, contact your service provider or the provider of the item. To update the content in Download . manually . select Options > Refresh content. & # 169; 2009 Nokia . Todos los derechos reservados.

User Guide - Page 91 . installed on the memory card Important: Only install and use applications and other software . and define installation settings . You can install two types of applications and software . system with the. sis or. sisx file extensions Only install software that is compatible with your device. widgets. You can transfer installation files to your device from a compatible computer . download them during.

User Guide - Page 92 . The JAR file is required for installing Java applications. If it is missing, the device may ask you to download it. Si. View log. Select Menu > Settings and Application mgr. To remove a software package, select Installed apps. > Options. other software package may stop working. Refer to the documentation of the installed software package for details. 92 © 2009 Nokia . Todos los derechos reservados.

User Guide - Page 93 . App. update . With Software update ( network service), you can check if there are updates available for your device software or applications, and download them to your device. Downloading software updates may involve the transmission of large amounts of data ( network service). Make sure that the device battery has enough power.

User Guide - Page 98 . profiles > Options > New server profile. Warning: If you install a software update . you cannot use the device, even to make emergency calls, until the installation is completed and the device is restarted. Be sure to back up data before accepting installation of an update . Downloading software updates may involve the transmission of large amounts of data ( network service). Make sure that the.

User Guide - Page 99 . if you want to reduce the risk of viruses or other malicious software and be sure of the authenticity of software when downloading and installing software . Select from the following: ● Authority certificates -. the use of certificates makes the risks involved in remote connections and software installation considerably smaller, they must be used correctly in.

User Guide - Page 105 . the error message Expired certificate or Certificate not valid yet when I am installing a downloaded application? Q: Can I use my Nokia device as a fax modem with a. of date and time when starting the device for the first time, or the mobile network may have failed to update these settings to your device. To resolve this, select Menu > Settings and Phone > Phone mgmt. >.

User Guide - Page 115 . 38 synchronising 73 voice tags 38 copyright protection 101 Download . 88 purchasing and downloading items 89 downloads 85 drag 14 DRM (digital rights management) 101 duration of. fixed dialling 40 data connections 73 cable 77 device updates 98 PC connectivity 77 synchronisation. calls device updates 98 dialled numbers 33 dictionary 95 dismissing calls 27 display settings 24, 96 double-tap 14.

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Review – Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic has been out for a while now, so I thought it was about time to check one of these funky mobile phones out to see what all the fuss was about.

The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic features a 3.2 inch touchscreen display, with a resolution of 640 x 360, there is also a 3.2 megapixel camera, with a Carl Zeiss lens and a built in LED flash.

Connectivity comes in the form of WiFi, Bluetooth and 3G (HSDPA), there is also a built in GPS receiver with A-GPS, and Nokia Maps 2.0 touch.

The Nokia 5800 comes with 8GB of memory, with the option to upgrade to 16Gb of memory via the built in microSd card slot, there is also TV-Out, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and a built in accelerometer similar to that on the iPhone.

The 5800 measures 111 x 51.7 x 15.5mm and weighs just 109g, making it nice and light, it runs the Symbian OS v9.4.

Overall the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic does a good job as a mobile phone, and the media player is good, but it is not as much fun to use as the iPhone.

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Nokia 5800 XpressMusic USB Modem - drivers for windows 7


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Obtaining the precise info of the driver, should you choose to download by hand, just isn't as basic as it may seem, because counting on the windows device manager may be truly disheartening. Its vital to note that expired drivers influence not merely the computer hardware they are in control of, but in addition other types of hardware and the operating of the systems and operating system.

Just remember, fitting an inappropriate driver will never cut down the undesirable side effects on your pc, and might perhaps make matters much worse. Dissimilar to once manually grabbing a driver, when you use a scanner there is no need to type in the requested driver model nor the precise title, nor any sort of characteristic about the driver. If you are experiencing an unmatched slow on-line interconnection, and wanting to know exactly what might be at the bottom of the uncommonly irritating phenomena, you need to remember to consider the side effects of an expired Nokia 5800 XpressMusic USB Modem on your laptop. Undergoing an computer improvement is easily the most normal example where a driver scanner becomes pretty much vital, because it serves to update the entire archive of drivers making them accessible to the brand new windows version.

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Fully accessible PDF installation guide, and a zipped folder including all the information you need in order to update your required driver utilizing the Windows device manager utility.

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Download custom firmware for nokia 5800 rm 356

Here i present my 3rd cfw based on ofw for nokia 5800 v60 Download Nokia Lumia Remix ringtone exclusive by my best buddy. 21 Jan 2013 Download it from Adobe. [5800 RM-356 v60.0.003] new update CFW prototype 4.1 @nokia 5800 HD + download link – Duration: 8:02. por. 16 Nov 2011 nokia 5800 RM-356 with CFW fusion^3 v60.0.003 Bruv no doubt awesome work but i downloaded it from daily mobile the link u gave, and it. 27 Dec 2011 NOKIA 5800 RM-356 – RM-428, v60.0.003, All Nokia 5800 Download the original firmware from Navifirm and flash your phone with it. 6 Oct 2012 Quick heads-up, “Nokia Belle the custom firmware for Nokia 5800 is updated to v8.2.3. The necessary files are all available for download. that you will put at the disposal of the 6 files you need to put in the folder RM-356. 8 Feb 2013 Only works for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic RM-356 V60.0.3 and a great thanks to Kxaint. The method of installing this CFW Is same as other, Flashing with JAF CORE + ROFS + UDA Only. Download The Files Here :- Sky Drive. 7 Nov 2012 Nokia Belle OS 8.2 For Nokia 5800 Only ( Rofs2 File) Download No INI ” Select your RM and your Phone, Nokia 5800 Xpress Music RM-356. S60v5 CFW Release and Download Board. Rules for posting custom firmwares Nokia 5800|5530|523x|X6-RM-356|504|625|588|559 – Blaze Ultimate. Nokia 5800|5530|523x|X6-RM-356|504|625|588|559 – Blaze Ultimate. Quick link to Downloads Section ;) Fastest Firmware for all s60v5 – Blaze Ultimate Fix II on 523x Custom Icons by Sir Apex666, known as ApexIcons. 19 Feb 2013 my brother putting a custom firmware on his Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. (RM - 356) and the right stock firmware (Vietnam RED), download it.

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Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Specifications

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic - Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is a Featured Phone running Symbian OS v9.4, Series 60 rel. 5 and features 434 MHz ARM 11 processor. It has a 3.2 inches (360 x 640 pixels, 229 ppi) display, and is powered by its 1320 mAh(BL-5J) Standard battery, Li-Ion. In terms of storage it has 81 MB storage, 128 MB RAM and storage is expandable via microSD, up to 16GB, 8GB included. It also has a 3.15 MP, 2048x1536 pixels primary camera with Carl Zeiss optics and a secondary QVGA videocall camera camera for video-calls. It was announced in October 2008 and is now available. It also has GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 3G as well as v2.0 microUSB connectivity. - 2.7 out of 5 based on 12 user reviews.

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Nokia 5800 review at LetsGoMobile : The Nokia 5800 is often thought to be the first Nokia touchscreen mobile phone. However, in 2003 the Finnish company already launched the Nokia 7710 with a large touchscreen, and since then, no new models were added. This model did not become a success, partly due to the strange way of calling with this device. The microphone and the speaker were placed on the side, making it rather awkward to hold the cell phone. At present, the 5800 XpressMusic is able to strengthen Nokia's portfolio and battle the touchscreen phones of other brands. • Read the full Nokia 5800 review at LetsGoMobile.

Nokia 5800 review - Phone menu LetsGoMobile adds: "The operating system of the Nokia 5800 is Symbian, which we often find on Nokia phones. For the Nokia 5800 it is Symbian S60 v5. At first glance you would not think of it as Symbian, since the well-known Symbian menu key is not there, and the icons are very similar to the standard Nokia menu structure. When using it, however, it is clearly the extensive and pleasant structure of Symbian. Most Symbian operated cell phones are slow; opening applications and simply surfing the menu generally takes a lot of time. However; the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic differentiates itself; the menu is smooth and quick as lightning."

Nokia 5800 Xpressmusic - Digital camera application LetsGoMobile continues: "The built-in digital camera of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic mobile phone features a resolution of 3.2 Megapixels and a Carl Zeiss lens. Reasonable specifications, although not the most impressive ones at present. Yet, I am very pleased with the camera and the camera application. The camera opens quickly by pressing the shortcut briefly, wherever you are in the menu. Sometimes, especially in somewhat darker circumstances, it is hard to decide the composition, seeing as only two thirds of the screen function as a viewfinder. Capturing a picture is also very quick. Pressing the shutter release slightly carries out a fast focus, whilst pressing down the button completely captures the picture directly. It's also thanks to the key lock bar on the side that the phone is very useful for taking a quick snapshot. Simply remove the key lock, press the shortcut and there you go. It's an excellent application."

Nokia 5800 test The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is Nokia's latest music sensation. With a touchscreen, 3.2 Megapixel digital camera featuring a Carl Zeiss lens, built-in GPS antenna, HSDPA support and Wi-Fi, this Nokia Mobile phone is extremely versatile, and not only when it comes to putting music on it. It features the Symbian operating system, but in a nice playful version. Read the full Nokia 5800 review at LetsGoMobile.

Videora Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Converter

Videora Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Converter is a free video converter. It is an HTML-based video converter that allows you to convert the most popular video formats into H.264 and MPEG-4 files that should play well on the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic phone.

These formats are also playable by quite a lot of other mobile devices, and files that you convert using this application will most likely be played by other devices as well.

As I mentioned, this converter is HTML-based. This means that all the steps that you have to go through during the conversion process are in fact written in HTML and will behave like a website. This is a good way of offering a wizard-like approach to help users through the process. In fact, there are two modes: normal and expert. The normal mode is the easiest one for quick conversions. The expert mode lets you change a few more settings about the conversion process, like codec, video quality, resolution, etc.

Videora Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Converter works well enough. There is a little error that you will probably notice if you don't change the default output folder to a folder that actually exists on your computer. The only thing that I don't like about this converter is that it is full of ads, some of them with sounds. I know it is a free app, and the ads are a way to support the developers, but the ads can get very frustrating.

Videora Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Converter is a free Nokia 5800 XpressMusic video converter that converts video files, YouTube videos, movies and DVD's so you can play them on your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. The software can convert all types of video files (avi, divx, xvid, flv, x264, vob, mpeg, DVD's, YouTube, etc.) into the proper video formats (MPEG-4, H.264) that play on the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. It is available for Windows and Mac.

The only software that lets you create your own personal theme right on your Nokia S60 phone! Get a new look for your Nokia phone in a few minutes! Pick any photo, choose from 6 theme templates, store up to 12 personalized themes, and bring a new look on your phone instantly. Changing theme has never been more easy and fun! Theme DIY for Nokia Symbian Series 60 is a very user friendly tool to create themes right on your mobile phone. It’s really a must-have for every S60 phones.

Free Nokia 5800 Applications

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